Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 249 The evil sword fairy takes shape

Chapter 249 The evil sword fairy takes shape

Xiyao, the goddess who protects the divine tree in the divine realm, is also Feipeng's only confidant in the divine realm.

She doesn’t know when it started, but maybe in her companionship day after day, year after year, Feipeng has flourished in her heart and has deep roots of love.

But Feipeng doesn't understand what love is. For him, being invincible is his biggest regret. This is also the reason why he will cherish each other later on.

But for Xiyao, love does not have to be possessed. As long as she can stay with Feipeng and see him, she will be very satisfied.

Seasons come and go, and she has no regrets.

Such a peaceful and lucky day was broken when Fei Peng met Mo Zhonglou.

That day, Feipeng found Xiyao excitedly, with a smile on his face that he had never seen in millions of years. It was a smile of joy that he had found the meaning of life.

Even though he and the devil were on different paths, they still became friends.

In his opinion, if he can't have a happy battle with the demon Zunzhenglou, how can God be happy? It's better to be a mortal and experience joy, anger, sorrow and joy, which is better than being boring all day long.

For a moment, his mind was a little confused.

But what he didn't expect was that Xuejian was actually the incarnation of the fruit of the sacred tree.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Lingxiao Palace was stunned, and the Emperor of Heaven looked at An Yan with a gentler look. He who knows my heart can make peace with me.

Until one time when the two of them had a fight in the New Immortal Realm, the demon took advantage of the fact that the Nantian Gate was unattended and launched a brazen invasion.

With such a level of cultivation, how could he not detect the fluctuations in the battle between the two?
Seeing that everyone was silent, An Yan sighed: "The Emperor knew what Feipeng wanted in his heart, so he turned a blind eye to the matter. However, Feipeng left his post without authorization, causing the Nantianmen to fall."

"If everyone makes a mistake and asks for favors, the world will be in chaos."

Xiyao herself was punished for sending the holy fruit to the human world without authorization, and was deprived of her body. Her soul turned into a flower spirit to guard the sacred tree forever.

Seeing the satisfied look on the Emperor's face, An Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and it was finally over.

Even the good-tempered Emperor of Heaven couldn't help but feel annoyed, "What did you say?"

"What kind of existence do you think the Emperor of Heaven is?" An Yan asked back. Seeing everyone's silence, he smiled and continued: "The Emperor of Heaven, the Lord of the God Realm, the leader of the gods, so what about the battle between Fei Peng and the Demon Lord? Is it possible to escape the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven?"

He was just guessing, after all, he couldn't bet on the mercy of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Master, no." Jingtian wanted to retort, but was stopped by An Yan's death gaze, and he quickly covered his mouth to indicate that he would stop talking.

Sedum didn't seem to listen.

When he knew that the Peach Blossom Sword Technique was left behind by the Emperor of Heaven, he knew that the Emperor of Heaven's strength was definitely not what was shown in the TV series. According to the world view of the Immortal Sword, it was very likely that he was the incarnation of Fuxi.

If the apprentice gets into trouble, the master has to wipe his ass.

It is rare to have a close friend, and one will die without regrets.

Sure enough, after hearing what An Yan said, the Emperor of Heaven's expression finally calmed down, and he sighed: "Yes, this is exactly the meaning of the existence of heaven's rules and regulations. I am not unreasonable, but the premise is Without violating the rules of heaven.”

The Wind Lingzhu is on Xiyao, which means that to get the Wind Lingzhu, you must find Xiyao among thousands of flowers and plants and awaken her.

As soon as the words came out, Jingtian reacted.

"Let this topic end here." The satisfied Emperor did not want to delve into this topic further, and instead said: "If you want the Wind Spirit Pearl, I can't help you. You can try to wake up Xi. Yao.”

Seeing the angry Emperor of Heaven, An Yan hurriedly came out to smooth things over and said, "Emperor of Heaven, don't get me wrong, Jingtian is just speaking out and has no other intentions."

After hearing what the Emperor of Heaven said about Xiyao, even though he got the Wind Spirit Pearl, Jingtian, a grown man, was already moved to tears. It was really touching.

Jingtian disapproved and curled his lips, "You are the boss of the God Realm. Is there anything you can't control? I think you are just unreasonable!"

An Yan had his own opinions on the matter of Feipeng and Xiyao, and said, "Jingtian, do you really think that the Emperor of Heaven did not give Feipeng and Xiyao a chance?"

Because of this, Feipeng, who violated the rules of heaven, was demoted to earth and reincarnated as Prince Longyang.

Xiyao understood that it was against the law of heaven for the number one god general in the God Realm to make friends with the Demon Lord in the Demon Realm, but after seeing Feipeng's joy on the surface, she still silently listened to the inner thoughts of this beloved man.

His strength is definitely no worse than Mo Zunzhenglou and Fei Peng, and may even surpass them.

No, if Fei Peng doesn't descend to the earth, how can he be himself? Yukimi won’t show up either.

