Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 9 The plot begins

Chapter 9 The plot begins

One month passed in a blink of an eye.

Early this morning, Uncle Jiu took Wencai and An Yan out.

"Master, can I not drink foreign tea?"

Wencai followed Uncle Jiu, scratched his head and said awkwardly.

When An Yan saw this scene, a flash of emotion flashed in his eyes, and the plot finally began.

In the past month, he has made breakthroughs in Taoist Tuna Technique and Maoshan Bodybuilding Boxing again. His state is close to the middle stage of Qi Refining and Qi Transformation. He has caught up with Qiu Sheng, and his drawing of talismans has also made great progress.

Progress: 90%
  [Taoist breath-taking method, proficient in it, proficiency: 150/1000. 】

[Maoshan Body Forging Boxing, extremely proficient, proficiency: 200/1000. 】

[Drawing symbols, proficient in painting, proficiency: 30/1000. 】

[Feng Shui, no beginner, proficiency: 500/1000. 】

Looking at the last Feng Shui, An Yan didn't expect it to be so difficult to become a qualified Feng Shui master. Just getting started requires a thousand points of proficiency.

According to Uncle Jiu, no matter how much you learn about Feng Shui, it is better to practice it once. Only by learning more and seeing more can you achieve success in this art.

"What? When did you offend Master Ren?"

Uncle Jiu stopped and looked at Wencai doubtfully.

If the previous literary talents heard that there was a banquet, which time would they not be the first to run the fastest?

"No, no, master." Wen Cai waved his hands hastily. Who in Ren's town dares to offend Master Ren. He said a little coyly: "I have never drunk foreign tea. I am afraid that I will make a fool of myself and give you to master." Shame on you."

"You really think about the master!"

Uncle Jiu raised his eyebrows.

It suddenly occurred to him that he had never drank foreign tea. What if he made a fool of himself then?
  No, you still have to bring the talented person with you. When the time comes, let the talented person come in advance.

"Master, Wencai, in fact, foreign tea is not as complicated as you think, it is just like the tea we usually drink." An Yan couldn't help laughing when he heard the conversation between Uncle Jiu and Wencai.

As soon as An Yan spoke, Uncle Jiu and Wen Cai remembered that An Yan was dressed like a foreigner when he first arrived.

"Yes, An Yan is here too." Wencai's eyes lit up.

"Okay, let's go, don't keep Master Ren waiting too long."

Uncle Jiu became more and more satisfied with An Yan as his apprentice. After a month of watching, he made a decision in his mind.

Let’s settle Master Ren’s matter first.

As their thoughts flowed, the three of them soon arrived at a Western restaurant.

Under the guidance of the waiter, the three of them found Mr. Ren.

"Uncle Jiu, hello, please sit down."

Ren Fa, who was sitting in his seat, saw Uncle Jiu coming and hurriedly stood up to greet him.

"Master Ren!"

Uncle Jiu also put on a smile and raised his hand behind his back.

"You two have also met Master Ren."

"Haha, no need to be so polite, please take a seat."

An Yan and Wen Cai were sitting aside, while Uncle Jiu was talking politely to Ren Fa.

"I heard that Ling Qianjin came back from the provincial capital? Didn't you come with her?"

"This girl just finished learning makeup, and she's teaching people everywhere when she comes back."

Ren Fa's tone was a bit complaining, but his face was full of doting, showing his doting on his daughter.

"Looking at how ugly you are, your daughter is not much better."

Wen Cai glanced at Ren Fa and muttered quietly.

An Yan, who knew the plot, was looking forward to it, wondering if Ren Tingting would look better in reality.

"She is coming!"

Ren Fa pointed behind Wencai and said with a smile.

Wen Cai looked back with three parts coolness, one part joke, and four parts carelessness. He was mentally prepared to laugh.

The only thing missing was a nosebleed.

Ren Tingting was seen walking quickly in a pink low-cut long dress, wearing a dainty hat, and carrying a bag, smelling of perfume. Wencai stood up immediately.

