Chapter 24 Dragnet
  the next day.

At dawn, An Yan finished practicing the Shangqing Great Cave Scripture.

His current Kung Fu is nothing but water grinding Kung Fu, constantly accumulating mana, but he has no clue how to break through the process of refining Qi and transforming into God.

Refining Qi to transform into God, Uncle Jiu once said that this stage means condensing Qi into the God, returning the Qi to the God, and combining the Yuan Qi with the Yuan Shen to strengthen the Yin Shen.

But An Yan couldn't find a way to condense Qi to become a god. According to Uncle Jiu, he didn't accumulate enough. When the magic power was condensed to a certain limit, he would naturally be able to break through to refining Qi and become a god.

An Yan said that this statement was very annoying, but it was quite consistent with the Taoist concept of governing by doing nothing and following nature.

He had no choice but to rely on his own golden finger.

His introduction to Feng Shui allowed him to master a bit of the ability to leverage the power of the earth's veins and use the power of the earth's veins to bless his body. This is also one of his trump cards. He originally wanted to use it against evil cultivators, but he didn't expect that the other party was unexpectedly weak.

Storyteller: If NTM has the ability, don’t slander me and use conspiracy and tricks. What kind of hero can you think of me?
  Since he couldn't break through in terms of magic power for the time being, An Yan started practicing Maoshan body-building boxing and could only strengthen his physical body.

After breakfast, Uncle Jiu taught An Yan something new.

"In our Maoshan lineage, it is a compulsory course that every disciple must learn."

"Yu step, also known as 'Bu Gang Step Dou', is a footwork that must be used when we open the altar."

"Praying to God with this gait, stepping on the seven stars, can summon gods and spirits, outline the Big Dipper, attract the power of the Big Dipper, and gather energy to drive away evil spirits."

Hanxiao means sky.

As he spoke, Uncle Jiu stepped on the seven stars and performed the Maoshan body-building boxing. A touch of star breath came down from high in the sky and blessed his fists and feet. Each punch and kick gave people the illusion that "the power of God is invincible." .

When Uncle Jiu closed his fist, the pattern of the Big Dipper was outlined on the ground.

"Can you understand?"

An Yan shook his head, you keep playing tricks like this, how could I understand.

It seemed that Uncle Jiu had done this intentionally. He nodded with satisfaction. If he taught this kid first, if he could do it over and over again, it would be a huge blow to him as a master.

"Come! Come with me!"

"According to legend, this Yu step was created by Dayu the Great, and is considered to be 'the walking step that summons the gods, and is regarded as the root of all arts and the key to mysteries'."

"The outline of each step starts from three steps and nine traces, which is called the Yu step. The method must be to raise the left first, one step at a time, one step forward and one back, one yin and one yang, the beginning and the end are synchronized, in line with the mechanism of yin and yang."

It was both classical Chinese and vernacular. An Yan felt dizzy after hearing it, but it didn't matter if he didn't understand. Who said he was a cheating man?

First left, then right. After three times, a familiar voice sounded.

[Yu Bu Proficiency +1]

[Yu Bu, no beginner, proficiency level 1/500. 】

Seeing that An Yan finally no longer learned it in one go, Uncle Jiu smiled and nodded, but he felt that it was not good, so he put away his smile and said with a straight face: "It's normal for Yubu practice to be difficult. Just practice more on weekdays." .”

"Master, this Yu step doesn't seem that difficult!"

An Yan raised the corners of his mouth and took a step forward, followed by seven stars.


As soon as I finished saying this, you slapped me in the face on the spot. Uncle Jiu wondered if this bastard did it on purpose.

Although An Yan's footwork is still a bit unfamiliar and stiff, it can be seen that he has mastered the key points, and it will become more and more natural after he walks a few times.

"As expected of An Yan, it's rare for a master to be embarrassed." Wen Cai, who was hiding aside, snickered.

"Originally, I didn't believe there were geniuses in this world. After all, everyone has one head, two eyes, and one mouth. Until I met An Yan, I believed it."

Qiu Sheng had a look of emotion on his face. When he and Wen Cai practiced this Yu step, they almost made their master Jiu Shu angry to death.

In the lobby, Awei was still jumping around and said with a grimace: "Can you please stop putting snakes in this glutinous rice water?"

"Who told you to be lazy last night? Now your teeth have grown out." At noon, Wencai grabbed snakes and threw them into the big wooden barrel. In the white glutinous rice water, the slippery snakes were poking their heads.

"Captain, just listen to the Taoist priest. Brothers still want to follow you to enjoy the hot and spicy food."

"But don't worry, captain, if you turn into a zombie by then, I will definitely draw my gun and give you a good blow."

The words of the two men made Ah Wei's face darken, and he jumped up angrily and chased them.

"I think you want to make me angry to death and then inherit my position."

"Awei! Why don't you jump in? Do you want to become a zombie?"

As soon as Uncle Jiu came in, he saw Awei being beaten by his thugs, and he was angry.

"No! I'm going in right now!"

Ah Wei didn't dare to refute Uncle Jiu, only Uncle Jiu could save him now.

"Snake, snake, don't bite my brother!"

Ignoring Ah Wei who was howling like a ghost in the big wooden barrel, Uncle Jiu ordered his three apprentices.

"You go to the town to buy black dog blood, cinnabar and yellow talismans. Mr. Ren is likely to come tonight."

"Yes, master."

Knowing that Mrs. Ren might be coming tonight, Wencai and Qiu Sheng, two naughty guys, did not dare to be careless and quickly followed An Yan to Yizhuang.

Progress: 99%
  The progress has also reached 99%, which means that I may be able to go back tomorrow.

An Yan hoped that the problem with Mr. Ren could be solved before going back, otherwise he would not feel comfortable leaving like this.

So tonight is likely to be the night of the decisive battle, and Mr. Ren must not be allowed to run away again.

After going back after shopping, after several confrontations, and in addition to the fact that Mrs. Ren killed many people last night, Uncle Jiu was determined to eliminate him tonight and not let Mr. Ren cause trouble to the world again.

How to open a forum!
  At the same time, he took the opportunity to explain in detail to the three disciples the procedures for opening an altar. The most important thing is to be sincere, and sincerity will lead to spiritual success.

"Master, has Mrs. Ren become an armored corpse?" An Yan asked, remembering that Mrs. Ren was invulnerable in the movie.

"Now that the corpse refiner is dead, Mr. Ren can no longer become an armored corpse, but his ferocity has been aroused and he has sucked so much blood. I'm afraid he will become a hairy zombie."

Uncle Jiu said worriedly.

"So, now I'm going to invite the ancestor Fu Chen to help us slay the demons tonight."

"An Yan, Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai, you go and draw more corpse-suppressing charms and stick them on the doors and windows of Yizhuang, hoping to suppress the fierce corpse aura of Mr. Ren."


The three of them hurriedly ran out, got cinnabar ink and yellow paper, and started sketching quickly.

In addition to the corpse-suppressing talisman, An Yan began to try to outline the sky thunder talisman. The sky thunder is as strong as the sun, and it is the nemesis of ghosts, zombies and evil spirits.

Now that he has broken through to the late stage of refining qi, he can give it a try, and he can also use this to improve his proficiency in drawing talismans.

The higher the difficulty of the talisman, the richer the proficiency will be given after success.

During this period, people from the security team and Ren Tingting were not idle either. They helped make black dog blood fishing nets and used ink threads soaked in chicken blood ink to set up dragnets.

Everything is ready, just waiting for Mr. Ren to throw himself into the trap tonight.

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(End of this chapter)

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