Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 207: Just a small scene, disciple, come on

Chapter 207: Just a small scene, disciple, come on
"You didn't sleep at night, what happened?"

An Yan opened the door with a dark face. Fortunately, he got the reward, otherwise he would really love Jingtian. When he saw Tang Xuejian and her maid were there, he realized that something unexpected had happened.

"Master, something happened to her family again."

Jingtian looked at the master with a somewhat unkind look and was startled. He was very familiar with this look, which usually only appeared when holding the cane, so he hurriedly pushed Tang Xuejian out behind him.

At this time, Tang Xuejian was so anxious that she was about to cry, and said, "Xia An, Xiaoyi came to tell me that Tangjia Fort was captured by poisonous people."

"Poisonous people?" An Yan asked strangely when he heard this, "Aren't all the poisonous people locked up in Dasanyuan? How could there be still poisonous people running out?"

"I don't know either. He was still fine when he came out." Tang Xuejian shook her head. She was also confused now.

At this time, Jingtian said: "Master, please help her."

Tang Xuejian was deeply moved when she heard Jingtian calling out to help her. She didn't expect that this guy would actually help her.

But before Jingtian finished speaking, he continued: "It doesn't matter if the people from Tangjiabao die, but it's not good if the poisonous people escape and harm other people."

"It's just a small scene, disciple, come on!"

An Yan looked at the two people who were natural enemies, twitched the corner of his mouth, stopped the two of them and said, "Okay, after the quarrel is over, we can find a room to quarrel between the two of us. Now let's go and see Tangjiapu." Let’s talk about the situation.”

After Tang Kun's death, all the dragons and dragons were leaderless for a long time. This Tangjia Fort became his Tang Tai's world.

Just when he was satisfied, under the moonlight, a banished immortal came walking on the clouds.


Jingtian glared at Tang Xuejian who took action at the slightest disagreement.

Damn it, who's coming?
"How did Tangjiabao become like this?"

Tang Xuejian, who had just landed in Tangjiabao, saw servants who had been bitten to death lying on the ground with blood flowing everywhere, and screams were heard from time to time in the distance.

"Hey! Stop shouting, you've called the poisonous man over!" Jingtian suddenly became anxious when he saw the poisonous man being attracted.

"What are you doing!"

She suddenly became nervous when she thought that her grandfather was still in Tangjiabao.

Without giving the two of them a chance to react, An Yan waved his hand, swept them up and flew away on the clouds, leaving behind a stunned Xiaoyi, and me?

"You bastard! What did you say?" Tang Xuejian, who was originally deeply moved, was so angry that he stepped on Jingtian's foot.

"Then who takes action?"

Seeing the clouds falling from the sky, the smile on Tang Tai's face suddenly froze.


In an attic, Tang Tai was hiding here. Looking at the chaos in Tangjia Fort, he showed a sick sneer. The low sneer spread in the darkness: "Chaos! The more chaotic the better! Only in this way can we Highlight the importance of me as the savior!”

"Grandpa! Grandpa!"

Tangjiabao was completely silent, and those who survived held their breath and did not dare to make a sound for fear of attracting the attention of the poisonous people.

"Don't keep calling me Master. Can Master protect you for the rest of your life?" An Yan raised his hand and hit him, causing Jingtian to hold his head in pain.

Tang Xuejian's voice immediately attracted the attention of the poisonous people in the darkness, and the poisonous people appeared with their heads bitten and dripping with blood.

"What?" Jingtian's face turned bitter, this poisonous man looked terrifying.

Tang Xuejian, who was trying to save his grandfather, immediately said provocatively: "You bastard, you are still not a man. You don't even dare to learn a skill."

"If you can't stand it, I will!"

After saying that, Tang Xuejian took action.

"Who is afraid of whom? Just go up!" Sure enough, Sedum was not agitated, and he went up when he was aroused. Recalling the immobilization spell taught by his master, the mana immediately condensed on his fingertips. The last attack came first, and Tang Xue saw it one step ahead. Poisonous people.

"Watch the move! Take a immobilization spell from me!"

"Order it for me!"

I saw Sedum's fingertips touching the center of Poison Man's eyebrows, and Poison Man, who was originally roaring ferociously, was frozen in place and stood frozen in place.

When the poisonous men attacked later, he found that he was not as panicked as he imagined. Instead, he took a step forward and moved his body to freeze the poisonous men in place.

An Yan nodded with satisfaction. As expected of Fei Peng's turning body, his talent was frighteningly powerful. This immobilization spell was considered to be a relatively difficult spell to learn among Maoshan's spells.

But in Jingtian's hands, he was already able to use it skillfully after only three days of learning. At least it wouldn't be a big problem to pin down these ordinary poisonous people.

"You bastard, when did you become so powerful?"

Tang Xuejian was shocked. Now that the other party's skills were far superior to his own, then was it the other party who was letting him down in Yong'an tonight?
Thinking of this, she felt complicated.

"Famous teachers make great disciples, do you understand?" Jingtian was also elated. He didn't expect that he was so powerful now, so many people couldn't beat him alone.

"Stop flattering me here. Let's go find Master Tang first." The corners of An Yan's mouth raised slightly, but his words were different.

Jingtian, who had figured out the master's character, did not refute, saying "Oh!"

Then Jingtian opened the way along the way, and everyone he saw was frozen, until they reached the room where Tang Kun was.

Tang Xuejian's heart sank when she saw the door to the room wide open. She quickly ran in and found that her grandfather Tang Kun was not there at all.

"Miss Xuejian, calm down. Think again about where Head Tang might go?" An Yan said. With Tang Kun's force, he shouldn't be brought down so easily.

"That's right! The secret room!"

"Grandpa must be hiding in the secret room!"

After hearing An Yan's words, Tang Xuejian recalled the secret room that his grandfather took him to before, and immediately said.

It's very secret inside, and poisonous people will never be found there. When grandpa finds out that something is not going well, he will definitely go to the secret room.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Sedum still leads the way.

A figure flew in the sky and rushed towards Jingtian.

"What the hell?"

The sudden burst of the poisonous mother body caught Jingtian off guard. He was kicked back within two seconds of the fight and fell heavily to the ground.

"It's the poisonous mother's body. Isn't she imprisoned in the Great Sanyuan? How come she appears here?"

Tang Xuejian's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

Jingtian got up from the ground, "Master, I can't hold it anymore, come and take over."

An Yan shook his head when he saw this. He was still a little short of it. He couldn't even deal with the poisonous mother's body. With a casual move, the poisonous mother body that caused chaos in Tangjiabao was directly fixed in place. The whole process was so simple that Jingtian opened his mouth wide.

After listening to Tang Xuejian's words, he said: "That's because someone deliberately released it with a very strong purpose and specifically targeted you, Tangjiabao."

"That's not surprising. Your Tangjiabao family has a big business, and have you ever heard that a big tree attracts the wind?" Jingtian rubbed his chest that was so painful from being kicked, and stood up.

"Stop talking sarcastically here." Tang Xuejian raised his fist as he looked at Jingtian gloating about his misfortune.

"The top priority now is to find your grandfather, Master Tang."

When Tang Xuejian heard An Yan's words, she nodded heavily, ignored Jingtian, and took the lead to run out.

(End of this chapter)

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