Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 281 What you can’t get is always turbulent

Chapter 281 What you can’t get is always turbulent

In the mountains, a man carrying a hiking bag and hiking poles was walking blankly, looking up and around, and found that he had walked back to the same place.

His name is Zhang Lei, a painter and flower shop owner.

Because he felt that the flowers in the flower shop could no longer satisfy him, he resolutely ran to the wild, hoping to use his own paintbrush to paint those flowers that grew in the wild and were filled with upward power.

But now, he found that he was lost. He had walked for who knows how long, without eating or sleeping, and even the scenery along the way was deserted.

He was homesick and wanted to go home, but found that he could not find the way. The road under his feet was endless and had no end.

Anyone who has died once will know that the world of the dead is desolate and lacks vitality. The whole world is quiet, and you are the only one who keeps walking and walking alone until your soul dissipates.

Of course, most people's souls will be taken away by soul ferrymen, except for a small number of unlucky ones.

And he didn't know it. No, to be precise, Zhang Lei, who didn't want to accept the fact that he was dead, was still walking alone and trapped in the mountains as if he couldn't see the terminal.

Suddenly, a paper crane caught his eye, flew to him and hovered in front of him, its body rising and falling, as if it was saying something.

Zhang Lei suddenly woke up after losing the traction of the paper crane, and found that he had left the mountain and was standing on a road without knowing when.

Zhang Lei didn't dare to hesitate any longer and hurriedly followed.

"That's true. However, before I deal with Pluto Acha, I need to find a human to take revenge."

"The hatred of killing a son is irreconcilable!"

At this moment, Zhang Lei finally reacted and became excited, "You, are you going to take me home?"

Now, he just wants to go home and see his wife and unborn child whom he has not seen for a long time.

The paper crane flew up unsteadily, and after hearing Jade's words, it immediately flapped its wings and flew out, disappearing outside the balcony in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Lei was very surprised. He recognized this road as the road leading to the city.

Thank you, Paper Crane.

But, it’s strange. Usually there is a lot of traffic on this road. Why didn’t I see a single car tonight?
Also, why is the paper crane missing?
Zhang Lei didn't notice a small pile of ashes on the ground in front of him and looked around in confusion, but he was quickly forgotten.

On the square table, paper cranes, candles, incense, paper money, yellow charms, peach wood swords and other tools are all ready.

On the hillside beside the road, a voice sounded in the depths of the night: "Wouldn't you like to get rid of that soul?"

"You shouldn't be afraid of Pluto Acha now, right?"

The landlady was so angry that she didn't dare to breathe. She didn't dare to ask until the paper crane flew away, "Miss Jade, can I find my husband in this way?"

Jade didn't waste any time. She opened the altar directly, stepped forward, and waved her mahogany sword. Finally, the tip of the sword pointed at the paper crane on the table with birthdays written on it and clothes wrapped around it.

"Paper crane, can it fly?"

Normally, she would have scoffed at these things and not believed them at all.

But the current situation also made her want to seek medical treatment urgently, so she had to give it a try.

So, she asked the landlady to come to her home and perform a ritual for her to bring back her husband's soul.

"What you and us, aren't we one now?"

Jade nodded and said, "Well, as long as your husband's soul has not been taken down to the underworld, Zhihe will bring him back."

Zhang Lei on the other side, guided by the paper crane, crossed mountains and rivers without any obstruction, and soon returned to the outskirts of Youdu, about to enter the city.

When passing a hillside, the paper crane seemed to be affected by some kind of force and froze in mid-air. After a moment, it fell straight down and burst into flames.

She was still confident in recruiting the souls of ordinary people. She had tried it several times before and had always succeeded.

Jade originally wanted to ask An Yan for help, but then she thought it was just an ordinary soul summoning, and with her current level of cultivation, she could just pick it up casually.

"At this time, we don't want to add any extraneous matters. If the soul caller cannot find the soul and investigate it for a long time, we will be exposed."

After thanking Zhihe from the bottom of his heart, he subconsciously ignored all the abnormal situations, just like he didn't want to accept the fact that he was dead.

Zhang Lei felt that his outlook on life was a little unstable. This was a scene that only appeared in movies.

Feicui was doing the practice in the altar, and the landlady stood aside and watched nervously.

After he caught up, the paper crane continued to fly forward.

