Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 69 The Hanging Sword is Targeted

Chapter 69 The Hanging Sword is Targeted
  While An Yan was busy practicing and running commissions, Kong Xiaolong also made great progress.

Things at the funeral home made progress, and the criminal gang headed by Ding Qiang was successfully arrested and brought to justice.

"Ding Qiang, your problem is serious. If you tell me honestly, you can still seek leniency."

In the interrogation room, Kong Xiaolong and another colleague threw the information in front of Ding Qiang and shouted sternly.

The colleague next to him also said: "Someone has provided our police with evidence of your crime, and your subordinates have also confessed you."

"The most you are guilty of is stealing and selling corpses. If you don't explain the situation clearly, you may be charged with drug trafficking. Drug trafficking can be punished by the death penalty."

"Think about it for yourself, whether it's worth it."

Kong Xiaolong knew that when dealing with someone like Ding Qiang, he had to make him feel afraid. As long as he was afraid, he would naturally say anything.

The handcuffed Ding Qiang looked at the confession and photos on the table, his face turned pale, and he knew he was finished.

He knew that the only way to go before him was to be frank and to be lenient. Now that the evidence was conclusive, if he resisted to be lenient, he would only be guilty of a higher crime.

When he heard that he was still being accused of drug trafficking and might face the death penalty, Ding Qiang shouted unjustly: "Officer, I didn't sell drugs. At most, I just stole and sold corpses. It was Heihu who told me that he wanted corpses to arrange a ghost marriage. I was confused for a moment. I agreed, but I really didn’t know they were drug dealers, using corpses to transport drugs.”

Seeing Ding Qiang finally speaking, Kong Xiaolong and his colleagues looked at each other, both seeing the joy in each other's eyes, and finally got useful information from Ding Qiang's mouth.

Kong Xiaolong asked: "Black Tiger? Who is Black Tiger?"

Facing Kong Xiaolong's questioning, Ding Qiang's face was full of decadence and regret. He no longer concealed it, just hoping that he would be sentenced to a lighter sentence in the end.

"Officer, I said, I just hope that my innocence will be cleared by then. I really didn't sell drugs."

"Be honest and be lenient. We will not wrong a good person and we will not let a bad person go."

Kong Xiaolong has no mercy for these criminals. Why didn't he expect this day to come when he committed the crime. I only regret it after the incident happened. If regretting is useful, why do we need the police to come?
  Ding Qiang nodded repeatedly like he was trying to make trouble: "Yes, yes, officer, you must catch Hei Hu and clear my name. He was the one who used money to seduce me, damn Hei Hu."

"I, Ding Qiang, the most despised person in my life is this kind of drug dealer. He should be arrested for target practice."

"Okay, okay, let's get to the point." Kong Xiaolong frowned, he was not here to listen to Ding Qiang complaining about people.

Ding Qiang smiled awkwardly and immediately said: "Hei Hu is a local snake in our area, and the Tiger King Bar is his property. His men usually transport the bodies, but he rarely comes in person."

"So, officers, if you want to catch Black Tiger, you can go to Tiger King Bar."

Suddenly, Ding Qiang remembered something and raised his hand: "Officer, if I provide clues to prevent a murder case, can you reduce my sentence?"

"Murder case?" Kong Xiaolong didn't expect that Ding Qiang knew a lot of things. His expression became serious: "Speak quickly and I will write it into the report for you."

Ding Qiang was overjoyed and quickly told the story about the hanging sword, "I suspect that Black Tiger will find someone to get rid of the hanging sword."

"Asshole, why are you talking about such an important thing now?"

When he heard the word "Xuanjian", Kong Xiaolong's expression changed drastically and he asked his colleagues to take Ding Qiang back. He immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Ding Xiaoyu's number.

Just during the day, Xuan Jian's identity was exposed online, causing a storm in the city. Now anyone who surfs the Internet knows that Xuan Jian is Ding Xiaoyu.

In a restaurant, Ding Xiaoyu was sitting and waiting for her boyfriend Xu Ning to bring the information, otherwise all her efforts these days would be in vain. Ding Xiaoyu looked at the negative comments about her on Weibo. Rumors were flying everywhere. Now she urgently needed to slap these people in the face with a report she had prepared long ago.

While she was waiting anxiously, she suddenly felt a chill running down her spine, as if she was being stared at by something. She has been traveling in dangerous areas to collect evidence all year round, and her sixth sense is no worse than that of those battle-hardened soldiers.

Even ordinary people will feel something if they are stared at for a long time.

Her heart sank, and when she looked back, she found a man wearing sunglasses sitting in the direction of the door, with a cold expression, facing her side, motionless.


The yellow talisman hanging on her chest suddenly became hot, waking her up. She turned around quickly and pretended not to notice anything.

Ding Xiaoyu grasped the yellow talisman through her clothes with one hand, a flash of panic flashed in her eyes, and murmured: "You can't be so unlucky!"

Just then, the phone rang.

She picked it up and saw that it was Xu Ning. She was overjoyed and immediately picked it up without caring about her own safety.

"Hey, Xiaoyu, I'm here, where are you?"

"I'm at the very back, right here." Upon hearing this, Ding Xiaoyu immediately turned around and waved to Xu Ning, who was looking at the door.

"Don't let your information cause me to lose my job." Xu Ning came and sat down, took out a USB flash drive from his bag and handed it over.

Seeing Xu Ning's worried look, Ding Xiaoyu said funnyly: "We have been together for several years. If I really want to lose my job, you can leave with me during the day."

"Don't worry. If we really want to pursue the case, I'll just say that I backed it up myself."

Hearing this, Xu Ning felt reassured, but felt that he was too timid, so he emphasized: "I'm being cautious, so as not to accidentally get hurt."

However, as soon as he got the USB flash drive, Ding Xiaoyu was preoccupied with posting on Weibo. He didn't listen to Xu Ning's words at all, but thought to himself: "Thank you anyway, I worked very hard to get these information." .”

Xu Ning, who was opposite, saw Ding Xiaoyu's stunned look and said with an unhappy expression: "No, Ding Xiaoyu, why are you still thinking about posting on Weibo now?"

Hearing Xu Ning's words, Ding Xiaoyu said naturally: "Of course I want to post on Weibo, there are so many people waiting for me. I just want to let those criminals know that what they have done will one day Exposed.”

Xu Ning naturally still had feelings for Ding Xiaoyu, and said with a hint of anxiety in his tone: "Are you really not afraid or not? Your identity has been exposed now. If you continue like this, something will happen to you sooner or later."

Facing Xu Ning's words, Ding Xiaoyu showed a stubborn expression and said angrily: "They should be the ones who are afraid! I didn't do anything bad, why should I be afraid?"

Xu Ning was also a little irritable, but she still said sincerely: "Xiao Yu, I know what you are doing is right, and I know you have many fans, but do you know how many good people and how many bad people are there?"

"When something happened to you and you were raped, they didn't know how happy they were to spread the news!"

"The sugar cane is not even sweet at both ends. Everything has pros and cons. I can understand what you said about bad people among the masses. However, I believe that there are many people with a sense of justice after all."

Ding Xiaoyu knew, but so what, if she was afraid, she wouldn't be a hanging sword.

"What we cannot deny is that it is precisely because of their forwarding and comments that more people know the truth of the matter, attracting everyone's attention, and allowing the matter to lead to a good result."

(End of this chapter)

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