Chapter 49 Old things
  "Convenience store No. 444, where is that place?"

"Have you ever heard of soul transfer stations, ghost messengers, and soul ferrymen?"

An Yan heard Jade's question and while answering, he took out his mobile phone and called Manager Jia.

Now that the evil ghost in the building has not been solved, and the third floor has almost been demolished, he must tell the other party.

Soul transfer station?
  Jade showed an interested expression. She had only heard about these things from her elders in the family, but she had never really seen Guizhan.

Seeing An Yan standing on the roadside waiting for the bus after making a phone call, she took out the car key from her bag and shook it: "Where can I find a taxi at this time? Where is the place? I will take you there."

An Yan, who was still waiting for the car, saw the Volkswagen car key and his eyes changed when he looked at Jade: "I didn't expect that you are a rich woman and you actually have a car."

"Then go quickly. Manager Jia said that as long as the building is not demolished, everything else is easy."

Soon, following Jade, An Yan saw a pink Volkswagen Beetle.

"Get in the car, sister will take you flying."

"No, stay calm, I'm afraid the car will tip over."

"Hmph, tonight I will let you see what the female car goddess of Qiu Mingshan is." Hearing this, Jade glanced at An Yan sitting in the passenger seat in displeasure and stepped on the accelerator.

The pink beetle rushed out like a roaring pink leopard, scaring An Yan so much that she clung to the seat belt tightly.

"You slow down!"

"What? Come on? Okay!"

"I rely on!"

The sound of the Guandong boiling water was beeping and rolling, and listening to the words of the few loose women over there suddenly pulled Xiaoxue's thoughts away.

Thinking that her boyfriend has been reluctant to marry her, he has been particularly cold towards her recently.

"You think we women must suffer so much for this face."

"Don't those stinky men just look at our faces?"

Listening to the man's words, Xiaoxue couldn't help but secretly glance at the four people over there, with envy in her eyes. They were all enchanting. It would be great if she could become beautiful too.

"Xiaoxue, your oden is ready, here it is."

Xia Dongqing's words drew Xiaoxue's attention back.

Seeing Xiaoxue who was in a daze, he noticed the look in Xiaoxue's eyes just now and thought that she was affected by the four wild women. The kind-hearted Xia Dongqing comforted her in a low voice: "Xiaoxue, don't worry about them. You are a good person." Girls, they’re different.”

Xiaoxue took the oden, forced a smile and nodded: "Yes, I know, thank you."

"You're welcome, walk slowly."

Just then, a pink Beetle parked outside.

It wasn't until the car stopped safely that An Yan breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing Jade with a devilish smile, he rolled his eyes and said, "Still smiling, let's get out of the car."

"I told you I'm an experienced driver, but you don't believe me."

An Yan didn't want to talk to this rotten girl, so she opened the car door and walked into convenience store No. 444.

"Tch, it's boring."

Seeing An Yan leaving directly, Jade curled her lips, pulled out her car keys, got out of the car and followed him in.

Xiaoxue happened to pass them by.

Jade took another look at Xiaoxue, but found nothing, so she thought she had made a mistake.

Xia Dongqing was still packing her things. She raised her head and shouted welcome, only to realize that it was An Yan.

Ignoring the greetings with Xia Dongqing, An Yan said directly: "Dongqing, Zhao Li hasn't come back yet?" Xia Dongqing shook his head and said: "I haven't seen anyone else tonight. I sent him a message just now, but he didn't reply. I."

"An Yan, why are you so anxious to find him?"

"That's troublesome." An Yan frowned, and then said: "It's a long story, Dongqing, can I lend you your computer?"


"Miss, what do you want?" Xia Dongqing saw the jade behind An Yan, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, but she quickly calmed down.

He is a self-restrained and polite person, so naturally he will not show off any pig-like behavior.

"I came with him." Jade pointed to An Yan who was sitting in front of the computer. He looked at An Yan who had a calm and steady face, and then looked at Xia Dongqing who had a somewhat rebellious temperament. Her eyes lit up: "Do you know An Yan? What's the relationship?"

An Yan, who was searching for building information, looked up and saw Jade with glowing eyes. He knew that this rotten girl must be thinking about something bad, so he said to Xia Dongqing: "Dongqing, leave her alone."

Xia Dongqing was a little confused about the relationship between the two. She thought An Yan was just joking, so she smiled and said to Jade: "My name is Xia Dongqing, An Yan's roommate."

"What? You still live together!"

Suddenly, Jade looked at the two of them with a rosy look in her eyes, and a series of corrupt articles appeared in her mind.

Xia Dongqing, on the other hand, scratched his head in confusion. He always felt that the girl in front of him had a strange look in his eyes, which made him feel like he was covered in hair.

An Yan didn't have time to care about this rotten girl. He searched on the computer for information about Ruian Financial Building. The reason why he couldn't kill the evil ghost was because they didn't find the right method.

Shui On Financial Building was built 20 years ago. Since the building was built, Shui On Financial Company has been making rapid progress and has become a dark horse in the economic market.

However, in recent times, Ruian Financial Company has experienced frequent accidents and seems to be in a state of weakness, which has suddenly attracted the attention of many people.

There are endless reports on the Internet about Shui On Financial Company and Shui On Financial Building.

"Rui'an Financial Building?"

After clearing the oden table, Xia Dongqing walked behind An Yan and couldn't help but be surprised when she saw the search terms on the computer.

Thinking of the big business An Yan had mentioned during the day, he immediately thought of the recent reported haunting incident in Ruian Financial Building.

"An Yan, is this the big business you're talking about?"

"Well, I didn't expect him to be a tough guy."

An Yan answered Xia Dongqing's question while quickly sliding the mouse to browse the web.

Although the relationship between the two people in front of her was a bit awkward, when Jade thought of 400,000, her mind instantly sobered up, so she had to suppress the ripples in her mind first.

She walked aside, frowned and said, "How long will it take you to find him like this? Wouldn't it be better to just ask the man named Jia?"

"If he knew, he would have said it a long time ago. If he didn't want to say it, it's useless for you to ask." An Yan said lightly, without taking his eyes off the computer screen, "And this building was built twenty years ago. At that time, I'm afraid Manager Jia hasn’t even joined the company yet.”

That old man might know something.

An Yan recalled the chairman during the day. When he mentioned that there was a ghost, his eyes twinkled with guilt.

It seems that the plan laid out by Mr. Feng Shui goes far beyond the lobby.

The Eight Diagrams Mirror, which gathers Yang and disperses evil spirits, is probably not that simple.

He immediately re-modified the search terms, Ruian Financial Building Feng Shui, strange things.

Soon, a newspaper from twenty years ago appeared on the computer.

After seeing the newspaper report about Rui'an Financial Building, An Yan had an idea.

"found it!"

(End of this chapter)

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