Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 285 1 Dragon falls and all things come to life

Chapter 285: One dragon dies and all things come to life
The blue planet was right in front of us, but Long Jun stopped running at high speed. He was scarred and looked at the person in front of him warily.

"Pluto Acha! Why are you here?"

"Get out of my way, it's none of your business here!"

Lord Long scolded angrily with both voice and look.

Looking at Long Jun who kept looking back, Pluto Acha chuckled and said: "What? Is there something urgent? We meet old friends, why don't we all sit down and reminisce about the past. You have been locked up in Haiyan for so many years, and now you are the first one to come out. It really breaks my heart to not come to see my old friend.”

This crazy bitch!
Long Jun secretly cursed, but now that he was seriously injured, he was far from being a match for Hades Acha. He could only force a smile on his face and said, "I have something urgent. Can you let me go first? I'll give it to Acha when I get back." Sister, please apologize."

"I'm not a human being. I also had my own reasons for what happened back then."

"Seeing as I was once your brother's comrade-in-arms, just let me go."

The once arrogant Dragon King is now a pitiful creature begging for help.

However, Pluto Ah Cha laughed heartily and stopped pretending, "Old Loach, have you ever thought that you would be where you are today? My people also begged for mercy like this back then, but what about you!"

"Have you ever given them a way out? And don't mention my brother, you don't deserve it!"

"No need to struggle, today is your death anniversary."

Seeing Pluto's Ah Cha directly tearing his face, Long Jun, who still didn't want to die, made his last struggle and said: "I am the Dragon God arranged by Kunlun to guard Haiyan. You are not qualified to kill me. You are just a dog of Kunlun."

"Go ahead and scold me, you can only use your words now." Pluto King Ah Cha was unmoved and sneered: "If you don't use Kunlun to suppress me, let alone your absence from duty, it's just your secret collusion with the devil. , enough for you to die ten thousand times."

"I don't think you don't know that it was the Kunlun you mentioned who asked me to get rid of you."

"It's a pity that they didn't expect that a powerful celestial being would actually come out of the human world that they had been monitoring."

Pluto Ah Cha's smile was cold, with hatred in his eyes, and with a move of his hand, he took the book of life and death.

"The Dragon Clan Lord has expired!"

When the pen of life and death was ticked on the book, the gate of ghosts suddenly opened, the road to hell opened, the Naihe bridge descended, the flowers on the other side bloomed, and four soul-enchanting iron chains with a ghostly atmosphere shot out from the gate of ghosts and flew towards the dragon king.

Obviously, Acha, the king of the underworld, wanted to draw out the soul of Long Jun, place it in the eighteenth level of hell, and torture it severely to accuse her brother Chi You of his soul in heaven.


"If I hadn't been seriously injured, when would it have been your turn to take care of me?"

"In the past, even your brother had to call me Dragon Lord when he saw me."

When a tiger falls in Pingyang, it is bullied by dogs; when a dragon travels in the shallows, it is teased by shrimps.

With a sense of desolation in his heart, the desperate Dragon Lord gritted his teeth and spit out the dragon ball. Four jet-black dragon energy rushed out from the dragon ball, shattering the soul-enchanting iron chain.

"Pluto Ah Cha, do you have to fight to the death?" Dragon Lord grabbed the dragon ball in his hand and roared as if he wanted to die together.


Upon seeing this, Hades Ah Cha moved for a moment, frowned, and then relaxed.

"Oh, do you dare?"

The contemptuous tone and disdainful eyes made Long Jun feel extremely humiliated. He laughed maniacally and said: "Rather than fall into your hands and suffer torture, I might as well explode the dragon ball and die with you."

"Beside me is the moon. My immortal cultivation is enough to blow it up, and you will have to bear the consequences."

"You can't do it!"

Pluto Ah Cha said calmly, with a firm tone, as if he was telling a fact.

"Then let's die together!"

Seeing that Pluto Ah Cha looked determined to kill him, Long Jun, who was desperate, was about to explode his dragon balls, dragging the opponent to the bottom.

"You can't do it!"

