Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 221 Painful Choice

Chapter 221 Painful Choice

"Well, that's fine. This group of evil thoughts is related to the common people. One more person means more power." Taoist priest Qingwei also agreed with An Yan's words, so he said: "Chang Yin, come and try it."

Is this still over?
Jingtian saw another one coming, staring at the master with resentful eyes, and said full of resentment: "Master, if you really feel uneasy, why don't you come and give it a try? When the time comes, our master and apprentice will join forces and we will be invincible!"

"Me?" An Yan was stunned, because he subconsciously thought that as an outsider, he should not be recognized by the Emperor of Heaven.

"Yes! It just so happens that master, your thunder method can restrain that evil thought." Jingtian nodded.

Chang Yin took back the steps he originally wanted to take and looked at Senior An. As there is a difference between superiority and inferiority, he, a junior, should naturally be polite.

Taoist Master Qingwei agreed very much and said: "If Senior An can accompany you, then we can rest assured."

The other four people in Canggu also nodded in agreement. Having known the deeds of Senior An, they naturally knew how stable Senior An was.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor was able to be sealed into the Demon Locking Tower, and at least half of the credit was due to Senior An.

"Just try it!"

What does this mean?
The Emperor of Heaven has great vision!
"Ahem, um, Chang Yin, you should try it too." Taoist Priest Qingwei pretended not to hear and turned to Chang Yin.

This time, Jingtian didn't resist anymore. The masters were all together, so what were they afraid of?
In Jingtian's mind, the master is invincible!
Just like in the hearts of Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, as long as the master is around, they feel particularly at ease.

This scene happened to be seen by Taoist Priest Qingwei.

"Am I right?"

Then, they looked at Senior An, Jingtian and Xu Changqing, and vaguely understood something.

But the result disappointed An Yan. Chang Yin, an excellent employee who was dedicated to his career and did not fall in love during work, was not selected.

As soon as the two people put their hands on it, the Yin Yang Tai Chi map emitted golden light as before, and a strong suction force came, firmly sucking their hands on it, and the map was projected again.

It seemed that he had to do something. He turned his eyes to Xu Changqing with a thoughtful expression.

An Yan sighed.

Hearing that he was the one being favored by the public, An Yan, who wanted to remain silent and invisible, had no choice but to agree, and then cut his palm without changing his expression.

"Chang Qing, according to legend, the Milky Way was drawn by the Queen Mother with a hairpin in order to separate the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. You said that even immortals are trapped by emotions, let alone us ordinary people?"


Xu Changqing was a little confused when Senior An called him out. What does this mean? That he was trapped by love?
He was a little puzzled and said: "Senior An, Changqing was adopted by the master since he was a child. He should dedicate his life to Shu Mountain, subjugate demons and eliminate demons, and protect the people of the world as his own responsibility."


When the five elders of Shushan saw that Senior An had succeeded, they couldn't help but feel a little autistic. After all, in their opinion, none of them were successful, and Senior An, a thousand-year-old living fossil, should be even less likely to succeed.

"Yes, master!"

As night falls, the gorgeous Milky Way hangs like a ribbon studded with colored diamonds on the dark sky, and the sky is filled with stars.

Is it possible that people in this world still have to look at their appearance?
"Oh, it's true. I wanted to let you practice alone, but now I have no choice but to take action myself." An Yan was a little surprised, and then inevitably said a little narcissistically.

"Sedum, come!"

"So, Chang Qing doesn't understand emotional matters and doesn't know how to answer them."

"But in Chang Qing's opinion, heaven has its own rules. Since Weaver Girl has violated the rules of heaven, she will naturally be punished."

"You are right, but human emotions are complicated." An Yan smiled lightly, "If I tell you that the box contains the evil thoughts of your master, head and elders, you put the box in Tianchi It's like killing your master, head and elders with your own hands, so what should you do?" "Should you imitate the Cowherd's resistance, or the Queen Mother's determination!"

With a bang, these words exploded in Xu Changqing's mind like thunder, and for a moment, he was stunned.

An Yan stared at Xu Changqing closely and said, "The long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain. If you can't make up your mind, I will explain the situation to Taoist Priest Qingwei. You are not suitable for this task."

After Xu Changqing came back to his senses, his face turned pale, and he said with a trace of fantasy: "Senior An, you are joking with me, right?"

"If you think I called you out specifically just to make a joke, I'm very disappointed. Compared to Dao Qing, you, the great disciple of Shushan, are still far behind."

An Yan shook his head.

"Head of Daoqing!"

All Xu Changqing knew was the head of Shushan nine hundred years ago. He was dazed again, and then fell into silence and struggle.

To be honest, when such a choice came to him, he couldn't do it.

He couldn't kill the master, leader and elders who raised him with his own hands!
"You idiot!"

At this moment, a sigh sounded, and Qingwei walked out of the darkness.

An Yan was not surprised by Qingwei's arrival. He had known about Qingwei's arrival for a long time.

"Master!" Xu Changqing immediately saluted, and then struggled to ask: "Master, is what Senior An said true?"

Qingwei did not answer immediately, but looked at An Yan: "Isn't this a bit too hasty?"

"Is it too hasty?" An Yan smiled, "I'm just used to cutting through messes with a quick knife. Instead of having this mental loophole exploited by the Evil Sword Immortal in the end, it's better for me to plug it now!"

"Taoist Master Qingwei, I know you are doing it for his own good, but is this really what he wants? I think it is better to let him make the decision from the beginning. How can the sword in his hand be sharp if he is confused? ?How can we conquer demons?"

When Xu Changqing listened to the conversation between the two, he knew that what Senior An said was true. Suddenly, he fell into a deep tangle.

"Master, is there really no other way?"

Priest Qingwei looked at the painful Chang Qing, his eyes became soft and kind, and he said slowly: "Chang Qing, you don't have to feel sad for our departure."

"Life, separation and death are the laws of nature. There is nothing worth worrying about."

"But, head, Changqing." Xu Changqing lowered his head in pain.

"Chang Qing, everyone is bound to die. Why can't your masters, me, and the elders do the same?" Taoist Priest Qingwei said seriously.

An Yan on the side also sighed inwardly, Taoist Priest Qingwei is really the person who lives the most transparent life in this drama, every word is precious.

If it were him, he might not be able to see life and death so clearly.

"Master, I still can't do it!" Xu Changqing held his head in pain. He suddenly wished that the chosen one was Chang Yin.

Yes, he wanted to escape.

He had never experienced separation or death, and there was no way he could accept the departure of his loved ones calmly. He had to send them off with his own hands.

But life is full of separation!

An Yan sighed slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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