Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 91 Not an enemy of one

Chapter 91 Not the same enemy

The servants of the mayor's family screamed and ran away when they saw the zombies.

How much money do they make per month? Naturally, he would not be stupid enough to fight zombies hand-to-hand.

By the time Priest Tulong led his people out of the study on the second floor, the Western zombies had already broken through the door with a group of monk zombies, blocking the escape route for everyone on the second floor.

The zombies have their fangs exposed and look fierce.

When the casino owner saw Father Wu who had turned into a corpse next to the Western zombie, he couldn't help but grabbed David and shouted: "My dear nephew, didn't you say he can handle it? Trouble, trouble!"

"If I had known, we would have listened to Uncle Jiu's apprentice and burned the body."

David saw the zombies glaring at him one after another below, and his face turned pale with fright. The mayor was even more unbearable, and his short and fat body could not stop trembling.

"I don't know if Father Wu is a idiot. He's just a fool." Faced with the accusations from everyone, he hurriedly looked at Taoist Tu Long, "Tu Long, if you can kill these zombies tonight, we'll give you a share." Let me give you 10% more.”

Upon hearing this, Tu Long, who was greedy for money and lust, couldn't help but rush out: "Remember what you said, I'll be right back."

Tu Long jumped down from the second floor and quickly took out the corpse-suppressing talisman. He roared like a tiger descending from the mountain. The loud sound made the ears of the people upstairs ring.

Seeing the brave performance of Taoist Tu Long, everyone couldn't help but cheer and encourage Taoist Tu Long.

When the Western zombie saw Tu Long charging towards him with a yellow talisman in hand and a ferocious expression on his face, he seemed to be restrained in place, allowing Tu Long to put the yellow talisman on his forehead.

Soon, after three strokes, five divided by two, Taoist Dragon Slayer put all the yellow talismans on the heads of a group of zombies, and finally clapped his hands and returned to the Western zombies.

"How dare you, little zombie, be so arrogant in front of me slaying a dragon?" Looking at the immobilized zombie, he sighed with disdain, then turned around and prepared to go up and claim credit.

However, when he looked at the people upstairs, he didn't see the cheers he imagined, but the scary expressions of seeing a ghost.

David quickly raised his hand and pointed behind Tu Long, fearfully shouting: "Dragon Tu! Behind you!"


Before Dragon Slayer could react, a pair of pale hands pulled him back, and the burly Dragon Slayer was pulled into the arms of the Western zombie like a toy.

What greeted Tulong's eyes was a bloody mouth, a fishy smell assaulting his nostrils, and the zombie with the yellow talisman on it actually moved.

Tulong's pupils shrank and he tried to break away from this fatal embrace.

However, the Western zombie's arms were like fine steel. No matter how hard he struggled, his big hands did not loosen but became tighter.

He only felt a pain in his neck, let out a miserable cry, and died miserably under the fangs of the Western zombies with unwillingness and fear.

Everyone on the second floor got excited and cursed Tulong for being a cheat. Is this your enemy? Then he screamed in fear: "Run!!!"

This sound seemed to trigger some kind of switch, and the monk zombies behind the Western zombies ran wildly towards everyone, and no one was spared.

The originally lively mayor's house instantly turned into a hell on earth, and screams could not be heard.

"Help, help!!!"

"Awei! Open the door quickly!"

In the courtyard, there was a small square table with peanuts, melon seeds and tea on it. An Yan and A Wei were leisurely drinking tea.

Hearing the sound outside the door, An Yan dropped the melon seeds in his hand, stood up and stretched: "The show has begun!"

When Ah Wei heard this, he immediately ran to open the door.

A group of wealthy businessmen ran in in fear.

An Yan looked at the group of wealthy businessmen who were like frightened birds with a smile, and asked: "Everyone, why don't you go out for a walk without sleeping at night? I happen to have melon seeds, peanuts and tea here, do you want some?"

The people who were still in shock looked embarrassed when they heard this. When they thought of the scene of demons dancing outside, how could they still be in the mood to drink tea?

They hurriedly shouted: "Zombies! There are a lot of zombies outside!"

"Where is your master, Uncle Jiu? Let him go and take care of all those zombies."

"Yes! Yes! Where is Uncle Jiu!" A group of people were clamoring to see Uncle Jiu and ask him to come out and clean up the mess.

Ah Wei stood next to An Yan and said, "Unfortunately, my master is out for something."

"What? Why is he not here at the critical moment?"

"This is bad now!"

The wealthy businessmen were immediately miserable.

They were fine at home, but a group of zombies wearing Qing Dynasty clothes jumped in.

Fortunately, these were purple zombies with limited destructive power. They were blocked by the iron gate, which gave them a chance to escape.

When they came out, they discovered that garlic was hung on the door of every house in the town. Only then did they remember what Ah Wei and the security team did during the day.

So they hurried to Uncle Jiu.

"Everyone, do you know you are afraid now?"

"When the church was reopened, my master had already warned me. If the church reopens, there will be chaos in Renjia Town, and people may even die."

"But what about everyone here?"

An Yan's cynicism made many wealthy businessmen look ashamed and regretful.

"We know we were wrong, please help us."

"Awei! You are the captain of the security team, you can't just die without saving me!"

Rich businessmen who are filled with regret are now playing the emotional card one after another.

Ah Wei said that he was powerless, "Everyone, it's not that I don't want to help you. Although I worship Uncle Jiu as my teacher, my talent is dull and I have only scratched the surface."

"However, my senior brother An Yan is different. He has learned the true legacy of his master."

Everyone who was about to fall to the bottom, as if grasping the last straw, looked at An Yan: "Master An Yan, please save us, we already know that we were wrong."

"If we don't take action, Renjia Town will really become a hell on earth."

An Yan had held his breath for so long, so naturally he couldn't let go all of a sudden. Instead, he said, "Then, will you listen to my master's words from now on?"

"Listen! Listen to everyone!"

After this time, the wealthy businessmen still dared not to listen to Uncle Jiu and nodded without hesitation.

An Yan asked again: "Can the church still be opened?"

"It won't open! It won't open!"

Everyone shook their heads quickly and gritted their teeth and said: "We will seal it tomorrow without Uncle Jiu doing anything."

"Remember, God is watching what you do. If you dare to do evil in the future, be careful."

Finally, An Yan left a profound sentence. Everyone was shocked and felt a chill in their hearts. What did this sentence mean?
  Without giving everyone time to think, An Yan said to Awei: "Awei, let's go."


Awei Pidianpidian followed behind An Yan. The other people in the courtyard looked at each other and quickly followed.

On the other side, Western zombies led almost thirty zombies and walked majestically on the streets of Renjia Town.

But why is there a strong smell of garlic all around?

What about people?

The Western zombies who were originally preparing to go on a killing spree were stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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