Soul Ferry: My master is Uncle Jiu

Chapter 95 July 7th, the door of hell opens

Chapter 95 July th, the door of hell opens
  In Chinese folklore, July is the ghost month, and the fourteenth day of July is also called the Ghost Festival, which is also the day when the gates of ghosts are opened.

On this day, those ownerless souls will be escorted up by ghost messengers to receive alms from the human world.

As a bank clerk hired by the underworld, Uncle Jiu would start work to help print ghost coins at this time.

At the same time, on this day, there will also be people specially coming to perform ghost shows.

Back at Ah Wei's house, Uncle Jiu said, "An Yan, go change your clothes first, and then come to the hall. I have something to say."

An Yan nodded in agreement, and then went to get water from the well to take a bath.

In the shower room.

An Yan rubbed the dirt off his body and used magic power to grow hair. He didn't want to be bald.

Then he opened the panel to check. When he saw the changes on the panel, he couldn't help but be surprised and said: "The Thunderbolt Fist actually replaced the Maoshan Bodybuilding Fist. Is it because the Lightning Thunder Fist was the reason for its superiority?"

The Lightning Thunder Fist naturally also comes with a body-building method, otherwise it would not be possible for the body to absorb the violent power of thunder.

However, because the body-building method of the Lightning Thunder Fist is too overbearing, it draws thunder into the body from the beginning, so it is necessary to practice Maoshan Body-Building Boxing or other body-building techniques to lay the foundation.

This was also the beginning, when Uncle Jiu said why practicing the Lightning Running Fist requires a small level of Maoshan Bodybuilding Fist.

[Shangqing Big Cave Scripture, extremely skilled, proficiency: 0/30000. 】

[Lightning Thunder Fist, Xiaocheng (Thunder Intention Transformation), Proficiency: 0/15000. 】

Maoshan Body Forging Fist is just not displayed on it, but An Yan can still use Maoshan Body Forging Fist freely.

Of course, with higher priority skills, he would naturally not waste his energy on Maoshan Bodybuilding Fist.

Just looking at the proficiency of the Lightning Thunder Fist, An Yan put on a bitter look. This proficiency was second only to the Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing, and exceeded the proficiency required to master the Maoshan Body Forging Fist.

This is really painful and happy!

An Yan smiled bitterly. This was the reason why he had to give up. Otherwise, when his skills increased, he would still be unable to survive even if he didn't eat or drink every day.

He could already imagine the terrifying proficiency required by the legendary Immortal Cultivation Techniques. In the future, wouldn't each skill require millions or even tens of millions of levels of proficiency?
  Fortunately, as he breaks through the refining of gods and returns to the void, it is not a problem to live for hundreds of years. If he breaks through the refining of the void and combines the Tao, he can live for thousands of years.

After becoming an immortal, as long as you can escape the three disasters and avoid the five declines of heaven and man, you will be able to live as long as heaven and earth.

After thinking about the bright future, An Yan shook his head and stopped thinking about it. People still have to be down-to-earth and take one step at a time.

When he came to the hall, Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai and A Wei had already arrived.

Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai and A Wei looked at An Yan with their eyes a little straight. Why do they feel that An Yan has become handsome again?

"Why are you looking at me? You three?"

An An sat aside, and when he saw the three people staring at each other, he got goosebumps.

"No, it's nothing."

The three shook their heads.

Uncle Jiu smiled and said nothing. He naturally knew that it was because An Yan had just made a breakthrough and his breath could not be controlled well. He could just wait for two days.

Seeing that everyone was here, Uncle Jiu also said, "I asked you to come. I have something to tell you."

"In a few days, it will be the Chinese Ghost Festival on July 14th. As a bank supervisor hired by the underworld, I also need to start printing ghost coins."

Hearing this, Qiu Sheng smiled casually and said, "Hey, Master, I thought it was something. Isn't it necessary to print Ming coins every year?"

"It's good to know."

Uncle Jiu continued: "The printing tools are all over there in Yizhuang, and Yizhuang has been repaired these days, so I think it's time to move back."

