Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 214 Nightshade wakes up

Chapter 214 Nightshade wakes up
By the time An Yan came back from Tangjiabao, it was already afternoon, and there was one more person in Yong An's house.

"Fellow Daoist An, I didn't expect you to be Brother Jingtian's master." Xu Changqing looked at An Yan and said with emotion.

"Hey, master, do you know this piece of white tofu?" Jingtian came to An Yan's side, his eyes moving back and forth between the two of them.

Hearing his nickname, Xu Changqing felt helpless.

"We know each other, we just met not long ago." An Yan said with a smile, "It seems that you are the person sent by Taoist Priest Qingwei to pick up Jingtian."

Xu Changqing held up his hand and said, "I am here to invite you two to Shushan by order of the master."

"I should have arrived a long time ago, but I encountered a few monsters on the way, which caused a little delay."

An Yan nodded. He thought it was the monster that escaped from the Demon Locking Tower. Speaking of which, there was an old acquaintance inside.

I just don’t know if after thousands of years, the Demon Emperor has turned into a pile of bones. After all, in the original plot, the Demon King was imprisoned for less than a few hundred years and had very little strength.

Recalling the people and things in the past, he couldn't help but lament the ruthlessness of the years.


Zixuan almost lost her lover.


He didn't want to think too much about what the master said.

Zhao Wenchang was originally not happy about Jingtian asking for leave tomorrow. After all, he just couldn't stand Jingtianxian.

An Yan shook his head, wondering where his thoughts had gone.

"I already knew this when we headed to Shushan. But it's almost dusk now. Let's set off again tomorrow." An Yan said.

But there is a great master in the house. If he dares to say no, tomorrow it will be his turn to roll up the floor and leave.

So, An Yan said to Jingtian: "Jingtian, you and Maomao go and clean up a room and let Changqing stay for one night first."

In the courtyard, the moonlight was like water, and Jingtian had to practice his sword skills before going to bed at night according to his master's request.

According to the master, regardless of its foundation, tall buildings rise from the ground, and even the most powerful swordsmanship is born out of the foundation.

Because of An Yan, Jingtian and Xu Changqing no longer had a life-long friendship. Of course, this is not a bad thing. After all, according to the original direction, Xu Changqing almost died at the hands of Mo Zunzhenglou.

Jingtian played a sword flower with his cold light showing, "What a good sword."

Jingtian took a long breath, then sat on the stone bench aside, picked up the rag, and wiped the magic sword.

After practicing once, my body feels warm.

So Xu Changqing stayed temporarily.

With his intervention, it is still one thing whether Mo Zhenglou recognizes Zixuan or not.

Xu Changqing thought for a while and then agreed.

At night, Maomao and He Biping had fallen asleep.

Under the moonlight, the magic sword reflected a cold luster, making people fall in love with it the more they looked at it.

In other words, Mo Zhonglou almost killed his future love rival.

However, at this moment, the magic sword suddenly glowed with a mysterious blue light, and the sword trembled softly. The sudden change shocked Jingtian.

Looking at the trembling magic sword in his hand, Jingtian suddenly stood up, "Hey, brother, what's wrong with you? Are you unhappy? Don't scare me, I'm a coward!"

As he spoke, he stared at the magic sword closely, and as soon as any monster appeared, he would immediately call his master.

The blue light became more and more brilliant, forcing Jingtian to squint his eyes. He vaguely saw a graceful figure appearing in front of the clearing.

When the light dissipated, Jingtian stared dumbly at the pitiful little girl squatting on the ground with her knees in front of her. Because he saw it with his own eyes, he no longer thought that she was a lost girl like in the original novel.

"Oh my god! A girl ran out of my sword?"

Sedum couldn't help but think.

And Nightshade slowly opened her confused eyes, only to find that she was already in a strange place, no longer in the cold and desolate Demon Locking Tower.

There was another person standing in front of her. She looked up. She was stunned for a moment, and then tears welled up in her eyes.

"Brother Imperial, Nightshade thought I would never see you again!"


Jingtian was confused. He didn't know where to put his hands. What did she call him? Royal brother?

Did something go wrong?

He quickly said: "Girl, are you mistaken? My name is Jingtian, not your imperial brother."

"You are Solanum Solanum's royal brother!" Solanum Solanum's little face was filled with grievances, and she pointed at Jingtian and said: "You are Jiang Guo's Zhongxing Emperor Long Yang, and I am your royal sister, Princess Solanum Solanum!"

"Brother Imperial, is it rare that you don't want nightshade?"

"Wait! You said you are the princess of the Jiang Kingdom?" Jingtian couldn't help but interrupt Solanum Kui, "The Jiang Kingdom has been destroyed a long time ago, and it is almost nine hundred years old."

"The Jiang Kingdom has been destroyed?" Long Kui lost consciousness after hearing this, with a look of loneliness on his face.

"Wait, did you just say Long Yang?" Jingtian remembered that when he first met his master, the master once said that he was the prince of Long Yang.

Nightshade nodded fiercely and said expectantly: "Brother Emperor, do you think of Nightshade?"

"Again, I am not your royal brother. However, my master should know something, please wait a moment."

Saying that, without waiting for Nightshade's reaction, Jingtian hurriedly ran to knock on the master's door.

"Master! Master! Come out quickly!"

An Yan, who was practicing the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Zhengfa, was awakened. He frowned and suddenly jumped up in anger when he heard that Jingtian boy was crying and howling again.

This brat, why are you howling when you don't sleep at night? Spring hasn’t arrived yet!

An Yan, with a gloomy face, opened the door with a bang, looked at the sky in front of him and said with serious eyes: "You'd better give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise you'll just sleep on your stomach tonight!"

Jingtian looked bitter, why was he so unlucky!
He quickly explained: "No! Master, there is a ghost. A female ghost ran out of the sword!"

In the sword, female ghost?
An Yan was stunned for a moment, then he pushed aside the Sedum in front of him and saw the pitiful Solanum nigrum in tattered clothes.

"Solanum nigrum!"

This familiar voice made Solanum Kui look at the place where the sound came from. When she saw An Yan's appearance, she could no longer suppress the fear in her heart and shed tears.

"Lan Kui, I've met Mr. An!"

When he saw that Nightshade Nightshade had indeed become a sacrifice to the Demon Sword, he was filled with doubts. Could it be that something major happened in Jiang Guo after he left?
He sighed, walked forward slowly, and looked at the nightshade in front of him.

"Long time no see, Princess Nightshade."

When she heard this familiar name, Solanum Solanum showed excitement on her face: "Mr. An, do you remember Solanum Solanum?"

The moonlight fell softly on the two of them, and Sedum behind him widened his eyes. No matter what, the two of them looked like they were having an affair.

Also, Nightshade, who calls herself Princess Jiang, actually knows the master. From the look of the master, she seems to know him too.

He suddenly took a breath!
Master, he really lived for a thousand years! ! !

Oh my gosh! What kind of existence did I worship as my teacher?
(End of this chapter)

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