Play! ! !
The sharp sword light flashed, and Long Jun's arm holding the dragon ball flew up. Pluto Acha's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he shot out the soul-enchanting iron chain, directly hitting the arm behind Long Jun.

Everything happened in a flash of lightning. When Long Jun reacted, his arm and the dragon ball had disappeared.

The Dragon Lord roared angrily and quickly turned around to look back. Sure enough, it was the human boy stepping on his dragon claw, and the dragon ball also fell into his hand. damn it!
If he hadn't been seriously injured, how could he have allowed the other party to successfully attack quietly?

The arm that was originally in human form turned into a huge dragon claw the moment it left the body. The dragon ball was still the size of a fist, floating in front of An Yan.

He carried the demon-suppressing sword and shouted to Pluto Acha: "My Queen, be smart, I still have to go back to pick up the loot."

There is also a piece of dragon tail that he has marked on an unknown planet, waiting for him to go back and retrieve it, but he has no time to listen to the grievances between the two of them here.

"Man, you can't be impatient."

After hearing this, Ah Cha, the king of the underworld, curled his lips and muttered. He hooked his fingers, and the soul-enchanting iron chains flew out one after another. No matter how long Lord Long resisted, he broke one and two more, and countless iron chains came out.

"You! You actually know each other?!"

"Do not!!!"

"I am the Dragon Lord!!!"

It was only then that they discovered that the dragon king they knew was dead with his eyes open, and his seemingly indestructible body was pierced by a soul-enchanting iron chain.

Because the iron chain of seducing souls is aimed at the soul, the next moment, the iron chain is retracted, and at the same time it brings out the soul of Lord Long.

The immortal-level spirit still has certain fighting power even if it leaves the body. Unfortunately, what he encountered was Ah Cha, the king of the underworld, the ruler of the underworld.

The soul-catching iron chains wrapped it into a rice dumpling, and then pulled it back to the gate of hell, all the way back to the eighteenth level of hell.

The body that had lost its soul also revealed a body larger than the mountain range, but unfortunately the dragon body was already in disrepair.

Seeing the dragon body with its tail and hands cut off and covered in blood, Hades Ah Cha was a little stunned and asked: "An Yan, you also have a grudge against him?"

"I couldn't hold it back for a moment. Stop talking about this. Do you have a larger storage ring? I can't take this back with me!"

An Yan felt a headache looking at the huge dragon body.

"I can take it back, but how do I divide it up?" Pluto Ah Cha licked his lips and Cai Mi said, even she was salivating over the immortal-level dragon corpse.

Dragon tendons, dragon scales, dragon beads, dragon claws, dragon whips, dragon blood, etc. are all rare treasures.

One dragon dies and all things are born.

An Yan immediately became vigilant, silently put away the dragon ball, and said dissatisfied: "Hey, are you sorry? I contributed the most, and I also informed you to come and give you a chance for revenge."

"Bah! Scumbag!"

"I just took a mouthful from you, Your Lady Queen. Now I want something from you, right?"

Pluto Ah Cha also shouted, she had contributed after all, hadn't she?

"As for it, I think you don't just want a little bit, you want it all!" An Yan said scornfully, "On this point, the Queen has no face to give."

"Then you always want something to pack, right? I helped stop you, right? You're a cheapskate!" Pluto Ah Cha said angrily, "Now, I want a little bit, isn't it too much?"

"Num! Here you go!"

Considering that the other party did indeed contribute a little bit, he shouldn't give too much. An Yan pointed at the broken arm. Although it was just a broken arm, it was comparable to a mountain.

Tell me a little, but really give a little?

No matter if you don't want this stump or broken arm, Pluto Acha had a dark look on his face and complained helplessly: "Here you go, I'll give it all to you, that's it, you stingy guy."

"Oh, thank you then."

An Yan said happily.

Seeing this, Hades Ah Cha couldn't help but fly forward and knocked him down with a punch.

This guy is cheap and needs repairs.

Of course, in the end, An Yan graciously gave the broken arm to Hades Acha. It was definitely not because she was too violent. After all, he wanted to trouble her to help deal with these dragon bodies.

Alas, people as generous as him are so rare these days.

(End of this chapter)

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