But so much time has passed, even if the soul is scared out of the body, the body has already lost its vitality, and it is already too late.

"Hacha, the king of Hades, is just a pawn. What I'm afraid of is Kunlun behind her. However, you demons are really weird. You can even penetrate Kunlun."

Zhihe couldn't speak, just waiting for him to follow.

Without waiting for him to wonder, the paper crane flew forward and flew a certain distance. When he saw Zhang Lei still standing there, he stopped again, as if waiting for him.

Once he got here, he no longer needed the paper crane to lead the way. He already knew how to go next.

"Tai Shang Laojun is as urgent as the law! Get up!"

Jade Home.

"Go and bring his soul back."

Once the spiritualism is successfully performed, it proves that the target person's soul has left the body, either dead or the soul was frightened out of the body for some reason.

It turned out that the proprietress contacted Jade again later and asked her if there was any way she could help find her husband.

If there was no movement from the paper crane just now, it means that the soul of the landlady's husband is still in her body and is still alive.

An Yan didn't expect that the Dragon Lord he had been looking for so hard would actually come to his door in person.

"It actually failed? It shouldn't be!"

After Jade sensed that Zhihe had lost contact, she was shocked. She never thought that an ordinary soul summoning would fail.

Could it be that I have neglected to practice recently?

The landlady saw something wrong with Jade's face and asked nervously: "Miss Jade, what's wrong?"

"If the evocation fails, I won't believe it. I'll try it again."

Jade didn't think too much, it just failed once, so she used scissors to cut off strips of clothing, then wrote the birth date on the yellow paper, folded it into a paper crane, and did it again.

She didn't believe it anymore.

During this period, Zhang Lei was already confused.

Is it the end of the world?
Why is such a big city so empty, with no lights on the shops or buildings, no pedestrians on the streets, and no cars on the roads?

Just like the situation in the mountains, desolate and dead.

Convenience store No. 444.

Although this is a convenience store on the surface, it is actually a transit point for souls in this area, attracting those lost souls to come here.

"I said, An Yan, are you and Jade having a conflict?"

Xia Dongqing asked.

“What you can’t get is always in turmoil.”

"Those who are favored are confident."

An Yan and Zhao Li shared a pair of headphones and sang "Red Rose". The two of them sang one line each and sang happily, completely ignoring Dongqing who was asking questions.

Looking at the two people, Xia Dongqing was helpless and said again: "An Yan! An Yan!!" "Huh?"

"Holly, what are you doing, singing?"

Finally hearing Dongqing calling him, An Yan took off his earphones and asked doubtfully.

"I asked, are you and Feicui having a conflict? Why haven't you seen her recently?" Xia Dongqing asked.

"You don't understand this. Sometimes men and women don't necessarily have to face each other day and night when getting along. That way they will lose the novelty very quickly."

"So, give each other some appropriate space so that love can last long."

An Yan taught Dongqing like an emotional master.

Xia Dongqing, who had just been in the stage of warming up her relationship with Wang Xiaoya, heard this and said with some worry: "Will you get tired of it relatively quickly?"

But Wang Xiaoya comes to see him every day, and he doesn't seem to find it annoying?

I don’t know what Wang Xiaoya thinks.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but worry about gains and losses.

At this time, Officer Zhao also took off his earphones. Seeing Dongqing's confused expression, he was stunned and complained: "You are stupid. Do you believe what a scumbag like An Yan says?"

"There are too many fish in the fish pond and it's time to manage it. You are an honest person, why don't you quickly entangle her and leave a gap for others to get in?"

Hearing that Zhao Li was slandering him, An Yan was very dissatisfied and said: "Hey, hey, don't talk nonsense, be careful. I will sue you for slander. Where am I?"


"Just pretend, don't you, a handsome guy like you, never refuse or agree?"

Zhao Li saw it very clearly.

This made Xia Dongqing, the little white paper, confused, "What do you mean?"

"I will not refuse any beautiful woman who comes, and I will not agree to a marriage request."

"got it."

Zhao Li said.

slander! He slandered me!

An Yan looked innocent, how could he be so outrageous?
Fortunately, Dongqing was very accurate in judging people, and said angrily: "Are you sure you are not talking about yourself? Every time I see you bring a girl to the store, you never repeat the same thing."

"Still slandering An Yan, shameless."

