Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 226 The restless Anning Village

Chapter 226 The restless Anning Village

From the sky, two streams of light fell, landing outside Anning Village.

An Yan and his party of six, without stopping along the way, finally arrived at their destination, Anning Village, from Yuzhou City before dark.

"Senior An, we are here. This is Anning Village." Xu Changqing put away the map and said to An.

"This is Anning Village? Why didn't you see anyone in broad daylight?" Jingtian looked around curiously and found that Anning Village was unexpectedly quiet.

"They must have all gone out to work in the fields. Do you think everyone is just like you, doing nothing all day long and hoping for a windfall?" Tang Xuejian said from the side.

"Hey, I didn't offend you, right?" Jingtian looked at Tang Xuejian unhappily.

"Brother, Sister Xue Jian, please stop arguing, Mr. An has gone far away." Solanum Kui, who was caught in the middle, was in a dilemma, and saw that Mr. An had already walked towards the village with Maomao and Xu Daxia, so she couldn't help but persuade her.


"Master, Maomao, Bai Tofu, wait for us!"

An Yan, who had clear ears and eyesight, could hear the voices of villagers not far ahead, so he raised his feet and walked forward.

Tang Xuejian also knew that Long Kui was Sedum's sister, so he didn't make the original farce and saw that he was the only one left in the blink of an eye.

An Yan smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, it's just a fox demon."

But that bloated figure couldn't stop him at all.

"Master, where is the person? There are no ghosts!" Jingtian thought it made sense when he heard it, and then put away the magic sword and complained.

Jingtian had no choice but to give up and quickly chased after him with Nightshade.

The villagers also quickly discovered the unfamiliar faces of An Yan and the other six people. They couldn't help but be startled, and then asked the people around them, "Do you know these people?"

As for the two Sedums who were flirting, he really didn't want to eat dog food, so he took the first step.

"I don't know you, from another village?"

Several villagers said as they looked at the six people with fear in their eyes, and then they all dispersed.

"With your master here, what kind of fox demon dares to come out?" An Yan saw the nervous Jingtian and said calmly: "Put your sword away, don't scare people."

"There's someone over there, come with me."

"Monster energy? Hero An, Hero Xu, there won't be any monsters here, right?" Maomao was so frightened that he wanted to hide behind An Yan.

Seeing the inexplicably cold surroundings, she was startled, and quickly shouted and chased after me, "Wait for me!"

Xu Changqing said solemnly: "Well, it's so full of evil spirit!"

Not far ahead, I turned a corner and saw several villagers holding farm tools or carrying firewood.

"What a strong evil spirit!"

"A person from another village? Could it be a monster?"

"Why did they all run away?"

An Yan looked at the deserted village road, then looked up at the sky covered by a faint evil spirit, then turned to Xu Changqing.

"Fox demon? Master, where is the fox demon?" Jingtian, who was following, heard that there was a fox demon and quickly pulled out the magic sword and looked around.

Tang Xue said in confusion.

Seeing this situation, An Yan also knew that a demonic disaster might have happened in Anning Village just like the original story.

"This peaceful village is not peaceful either!"

"It's not surprising that there is a fox demon holding an earth spirit bead hidden in Anning Village. I'm afraid something unusual will happen." Xu Changqing said, "That's why these villagers are so afraid of strangers."

"Then what should we do now?" Jingtian was a little confused. Looking at this situation, he was afraid that they would not even have a place to stay tonight.

"Boss, Daxia An, do you smell a very fragrant smell?" Maomao sniffed his nose and smelled a strange fragrance in the air. "Yes! It smells so good!" Even Tang Xue had never smelled such a fragrant smell when she saw this eldest lady of the Tang family.

"Langui knows that the fragrance of flowers carried by the wind comes from seven-color powder. This should be pollen."

As a former princess of a country, Nightshade had naturally seen all kinds of pollen, so she revealed the source of the fragrance at this time.

"In a small village, someone is actually selling pollen?"

An Yan was too lazy to complain. Wasn't it obvious that there was something wrong?
"Let's go and see who it is!"

Following the scent, they soon came to a place where a graceful and beautiful woman was setting up a stall to sell things.

"Wow! Boss, this woman is so beautiful!" Maomao's eyes widened immediately, and he confirmed that she was his type.

"Maomao, why do you always call women beautiful when you see her?" Jingtian teased casually, and then agreed: "However, this woman is indeed beautiful."

Wan Yuzhi, who was setting up the stall, felt something. When she looked up, she saw An Yan and the other six, especially when she saw An Yan and Xu Changqing, a trace of panic flashed across her expression.

Tang Xuejian felt uncomfortable for some reason after hearing Jingtian's words. Just when she was about to speak up, she saw An Daxia had already rushed out.

Jingtian was stunned, "Master, are you so impatient?"

"Bold monster! Where to run?"

An Yan naturally heard Jingtian's words, and his face darkened, making him look like a demon in lust. He secretly made a note in his heart, waiting for the queen to settle the score.

But the most important thing now is to catch Wan Yuzhi who wants to escape.

The opponent is the fox demon, and the earth spirit bead is on the fox demon. As for whether it is on Wan Yuzhi, you will know if you capture it and ask.

He didn't want to be like Xu Changqing, who knew that the other party was suspicious, but still investigated this and that, wouldn't he know better if he was arrested and beaten?
"Lightning Thunder Fist!!!"

An Yan started with the Lightning Thunder Fist that had not been used for a long time, which was perfect for dealing with Wan Yuzhi.

Blue thunder exploded on the empty village road, suddenly stopping Wan Yuzhi who was trying to escape.

"Stinky Taoist priest, you are sick!"

"How could you do something as soon as we met?"

Feeling the destructive power contained in the thunder, Wan Yuzhi was going crazy. Don't you so-called righteous people like to stand on the moral high ground and criticize before starting a fight?

Why do you hit someone when you disagree? No, beat a monster.

Don’t monsters have human rights?
"Hmph! You want to run away when you see me. What else can you do if you don't have a guilty conscience?"

"I'll stop if you stop!"

An Yan said confidently, and his fists did not show mercy at all just because the opponent was a beautiful young female fox demon. He was not Cao Ah Man.

"I won't run away if you stop!"

Seeing the fierce An Yan, how could Wan Yuzhi not run? He ran faster as he spoke.

Under Thunder's coercion, she revealed her fox tail and furry claws, and encouraged her demonic power to tear Thunder apart and open a way out.

"Still running? If you don't eat the toast, you will be fined!"

"Lightning Thunder Fist, Transformation, Thunder Prison!"

An Yan's figure towered over the void, his fists turned into claws like tiger claws, and five blue-purple thunderbolts shot out from the tips of his five fingers and crashed down.

Bang bang bang! ! !
Five thunderbolts formed a thunder prison and crashed to the ground. The earth splashed and trapped Wan Yuzhi who could not escape.

"Would you like to try another one?"

(End of this chapter)

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