Chapter 343 Murong

Arbitration Chamber.

The rows of seats in the lobby were filled with the souls of the dead who were about to be judged, with various causes of death.

The ghosts who claimed that they had never done anything bad in their lives looked open-minded, in stark contrast to those ghosts who were restless.

The rows of seats were filled, but it was unusually quiet. After all, they were about to decide whether to be a human or an animal in their next life.

The tightly closed door of the judgment room opened, and a burst of ghostly howling sounds came out, breaking the silence.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

"I want to be a human! I don't want to be a cow!"

"I know I was wrong! I won't do it again!"

The first ghost who entered was dragged out by two ghost officers. He struggled desperately but to no avail and walked away further and further away.

It's too late to regret when you come before the King of Hell.

"Number two hundred and thirty-two!"

Soon, the sound of calling numbers was heard again.

Zhou Xiaohui looked down and found that he was number 232.

He considered himself a good man and had never done anything bad, but when the time came, he couldn't help but feel nervous. He walked into the adjudication room tremblingly with the sign in his hand.

The space inside the adjudication room was very large, with three judges sitting at the top, two men and one woman. The way they were dressed was beyond Zhou Xiaohui's expectations.

The three judges were not as green-faced, fang-toothed and sinister as imagined. Instead, they were dressed very fashionably, especially the leading woman who was holding a puppy, looking like a real lady.

Zhou Xiaohui didn't dare to look any longer and sat obediently on the chair, waiting for trial.

The male judge with a slicked-back hair on the right took out Zhou Xiaohui's information and came to Zhou Xiaohui to confirm.

"No. 232, Zhou Xiaohui, from Donghu Village, Lingnan County, jumped to his death while working in Youdu."

"Is there anything wrong?"

Zhou Xiaohui answered honestly: "It's me, that's right."

Then he asked nervously: "Judge, can I be born into a good family?"

"Good deeds are rewarded with good, evil deeds are punished with evil, it depends on how good and evil you were in your life." The judge replied indifferently. He looked through Zhou Xiaohui's information and raised his eyebrows. "But you didn't do anything good in your life."

When Zhou Xiaohui heard this, he immediately became anxious, because this was a matter concerning his reincarnation.

"It's unfair! It's unfair! I haven't done anything bad!"

"Everyone who has done bad things comes here and shouts that they are innocent, but you don't know that there are gods above your heads, and everything you do is being recorded." The female judge, who was holding a puppy like a lady, said sarcastically.

"As for the bad things you did, I'll read them to you."

"I destroyed sixteen ant nests when I was three years old, burned a wild cat to death with kids from the same village when I was seven, peeped at the neighbor's girl taking a bath when I was fourteen, and punctured the tire of my head teacher's motorcycle when I was sixteen."

"There's more to come. Do you want to continue listening?"

"No, no, no, stop talking. How come I don't have any impression of the things you said?" Zhou Xiaohui sounded guilty and his voice became smaller and smaller.

"Besides, this isn't really a bad thing. It's just a little immoral at best."

"Do not do evil for the sake of small gains, and do not refrain from doing good for the sake of small gains. Don't you understand this principle?" The male judge patted Zhou Xiaohui on the head with the information and taught him.

"However, compared to your crime of suicide, all of the above are just minor matters."

"The punishment for suicide is much more severe, especially if you jump off a building. It is irresponsible not only for your own life, but also for the lives of others."

The female judge heard this and said, "Then let him serve his sentence in the Frostwater Hell for three hundred years, and then arrange for his reincarnation after three hundred years."

"If you want to reincarnate, let me see."

"Wait! You got it wrong!"

"I didn't commit suicide. It was an accident at most."

When Zhou Xiaohui heard that he was going to be sentenced to suicide and still serve prison time, he became very anxious and quickly protested his injustice.

He died miserably already, and now he is being wrongly accused. Who can bear this?
"Not suicide?"

"What should I do? It looks like there's an injustice?"

"Then let's take a look."

The three judges gathered together, discussed, and then looked at Zhou Xiaohui together, their eyes shining with light. Soon the scene of Zhou Xiaohui's death reappeared before their eyes.

From sitting on the edge of the rooftop to begging for wages to accidentally falling down the stairs, if you look closely, it really can't be considered suicide.

This is a bit of a misunderstanding.

"What should we do now?" the bald judge asked with a headache. If this matter were to get out, it would be a disgrace to them.

"What else can we do? Let's consider it an accident. Spare him the three hundred years in the cold water hell and arrange for his reincarnation." The slicked-back haired man was also helpless. How could the group of people below do anything? How could such a fuss happen? He suggested to the female judge.

