Chapter 82 Moving
  "What happened to Yizhuang? Was there a fight last night?"

the next day.

Qiu Sheng and A Wei, who came to Yizhuang early in the morning, were shocked to see their master's room in ruins.

"You two are here just in time, I just have something to announce."

Uncle Jiu walked out of the inner hall, saw Qiu Sheng and Ah Wei, twisted his waist and said refreshed.

Qiu Sheng and Ah Wei approached and took a good look at the master: "Master, why do you feel so much younger?"

I could see that Uncle Jiu's originally somewhat gray hair was now black and shiny, and his face was rosy. He didn't look like someone in his fifties at all.

Compared with yesterday, I saw a different person.

An Yan and Wen Cai came over. When Wen Cai saw them, he couldn't wait to tell what happened to his master last night.

With his excited look, those who didn't know thought it was Wen Cai who had made a breakthrough.

The two of them were stunned for a moment by flying to the sky, escaping from the earth, and fighting against the God of Thunder.

"Don't listen to Wen Cai's nonsense. I just made a breakthrough in my cultivation, which makes me an immortal."

Uncle Jiu waved his hand and walked in.

An Yan smiled and said: "Anyway, the master is very happy today. Come in, we may have to move."

"move place?"

Qiusheng and Awei, who had just arrived, looked at each other and followed them in without knowing why.

The five people sat around the table, An Yan and the others looked at Uncle Jiu.

Uncle Jiu didn't waste any time: "You guys have also seen the situation in Yizhuang. The area on the east side was completely destroyed, and it almost spread to the inner hall."

"So Yizhuang needs to be renovated, and we may have to move out temporarily during this period."

Upon hearing this, Ah Wei immediately patted his chest and said, "Master, let's move to the town. I happen to have a big yard on the edge of Renjia Town, no smaller than this."

Uncle Jiu looked at Awei. This seemed to be a good choice, but he still had to make some things clear: "Awei, you have to think clearly. During this period, the things in the hall will also have to be moved."

The things in the hall are all ghosts and monsters that he has subdued. Naturally, these things cannot be left here.

As for the corpses in the morgue, they are all ordinary corpses. They will not transform into corpses if suppressed by talismans, so it doesn't matter if they stay here in Yizhuang.

Ah Wei said indifferently: "Master, you know the situation in my family. I have no father and mother, and I am not married. Besides, as long as you are here, master, I am not afraid of any ghosts."

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai whispered, "Flattery!"

When An Yan saw this, he finally understood why Ah Wei could be accepted as a registered disciple by Uncle Jiu. It was not without reason.

When Uncle Jiu heard this, he didn't hesitate and immediately decided: "Okay, then we will temporarily move to Awei's house first."

After solving the problem of accommodation, Uncle Jiu continued to make arrangements: "There are still some spirit babies enshrined in the hall, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai. You can send these spirit babies to my junior sister, Aunt Zhue."

"Aunt Sue?"

An Yan couldn't help but express his doubts. Did he remember that the character Sue Gu was not in the new Mr. Zombie?

In this drama, most of them are the original cast members, and Ah Wei has transformed into a warlord.

"Forgot An Yan, you haven't met your senior sister-in-law, Aunt Zhue." Uncle Jiu then said, "Well, you go with Qiu Sheng and Wencai, and meet your senior sister-in-law by the way."

Ah Wei had naturally seen him before, after all, he was not like An Yan, who only stayed squatting for more than a month and then ran away.

"Okay." An Yan nodded and had a guess in his mind. He was afraid that this was Uncle Jiu's comprehensive world. It seemed that Uncle Jiu had mentioned his senior brother Shi Jian before.

When thinking about the plot in New Mr. Zombie, An Yan didn't know whether to be happy or sad for Uncle Jiu.

"Awei, please join me and help move the things in Yizhuang over there."

Awei nodded.

After breakfast, we divided the work and cooperated. Uncle Jiu brought An Yan and the others to the inner hall, and carefully put the spiritual babies into the baskets one by one.

Among them, a gray-black baby statue is very eye-catching.

Uncle Jiu also specially brought a small box to put it in.

"You must hand this resentful baby into the hands of your aunt. He is different from other spiritual babies. Because he has been aborted over and over again, he is full of hostility and extremely evil."

"Leave it to Aunt Sue, she knows how to deal with it."

"I understand, master."

The three of them were naturally talking about what they were doing. Among them, An Yan knew that the resentful baby was weird and would not let the original thing happen again.

Although Uncle Jiu's breakthrough is now stronger than before, there are some things that should be avoided as much as possible.

After picking up these spiritual babies, they left Yizhuang and headed to Gu Gu.

The three of them rode bicycles very fast, and finally arrived at Gu Gu's residence in the next town at noon.

Just when they saw Gu Ze asking about the rice, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai walked over with their things, followed by An Yan.

The image of Gu Gu was indeed very similar to Sandra Ng. She was dressed in colorful clothes. When she saw the two troublemakers Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, she said angrily: "What are you two doing here?"

When he saw An Yan behind him, his eyes lit up and he asked again: "Who is he?"

An Yan walked up with a smile and bowed, "Hello, Senior Sister, I am An Yan, the third disciple of Uncle Ninth."

"Are you the Taoist genius Lin Fengjiao said?" Gu Gu was startled, and then looked at An Yan curiously.

Judging from Gu Gu's cultivation, she couldn't tell much, but when compared with Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, An Yan seemed surprisingly pleasing to the eye.

"I dare not take it seriously." In front of the elders, An Yan naturally did not dare to show his arrogance and complacency.

"You are much more polite than these two bastards."

Qiu Sheng was used to it and smiled casually: "Master asked us to send the spirit baby over to you, and by the way, we brought An Yan over to see you."

"Okay, I've seen him, where is your master? Why is he here?" Gu Gu looked outside, but she didn't see Lin Fengjiao, and she looked disappointed.

Wencai replied: "Master is busy moving and has no time to come over."

"Tch, he uses this as a nursery?"

Gu Gu said dissatisfied when she heard this.

An Yan was afraid that these two guys would trick the master again like before, so he quickly handed over the resentful baby in his hand: "Sister, before we came, the master specifically asked us to hand this resentful baby into your hands."

"What is it?" Gu Gu took it and opened it, her face changed, and then she complained: "Your master is really good at summoning people. He can send you all kinds of things."

"You guys come with me."

Although she complained, Gu Gu still accepted all these spiritual babies.

"Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai, put these spiritual babies on the altar. An Yan, come with me."

Those good spiritual babies are naturally placed on the altar, waiting for those who come to ask for a child to invite them back. Before the resentment is eliminated, the resentful baby needs to be covered with red cloth and placed in the inner hall where incense is continuously worshiped day and night in order to eliminate the resentment on the body.

Because of An Yan's intervention, Gu Gu was not distracted, and the resentful baby was placed in the inner hall.

"Go back and tell your master that he will do it himself next time."


The three of them nodded quickly and ran away quickly.

Gu Gu, who is full of resentment, is more terrifying than the ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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