"Huh? Are you moving back?" Wencai said with some reluctance. Life in the town is much more exciting, and there are big plays to watch in the evening.

Uncle Jiu narrowed his eyes and looked at Wencai: "What? Do you want to stay?"

"Of course. I don't want to anymore, master, I will go wherever you go." Wencai almost said the wrong thing with his quick mouth and said slightly embarrassed.

"Huh!" Uncle Jiu snorted coldly, making Wen Cai shrink his head in fear. “Awei, I’m sorry to trouble you during this time.”

Ah Wei said quickly: "No trouble, no trouble, as long as the master wants, we can move back later."

Uncle Jiu was in a better mood, and finally looked at An Yan: "An Yan, what about you?"

"Of course I have no objection. Speaking of which, I haven't seen you printing Ming coins yet, Master." An Yan smiled, then remembered the Ming coins in the soul ferry and asked curiously: "Master, do Ming coins need to be cast with Yin De? "

Uncle Jiu looked at An Yan in surprise, "How do you know? The making of Ming coins does require the use of Yin De. The Yin De of the Ming coins made for me are all provided by the underworld."

Of course, if it is the usual production of Ming coins, Uncle Jiu's own Ming coins are used, such as the Ming coins used to bribe ghosts.

An Yan lied and said, "No, I heard about it when I was traveling."

"Is everyone okay now?" Uncle Jiu asked, and when he saw that they were all gone, he waved to dismiss the meeting.

"Okay, let's all go back and rest. We'll get up early tomorrow to move."

the next day.

Returning to Yizhuang, Uncle Jiu's room had been renovated, and other places had also been repaired.

After settling in, Uncle Jiu made arrangements: "Qiu Sheng, you and An Yan are going to prepare the paper, Wen Cai is going to get the templates, and A Wei is going to prepare the materials needed for the ink."

"Go and open an altar for my master to report to the underworld."

After hearing this, An Yan followed Qiu Sheng to prepare the paper.

As for why he still wanted to report it to the local government, he asked Qiu Sheng and he understood.

Anyone who has printed money knows that this money cannot be printed casually and must be determined according to market conditions.

The same is true for underworld coins. Uncle Jiu had to ask the underworld for usage and how to decide how many denominations to print.

After burning incense and reporting, Uncle Jiu ground it with the materials prepared by Ah Wei, and then said to Wencai: "Wencai is printing five thousand taels this year. Wencai, please bring over the five thousand taels template."

"Five thousand taels? If you give it to me, I'll be rich!" Wencai took out the template of five thousand taels and said enviously.

An Yan happened to come in with a roll of paper. Hearing Wencai's words, he smiled and said, "Wencai, when the printing is finished, ask the master to give you some sheets."

"Then forget it." Wencai was not stupid.

When he heard that five thousand taels were to be printed, Qiu Sheng asked curiously: "Master, didn't we print four thousand taels last year? Why is it different this year?"

Uncle Jiu said while grinding: "Now prices are rising. Everything above is more expensive, and the trend below will naturally increase."

"I know this. I heard people say this is called inflation." Ah Wei showed off the gossip he had heard.

"Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense and get to work quickly."

Uncle Jiu was not in a good mood, and he was not so active in his work, but he was quite active in his speech.


Once I started working, I didn't finish until the night of the Ghost Festival.

Uncle Jiu could finally breathe a sigh of relief and said, "Qiu Sheng, An Yan, prepare all the coins. When I finish writing the notice, we can burn it together."

"it is good."

As for Wencai and Awei, they had already gone away to be lazy, but he had told Wencai that the show in town tonight was for ghosts, and I believe Wencai would not go because of his timid character.

Uncle Jiu also wrote with great pen and ink: "It can be identified by the signature of the person holding the main seal as proof. If there is any forgery, he will be sent to the eighteenth level of hell and will never be reincarnated."

"Take this as a warning and as a warning to others."

"Lin Fengjiao, the appointed printer in the world of the underworld."

 Two chapters will be updated first, there will be more in the afternoon, please subscribe! ! !
  (End of this chapter)

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