Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 205 Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Zhengfa

Chapter 205 Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Fa Zhengfa
"Gong method?"

Upon hearing this, Mao Ying, the great master of Mao, flashed his eyes and looked through An Yan's body. He saw that one-third of his body's mana had been transformed into immortal power. The sea of ​​thunder roared in his dantian, and pure Taoist mana was transformed.

"The Shangqing Dadong Sutra of the Xiaocheng realm still has strange phenomena in the Dantian. No wonder you want to change the technique."

"The Shangqing Dadong Sutra is peaceful, but your strength is as violent as thunder. It is really inappropriate."

An Yan's eyes lit up when he heard this, he nodded sharply and said, "I think so too, Grandmaster, would you like to see if there is any suitable technique for me?"

"Although the Shangqing Great Cave Scripture is the secret teaching of the Maoshan sect, it is not very suitable for the disciples."

An Yan's Dantian turned into a sea of ​​thunder. Logically speaking, the most suitable one was the thunder method. However, in the Maoshan sect in Uncle Jiu's world at that time, the thunder method was withered, and the only one that stood out was the Lightning Thunder Fist.

In addition, there is no better method than the Great Pure Great Cave Scripture, so he has been practicing the Great Pure Great Hole Scripture.

If he could find a thunder method that suited him, and paired it with the thunder beads on his body, he would be able to get twice the result with half the effort.

Sure enough, Mao Ying also noticed An Yan's situation, then took out a piece of jade slip and shot it out with a snap of her fingers. The jade slip became a stream of light and stuck to his forehead.

"I gave you this thunder method as a gamble."

"Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Zhengfa"!
This method has a great background, and she heard Mao Ying say meaningfully: "Boy, if you can practice this method to a great extent and condense the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, you will be considered a famous figure in this world."

"Boy, what are you in a hurry for? You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry." Mao Ying said angrily, and then took out another skill: "Here, this Dongxuan Tianlei Dafa is not as good as the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Zhengfa. , but it can still be regarded as an excellent thunder method."

The Thunder of the Nine Heavens is also called the Thunder of the Nine Heavens. Its power is so great that even an immortal would not be able to avoid going to the Samsara Palace under the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder.

What Mao Ying taught An Yan was the method of practicing the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder.

Then, a profound and mysterious thunder method came into An Yan's mind, and he was fascinated by it every word.

An Yan's face suddenly fell. Didn't he become a guinea pig?

"If you want to practice, practice the strongest one!"

"Master Patriarch, stop talking!"

An Yan still shook his head and did not take it, "Master Patriarch, that's no need."



"However, you should still hold this skill."

An Yan, who had just recovered from this mysterious technique, couldn't help but feel a little excited when he heard the words of the ancestor. At the same time, he asked curiously: "Master, listen to your words, is this technique difficult to practice?"

As soon as he heard that the Dongxuan Tianlei Dharma was not as good as the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Dharma, An Yan immediately stretched out his hand to interrupt the Patriarch's next words.

Mao Ying was stunned for a moment, then looked at An Yan with a determined expression. He burst out laughing, not caring about his rudeness in interrupting her words, and praised him: "Your character is quite to my liking. You're right."

"There are only a handful of people who have successfully practiced this technique, but all of them are well-known figures." Seeing the searching look on An Yan's face, Mao Ying did not say any more, "You don't want to If you think too much, you don’t need to know who these people are.”

In myths and legends, the sky has nine levels: Chixiao, Bixiao, Qingxiao, Xuanxiao, Jiangxiao, Wuxiao, Zixiao, Lianxiao and Jinxiao.

"Oh, then it's up to you."

Seeing the confidence and pride in An Yan's bones, Mao Ying found that she couldn't understand why young people today are so confident in themselves.
"Remember not to get into trouble. If you want to break it, break it. This technique will stay with me for the time being. If you want, you can come and get it at any time."

"Thank you, Master Patriarch!" An Yan thanked him gratefully. He couldn't help but feel lucky to be a member of the Maoshan Sect once again. Both the master and the Grand Master would do their best for the benefit of their descendants.

His eyes were full of confidence. If he failed to practice cheating, he could kill him with a piece of tofu.

Suddenly, Mao Ying raised her eyebrows, and then she disappeared.

Before An Yan could react, Jingtian's panicked voice sounded outside.

"Master! Something happened!"

His eyes returned to Sedum.

late at night.

Maomao and He Biping are already asleep, and Jingtian is still studying his plan to make a fortune. Although he has now become a master of An Daxia, vampires no longer dare to look down on him, but buying Yongan has always been his dream. , he wanted to hold Hui Yongan with his own hands.

At this moment, a figure flashed outside.

In normal times, Jingtian would definitely not have noticed such martial arts masters coming and going. Since entering the middle stage of refining Qi, he found that his ears and eyesight were clear and his body had also undergone great changes. Only then was he able to Notice this subtle movement.

Since Yong'an is a pawnshop, there are naturally many martial arts people who want to rob the rich and help the poor come to visit at night.

In the past, even if Jingtian found out, he would pretend he didn't see it. After all, how much salary he got, it was not worth risking his life.

Moreover, the really valuable things will be stored in secret rooms, and unsuspecting thieves are bound to leave empty-handed even if they come.

But things are different now. Sedum, who has become a little master, is a little eager to try his skills. So he picked up the wooden stick on the side to defend himself and walked out carefully.

Anyway, if it doesn't work, just shout for help and let the master take action.

When he went out to the storage room, he found that the door had been opened. Jingtian tiptoed in and heard the sound of rummaging for things. He looked inside and saw a figure searching in front of the box under the dim oil lamp. What.


There are actually some people who dare to steal property from Tangjiabao!
Jingtian immediately shouted and jumped out, "The bold thief dares to break into Yong'an Dang at night, give me a stick!"

Then a stick was hit on the lid of the box, and the lid fell down, hitting the man's hands.

Tang Xuejian, who was rummaging through the items, suddenly let out a cry of pain, opened the lid of the box and took out his hands, which were slightly red and swollen from the smash.

Fortunately, I didn't bring the magic sword with me. Otherwise, if the magic sword were struck down, I probably wouldn't have hurt my hand.

When he saw clearly that it was Tang Xue, Jingtian was stunned: "Miss!"

"It's so late, why are you sneaking into our store?"

Since she was the eldest lady of the Tang family, there was no such thing as stealing. As for why she came late at night, Jingtian guessed that this rich man had different habits.

Tang Xue rolled her eyes at the sightless Jingtian and said angrily: "Didn't you see that I was looking for something?"

But suddenly she thought that the other person was also a clerk from Yong'an, and maybe he should know what she was looking for, so she took out a broken teapot lid and asked, "Do you have this?"

In this way, the marriage line that was originally disrupted by An Yan was magically connected again.

(End of this chapter)

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