Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 328: The move that was used once is no longer effective

Chapter 328: The move that was used once is no longer effective
Outside the blood cave, Dan Chenzi was sitting cross-legged on a huge rock with his eyes closed, ready to respond to any emergency at any time.

A stream of light from Mount Emei fell into the valley, immediately waking Dan Chenzi up. When he saw the person coming, he clasped his fists and said respectfully, "Greetings, Sect Leader An."

The person who came was An Yan.

Seeing Dan Chenzi being so respectful to him, he couldn't help but think of Dan Chenzi's ending in the movie. It was so sad and pitiful that the dignified senior brother of Emei was toyed around by a female demon.

So he said to Dan Chenzi: "Dan Chenzi, go back. You don't need to guard this blood cave anymore."

"Master An, what do you mean?"

Dan Chenzi didn't quite understand what Master An said. For a moment, he even wondered if the Master An in front of him was someone else pretending to be him.

"Literally, since I'm here, it's not necessary."

Then, without waiting for Dan Chenzi to react, An Yan stretched out his sword and lightly slashed across the mountain wall.

A large crack immediately appeared on the originally solid mountain wall, revealing a bloody cave hidden in the mountain.

"Wait, Master An, what do you want to do?" Dan Chenzi opened the Tianlong Slash and looked at Master An in front of him vigilantly, because the other party's actions at this moment were really too weird.

"What do I want to do? Of course, I want to deal with the old monster Youquan."

An Yan ignored Dan Chenzi who was on high alert behind him. He just looked at the blood cave and smiled slightly. Then, under Dan Chenzi's surprised gaze, he jumped into the blood cave.

After An Yan entered, the blood hole quickly closed and returned to its original state.

Dan Chenzi was the only one left outside. He didn't understand the significance of Master An's move, but he knew that what he had to do now was to inform his master immediately, for fear that something might have happened to the blood cave.

Unfortunately, Dan Chenzi didn't know that his master had passed away and gave the position of leader to Xuantian Sect.

If An Yan had not appeared, he, the gatekeeper, would have ended up dead.

An Yan had no idea what Dan Chenzi was doing outside.

After entering the blood cave, all he saw was a sea of ​​blood. The mountain wall had turned into a blood-red, wriggling wall of flesh. The bloody evil energy was filling the cave, constantly impacting his brain consciousness, trying to turn him into a monster that only knew how to kill.

And the moment An Yan entered the blood cave, the old monster Youquan who was located deep in the blood cave sensed it, opened his bloodshot eyes, and a monstrous bloody aura poured out, as if there was a sea of ​​blood in his eyes.

Now that his magical power is about to be perfected, he didn't expect that the leader of Maoshan Sect would come to him.

In the blood cave, as an evil cultivator, he was like a fish in water.

But for the righteous cultivators, extremely evil things like the Blood Cave are their nemesis. Under the suppression of the Blood Cave, they can only exert less than one tenth of their cultivation.

Even Master Baimei suffered a great loss due to his carelessness, and the Haotian Mirror was swallowed by the blood hole.

The old monster of Youquan, no, now he should be called the Blood Demon of Youquan, the Blood Demon of Youquan laughed sinisterly.


"Master of Maoshan Sect, I didn't expect you to be so stupid as to come to me and fall into my trap."

The loud laughter of the Nether Spring Blood Demon echoed from all directions in the blood cave and reached An Yan's ears. Hearing this arrogant and sinister laughter, he also laughed.

Because the blood evil energy in the blood cave was too strong, it completely covered up the breath of the Youquan Blood Demon, making him worried that he could not find where the other party was hiding.

Unexpectedly, the Youquan Blood Demon was very kind. Knowing that he was lost, he turned on the loudspeaker to tell him his location.

"Don't laugh so happily yet. Wash your neck. I'll come to you right away."

And when he learned that the other party wanted to kill his Youquan Blood Demon in the blood cave, the sneer on his face became even stronger. Not to mention that he had the advantage of geographical location, he also possessed the ability of Blood God Son, which was almost like a plug-in.

As long as all of his Blood God Sons cannot be destroyed in one breath, he can use the Blood God Sons to resurrect again.

So thinking of killing him here is simply a pipe dream.

But the other party's idea was exactly what he wanted. If he could kill the other party here, he would have one less big enemy and could annihilate them separately.

Therefore, the Nether Spring Blood Demon deliberately provoked: "Don't you want to kill me? I am deep in the blood cave, come if you have the guts!"

"But before that, you should first think of a way to pass through my blood river formation. I wonder how much strength you can still exert in the blood cave? Hehehehe!!!"

