Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 245 The Evil Sword Immortal is in action

Chapter 245 The Evil Sword Immortal is in action
Three days passed in a flash.

In the cave, An Yan opened his eyes from practicing. His whole aura was restrained, no different from ordinary people.

After three days of adjustment, he was finally able to control his strength freely.

He silently opened the proficiency panel, and the techniques on it were completely new.

[Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Zhengfa, entry level, proficiency: 79300/100000. 】

[Peach blossom swordsmanship, proficiency, proficiency: 26800/100000. 】

[Dharmakaya cast with incense, not yet started, proficiency: 300/8000. 】

[Lightning Thunder Fist, reaching the pinnacle (fist breaks the void). 】

[Invite divine skills to reach the pinnacle (those who have great supernatural powers will favor you, and you can invite those with great supernatural powers to take advantage of you). 】

The realm of Lightning Thunder Fist is perfect, the proficiency of Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Zhengfa has reached 80,000, and the proficiency of Peach Blossom Sword Technique has also increased a little.

Speaking of beads, An Yan's spiritual consciousness touched the bead located on his dantian. Because it only had the ability to travel across all realms, he called it the Boundary Breaking Bead.

"Wash Leizhou City with blood! Kill Yunting!"

"Forget it, three days have passed. I guess Jingtian and the others are worried, so they should go back and take a look first."

In the original plot, the Evil Sword Immortal has been looking for a suitable opportunity to confuse Nightshade, but in the end he succeeded and Xuejian almost died in the dark and evil realm.

Several techniques went hand in hand, and his realm reached the middle stage of True Immortal cultivation in one breath. If he hadn't laid a solid foundation, he could even reach the strength of the late stage of True Immortal in one breath.

"I don't know if that old demon from the Western Regions took the opportunity to fight over."

The Old Demon from the Western Regions has a suspicious look on his face, and his voice smells like kebabs. No wonder he is called the Old Demon from the Western Regions.

Maomao knew that he was worried about Daxia An's safety, and comforted him: "Boss, you Daxia An is so powerful, you will be fine."

"Your Majesty, I have figured it out clearly. Yun Ting has really become an ordinary person."

He originally wanted to send someone to find out the situation three days ago, but the changed situation that day made him dare not act rashly for fear of attracting a thunderous attack.

Thinking that she still had unfinished business, An Yan suppressed the idea of ​​trying.

"How could I not be worried?" Jingtian stopped, showing a rare look of worry, "It's been three days and the master hasn't come back yet."

The bat monster said excitedly, this is something worthy of inspiring the monster's heart. He thought that Yun Ting had killed so many of their monsters with his domineering thunder method in the past, and now that he lost his power, it was the time for them to take revenge.

Thinking of this, he flashed and disappeared into the cave.

An Yan raised his hand and patted open the sealed cave entrance, allowing the long-lost sunlight to shine in.

He also accidentally awakened the mysterious beads in his body, which greatly enhanced his life-saving ability.

"Could this be the old demon from the Western Regions that Yun Ting talked about?" As a disciple of Shushan, Xu Changqing's duty is to subjugate and eliminate demons, so naturally he would not just sit idly by.

Besides, now that he has gathered all the monsters outside Leizhou City, even if the opponent has not lost his power, he will pile them up to death with monsters.

The old demon from the Western Region is not weak and has a cultivation level in the middle stage of Lianxu Hedao. The magic weapon in his hand, the Heart-Enchanting Pipa, can even send out sonic attacks to control the enemy's mind.

Yun Mansion.

The little demons all chanted along, gearing up, and their demonic aura soared to the sky.

On the barren mountains outside Leizhou City, monsters of different shapes gathered together. The leader was a big monster holding a pipa and full of Western style.

Xu Changqing and Zixuan looked at each other and remained silent, because the rumors of the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation really made people worry. There were very few beings who could survive the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation.

However, this time he hit the wall.

Seeing that everyone was impatient, the old demon from the Western Region rolled up his hand, rolled up a thick demon cloud, and swept all the demons towards Leizhou City.

Just when they fell into silence, the soaring demonic energy coming from outside the city attracted everyone's attention.

"Yeah, what's the use of worrying about it now?" Tang Xuejian also said aloud.

The only uncertainty is whether there will be a cooldown time.

Now three days have passed, everything is calm, and the old demon from the Western Region is finally relieved.

The bat monster's words finally reassured the old demon from the Western Regions. According to Yun Ting's character of being jealous of monsters, he would definitely not let the bat monster go if he had not lost his power.

A clear time and space fluctuation rippled on the bead. If he wanted to, he could immediately return to the world of Uncle Jiu or the world of soul ferry.

"The younger one has tested it many times. If Yun Ting still has the thunder method, how could the younger one come back alive to see you, the king?"

