Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 297 Can you dance?

Chapter 297 Can you dance?

Swish! ! !
Black shadows flashed across the mountains and forests.

The demon controlled by the hooked nose to attack the village used his legs to leap straight out of the mountain forest.

The six scarlet eyes reflected the scene of the village, and the scent of each soul poured into the devil's nose, among which the scent of two souls was the most attractive.

The three-meter-tall demon stood upright and looked at the most fashionable building in the village.

Without hesitation, it directly abandoned the nearest human being, jumped up from the house, stepped on the roof and ran towards the building that exuded the fragrance of the soul.

The domestic animals that sensed the demon's aggressive aura began to bark uneasily, with chickens crowing and dogs barking one after another.

Zhou Jie’s home.

Wang Xiaoya and the others were sitting around playing cards, while Xia Dongqing sat aside and watched.

Hearing the barking of dogs outside, Zhou Jie, who had lost three games in a row, said angrily: "It's so late at night, what's the barking of the dog?"

"I don't believe it anymore, come on, continue."

The most important thing is that they went for a day of running in the mountains the day before yesterday, but they were exhausted to death, and they felt like they didn’t want to do it anymore.


Taoist Master Qingfeng did not expect that this demon had such great power. He was frightened and angry for a moment, but it was too late to use the yellow talisman to stop it.

Taoist Master Qingfeng's attack also came from behind the demon, beating the demon until he roared and his skin and flesh were torn.

Xia Dongqing's yin and yang eyes could clearly see the black energy emanating from the tall figure outside. His whole body suddenly felt cold and he shouted.

She looked at the struggling and roaring demon and Dongqing who was frozen in place, and immediately ran back and pulled Dongqing upstairs.

Will die!
It’s simply not something that human power can handle!
The demon half-bent, his greedy eyes sweeping over Xia Dongqing and Wang Xiaoya.

It was Wang Xiaoya who turned around.

With its barbed tail, dark red skin, shark-like fangs covered in saliva, six scarlet eyes, and sharp claws on its hands and feet, it looks like a demon crawling out of hell.

The two of them were about to run upstairs, but because the devil blocked the door, they had no choice but to run upstairs.

A somewhat frightened Wang Xiaoya said, "Did you see anything?"


"Holly, run!"

The aura of Khorne emanating from the demon made Xia Dongqing feel suffocated, and a deep sense of powerlessness filled her heart.

Wang Xiaoya, who had won consecutively, said proudly: "Zhou Jie, if you lose, you lose. Don't blame Gouzi. He was wronged."

Seeing that the sharp demon's claws were about to capture Xia Dongqing, the demon paused, and the vines pulled it back, causing the claws to stop right in front of Xia Dongqing's eyes.

"Bastard! How dare you!"

Just one thought!
Eat them!

The sharp claws shone with a cold light under the light. If they were caught, how many holes would be left in Wang Xiaoya's body?
Xia Dongqing saw the incoming sharp claws from the corner of her eye, and almost instinctively pushed Wang Xiaoya away.

Wang Xiaoya, who was pushed away, saw Holly grabbing Holly with sharp claws and bringing it to her mouth. She was so stunned that she wanted to rush forward and rescue Holly from the devil.

"I even lost."

Taoist Master Qingfeng had just arrived outside the yard at this time. Looking at the cracked pit in the yard and the huge demon's back in the house, his heart sank and he shouted: "Aoki Lock Demon Talisman!"

The demon let out an excited roar and immediately rushed towards Xia Dongqing at the front.

Going to the mountains during the holidays is just looking for trouble.

"Is it a monster?"

Although I don't know why Zhao Li told them not to go out, they won't go out if they don't go out, and it's only for one night anyway.

Seeing that the fat meat in his mouth was about to run away, the devil's six eyes turned red as if they were about to bleed. He burst out and broke the shackles of the ivy, and swung his sharp claws to grab Wang Xiaoya.

This sound seemed to stimulate the presence outside, and the tall figure moved.

Two yellow talismans were thrown by Taoist Master Qingfeng. The yellow talismans burned in mid-air and turned into green light and sank into the ground.

Xia Dongqing also watched it with gusto. Watching four women playing cards was much more interesting than watching a TV series.

Bang! ! !
The huge figure hit the wall, directly knocking a big hole out of the masonry wall. The smashed bricks flew away, scaring Wang Xiaoya and the others to scream and run back.

Because the devil was too close to the two of them.

Xia Dongqing just woke up from being maliciously targeted. She broke into a cold sweat and almost confessed that she was here.

