Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 59 The routine depends on Zhao Li

Chapter 59 The routine depends on Zhao Li

The night is hazy and the neon lights are bright.

Outside a hospital, Zhao Li's big jeep was parked.

"Ouch! It hurts!"

In the injection room, Officer Zhao was giving a spanking injection.

Seeing that Li Zhao was a very cool and handsome man, but now he was acting like a child, Xiaoxue put away the used syringes and medicine bottles and said with a smile: "You are such an old man, why do you still complain of pain when you get an injection?"

"You are so cold that you have a cold. When you go back, keep warm and take your medicine on time and you will be fine."

"You are my medicine."

Xiaoxue was stunned for a moment and then reacted: "What did you say?"

Zhao Li pulled up his trousers, straightened his clothes and walked out. He said handsomely: "I said, you are the medicine that heals me."

Hearing what Li Zhao said, Xiaoxue felt a little flattered in her heart, feeling secretly happy, vain, and feeling like she had found a close friend.

"This is an original quote from Zhang Ailing's novel. Do you also like to read Zhang Ailing's novels?"


"This is what Fan Liuyuan said when describing his long-lost lover Bai Liusu in Love in a Fallen City, but I think it's more suitable for you."

Zhao Li seemed very confident and calm when he spoke, and his handsome appearance gave Xiaoxue a lot of impression.

No, Xiaoxue could no longer withstand Officer Zhao's offensive. Feeling surprised and panicked, she hurriedly turned around and pretended to pack away the syringes, showing a shy smile.

Her indifferent boyfriend didn't know these words, and the long time they spent together had already worn out their passion.

The appearance of Zhao Li undoubtedly dropped a stone into the stagnant water, causing ripples.

Seeing Xiaoxue with her back turned to him, Zhao Li showed a successful smile. This girl chasing girls is nothing more than bold and thoughtful, and then she has money in her pocket.

Fortunately, he has these advantages.

You have to strike while the iron is hot, so he immediately stepped up his offensive.

"By the way, I haven't asked you what your name is yet?"

Seeing Li Zhao coming to her side, Xiaoxue replied softly: "My name is Bai Xiaoxue."

"Bai Xiaoxue, that's a very nice name." Zhao Li went straight to the point, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

Xiaoxue's face suddenly turned red and her movements became awkward. After seeing the handsome look of Zhao Li, the words she was about to spit out turned into a shy smile.

Several days passed.

Convenience store No. 444.

An Yan opened the store door and walked in. She skillfully opened the refrigerator and saw the dazzling array of ice cream inside, and directly picked an old popsicle.

It’s not that I can’t afford it because I don’t have money, it’s that the old popsicle is more cost-effective.

After tearing open the packaging bag and taking a sip, An Yan nodded. The smell was still the same.

"If you eat this at night, it won't be too cold."

Xia Dongqing, who was sitting in front of the counter as usual, took the dollar handed over by An Yan, wrapped her Qiu clothes a little tighter and said with a look of disgust.

"Don't you northerners always talk about eating ice cream around the fire?" An Yan, finally free and relaxed, took another sip.

"There's no stove here."

"By the way, Wang Xiaoya still remembers it."

Xia Dongqing suddenly mentioned Wang Xiaoya, and An Yan naturally remembered it. How could the heroine forget it.

"Remember, that unlucky kid picked up a bunch of ghost papers and used them as soft girl coins, and there is no one left."

Thinking of what happened that night, An Yan couldn't help but laugh.

Xia Dongqing couldn't laugh, and said rather bitterly: "You are happy. If you hadn't brought me the person I met that night, I wouldn't have known what I would have done."

Anyone who sees a ghost taking out a ghost paper to buy something at night will feel unlucky, even though he is a big wronged person who often sees ghosts.

"Little things, little things, you get used to them if you see them often."

"It's not necessary."

"Hahaha." Seeing Xia Dongqing's speechless expression, An Yan finished laughing and asked, "Why did you mention her so suddenly?"

Hearing this, Xia Dongqing said: "She came to me and you just now and said that in order to repay the kindness of saving her life, she wanted to treat us two to dinner."