Therefore, the old demon from the Western Region showed a sinister smile, raised his arms and shouted: "Young men, today, let us bloodbath Leizhou City and kill Yun Ting!"

Recalling the look on Solanum Solanum's face when she left, and in his absence, I was afraid that she might be bewitched by the Evil Sword Immortal.

"you sure?"

"And the Evil Sword Immortal!"

Sedum paced back and forth, looking anxious.

There is no progress bar, which means that with his current power, he can drive the world-breaking pearl to travel through all realms.

"Wash Leizhou City with blood! Kill Yunting!"

An Yan was very satisfied with the results of this tribulation.

But for the sake of long-term planning, he still chose to compress the immortal power in his body repeatedly, not only in large quantity, but also in good quality. Only in this way can he achieve leapfrog combat.

Jingtian, who was irritated, immediately pulled out the magic sword and said angrily: "Just in time, let me take it out on him!"

Before anyone could say anything, Sedum had already flown into the sky and headed towards the outside of the city.

"No, that evil spirit is not simple. I'm afraid Jingtian alone is no match." Xu Changqing's expression changed.

"Miss Xuejian, you, Miss Nightshade, and Maomao will stay at Yun Mansion, while Zixuan and I will go help kill the demon."

Tang Xuejian immediately patted his chest and promised, "I know, I will protect Nightshade and Maomao."

Because Nightshade had never shown its red state, Tang Xuejian always thought that Solanum was a delicate little woman.

After Xu Changqing and Zixuan left, Tang Xuejian looked at Maomao and Long Kui and said, "Don't be afraid. Although Stinky Tofu is not here, I will protect you for him."

In the past few days, the relationship between Jingtian and Tang Xuejian has been somewhat ambiguous. If they were not worried about An Yan, the relationship between the two would probably go further.

These nightshades were all visible, which made her even more unwilling. She didn't want her brother to be snatched away by others.

Somehow, Long Kui said: "Sister Xuejian, I'll go check the box to make sure it's safe."

"Okay, you go ahead. Maomao, you and I will go together to inform the other people in Yun Mansion to prepare for defense."

Tang Xue didn't think much and turned around to take Maomao to inform others.

In Maomao's room, the box containing the seal of the Evil Sword Immortal was placed on the table, and Nightshade pushed the door open and entered.

"You're still here!"

The Evil Sword Immortal's evil voice sounded again, with a determined tone in his voice, as if he knew that Nightshade would definitely come to him again.

Because this is human obsession.

"Come on, give me your hypocrisy and jealousy, and I can help you make Tang Xuejian disappear from your brother's side forever!"

"As long as Tang Xuejian disappears, no one can take away your brother!" The Evil Sword Immortal is worthy of being the aggregation of evil thoughts. He knows best how to arouse evil thoughts in people's hearts. His words are inducing Long Kui. As long as Tang Xuejian disappears, her brother will only belong to her.

Hesitation appeared on Nightshade's face, but Evil Sword Immortal's words lingered in her mind, and she didn't realize that an evil spirit was affecting her mind.

"Don't worry, as long as you give me your hypocrisy and jealousy, I will definitely keep my promise and help you fulfill your wish!"

Finally, Nightshade stretched out her hand tremblingly.

The attack by the old monsters from the Western Regions was too sudden. If Yun Ting hadn't happened to be patrolling outside and stopped these monsters in time, it's unimaginable what would have happened to these monsters once they rushed into Leizhou City.

On the city wall, Yun Ting was leading the officers and soldiers to fight against the old demon from the Western Regions.

"Yun Ting, you have no power now, what can you use to fight me?"

"Kill each other!"

"The magic sound fills my ears!"

The old demon from the Western Region saw that Yun Ting had really lost his domineering thunder skills. Although he didn't know what happened, this was the best time for him to avenge his shame.

Don’t you, Yun Ting, want to protect the human race in Leizhou City?
Okay, then I'll let you kill each other!

I saw the old demon from the Western Regions playing the pipa, and waves of demonic sounds spread out.

The officers and soldiers guarding the city are all mortals, so how can they resist these magical sounds that confuse their minds?

Suddenly, the blades originally aimed at the monster turned towards Yun Ting.

"Old demon from the Western Regions! If you have the ability, come to me!"

Yun Ting was stunned when he saw this scene.

Facing the attack from his own soldiers, he could only dodge in panic.

Monsters have already broken through the defense line and are about to enter Leizhou City.

At this moment, Yun Ting only regretted that he had no strength, so he killed the old demon from the Western Regions, preparing to fight to the death.

Suddenly thunder roared in the sky.

"Lightning Thunder Fist!!!"

The Lightning Thunder Fist, which has reached its peak, punches through the void, and with one punch, thousands of thunders fall from the sky.

Everyone in Leizhou City looked up at this moment when they heard the thunder, and saw the black sky filled with evil spirits in the direction of the city gate. The blue thunder exploded, and the evil spirits were purified in an instant.

