My experience in Soldier Assault Liver

Chapter 114 This is shooting on the move

Chapter 114 This is shooting on the move
  114 This is shooting on the move
  Niu Zhiguo's words made Chen Fan stunned for a moment.

Seizing this gap, Niu Zhiguo struggled hard, broke away from Chen Fan, and ran out.

After running for five or six steps, when he was sure that Chen Fan could not catch up, he stopped again and said with some embarrassment: "Chen Fan, I'm not. No."

He hesitated a few words, not knowing how to explain it. He felt guilty and disappointed with himself, and he was extremely upset all of a sudden.

But at this time, Chen Fan had already reacted. He smiled and said indifferently: "Okay, okay, I don't know what kind of birdman you are Niu Zhiguo? If you don't want to do it, just get out of here -"

Niu Zhiguo was stunned, and looked at Chen Fan up and down, and found that there was no sad expression on his face. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, and he smiled: "Chen Fan, then I will really get out!"

After saying that, he did not forget to roll around on the ground twice, which really made Chen Fan burst into laughter. Seeing this, Niu Zhiguo finally let go and ran away without any trace. Guilt.

Chen Fan touched his chin and thought secretly in his heart. The bright sunshine poured in from the sky, coating his person with a different color. The wind blew gently. It was no longer cold, but kept calling. Under the buds and branches that have been sleeping all winter.

After standing there and thinking for a while, Chen Fan raised his head and let out a long breath. Shooting while moving seemed difficult to do. Neither the company management nor the top soldiers below were very supportive. However, This is really understandable, and to be honest, if this thing is too easy, then there is no need for him to do it. The more difficult things are, the more they can demonstrate their value.

"Come on, little by little, slowly!"

Chen Fan was not in a hurry and was very calm.

It's break time.

The 702th Steel Company is not the only one doing target practice with infantry combat vehicles. Several other mechanized infantry companies of the Regiment also have infantry combat vehicles. They also have to engage in target practice and shooting, but there is only one shooting range, so everyone takes turns and takes breaks. , conduct the simplest live-fire shooting first, and then proceed to complex training.

The Seventh Company had just completed a round of target practice. At this time, some personnel were inspecting and maintaining vehicles, and some personnel were immediately replenishing weapons and ammunition. However, most of the soldiers were doing nothing, looking for a place to rest, drink some water, and chat.

Chen Fan looked around and finally found an empty and uninhabited place. He started exploring by himself and studied how to shoot while moving.

His approach, to be honest, is not advisable. If it were another person, he would definitely be criticized, because doing this is like a headless fly. The most likely thing is that time and energy are spent, but in the end there is no effect at all.

Isn't there a famous saying that says well, if you work hard in the wrong direction, the harder you work, the more mistakes you make. However, Chen Fan is different from ordinary people. He is a systematic person. A systematic person is naturally different from ordinary people. Therefore, he only needs to spend enough time and energy. As for the results, it is not important, because what he wants is system experience, and he can use this experience to buy what he wants.


Chen Fan quickly ran from the left to the right.

He ran very fast this time, running 100 meters in about fifteen seconds.

Fifteen seconds for 100 meters. This speed must be extremely poor in a sprint competition, but Chen Fan is now exploring shooting while moving, and he is not on flat ground, so this speed is already very fast.

It was even so fast that he couldn't make any tactical moves at all.

He is already at 70 points in fighting, his skills are very flexible, and his hand-eye coordination is very good, but at this speed, even he cannot make accurate tactical movements, or even if he does, it is very difficult. reluctantly.

"In other words, if you want to have a good effect when shooting while traveling, there is a speed range."

"The suitable speed range for different people is definitely different, but on the battlefield, too slow will definitely not work. Therefore, a minimum speed must be designed for shooting while moving."

Chen Fan summarized while experimenting.

Not long after, the system's natural sound rang in my mind.

[Ding - You have explored the relevant know-how of shooting while on the move. Not only have you experimented with your hands, but you have also used your brain to summarize. Your experience is +500.] Chen Fan was quite satisfied with this reward. He couldn't help but curl his lips and smile.

"Let's try aiming."

Chen Fan put the butt of the gun on his shoulder and took aim while moving.

This tactical move was not a figment of his own imagination. He remembered that in his previous life he had watched some military-related videos and had seen many armed police soldiers training like this.

Of course, he didn't know the specific details and requirements, he just had a general idea, so at this time, he imitated them.

But he tried many times, but he couldn't move quickly and aim accurately at the same time. You can't have both. These two things are like the two quantities in the uncertainty principle. If you want one, the other won't work. The other one, this one doesn’t work.

"Is it impossible to aim accurately when shooting on the move?"

Chen Fan's heart suddenly moved, and he suddenly remembered the company commander's previous lecture, asking them to learn to shoot based on feeling.

However, the premise of what the company commander said at that time was that it was windy and sandy today and the visual field conditions were not good, so he could not see the target clearly, so he had to aim based on his feeling.

So, does it also mean that it is impossible to aim accurately when shooting while on the move, and can only be roughly aimed, or more simply, can only be based on feeling?
  Chen Fan was groping around when a figure suddenly walked towards him from the three o'clock direction.

He stopped and took a look. It was none other than Shi Jin.

"Squad leader?" Chen Fan grinned.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm studying shooting by myself." Chen Fan chuckled.

Shi Jin walked up to Chen Fan without haste and stretched out his hand. Chen Fan was stunned for a moment before he realized what he was doing, so he quickly handed his Bayi Bar to Shi Jin.

Shi Jin didn't speak either, just holding the gun with both hands.

He held the handguard with his left hand, then pushed the gun slightly to the right, keeping his left arm neutral.

He held the grip with his right hand, clamped his forearm slightly horizontally, and placed the butt of the gun against his right side.

At the same time, he fixed his eyes on the target, looked at the crosshair with his peripheral vision, worked together with both hands to roughly point the gun at the target, put his left foot on the ground and fired at the same time, shooting as he moved.

After doing this, he hung the gun sling on his shoulder and started shooting.

After doing these two, he returned the gun to Chen Fan.

But Chen Fan was stunned and could no longer speak.

But he was not in a hurry, he just waited patiently. After a while, Chen Fan came back to his senses. He raised his head and looked at Shi Jin with wide eyes.

Shi Jin patted him and smiled: "This is shooting while traveling!"

(End of this chapter)

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