Zhou Xiaohui finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that he would not have to serve his sentence.

"Although it was an accident, he got there on his own. Coupled with the minor mistakes he made in the past, he will definitely not have a place in his next life."

"As for the other spots, I think I should reincarnate as a dog. A cat would be fine too."

Although the female judge admitted that it was an accident, the assignment of reincarnation was still stuck.

Before Zhou Xiaohui could refute, the man with the slicked-back hair shook his head first, pointed at the puppy in the female judge's arms and said, "I say, you are not kidding, are you?"

"Cats and dogs are a hot topic right now. I don't know how popular they are. They are considered premium products."

"Look at how comfortable they live, without worries. Food comes when they wake up, they eat, they play after eating, and they sleep when they are tired."

"Even stray cats and dogs have people feeding them, not to mention that there are so many cat and dog slaves nowadays."

Zhou Xiaohui was dumbfounded after hearing these words. It seems that I can only be a slave.

However, it was not his turn to be a cow or a horse.

After much discussion, it was finally decided to let Zhou Xiaohui be reincarnated as a mosquito.

"Then it's a unanimous decision. It's mosquitoes."

"Take him down to drink Meng Po soup."

The door of the judgment room opened, and two ghost officials came up and took Zhou Xiaohui to drink Meng Po soup.

When Zhou Xiaohui heard that he was going to be reincarnated as a mosquito, he felt so aggrieved. He was bullied during his lifetime and died in misery.

After death, you will be bullied by ghosts and become a mosquito.

Immediately, hatred arose in his heart and the suppressed resentment burst out.

"I don't want to be a mosquito, you stinky bitch, I would rather go back to the world of the living and become a ghost than be a mosquito!"

Zhou Xiaohui died unjustly, and was bullied in various ways during his lifetime. He was extremely resentful after his death. He suddenly exploded, grabbed a chair and smashed it forward, then burst out with a speed that was inconsistent with his body size, and escaped through the open door.

"This, this makes me so angry, why don't you go and catch that person back?" The female judge waved her hand, smashing the chair that was thrown at her into pieces, and shouted angrily at the ghost who was in charge of guarding the door.

The three of them did not take any action. It was just a small evil ghost. Could it possibly escape from the underworld?

However, the news that came back surprised the three of them.

Zhou Xiaohui ran away. Murong let him go. "Isn't Murong the soul ferryman? How dare he?"

"Now let's report this to Hades A-Cha right away. This matter has become a big deal."

"It's all your fault. If you were his cat or dog, wouldn't everything be fine?"

"Can you blame me?"

On the way there, the three of them did not forget to shirk the responsibility to each other, saying that they would rather die than let their fellow Taoist die.

On the other side, Zhou Xiaohui has successfully returned to the human world.

The first thing he did when he returned to the human world was to go and see his former boss to see if he had fulfilled his promise to return everyone's wages.

Who would have thought that as soon as he entered his former boss' office, he saw Wang Xiaochun, who was wearing a suit, chatting and laughing with the boss, and he even took the account book from the boss.

Zhou Xiaohui looked at this scene in disbelief. He had just died not long ago, so how come Xiaochun was hanging out with the boss?

"Did you see that? This is your good brother. Not only did he take the hard-earned money you begged for, he also slept with your wife."

"H-How do you know? Who are you?"

Zhou Xiaohui looked at the person in front of him who helped him escape from the underworld, and roared in disbelief.

Seeing Zhou Xiaohui's distorted face, a hint of satisfaction flashed through Murong's heart. Yes, that's right, only anger can make you stronger.

"Me? The soul ferryman. As for why I helped you, it's just because I felt that your death was too worthless."

"Your brother encouraged you to use the power of public opinion to collect the debt, but he deliberately killed you. Not only did he get your compensation, he also embezzled your and the workers' hard-earned money. He now lives in a western-style building and helps you take care of your wife from time to time."

"Stop talking, stop talking!!!"

Under Murong's misleading words, Zhou Xiao, who felt that he was not only deceived by his best brother but also cuckolded, had a distorted face and became more and more angry. The negative energy in his body also expanded rapidly along with this anger, and his aura became stronger and stronger, and he was about to transform into a fierce ghost.

right! right! That's it!

Murong understood that Zhou Xiaohui was now only one life away from becoming a fierce ghost. As long as he could make him bleed, he would be able to take the crucial step.

Zhou Xiaohui, who felt like the world was falling apart, yelled and ran away with red eyes.

