Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 333 Half-Step Golden Immortal

Chapter 333 Half-Step Golden Immortal
The number one war god in heaven was beaten to the point of collapse and forced to leave as soon as he appeared on the stage.

At this moment, all the gods in heaven were silent.

Are you dumb?
An Yan swept his eyes over these immortals and gods, and everyone who looked at him lowered their heads involuntarily out of guilt.

If they try to step forward since they are weaker than the big man, won’t they be killed instantly?

Seeing that these immortals and gods were a bunch of cowards, An Yan no longer spent time on them and looked directly at the Emperor of Heaven who was leading the group.

The Emperor of Heaven's face was as black as the bottom of a pot at this moment, and he cursed in his heart, "What a bunch of trash."

Seeing An Yan's unbridled arrogance, the Emperor of Heaven, filled with new and old hatreds, said in a cold voice: "Young man, forgive others when you can. People who are too arrogant usually end up badly."


"Still pretending?"

"The Black Mountain Old Demon, Cihang Pudu, and other demons are wreaking havoc on the world, and you, the Emperor of Heaven, not only turn a blind eye to them, but you also slander me as an evil sect without any basis for truth."

"I don't think you look like the Emperor of Heaven. Could it be that you two are in the same group?"

Facing the threat from the Emperor of Heaven, An Yan simply sneered and revealed the identities of the Emperor of Heaven, the Black Mountain Old Demon, and Cihang Pudu without any scruples.

When these words were spoken, all the immortals and gods were shocked.

As the saying goes, there is no smoke without fire. How can there be wind if there is no gap?
In addition, the Emperor of Heaven's recent actions are indeed full of suspicious points. First, he cut off contacts with the human world and the underworld, and he also forbad immortals and gods to come down to earth without permission to interfere in human affairs.

The reason is that a catastrophe is coming, it is destiny and we cannot act rashly.

But whether it is true or not, only the Emperor of Heaven knows.

After all, these gods have lived for countless years and have experienced great catastrophes before, but this is the first time that the heaven has done something like this.

Sensing the suspicion of the immortals and gods towards him, and seeing that An Yan was about to expose his relationship with the Black Mountain Old Demon and Cihang Pudu, the Emperor of Heaven no longer hesitated. Since he had come to him personally, he would let him put an end to this accident.

"Nonsense! Today, I, the Emperor of Heaven, will personally send you to hell, where you will never be able to be reborn."

"The universe is one!"

As soon as the Emperor of Heaven made a move, he directly mobilized the yin and yang energies to attack.

In the sky, the black and white air turned into a huge millstone, and the five elements of energy were directly destroyed. The space could not withstand this powerful force and cracks began to appear, generating a strong suction force.

The celestial buildings, magical herbs and plants all around were pulled towards the millstone, transformed into substances finer than dust, and then swallowed up by the space cracks.

"Quick, quick, retreat!"

"The Emperor is serious!"

The immortals and gods behind him were frightened when they saw that the Emperor of Heaven actually used his true strength, not caring where he was at all, and retreated one after another.

Knowing that the Emperor of Heaven is extremely powerful, they don't want to break the law.

But such an approach was undoubtedly an attempt to cover up one's own guilt and it further confirmed the Taoist's statement.

"You should know whether I am talking nonsense or not!" An Yan was not panicked at all. He raised his hand and took out the Haotian Mirror, and then continued to count the crimes of the Emperor of Heaven.

"He allowed the Black Mountain Old Demon to wreak havoc on the Yin and Yang worlds, turned a blind eye to the requests for help from the Ten Kings of Hell, and allowed the Great Demon Cihang Pudu to wreak havoc on the human world by devouring the dragon energy, causing great suffering to all living beings."

"You thought you did it perfectly, but unfortunately you met me."

The flying Haotian Mirror emitted thousands of rays of light and hit the Yin-Yang Grinding Wheel. In an instant, an intense light burst out, and the powerful explosion directly turned the originally fairy-like Heavenly Palace into ruins.

How could the Emperor of Heaven possibly admit to all the crimes mentioned by An Yan?

"You bold monster, not only do you not kneel and kowtow to me, but you also dare to spit blood and slander me."

"It seems that I can't keep you here today!"