An Yan agreed very much and echoed: "That's right, shameless."

"Can you please stop being a repeater?" Zhao Li complained when he saw An Yan was still repeating.

Being disturbed by Zhao Li, Xia Dongqing did not ask about An Yan and Jade anymore. He caught a glimpse of a figure outside and stood still again, and subconsciously said: "He has passed by three times."

"Li Zhao, aren't you the soul ferryman? Don't you care?"

"What do you care? The boss didn't give me any tasks, and he didn't give me overtime pay. It's off duty time now, so he doesn't want me to work."

Zhao Li had already seen the ghost wandering outside, and said: "It's okay, it won't dissipate for the time being, and it can still go away for another three days."

"Are you afraid he's not a devil?" Xia Dongqing said helplessly after hearing this, "Looking at how anxious he is, he probably can't find his way home."

"I'll go ask."

Before Zhao Li could speak, Xia Dongqing, who didn't want to see Zhao Li idle, took the initiative to go out.

"See, I'm so annoying and so nosy." Zhao Li pointed at Dongqing who was walking out and sighed at An Yan.

"If you don't like it, you can just say it." An Yan looked at the duplicitous Zhao official and pouted, "You said that you are already a soul ferry, why are you so stubborn?"

Zhao Li retorted: "I am not alive in the first place."

"Tsk, I want to save face."

An Yan shook his head.

If he really didn't want to take care of it, he would probably have left long ago. How could he just sit and wait for Holly to kill him and bring the ghost in.

Soon, Xia Dongqing brought Zhang Lei in, "If you want to go home, they can help you."


Zhang Lei looked at An Yan and Zhao Li with some fear, feeling that they looked very scary.

But when he thought of waiting for his wife and unborn child at home, he still gritted his teeth and said, "Please help me. I don't know why, but I can't find my way home. No matter how I walk, I still can't." Walk back here."

"Don't look at me, he is the soul ferryman, you go find him." An Yan shrugged and unfaithfully pushed the ghost in front of him to Zhao Li.

"Soul Ferryman?!"

Zhang Lei was stunned.

"Well, although you don't want to face this fact, the fact is that you are already dead, so you can't find your way home because no one will burn paper money for you to take you home."

An Yan said very calmly, this is why on the first seven days, incense and paper money are burned.

But obviously, how do today’s young people know these things?

"I am dead?"

After being exposed by An Yan in person, Zhang Lei's face became very ugly, and a wave of fluctuations came out of his spirit body, causing a weak disturbance of Yin Qi.

Because he has consumed too much soul power, he can't even become a ghost now. If he doesn't reincarnate, he is afraid that he will end up being unable to be reincarnated forever.

Zhao Li finally spoke up and said impatiently: "I hate you the most who refuse to admit it even if you die. Just die if you die. There is nothing wrong with admitting it."

"Have you walked all the way without noticing? The whole world is empty, only here is the light."

"Because this is a soul transfer station, through here you can go to the underworld to report."

Zhang Lei collapsed, covered his face with his hands, and cried bitterly, "I remembered it, I finally remembered it. Yes, I died. I slipped and fell off the cliff and died."

He thought of his battered and bloody body at the foot of the mountain, and the blood that spilled was as bright and red as the big red flowers on the top of the mountain.

"Everyone is in such misery, so just give in. The dead one is the most important." Xia Dongqing rolled her eyes at An Yan and Zhao Li when she saw the crying man.

"Tsk, so many people die every day in this world. If everyone dies, how can we carry out our work?" Zhao Li said very calmly after seeing too many farewells.

"In my opinion, my job is to send him to the underworld to report. It's that simple."

look! Pretending again!
An Yan didn't even bother to expose him.

After crying, Zhang Lei slowly accepted the fact and realized that Zhao Li was the messenger from the underworld who took him away from this world completely. He begged: "Can you let me see my wife again? I'm sorry for her."

Official Zhao said truthfully: "It's useless to take you there. You are too weak now. You can't see anyone, and people can't see you. It's useless to go there."

At this moment, there was a sound of birds pecking at the glass from the direction of the door, which caught An Yan's attention.

In the direction of the door, I saw a paper crane pecking at the glass door, seeming to want to come in.

He could tell at a glance.

Someone is using the Maoshan technique to summon spirits!
(End of this chapter)

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