As the words of the Nether Spring Blood Demon fell, the blood cavity instantly rioted. First, a powerful suction force came from the bottomless blood-colored abyss below, pulling An Yan's body downwards.

Then, streams of thick blood rushed towards An Yan from all directions, trying to drown him completely.

This blood is similar to the water from the Yellow Spring, which can defile magical instruments and treasures, corrode the magic power of monks, and dissolve their flesh.

The Daluo Buddha's hand of Master Zunsheng and Mount Wutai engraved with Buddhist scriptures were completely destroyed by this move of the Youquan Blood Demon.

Unfortunately, the Nether Spring Blood Demon chose the wrong target this time.

Because An Yan is even more evil than him. How does he feel now?
An Yan grinned and twisted his neck, "I've never felt so good! It's great!"

Faced with the suction, he did not resist at all, allowing the suction to take him deep into the blood cave.

During this time, the blood turned into tornadoes and attacked him, but they couldn't even break his protective qi. The thick protective qi was combined with the vast supply of mana, and the corrosive effect of the blood couldn't keep up with the speed of qi recovery.

Once one becomes immune to the filth, corrosion and dissolution effects of blood, the Blood River Formation will collapse on its own.

To put it bluntly, this Blood River Formation is used to clear out small soldiers, or perhaps to target specific enemies. It will be useless if it encounters a truly strong opponent.

An Yan's breakthrough speed was beyond the expectations of Nether Spring Blood Demon. He sneered, "Are you so impatient to come and die?"

"Ancestor, is he the leader of the Maoshan Sect who once tried to kill you? He doesn't seem to be very smart!"

A small and exquisite little fairy, not even as big as a palm, which looked very much like a flower fairy, was flying beside the Youquan Blood Demon, giggling.

Don't be fooled by this little thing's charming appearance. This is the Red Corpse God, who is extremely evil. His true appearance is like a turtle's head, extremely ugly and wretched.

The Nether Spring Blood Demon knew the Red Corpse Lord's ability and that he was an egomaniac. He smiled sinisterly, "If you want to know whether the other party is stupid or not, why don't you try and find out?"

The teasing intention of the Nether Spring Blood Demon was self-evident. The Red Corpse God became competitive, and he stroked his red lips with his little hand and smiled charmingly.

"Just try it."

Immediately, the Red Corpse God disappeared.

The Nether Spring Blood Demon was also happy about this as he had one more helper.

At this time, An Yan was still missing.

The depth of the blood hole frightened him secretly, and he couldn't help but guess that he might have reached another dimension.

The entire blood cave is probably similar to a paradise on earth. It is connected to the rest of the world, but it is a space of its own.

If he could directly devour this pool of blood, wouldn't he be able to take off directly?
An Yan was overjoyed, and resisted the urge to absorb it right away. Before absorbing it, he had to get rid of the clown Youquan Blood Demon to prevent him from doing anything wrong later.

"Help! Help!"

"Sir! Save me!" Suddenly, weak cries for help came from behind, attracting An Yan's attention.

He turned over and looked back, and found a delicate and charming little flower fairy with broken wings asking him for help. He raised his eyebrows.

The other party wouldn’t really think he was Dan Chenzi, right?
"Sir, save me, I made a mistake by accident."

However, before she could finish her words, she was greeted by a surging sword light and the other party's inhuman words came into her ears.

"Such a weak flower demon will die sooner or later, so it is better to die early and be reborn sooner."

Lord Red Corpse: Are you on the right path?
Unfortunately, her question was destined to remain unanswered, as the surging sword light split her in two. Just as the other party said, she died quickly, without any delay.

Not to mention that the Red Corpse God who died in misery was confused, the Nether Spring Blood Demon was also confused. How come this person looked even more cruel and ruthless than him?

After easily dealing with the Red Corpse God, An Yan followed the suction force and came to the Nether Spring Blood Demon.

The place where the Nether Spring Blood Demon is located is obviously the core of the blood cave, which is a sea of ​​blood with no end in sight. The sea of ​​blood is filled with all kinds of negative auras. If a cultivator who has not become an immortal comes to such a place, he will not be able to survive for more than a moment.

"Master of Maoshan Sect, I admire your courage. You actually dared to come here alone. Even that old fellow Baimei doesn't dare to do this."

"So, I decided to give you a quick death."

The Nether Spring Blood Demon obviously thought that he had already secured victory. He spoke without even taking a breath and looked at An Yan with a grim smile on his face.

"Really? What a coincidence, I thought so too!" An Yan smiled slightly, and a strange aura emanated from the pupil of his left eye.

Purple-black lines, which were very different from the blood-red surrounding lines, spread out from the demon pupil in his left eye. An Yan, who was righteous and awe-inspiring the previous moment, became full of demonic flames in the next second, looking like a real devil.