Seeing his own universe being broken, the Emperor of Heaven looked at the Haotian Mirror that originally belonged to White Eyebrow Immortal with fear, and then he also sacrificed his own magic weapon. If it was White Eyebrow Immortal holding the Haotian Mirror here today, he might still be a little nervous, but he was just an unknown Taoist, and he thought he would not lose to such an unknown person.

He sneered in his heart, don't think you are so great just by defeating his two clones, today he will make them pay a heavy price.

"Nine Dragon Cauldron, go!"

A three-legged round tripod that was no bigger than a thumb flew out from between the brows of the Emperor of Heaven. It grew a little bigger with each turn. In a moment, it turned into a tripod that was three meters high and smashed towards An Yan.

The three-legged round tripod looks very ancient. There are nine five-clawed golden dragons carved on the body of the tripod, and each one looks vivid and lifelike.

Because this is a real dragon!
In order to refine this magic weapon, the Emperor of Heaven almost slaughtered all the five-clawed golden dragons in the four seas and wiped out the pure-blooded dragon clan in the four seas. They have not recovered until now.

Each five-clawed golden dragon is comparable to a celestial being, and is also the most powerful weapon used by the Emperor of Heaven.

An Yan sensed the extraordinary aura of the Nine Dragon Cauldron and did not dare to resist it head-on. He immediately pointed his finger and recalled the Haotian Mirror for defense.

The Haotian Mirror, which is the life-blooded magic weapon of Master Baimei, has become extremely powerful after years of careful nurturing. Otherwise, it would not have been able to make the old monster Youquan flee in panic.

"Haotian Mirror! Move the Universe!"

The Nine Dragon Cauldron that was smashing down with great momentum was directly bounced back by the Haotian Mirror. As long as the Haotian Mirror could not be broken in an instant, the Haotian Mirror could bounce back the enemy's attack.

The collision of the two top magic weapons in the world unleashed astonishing power. The Nine Dragon Cauldron was flung away, and the body of the Haotian Mirror was also shaking slightly.

Obviously, it is not an easy task for the Haotian Mirror to deflect the Nine Dragon Cauldron.

The Emperor's expression changed slightly. He didn't expect that he still underestimated the strength of the Taoist in front of him.

It seems that being able to kill his two clones and gain the recognition of Master Baimei was no accident.

But his Nine Dragon Cauldron has more than just this ability. The Emperor of Heaven has already seen that the Haotian Mirror has flaws and is not in its prime condition.

This alone is the opponent's fatal weakness.

Immediately, the Emperor of Heaven exerted his strength, a lotus blossomed above his head, and surging power poured into the Nine Dragon Cauldron.

"Nine Dragons in the Sky!"

"Today, I will let you know what it means that the majesty of the Emperor of Heaven cannot be violated."

The sound of dragon roars piercing through gold and splitting rocks and striking the sky was heard. The Nine Dragon Cauldron that was bounced away gave a humming sound, and the nine golden dragons wrapped around the cauldron flew out together, dancing in the sky, emitting dazzling golden light. The powerful dragon might spread, filling the world.

"Humph! It's really you!"

When An Yan saw that there was only a golden lotus appearing above the head of the Emperor of Heaven, he no longer had any doubts and was certain that the Emperor in front of him was the culprit.

Because there was a hint of golden immortality on the lotus, but the other two golden flowers were nowhere to be seen, which was exactly the same as the situation after practicing the exercises recorded on the black stone.

Originally there was no such thing as a half-step golden immortal, but today there is.

The current situation of the Emperor of Heaven is that he is said to be a Golden Immortal but he is incomplete; he is said to be a Celestial Immortal but he has the aura of a Golden Immortal.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to say that he is a half-step golden immortal.

He can't defeat a real Golden Immortal, so what about a flawed Half-Step Golden Immortal?
An Yan's eyes revealed a burning desire to fight, and a warlike heart emerged. A majestic momentum rose up in vain, causing the void to tremble.

Three flowers, one real and two virtual, emerged from the void, confronting each other head-on with a golden flower of the Emperor of Heaven. Their powerful force forced all the immortals and gods to retreat again and again, making their breathing difficult.

Seeing that the Taoist priest was not afraid but wanted to challenge him, the Emperor of Heaven was really angry.

"You are just a mere immortal. I, the Emperor of Heaven, can suppress you with just one hand!"

"go with!"

As soon as he finished speaking, nine golden dragons attacked An Yan at the same time. The fierce aura they exuded seemed to crush the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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