A few people who didn't know that the danger was approaching were still fooling around.

Suddenly, the ground cracked, and green wood vines emerged from the cracks, wrapping around the demon one after another.

Through the lights in the room, a huge figure standing in the darkness can be vaguely seen.

Xia Dongqing finally saw the figure in the darkness clearly.

The claws that lost their target immediately changed their target to Xia Dongqing.

Bang! ! !
Suddenly, there was a loud sound of heavy objects falling to the ground from the yard outside.

Xia Dongqing and the others were startled, and they stopped playing cards. They all stood up and looked outside. What followed was even more intense dog barking.

Even so, the devil did not let the person go, but couldn't wait to put the person into his mouth.

It can feel that once it eats this human being, it will not be a problem to be promoted to a demon lord.

The sharp claws pierced Xia Dongqing's abdomen, bright red blood gushed out from the wound, and the smelly bloody mouth continued to enlarge in the pupils.

Xia Dongqing never imagined that one day death would be so close to her, and the fear of death spread.

No one is afraid of death, no one likes death, and no one wants to watch death come.

I don’t want to die yet! ! !

The upcoming graduate career, Wang Xiaoya, who has just held hands. Seeing a better life right in front of you, how can you fall before reaching the end?

At this moment, perhaps the strong unwillingness and fear awakened the power deep in his soul.

The pupil contracted violently to the size of a pinhole, and then spread like ink, until the entire eye was blackened, and then the ink faded back to a normal pupil.

As soon as Chi You woke up, he found that he was being held in his hand and was being sent to the bloody mouth.

"How dare you, like an ant, use your dirty hands to defile my body?"


A faint blood flashed in Chi You's eyes, and an unparalleled domineering momentum rose into the sky. It was an unyielding fighting spirit to fight against the heaven and the earth.

Needless to say, the demon who bore the brunt of the attack was a demon who had reached the realm of refining energy and becoming a god. His soul was shattered by the aura, and he could no longer die.

Almost instantly, the entire village and the people and animals within a hundred miles fell into a coma. The magnetic field was greatly disturbed, cutting off contact with the outside world.

But the moment this momentum appeared, some people from the underworld, the human world, Kunlun, etc. sensed it and rushed here in unison.

Although Taoist Master Qingfeng was not the main target, he still avoided it and fainted before he could react.

So does Wang Xiaoya.

Chi You ripped off the demon's arm that was holding him, and the wound on his abdomen healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Ya? You are Ya!"

When Chi You saw Wang Xiaoya fainted on the ground, a hint of excitement appeared on his frosty face, and he immediately leaned over and carefully picked him up.

Just when he wanted to take a closer look at his former lover, Wang Xiaoya's eyes opened in his arms. They were different from the silly and clever ones in the past, but with sharp eyes.

No hesitation.

She struck Chi You, her palm wrapped with divine light.

"Chi You, you shouldn't have appeared!"


Even though Chi You had just woken up, his strength was not something that Ya could handle. He restrained her with one hand and held her tightly in his arms, unable to move.

"What's wrong with you? Don't you recognize me?" "Let me go! Chi You!"

Ya didn't expect that she would be awakened in this way, and when she fell into Chi You's hands, she used her divine power to struggle hard.

"Ya, do you still remember what you promised me? You said you would have a child with me."

"A child of a heavenly being and a primitive being!"

Chi You looked at Ya in his arms and said with love.

"That's a lie to you. I am a heavenly being and you are a primitive person." Ya said ruthlessly.

These words successfully angered Chi You.

"Whether you want it or not, you have no choice."

Chi You, who wanted to deal with it immediately, frowned and looked in the direction of Qingfengguan. He could sense a powerful aura flying towards this place.

"Damn it, you ruined my good deeds!"

Chi You's face darkened, and he put his finger on Ya's forehead. The golden-red power formed a prison and sealed Ya's strength.

"Ya, wait for me to come back."

Carefully placing Ya on the sofa, Chi You turned and left.

Being imprisoned, Ya tried hard to mobilize the divine power in her body, but she couldn't feel the existence of any power in her body.


As soon as Michael arrived over Zhou Jie's house, before he could react, he was knocked away by the golden-red stream of light, as if he was hit head-on by a mountain peak.

Before he could stabilize his body, a golden-red stream of light cut through the sky and appeared in front of him, and what came to him was a big knife.

The broadsword extends from the tiger's mouth to the tiger's mouth, flashing with cold light and full of murderous intent. The undying fighting spirit on it is shocking.

Michael finally reacted and immediately used his strongest defense method to ensure that the sword attack fell on him.