The surging demonic energy on his body even made the Youquan Blood Demon, who claimed to be a giant in the magic world, tremble in his heart.

That was not all. Su Mu directly used the incense method to display a body with three heads and six arms. His size continued to grow, his feet went deep into the sea of ​​blood, and his head almost pierced through the sky of the blood hole.

The purple-black demonic energy turned into demonic flames, and the blood sea water around it was instantly evaporated, and thick blood mist rose.

An Yan's three heads looked down at the blood demon that was as tiny as an ant below. He opened his mouth and his voice echoed in this small world of blood.

"Youquan Blood Demon, don't you want to kill me? Don't say I didn't give you a chance. Do it now."

"You're bluffing! You must be bluffing!"

"I do not believe!"

The Nether Spring Blood Demon never expected that after all his hard work, he was not even as good as one toe of others. The huge sense of gap made him almost crazy.

"Fake! It must be fake!"

"Look at my blood river formation! The blood demon's body!"

The blood demon, who has absorbed a large amount of the power of the blood cavity, has shown the embryonic form of the three flowers. Given time and for him to completely refine this blood cavity, he may be able to truly gather the three flowers at the top of his head.

The Youquan Blood Demon, who had condensed the embryonic form of three flowers, was no less powerful than An Yanli when he slew the Dragon King. In addition, with the matching skills, the entire sea of ​​blood was awakened by him.

The blood sea was angry, raising huge waves that seemed to overturn the entire blood cave world. Behind the huge waves was a blood-colored giant, whose body was made of blood, and blood kept flowing down its body.

"Is this all you have? To be honest, I was looking forward to it, but I didn't expect you to be so useless."

Seeing that the Nether Spring Blood Demon could only barely break his defense even though he was using all his strength, the three heads of An Yan shook their heads and sighed.

Such arrogance completely angered the Nether Spring Blood Demon.

"Big but not real, I'm talking about you!"

"Die to me!"

The blood-red giant once again raised waves, one after another, covering the sky and the earth, with a terrifying momentum.

Such an attack is indeed not something that Master Baimei can resist, even with the Haotian Mirror.

So this made An Yan even more curious, what exactly are the three powers mentioned in the movie? Is the combination of the Tianlei double swords really that powerful?

It's impossible that the three kinds of energy can allow a person who has just entered the celestial realm from the Xuantian Sect to directly condense the three flowers, right?
Or in other words, these three forces represent the three flowers?
An Yan felt that he needed to study the Nanming Lihuo Sword carefully afterwards.

As for now, it's time to let the Nether Spring Blood Demon know what absolute power is.

"Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Zhengfa!"

"Demon Suppressing Sword!"

"The fourth move of Peach Blossom Sword Technique!"

"The emperor is coming!"

A vast and boundless aura poured out at this moment, and a phantom that was even more majestic and huge than the three-headed, six-armed incarnation of An Yan condensed behind him.

In the face of absolute power, the full-strength attack of the Nether Spring Blood Demon was like child's play. The huge waves were directly split apart by the cold sword light, along with the blood-colored giant transformed by the Nether Spring Blood Demon and the sea of ​​blood.

Boom! ! !
A straight line extended from the blood-red giant to the end of the blood sea. The blood-red giant and the blood sea were split into two, and the backfilled blood made a huge roaring sound.

The blood-colored giant turned into blood all over the sky, and the terrified voice of the Youquan Blood Demon came from the blood.

"No! Impossible!"

"Who are you? You can't be the leader of the Maoshan Sect!"

"So in your eyes, the head of the Maoshan Sect cannot use evil energy to practice?"

"Frog at the bottom of the well!"

An Yan's sarcastic voice made Youquan Blood Demon even more angry, but Youquan Blood Demon understood that it didn't matter whether the other party was the leader of Maoshan Sect or not.

The important thing now was to figure out how to escape. When he thought about his ability to escape, he calmed down a little.

"Humph! No matter who you are, I, the Nether Spring Blood Devil, will remember you. Just wait and see. This is not over between us yet."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sky exploded with blood and turned into countless small water droplets that flew in all directions. The one who was just killed was just one of the many souls he had absorbed.

Seeing the Youquan Blood Demon trying to use the same trick again, An Yan smiled even more brightly and released the Demon-Slaying Sword in his hand. The Demon-Slaying Sword turned into tiny peach blossom sword energy all over the sky as it fell.

"You don't think that a move you used once will work the same the second time, do you?"



The screams of the Nether Spring Blood Demon resounded throughout the entire blood cave world, and all of his soul clones were hunted to death.

The Blood Demon of Nether Spring dies!
(End of this chapter)

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