Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 216 Unexpected Person

Chapter 216 Unexpected Person
the next day.

Maomao and He Biping were surprised to find that there was a very beautiful girl in Yongan.

Jingtian jumped out and said: "Hey, let me introduce to you, this is my sister Solanum Solanum."

"Boss, when did you have a sister? Why didn't I know?" Maomao said he was a little confused.

"That's right, Sedum, look at this person, and look again, how do they look like brother and sister?" He Biping looked at Nightshade and then at Sedum, but they didn't look alike.

"Huh, He Biping, you are just jealous of my handsomeness. How are we different?" Jingtian retorted.

"There is no resemblance to this from head to toe." He Biping pointed at Sedum's eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hands and feet.

"Friend Daoist An, I'm afraid this girl Solanum Solanum is not an ordinary person, right?" Xu Changqing also came to An Yan's side. He looked at Solanum Solanum with a serious look in his eyes, and he could feel the ghostly aura on her body.

"Don't worry, Nightshade is just the sword spirit of the magic sword and will not harm Jingtian." An Yan said in a short sentence to avoid causing any further trouble.

Seeing that An Yan knew about Nightshade's existence, he thought of the ghostly energy last night. He thought it was from the Nightshade girl, and ignored it after confirming that it was safe.

"If you want to learn, practice hard and strive to break through to the realm of refining gods and returning to the void as soon as possible." An Yan said.

"Okay. Maomao, take care of your home while I'm away." Jingtian patted Maomao's thick shoulder again and said.

Sedum, who was soaring in the clouds and mist for the first time, seemed very excited. He looked around and found that Yuzhou City became smaller and smaller in his eyes. In the blink of an eye, they had reached an altitude of one thousand meters.

Jingtian smiled, then quickly ran to the master's side, "Master, how are we going to get there?"

Maomao and others on the ground looked up blankly, and Ding Bo even sighed: "This kid Jingtian is really going to rise."

Looking at the familiar mountain gate, An Yan couldn't help but feel nostalgic, "I didn't expect that this mountain gate is still the same."

"Hey, Maomao, why are you hugging me?" He Biping said with a black line on his face.

Then, Xu Changqing looked at Jingtian: "Brother Jingtian, it's getting late, let's get ready to go."

At this time, Xu Changqing also flew over with his sword, "Everyone, follow me closely."

However, Jingtian's qualifications are indeed terrifying. In the original work, he can fight against the Demon Lord Tower and defeat the Evil Sword Immortal in three hundred days.

An Yan stretched out his hand a little, and a white cloud gathered under their feet, holding them up and flying up.

"That's coming soon. I just broke through the refining of Qi and transformed into God yesterday." Jingtian said excitedly.

After saying that, Xu Changqing turned into a raging sword light and cut through the sky.

An Yan was also driven by immortal power and followed closely behind.

"Brother, it's natural to fly. Mr. An knows how to soar into the clouds and ride on the mist." Long Kui chuckled from the side. She would go wherever her brother went, so she would naturally go to Shushan.

"Don't worry, boss, I will definitely take a good look at your antiques." As he said that, Maomao hugged He Biping and made a forceful gesture.

An Yan was startled, his consciousness swept through Jingtian's body, and the corner of his mouth twitched, who was cheating?

"Wuhu! Master, I want to learn this!"

He couldn't help but think of what his ancestor said about a person destined by destiny, a person who is favored by heaven, they are really extraordinary.

"Hmph! Who told you to have a criminal record?"

At the gate of Shushan Mountain, a sword light and a flowing cloud fell. It was Xu Changqing and An Yan.

Xu Changqing saw the expression on An Yan's face and said in surprise: "Have you ever been to Shushan before, Taoist friend An?"

"Well, it happened not long ago." An Yan nodded.

"Not long ago?" Xu Changqing was stunned, why didn't he know? What he didn't know was that for An Yan, it was not long ago, but for this world, a thousand years had passed, and the world had gone through great changes.

An Yan did not explain, but said: "I think Taoist Priest Qingwei has been waiting for us for a long time. We should wait until we see Taoist Qingwei."

"That's fine." Xu Changqing didn't ask any more questions and walked in with An Yan.

"Big Brother! You are back!"

Oncoming Shushan disciples would greet Xu Changqing, which shows Xu Changqing's popularity in Shushan.

Moreover, in many fairy tale dramas, there are very few sects that are as united as Shushan, let alone drink the water of forgetfulness for the sect.

Sedum, who was originally a bit careless, was also frightened by this scene. Thinking that he had given others the nickname "White Tofu", he immediately shrank his head.

What if they knew that he had given their beloved senior brother such a nickname, and they wouldn't be able to beat him up in a group?

As for Long Kui, because she had been imprisoned in Shushan Demon Locking Tower, she was naturally afraid of these Shushan disciples and subconsciously hid behind An Yan.

Noticing Nightshade's expression, An Yan comforted you: "Don't be afraid, this is not the Demon Locking Tower. No one dares to hurt you."

Demon Locking Tower? What is the Demon Locking Tower?

Jingtian didn't understand, but he quickly took on the role of his brother. He also patted his chest and assured: "Solanil, don't worry, my brother is still here."

Xu Changqing knew the meaning of An Yan's words, but it was precisely because of this that he became more curious about An Yan's identity. From what he said, it was clear that this person was very familiar with Shushan, and he also knew the Demon Locking Tower very well.

It’s really mysterious!
Maybe the leader and the others know something.

With such doubts in mind, Xu Changqing brought An Yan and his group to the Shushan Hall. He immediately raised his hands and said, "Master, the disciple has invited the person back."

"Haha, little friend, we finally meet." Qingwei personally brought the other four elders to greet him and gave him the highest standards.

Facing the reincarnation of the former General Fei Peng, even they had to give him a little thumbs up.

"Hey, old man, we meet again." Jingtian's eyes lit up when he saw Taoist Master Qingwei, and he greeted him warmly, while not forgetting his treasure box, "The treasure box we promised is here, give it to me quickly."

"Sedum, don't be rude." An Yan was a little worried about Sedum's familiarity. He was Sedum's master, so he had to be polite.

"Oh, master." Seeing the master's face, Jingcai calmed down his temper a little.

"An Yan of the Maoshan sect has met the leader of Shushan."

"Maoshan faction?!"

Taoist Priest Qingwei and the other four elders were all shocked. Naturally, they knew everything about the Heavenly Demon Emperor's invasion of the human world a thousand years ago.

"An Yan! An Yan?"

"It's you!"

Priest Qingwei, who has always been calm and calm, could not help but slightly widen his eyes at this moment, looking at An Yan's face that was exactly the same as the one in the portrait, and said in shock.

The other four elders reacted quickly and took a breath of cold air.

"How is that possible? Didn't that person enter the Demon Locking Tower to seal the Demon Emperor?"

"And a thousand years of time."

Looking at the unexpected person in front of them, the Five Elders of Shushan were puzzled. No one had ever been able to escape from the Demon Locking Tower.

(End of this chapter)

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