Seeing the stubborn Sedum, An Yan felt like his head was pounding. Who gave you the courage to be as strong as the Emperor of Heaven? Do you master me?
Everyone else is numb!
This time, he finally realized how Uncle Jiu felt every time he saw Qiu Shengwencai getting into trouble. Fortunately, he only has one apprentice, like Uncle Jiu and two scammers. His ability to survive until now is entirely due to his own strength.

"Gong is merit, fault is fault, some things cannot be opened."

Just like some things, once they are made public, you can only follow the rules on the surface.

"Otherwise Fei Peng wouldn't have come down to earth, and Xiyao wouldn't have stolen the holy fruit. How could there be so many things?"

In the end, Xiyao, who protects the sacred tree, sends a sacred tree fruit full of her thoughts and a yin-yang jade pendant to the human world. The sacred fruit turns into snow, and she finds Feipeng's reincarnation to make up for the regret that she can't be by her side.

Immortals and gods whispered, Xu Changqing and Jingtian looked puzzled. After all, it seems that the Emperor of Heaven is unkind, right?

When the Emperor of Heaven saw that Jingtian was just like Feipeng back then, his face immediately turned ugly. However, he did not mean to blame him. Instead, he sighed: "Although I am the Emperor of Heaven and the head of the gods, I still have troubles. There are many things that I cannot control." of."

"As the saying goes, there is no rule without rules. Heaven has rules. If the gods and immortals act recklessly and indulge in love and love all day long, wouldn't they destroy the heaven and the earth?"

Jingtian was speechless, and rationally told him that what the master said was right.

"Thank you, Emperor Tian!" An Yan thanked him. He didn't know whether this was true or not, but since the Emperor of Heaven said so, he could only take it seriously.

He couldn't help but complain: "Sir, Lord Heavenly Emperor, why do you manage the God Realm in such a boring and lonely way?"

"As the Emperor of the God Realm, you must set an example!"

But for Xiyao, Feipeng's departure was undoubtedly a disaster. Time became torturous at this moment, and she could only tell the story to the sacred tree.

Then he turned around and saw Jingtian and Xu Changqing and said: "Then let's divide our troops into two groups. Jingtian, you go to wake up Xiyao, and Changqing and I will place the Evil Sword Immortal in Tianchi."

"Shall I wake up Xiyao?" Jingtian pointed at himself, and he said in disbelief: "Master, are you sure I can do it?"

An Yan said firmly: "Isn't this nonsense? If even the reincarnation of Feipeng like you can't wake up, then we outsiders will be even less able."

Another thing he didn't say was that compared to the Wind Lingzhu, the Evil Sword Immortal was the biggest scourge of this trip, and he was going to destroy the Evil Sword Immortal himself.

It was only after Jingtian heard this that he reacted, "Oh! Okay!"

When the Emperor of Heaven heard An Yan's arrangement, he also cooperated and said, "I will send someone to guide you."

So, the three of them were divided into two groups and headed to their respective destinations under the leadership of the fairy.

On the way, Xu Changqing couldn't help but want to ask: "Senior An"

But before the question came out, he was interrupted.

"Chang Qing, you are confused!" An Yan said indifferently, as if he did not remember what he said before: "Do you still remember what I told you on Shushan Mountain? Since you have chosen to accept this task, you must do it Be prepared for the worst.”

"If you don't even have this awareness, then leave it to me to go to Tianchi and place the crystal box!"

Xu Changqing felt like he was struck by lightning!
He couldn't help but doubt himself. Could it be that Senior An had been lying to me all along?

"I understand!" His face was gloomy and uncertain, and he finally said with difficulty.

Along the way, the two never spoke again. Seeing the two people starting to have conflicts, the evil sword fairy in the box became excited. He knew that his chance had come, and he could clearly feel the hesitation in Xu Changqing's heart.

As a result, a wisp of evil energy that An Yan couldn't wipe out got into Xu Changqing's body.

On the other side, Sedum was also led by the fairy to the location of the sacred tree.

The fairy stretched out her hand and pointed to the endless lush flowers and grass under the sacred tree, and said: "The goddess Xiyao is among these flowers and grass. You are the reincarnation of General Feipeng. Maybe you can find Xiyao."

Seeing the large field of flowers and plants pointed out by the fairy, Sedum was dumbfounded, "Even the Emperor of Heaven couldn't find it. Are you sure I can find the one that belongs to Xiyao among the countless flowers and plants?"

Hearing Jingtian's words, the fairy felt unworthy for Xiyao and said: "Xiyao is so stupid. She has helped others but harmed herself."

Although the other party did not mention him by name, Jingtian knew that she was scolding him for having no conscience. But he really couldn't reason with it. Xiyao sent Xuejian to him and gave him a wife, but now he was pushing back and forth, which was really unjustifiable.

"Okay, okay, I didn't say I wouldn't look for it, I really am." Afraid that the other party would insinuate himself again, Jingtian hurriedly ran away from the fairy.

Seeing this, the fairy nodded reluctantly and snorted: "That's pretty much it!"