Because the immortal fighting spirit attached to the broadsword is like poison to him, which will destroy his divine body.


"Sevenfold Circle of Seraph!"

A ring of shining golden light bloomed in front of Michael. There were seven rings in total, exuding a solid and heavy flavor.

boom! ! !
The golden-red sword slashed straight down, striking the ring.

At the moment of contact, the outermost ring shattered at the touch. The sixth level paused, and until the third level, Chi You's sword was blocked.

Being able to chop four layers of rings into pieces in one breath, Michael couldn't imagine what it would be like if he got hit by this blow. He broke out in a cold sweat and felt ashamed.

The huge power of faith blooms in his body. As a famous archangel in the Holy See, his faith and will are naturally not bad.

The divine light turned the sky into gold, and a golden sword appeared in his hand, glaring at Chi You above.

"Remember, the god who kills you is Seraph Michael!"

"The Holy Judgment of Heaven!"

The holy sword waved, the sky was cut open, and the golden sword light roared.

A look of ridicule appeared on Chi You's face, "When did a birdman dare to call himself a god?"

"It seems that many clowns appeared during my sleep."

"Tiger Soul!!!"

Chi You held the sword in one hand, and his majestic momentum poured out.

With the blessing of the power of faith, Michael's strength went from the early stage of immortality to the middle stage of immortality in one fell swoop.

However, even so, Chi You, who seemed to only have the strength of the early stage of Tianxian, suppressed him to fight.

As soon as the tiger soul came out, a mighty tiger jumped out, smashed the sword light with one claw, and then rushed straight towards Michael.

Michael repeated his old trick and once again used Seraph's Sevenfold Circle.

This time, the tiger composed of evil spirits broke through the third ring in one fell swoop with overwhelming force, and was caught by the second ring.

If you look closely, you can see that there are cracks in the second ring.

"It seems that you are not useless as a bird. This turtle shell is quite hard." Chi You praised him when he saw that his attack failed to break through the strange ring.

"What about the next attack? How many more times can you block it?"

Originally, Michael wanted to be tough when he heard the first half of Chi You's words, but after hearing the second half and the soaring momentum, he couldn't help but feel a little timid.

The opponent's strength has actually been rising!

How could Chi You at his peak be an immortal?
Give him some time to adapt, and Michael can do it with just a snap of his fingers.

"Who are you? There should be no god like you in the Eastern God Realm!"


"You don't deserve to know my name yet."

Chi You's tone was very arrogant, just like how Michael spoke to Zhao Li just now.

This made Michael very angry. Seraph and Archangel, wherever they go, are they not revered?

Even in the battle with the Eastern God back then, he still stood out from the crowd.

"you wanna die!"

A vast aura emanated from the sky, and seven rings were stacked in front of Michael, facing Chi You.

He poured all his strength into it, and a hint of ferocity appeared on his handsome face.

"What about this blow?"

"Judgment of Death!!!"

In addition to being an archangel, Michael also has another identity, that is, the angel of death who guides the dead to the other side and judges the fate of people after death.

The strong aura of death condensed on the ring, and with a bang, a thick beam of light shot out from the ring.

The tragic white beam broke through the sound barrier in an instant, and the huge sound wave triggered a raging storm, uprooting the trees below.

Fortunately, there is a mountain forest below. If they were still above the village, I'm afraid no one would survive.

A trace of joy flashed in Michael's eyes. Even if the opponent's power could continue to increase, there would be a time when the opponent would not be able to withstand his blow.

Just as Michael thought, Chi You was firmly locked, the space was solidified, and he could only passively receive the blow.

There was a flash of regret in his eyes, this body was going to be destroyed.

His soul is immortal and cannot be destroyed by such an attack alone.

It's just a pity for this body, he quite likes it.

Forget it, let's take revenge on this birdman when the time comes.

Just when Chi You thought his body was in danger.

Two figures appeared in front of him.

It is a man and a woman.

I saw the two of them taking action at the same time, and the blue-purple lightning and the dark aura of the netherworld blasted out together, hitting the beam in an upward direction.

boom! ! !
Michael's attack was deflected and refracted into the sky, shot into space, and exploded with bright fireworks in the distant starry sky.

The visitors were none other than An Yan and Pluto Acha.

Looking at the two people who suddenly appeared, Michael's whole body tensed up.

When An Yan saw Michael, he couldn't help but think of a TV series, and asked with a smile: "Michael, can you dance?"

Michael was stunned for a moment, his face full of confusion.

What do you mean?
(End of this chapter)

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