An Yan saw Uncle Jiu's gloomy expression and Master Ren's surprised gaze, and grabbed Wencai: "Wencai, wake up."

Before realizing he was still in the western restaurant, Wen Cai was startled. When he looked back, he saw Uncle Jiu glaring at him fiercely, as if he was telling him to be honest.

Wencai was so frightened that he sat down hurriedly.

Ren Fa can understand. As a man, although his daughter is not a beautiful woman, she is still a first-class beauty. People who propose marriage to him are almost breaking the threshold of the Ren family.

"Dad!" Ren Tingting walked happily to Ren Fa.

Ren Fa said dotingly: "Sit down quickly."

Uncle Jiu was also a little surprised and said: "Master Ren, I didn't expect that your daughter is so rich?"

"It's really big!"

Seeing Wencai's pig-like behavior, An Yan shook his head, Wencai was dead.

When we return to Yizhuang, Uncle Jiu's meal of "rattan braised pork" is absolutely indispensable.

Ren Tingting gave Wencai a disgusted look. In her eyes, Wencai was undoubtedly a toad who wanted to eat swan meat.

Just then the waiter came over with the menu and asked what to order.

Ren Tingting's eyes lit up, and she thought of a good way to deal with the three masters and disciples in front of her.

"Bring me a cup of coffee."

"I want a cup of coffee." Wencai also said.

"A cup of coffee."

Uncle Jiu and An Yan also ordered coffee.

Seeing this, Wen Cai leaned his head and whispered to An Yan: "An Yan, I want coffee too."

When Ren Tingting heard this, she couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering when she saw Wen Cai's stupid look.

"Coffee is coffee." An Yan said helplessly.

Hearing this, Wen Cai's face turned red, and he realized that he had made a fool of himself again.

When Uncle Jiu saw this, he was glad but regretted that he had brought Wen Cai here. He would have known better that he had only brought An Yan.

After hearing An Yan's words, Ren Tingting asked curiously: "Do you know English?"

"I know a little."

Mr. Ren ignored the quarrels of the juniors and looked at Uncle Jiu: "Uncle Jiu, regarding my late father's coffin removal and burial, did you choose an auspicious day?"

"Master Ren, I think you should think it over carefully first. It is better to remain silent than to move about something like this."

"Uncle Ninth, I have thought it through." Mr. Ren waved his hand and said, "The feng shui observer said that after twenty years, the coffin must be lifted up and buried. This will be good for our Ren family."

Wencai couldn't help but want to show off in front of Ren Tingting. Just when he was about to speak, he felt someone was teasing him. When he looked back, it was An Yan.

Now that Uncle Jiu is his master, An Yan will naturally no longer be like an outsider and watch Uncle Jiu lose face.

He is a disciple of Uncle Jiu. He has both glory and loss. Uncle Jiu is embarrassed, and his disciple is also disgraced.

Without the interruption from the literary talent, Uncle Jiu saw that Ren Fa had made up his mind and said, "Then let's go to Shenshi in three days."

"Master Ren, Huang Baiwan is here, over there."

The waiter said next to Mr. Ren.

Ren Fa heard this and said to Uncle Jiu: "I'll go over there and say hello. Uncle Jiu, you can do whatever you want."

Before leaving, Ren Fa told the waiter: "Bring some egg tarts to greet them."

With him here, naturally the bad things like a sip of coffee, a sip of milk, and a sip of sugar would not happen.

"Master, let me help you."

Seeing Uncle Jiu's dilemma, An Yan took action before Tingting, adding two spoons of sugar and pouring some milk into the black coffee in front of Uncle Jiu, and then stirred it evenly.

When Ren Fa came back, Ren Tingting saw that it was no longer interesting here, so she had the idea of ​​​​leaving.

"Dad, I'm going to buy some rouge and gouache."

After finishing the foreign tea, the first thing Uncle Jiu did when he returned to Yizhuang was to pick up the cane and prepare to pamper the literary talent.

(End of this chapter)

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