Sedum ran out and saw the same flowers and plants everywhere. Feeling that he had no idea what to do, he had to shout, "Xiyao, where are you? Come out quickly!"

"I'm back to see you!"

"Feipeng is back!"

What was once able to shout the Evil Sword Immortal to get off his feet was no longer effective on Xiyao.

The wind blows through the flowers and grass, and the leaves of the sacred tree sway gently, seeming to say that you are not the person I want to wait for.

The person she wants to wait for is Feipeng, not Sedum.

Jingtian shouted at the top of his lungs, and finally returned to the fairy with a dejected look.

He failed!

"Xu Changqing, it's still too late!"

"let me out!"

"They want to kill someone with a borrowed knife, kill the person you respect the most, kill the five people you have respected for twenty-seven years!"

The evil sword fairy's voice kept echoing in his mind. Xu Changqing was shocked. When did the evil influence affect him?
Before he could speak, the voice of the Evil Sword Immortal sounded again.

"Your senior An has bad intentions. He clearly said he would help you, but now he has broken his promise. He just wants to use your hands to kill your most respected master, head and elder, and destroy your Shushan foundation. Yu once.”

"In this way, his Maoshan sect can take the opportunity to rise up, occupy your Shushan Mountain, and become the number one sect in the human world!"

The Evil Sword Immortal's words made Xu Changqing uneasy, and he didn't want to believe it in his heart: "No, Senior An is not such a person!"

"Knowing people but not knowing their hearts, are you sure that what you see is real? Sometimes what you see with your eyes may not be real, it is just a show performed by others for you to see."

"And I can see people's hearts!"

The malicious words hit Xu Changqing's psychological defense line.

Seeing the shaken Xu Changqing, the Evil Sword Immortal was overjoyed and continued to add fuel to the fire.

"Chang Qing! Can you bear it?"

"These are the five closest people who raised you up and taught you!"

The Evil Sword Immortal played the images of the Five Elders of Shushan again in Xu Changqing's mind.

He knew that Xu Changqing was no better than Jingtian who grew up in the city. He was strong in strength but far less powerful in heart than Jingtian.

An Yan didn't seem to notice anything was wrong with Xu Changqing.

The fairy brought the two of them to the entrance of Tianchi and stopped, "You two, Tianchi is in front of you."

"Thank you." An Yan thanked him politely, and then led Xu Changqing and the two of them towards Tianchi.

Tianchi, said to be a pool, is better said to be a vast ocean, stretching as far as the eye can see to the end of the horizon.

The water of Tianchi is extremely clear, without a trace of impurities, like a mirror embedded in the earth, reflecting the scenery of the sky.

An Yan, who saw Tianchi for the first time, finally understood why it was said that only Tianchi could purify the Evil Sword Immortal. As an aggregation of the most sinister and evil evil thoughts, only the pure water of Tianchi could purify it.

"Okay, Chang Qing, put the box into Tianchi."

"It's all over!"

Now, it's just the last step.

When Xu Changqing heard this, his hands holding the crystal box trembled, and he shook his head violently and backed away, "No! I can't kill my master, master, and elders with my own hands!"

"Senior An, you said you had a solution, just say it!"

Seeing Xu Changqing who was still stubborn, An Yan said in a serious voice: "Don't force me to take action! This is the wish of the five elders of Shushan, and it is also for your great cause in Shushan!"

"Shu Mountain's great cause?" Xu Changqing lost his former gentleness and said angrily: "If a person can even kill his master, how is he any different from a beast? How can such a person take on the Shu Mountain's great cause?"

The strong negative emotions were absorbed by the Evil Sword Immortal. Seeing Xu Changqing who had lost control, he became even more excited, "Open the box! As long as you open the box, your master and the others will not have to die!"

"Senior An, since you can't do it, let me do it."

"I will definitely kill it!"

"do not want!"

When An Yan saw Xu Changqing about to open the box, his pupils shrank, but it was too late to stop him.

Xu Changqing opened the box without hesitation.

Suddenly, purple-black evil energy surged out, knocking Xu Changqing away.

"Hahaha! I'm free! I'm finally free!"

Accompanied by an extremely evil and rampant voice, the heaven and earth changed color, purple-black evil energy covered the sky, and the Tianchi that was originally filled with fairy energy instantly turned into a sinister purgatory scene.

"Don't be presumptuous!"

An Yan struck out with a thunderous blow, but it was easily blocked by the Evil Sword Fairy.

The Evil Sword Immortal looked at An Yan, there was no fear in his eyes anymore, only arrogance and arrogance, "I'm not afraid of you anymore!"

"I, the Evil Sword Immortal, was born today!"

"Evil thoughts turn into swords, and enlightenment turns into immortals."

The evil energy between heaven and earth continued to gather on the body of the Evil Sword Immortal. At this moment, he took shape.

The Evil Sword Immortal, who was looking up to the sky and laughing, did not see that the two people who had had a falling out were now looking at each other and smiling.

"This drama has finally come to an end!"

(End of this chapter)

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