He wants to go to Wang Xiaochun to find out!
But in his heart he had already believed most of what Murong said. After all, he and Murong had no grudges or hatred in the past or present, so there was no need for the other party to harm him.

Besides, if he really wanted to harm himself, he wouldn't have saved his life.

Without Murong's help, he would never have been able to escape from the underworld.

Looking at Zhou Xiaohui who left angrily, Murong gave a sinister smile. The next moment he frowned and disappeared on the spot.

"An Yan, what's wrong?"

On the sidewalk outside the company, Feicui was walking with her arm around An Yan's, but she found that An Yan suddenly stopped and looked towards the building next to her.

"Is there something wrong?"

Feicui also looked towards the building, her eyebrows knitted, "Ghostly aura? There is an evil ghost in this building!"

"Yes, he's gone." An Yan narrowed his eyes, but there was another breath in them, similar to the breath of Zhao Li's soul ferryman.


A soul ferryman let an evil ghost go.

He turned his head to look at Jadeite and asked jokingly, "Jadeite, do you want to go see a good show?"

"Good show? What good show?" Jade was stunned and pouted, "Didn't you say you would go to the movies with me?"

"Hey, what's so good about today's supernatural movies? In the end, isn't it all hallucinations and mental illness?"

"The show I'm going to take you to see is much better than this."

An Yan said with a smile that although he didn't mind going to the cinema to watch movies, watching horror movies was a bit eye-irritating for a Taoist like him.

He would rather watch a fantasy romance movie than a horror movie.

Hearing An Yan's words, Feicui's curiosity was also aroused, and she waved her white and tender fist and said, "If it doesn't look good, humph."

Looking at Feicui's innocent look, An Yan smiled dotingly and hooked her nose, "If it doesn't look good, I'll let you be on top tonight."

"You're still outside! You're going to die!"

All of a sudden, Feicui's face turned red. She looked around and saw that there were no other passers-by. Then she patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fearing that An Yan might say something more sinister, Feicui urged, "Didn't you say you wanted to go watch a good show?"

"Ha ha!!"

"let's go."

An Yan laughed loudly, holding Feicui's hand and following the ghostly aura left by the evil ghost.

At an intersection, there was heavy traffic and many people were standing on both sides of the road waiting for the traffic lights.

Wang Xiaochun was talking on the phone with someone and had no idea that danger was approaching.

After Murong's instigation, Zhou Xiaohui was now blinded by anger. Under the light of the strange blood moon, he stared at his former good brother Wang Xiaochun with red eyes.

As for why it is a blood moon, it is because according to legend, in the eyes of the dead, the moon is red.

Zhou Xiaohui cursed.

Bah! What do you mean by being upright? Wearing a suit makes you look like a dog, but you are actually a heartless person.

What brothers? They are all fake!

What a bastard! Not only did he take my money, he also slept with my wife!

Zhou Xiaohui became more and more excited the more he thought about it. He stared at Wang Xiaochun's back and slowly stretched out his devil hand. The driveway was in front of Wang Xiaochun and he just needed to push it.

The other party will die even more miserably than him!


Just as he made his move, two voices rang out simultaneously, one from behind him and one from across the driveway.

Zhou Xiaohui was startled and found a hand on his shoulder.

"You still want to hurt people even after you're dead. Do you want your soul to fly away?"

A faint voice sounded behind him. Zhou Xiaohui quickly broke free from the hand and turned to look at the owner of the hand behind him, and found that it was a handsome man and a beautiful woman.

Zhou Xiaohui, who was not very courageous to begin with, became scared after he calmed down. He began to think about retreating and wanted to run away.

Unexpectedly, the other party moved his fingers slightly, and a golden chain shot out and tied him up without giving him any time to dodge.

At this time, the green light came on and pedestrians hurried. Wang Xiaochun put down the phone and looked at the young man jogging over in confusion, then looked at the handsome man and beautiful girl behind him. They shouldn't be calling him, right?
The young man ran over, panting slightly, "An Yan, thanks to you, otherwise this gentleman would be in danger."

The person who came was Xia Dongqing, and the couple were naturally An Yan and Feicui.

Wang Xiaochun was stunned and pointed at himself, "Are you talking about me? How could I be in any danger?"

"What if there is an evil ghost standing next to you?" Seeing Wang Xiaochun's confused look, An Yan said with evil humor.

"Evil ghost? Young man, you are kidding me!"

"I don't have time to joke with you. He seems to have some deep hatred against you. He cursed you and said that you took his hard-earned money and slept with his wife."

After hearing this, Wang Xiaochun was confused. When had he ever done these things?
(End of this chapter)

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