Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 84 The church reopens

Chapter 84 The church reopens
  When An Yan returned, Uncle Jiu and the others were still in their dreams, so they put the few lonely ghosts suppressed by Huang Fu into the Fenggui Wine Jar.

Those few lonely ghosts were still struggling desperately, trying to beg An Yan to let them live.

"Hmph! You still don't know what's good for you when you find a treasure. My master has saved you and sent you to the underworld. It's hard for you to be exposed to the sun and rain all day long, and you have to be bullied by other evil spirits."

After hearing this, a few lonely wild ghosts thought that this was the truth, so they worshiped the shooting again happily.

"It's just me. If it were another evil cultivator, he would look so stupid and help others count their money without being sold."

After sealing several unlucky ones, An Yan set up the wine jar and then went back to his room to catch up on his sleep.

"Master, good morning."

When An Yan woke up, he happened to see Uncle Jiu doing Maoshan Bodybuilding Boxing.

Before Uncle Jiu could speak, he concentrated his magic power and gathered a cloud under his feet, carrying him up. An Yan said proudly: "Master, I have learned the cloud climbing technique and the golden light spell. Do you remember to teach me?" I use lightning and thunder fist."

"I'm just thinking about what's in the master's box." Uncle Jiu glared, but smiled bitterly in his heart. Although he had been mentally prepared for it, when he saw this terrifying talent in cultivation three years later, he still lamented that it was infuriating to see him compare to others.

Just at this moment, Qiu Sheng and the others came out and saw An Yan standing on the clouds like a legendary immortal. They immediately exclaimed: "An Yan, have you become an immortal?"

The literary talent who had seen his master perform the cloud-climbing technique was full of envy and said, "This is the cloud-climbing technique that master taught An Yan. I didn't expect An Yan to learn it so quickly."

"Cloud Climbing Technique!" Awei's eyes burned when he heard this, and he immediately ran to Uncle Jiu and asked shamelessly: "Master, I want to learn it too!"

"Yes! Master, I want to learn too!"

Qiu Sheng was also shouting. He was thinking excitedly, if he learned this trick, would he still be afraid of not being able to find a wife?
  Wencai, who knew the inside story, was snickering, but he didn't say anything. These two unlucky guys would definitely be scolded again.

Qiu Sheng saw that Wen Cai was silent and asked strangely: "Wen Cai, why are you laughing? Don't you want to learn?"

You know, in normal times, when there is something good, Wen Cai will definitely be the first to jump out.

"I don't want to. Master, I'm going to buy breakfast." Wencai, who had just been called the night before, waved his hands quickly, then shouted to Uncle Jiu and ran out quickly.

Seeing this, Qiu Sheng's heart skipped a beat, and he had an ominous premonition. He turned around and saw his master, Uncle Jiu, frowning.

Uncle Jiu spoke up and said, "I treat you all equally. If you want to learn, I can teach you."

"But look at you two, one has just gained magic power, and the other can't even draw the Thunder Talisman."

"You haven't learned to walk yet, but you want to learn to fly?"

As he said that, he picked up the cane on the side and whipped Ah Wei on his buttocks, making him scream in pain.

"Ouch! Master, I was wrong, I don't want to learn anymore!"

Awei said quickly, holding his butt and running away.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Qiu Sheng wanted to run away, but was stopped by Uncle Jiu.

"Where are you two going? Have you finished your morning classes?"

An Yan lowered his cloud head and dispersed the magic power. He couldn't help but feel funny about these two guys, "You two, just work hard and avoid making the master angry."

Qiu Sheng said aggrievedly: "An Yan, people are different."

"Yes, yes." Ah Wei nodded.

"It's reasonable for you two to be lazy, right?" Uncle Jiu crackled his cane whip and lectured: "Diligence can make up for weakness. You are already less talented than others, and you are still lazy. How can it be the same?"

Uncle Jiu's words left the two of them speechless.

"Why don't you practice quickly?"

Seeing that the two of them still had bitter looks on their faces, Uncle Jiu said angrily and asked for braised pork with rattan. The two were so frightened that they started practicing in a hurry.

Ah Wei said with a sad face: "Master, beating people won't solve the problem."

"Hmph, I think I can solve your problem."

Uncle Jiu doesn't like Awei's tricks. The things passed down from his ancestors are specially designed to treat lazy people.

"Master! Something bad has happened!"

Wencai, who originally ran out to buy breakfast, ran in quickly carrying fried dough sticks and white porridge with a look of panic on his face.

As if in response to Wencai's words, the bells rang.

"Wencai, what's wrong? Speak slowly!"

Wencai ran too fast and staggered without looking at the road. Fortunately, An Yan helped him quickly, otherwise he would not have had breakfast.

"An Yan, thank you." Wen Cai said gratefully at first, then thought of something and panicked like ants on a hot pot: "There is a group of people claiming to be Christians who have come to compete with us and want to reopen the church."

"They were distributing items there, saying that if you don't believe in humans or ghosts, you should believe in them, dogs, and the Lord."

An Yan was confused when he heard this. Christian can understand, what is a dog? God?

When Qiu Sheng heard this, he suddenly became angry and looked at Ah Wei: "Ah Wei, someone is here to cause trouble, what should I say?"

"Go to the street! How dare you step on my, Awei's place? You don't take me, the security captain, seriously!" Awei was also angry. If he didn't give his master Jiu Shu face, he didn't give him Awei face. How can I bear this?

He immediately said to his master, Uncle Jiu: "Master, I will immediately go back to the security team and ask Brother Qi to copy the guy and find the place!"

"Calm down, everyone." Uncle Jiu stopped the irritable Ah Wei and Qiu Sheng, and looked at Wencai: "Wencai, who did you just say gave the order to reopen the church?"

Wencai scratched his head and recalled what he had just heard: "Master, it seems he is a dog seller."

"Huh? You said that the dog-selling guy on the street has the right to call for the church to be reopened?" Uncle Jiu was stunned when he heard this, and then said.

Seeing Uncle Jiu's misunderstanding, An Yan had to come out and explain what a dog seller was.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Jiu became even more angry when he understood what An Yan meant. He pointed at the west and cursed: "When did the gods from the west take charge of our land in the east? What kind of bullshit did God of his ask our Jade Emperor?" Yet?"

"Copycat, let's go take a look together."

Seeing Uncle Jiu walking out angrily, the four senior brothers looked at each other. The one who told him to calm down was the master, and now the one who called the guy to copy was also the master.

"What are you still doing? Let's catch up quickly!"

"Awei, go and get the security team and all the guys."

An Yan, who knew what happened, naturally couldn't let others look down on them, so he immediately called Ah Wei to pull them over.

If nothing else, for ordinary people, those guns are much more intimidating than them.

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Awei ran out quickly after hearing this. In this town, even the mayor would treat him somewhat poorly, so naturally he would not be afraid of Christianity that sells dogs.

All the people on the street outside flocked to the long-abandoned church. It was said that a group of monks who sold dogs came from the Vatican and were distributing free food and clothes.

It is said that if you believe in a dog seller, you will get a gift.

They don't care, as long as they have something to take, they will trust anyone who sells chickens and ducks, let alone dogs.

(End of this chapter)

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