"A life-saving grace? Shouldn't you repay it with your life?" An Yan winked and joked. The old popsicle went in and out of his mouth, making a sweet slurping sound. "If you want to go on your own, I still want to take the postgraduate entrance examination." Xia Dongqing rolled her eyes at An Yan. She must have had too many contacts with Zhao officials and couldn't keep up.

"Just a joke, just a joke." After An Yan comforted Dongqing, he said nonchalantly: "Since someone invites you to dinner, let's go. If you don't eat, you won't get it."

"Did you say when?"


“Today is a good day”

The convenience store door opened, and Zhao Li walked in with sexy steps and humming a song, his face full of pride and happiness.

Xia Dongqing asked strangely: "You are so happy, did you win the lottery?"

It's rare to see this guy so happy.

"It's more fun than winning the lottery." Zhao Li said with a smile. Then he saw An Yan eating an old popsicle. Zilaisu reached out and said, "Good brother, give me a bite too."

"If you want to eat, go get it yourself." An Yan slapped the hand away in disgust. He still remembered what this guy did to him.

"Dele, I'm just waiting for your words." Zhao Li smiled cheekily, opened the refrigerator and took the most expensive one, and said to Dongqing: "Charge it to my good brother's account."

My brother and I have a heart-to-heart connection, and my brother and I play with our brains. An Yan rolled her eyes.

"No, how come you two have become good brothers?"

Of course Xia Dongqing would not really ask An Yan for money. When have you ever seen the boss ask for money to eat his own food? He was just curious about how the relationship between the two suddenly became so good, which made him a little jealous. It was obvious that he met An Yan first.

"Don't ask, it's just a matter between brothers. Don't mind it." Zhao Li stood between the two of them and turned to Dongqing.

"Tch, I don't want to know yet."

Xia Dongqing turned around and left to organize the shelves.

"Hey, do you still want your salary?"

Official Zhao was worried. The little white rabbit at home was going to rebel.

An Yan reached out and said resentfully: "Where are the things?"

"Ahem, it's almost over." Zhao Li glanced at Dongqing and whispered: "It will be done soon."

"You said the same thing a month ago." An Yan finally saw clearly what Official Zhao was like. He was very reliable when he was reliable, and he was absolutely unambiguous when he failed.

"It's true this time, the medicine has begun to blend." Zhao Li was quite impressed, "The taste is getting better and better."

"Just wait for my good news."

the next day.

Zhao Li came to the hospital with a large bouquet of roses and found Xiaoxue.

Seeing the arrival of Zhao Li, Xiaoxue was happy and shy. The exclamations from her colleagues greatly satisfied her vanity.

After she saw what her boyfriend had done, her mentality had begun to change. Especially after she became beautiful, her boyfriend's completely different attitude made her feel satisfied with her current self and unable to extricate herself. .

She said shyly: "Why are you here?"

"I think we should date."

Seeing Zhao Li's affectionate eyes, Xiaoxue became shy. She turned around and saw more and more people paying attention. She pulled Zhao Li out of the corridor.

Perhaps out of the girl's reserve, she said after a long time: "You'd better leave, don't come to me, they are all talking about it, and the impact is not good."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Zhao Li did not hesitate, turned around and pretended to leave, and he understood the trick of playing hard to get.


Sure enough, when she saw Officer Zhao turn around, Xiaoxue regretted it. She felt that she deserved better now, rather than lingering on the past of failure, so she called out to Officer Zhao.

Zhao Li turned around and asked meaningfully: "Are you speaking from your heart?"

After hesitating for a moment, she finally said it: "Actually, I lied to you. I already have a boyfriend."

Seeing the expression on Xiaoxue's face, Zhao Li understood that he had already taken it.

So he stepped forward and took Xiaoxue's hand, and said affectionately: "Xiaoxue, listen carefully. Being with you can't guarantee anything except happiness."

Bai Xiaoxue's heart was moved. She was tired of the boring life with her boyfriend.

(End of this chapter)

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