Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 28 The novel misled me

Chapter 28 The novel misled me
  The moon is dark and the wind is high.

Anjia Village has fallen into darkness, and the villagers have all fallen asleep, with only a few dog barks echoing.

It was so dark in the mountains and forests that when the wind blew, the leaves rustled and the branches swayed, as if the monsters lurking in the darkness were spreading their teeth and claws.

A beam of incandescent light interrupted the chirping of insects, and two sneaky figures appeared and disappeared in the forest, carrying large sacks, which looked heavy.

"Goudan, how far is it?"


Goudan and Anqiang are unemployed vagrants in Anjia Village. They idle around all day long and do sneaky things. They are frequent visitors to the Bureau.

The two of them were not ashamed. Instead, they told everyone they met that if they ran out of money, they would go to the bureau to stay for a few days and take care of food and housing.

No, a few days ago Goudan took out an ancient book left by his ancestors from home. It recorded that there was a Qing Dynasty tomb on the mountain of Laohu Bay in Anjia Village, and the location was also marked.

Laohu Bay is also a famous place in Anjia Village. Because the river bends and swirls there, there are many undercurrents under the water. People who swim there often drown, like man-eating tigers, so it is called Laohu Bay.

Goudan didn't believe it at first, but he was so poor that he had the slightest idea of ​​gambling, so he took his friend An Qiang with him for a field trip.

I actually found something.

The woodland he went to was located in a barren mountainous area that had not been visited for a long time. He dug a few times with a hoe and found that the soil underneath was really different from other places.

These details that ordinary people cannot see are also thanks to the tomb robbery novels that were popular in the past few years.

Wanting to get rich overnight, he went to the Internet to supplement his knowledge about ancient tombs. Generally, raw soil is naturally layered without artificial stirring.

The soil layer on the ancient tomb must have been artificially excavated and backfilled, and turned into flower soil that combines various soil layers. Even if the flower soil is very old, it cannot be combined.

Someone on the Internet concluded that red soil was used in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, loess was used for backfill in the Western Han Dynasty, yellow sand was not used in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and black soil was used in tomb pits in the Tang and Song Dynasties.

Goudan didn't know what kind of soil this Qing Dynasty was, so he racked his brains online to check one by one based on the actual situation on the ground, and he was almost certain.

If he had put this energy into studying, he wouldn't have been unable to graduate from junior high school, and would have dropped out of school early to join the society.

After confirming that there was an ancient tomb, he and An Qiang went to the town today to buy tools. The two people, eager to get rich, decided to do it at night to avoid long nights and dreams.

Both of them wore searchlights on their heads and looked nervous. The dark environment around them made their hearts rise in their throats.

An Qiang thought of the tomb robbing plot in the novel and asked a little scared: "Goudan, do you think there will be rice dumplings in this ancient tomb?"

"Look at how bear-like you are. Didn't you prepare black donkey hooves?" Goudan patted the bag on his waist and said with disdain.

"I'm just asking you if you want to make a fortune, or if you want to go back and be poor and eat dirt."

When An Qiang heard that he was going back to live a miserable life without a meal, he said almost instinctively: "Then he must want to make a fortune."

"Then don't talk so much nonsense."


While talking, the two of them had arrived in front of a woodland, overgrown with weeds, big trees covering the sky, and the surrounding area seemed very dark.

Goudan looked at the wooden stick he had stuck on the ground before and kicked it away, "This is it. Use Luoyang to shovel it out."

"Oh!" An Qiang obeyed and hurriedly put down the large sack he was carrying and took out the Luoyang shovel.

The two of them worked together to knock down the Luoyang shovel section after section until it hit something hard. Then they hurriedly pulled it out and found the caked flower soil.

"It's down here!"


The two people who wanted to get rich overnight were completely blinded by desire. They picked up their hoes and dug desperately.

In the dark mountain forest, the lights flickered, and the two figures waving hoes back and forth looked so weird and weird.

I don’t know how long it took, but the dark clouds dispersed, revealing the bright moon.

The moonlight fell on the tomb, and both of them saw the excited and twisted expression on the other's face, finally digging.

"Get a hammer and knock these swivel blocks off."

Seeing An Qiang's clumsiness, Goudan grabbed the hammer and hit it hard on the tomb ring. Soon the tomb ring cracked and shattered. When a piece was knocked open and there was a gap, the rest became easier.

After a while, a gap that could accommodate one person's entry and exit appeared.

The light shone in, and the scene inside shocked the two of them. Coupled with a gust of wind, they broke out in cold sweat. Underneath was a coffin. The color of the coffin had faded, and the surroundings were piled with funerary objects.

"Antique! It's an antique!"

The two uneducated people regarded the bottles and jars as funerary objects as antiques at a glance. They did not understand why the rich people liked these bottles and jars, but it did not prevent them from knowing that these things were valuable.

Greed suddenly dispelled fear, and the two men immediately lowered the rope ladder that had been tied to the big tree, climbed down, stepped on the coffin, and jumped off.

The air in the ancient tomb was very turbid. The two of them immediately coughed violently after taking a breath, and quickly adapted to it.

The moonlight shines through the hole and falls on the coffin.

There is no tall dome in the ancient tomb in the novel. The height of almost two meters is just enough for the two of them to stand up straight. There are no exquisite murals around it. It seems that it is the tomb of a landlord or a minor official.

This made the two of them a little disappointed. Unwilling to accept it, the two decided to target the owner of the tomb.

An Qiang asked with a hint of fear: "Can you open it?"

Goudan's heart was fierce: "Go! Damn I don't believe there are really zongzi in this world."

But before opening the coffin, they lit a white candle in the southeast corner according to the method taught on the Internet by touching Captain Jin to open the coffin.

Well, it’s true that they couldn’t tell the difference between east, west and north, so they randomly found a corner and lit candles.

The dim light of the candle flickered, dispersing some of the darkness.

After waiting for a while, the candle did not go out.

The two were relieved.

"I have said that the rice dumplings and everything are virtual. After such a long time, the corpse has turned into dregs. It scares you." Goudan said contemptuously, "Okay, hurry up, open the coffin, take the things and leave. Otherwise, it will be troublesome if someone sees you at dawn."

An Qiang wanted to say that you weren't scared just now, but when he saw that Goudan had already gone to open the coffin, he had to swallow his words.

The coffin nails were pulled out one by one and dropped to the ground with a crisp and slightly eerie sound. When all the coffin nails were pulled out, a gust of wind blew out of thin air, and the candlelight behind him swayed.

Goudan and An Qiang were so frightened that they both looked at each other and found that the candlelight was still burning, giving them a false alarm.

An Qiang had a trace of ridicule on his face, as if he was talking about the eldest brother, not the second brother, everyone is the same.

"Hurry up and open the coffin!"

Some shameless dogs said angrily.

"Oh!" An Qiang curled his lips.

The two of them pushed the coffin away with force, and with a bang, the coffin was thrown aside.

Goudan took out the black donkey's hoof, and slowly poked his head in with Anqiang.

They didn't notice that the moment the coffin was opened, the moonlight fell on the stiff and uncorrupted old face in the coffin, and the candle in the corner went out with a bang.

The zombie opened his eyes suddenly and looked into the eyes of the two people who were looking forward.


"Fuck! Zongzi!"

As soon as the zombie opened its mouth and roared, the frightened dog ball stuffed its mouth with a black donkey's hoof.


But the hole was right above the coffin. The most fatal thing was that the contents of the coffin jumped out, and the black donkey's hooves were of no use at all.

"The novel misled me!"


After the screams, a creepy swallowing sound came from the cave.

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(End of this chapter)

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