Above the sky, a figure in white steps out, greeted by thunder, as if the Lord Thunder, who dominates the thunder, has come to the world. With every move of his hands and feet, the thunder sweeps away the evil spirits and clears the sky.

An Yan didn't expect that he would encounter an old demon from the Western Regions leading a group of demons to attack the city as soon as he returned to Leizhou City, so he didn't hold back and punched out.

The power of the true immortal realm exploded, and with one punch, thousands of evil spirits were wiped out in a matter of breaths.

This is immortal!

If you don’t become an immortal, you will always be an ant!

This sentence is not unreasonable, because normally, even a hundred Lianxu Hedao cannot defeat a true immortal.

It's a pity that the old demon from the Western Region is obviously not a special being.

The sound of thunder breaks the evil!

Under the deafening sound of thunder, the phantom sound of the pipa played by the old demon from the Western Regions was shattered, and the officers and soldiers who originally slashed at their own officers with swords also woke up one after another.

Seeing that he was actually drawing a sword against the commander-in-chief, he was immediately frightened and sweating profusely.

"Immortal! Immortal of the human race!"

The old demon from the Western Regions, who was originally laughing wildly, was so frightened that his legs became weak when he saw the ordinary An Yan strolling down from the sky, and he knelt down on the spot with a plop.

At this moment, the old demon from the Western Regions felt so regretful that his intestines were green. If he had known that there was an immortal here in Chengli, he would not have dared to attack him even if he had a hundred courages, and he would have run as far as he could.

He wanted to hate the bat monster under him to death, but unfortunately the bat monster could no longer be found under An Yan's thunder.

"Immortal, please spare your life!"

"It's too late to beg for mercy now." An Yan saw the tragically dead soldiers on the city wall and smacked him directly towards the old demon from the Western Regions.

If I let you go, who will let them go?

When the old demon from the Western Regions heard this, he didn't even want to play the pipa anymore, and wanted to take up the demon wind and run away.

But no matter how fast he was, how could he be faster than An Yan's blow?
Bang! ! !
In the sky, a bright firework exploded.

The old demon from the Western Regions left the scene as soon as he appeared.

At this time, Jingtian, Xu Changqing, and Zixuan arrived.

"Master! It's great that you are okay!"

As soon as Jingtian saw the master, his worries for the past few days turned into excitement. He hugged him whole body, wanting to give the master a warm hug.

"Ah! Master, you hit me again?"

As a result, An Yan gave him a loving iron fist as soon as he got close. Jingtian suddenly felt aggrieved and was beaten again because he did nothing.

An Yan naturally wouldn't say that he hit her casually, but when he saw Jingtian's haggard face and unsteady breath, he frowned, put his hands behind his back and said with a straight face, "Look at you, what's with that expression?" What's wrong? Are you going to be in such a state of despair now that the master is gone?"

"You have to remember, you are my Maoshan disciple, how can you be so decadent?"

After hearing the word "Maoshan", Yun Ting's eyes lit up. Although he no longer had the Thunder Spirit Pearl, he could still join the Maoshan Sect and practice the Thunder Method!

Mr. An's thunder method cultivation just now was astonishing to him.

Even if he had the Thunder Spirit Pearl in his possession, he could not destroy thousands of monsters with one punch or kill the old monster from the Western Region with one palm.

Sedum, who was scolded so badly, just touched his head and smiled stupidly. He felt relieved when he saw that the master was fine.

Just when An Yan was about to say something more, his eyes narrowed and he looked up in the direction of Yun Mansion.

Then, in full view of everyone, he flashed and disappeared over the city wall.

Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Zhengfa, as a thunder method, the thunder is as strong as the sun, and it is the nemesis of evil. Therefore, it is most sensitive to the evil spirits in the world, and not even a trace can escape his eyes.

No matter how secretive the Evil Sword Immortal was, he still caught An Yan's attention when he transformed into Jingtian and took Tang Xuejian to the mysterious land.

As soon as the Evil Sword Immortal left Yun Mansion with Tang Xuejian and flew into the sky, a figure in white appeared in front of him.

Tang Xuejian didn't notice anything unusual about Jingtian beside her. When she saw it was Daxia An, she greeted excitedly, "Daxia An, you are finally back, you... ah!"

Before she could finish her words, she saw An Daxia raise his fist and strike with a punch, and a blazing light exploded in front of her eyes, scaring her into panic and shouting.

An Daxia, what does this mean?
When did I offend him?

Before she could react, Jingtian who was standing next to her hit her out with a palm, just in time to meet the thunder.

Tang Xuejian's face was full of astonishment and a bit puzzled, obviously she didn't expect Jingtian to do this.

Seeing that the thunder was about to fall on her, it suddenly turned around and landed behind her.

Boom! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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