My experience in Soldier Assault Liver

Chapter 123 Contact superiors and criticize Gao Cheng

Chapter 123 Contact superiors and criticize Gao Cheng

123 Contact superiors and criticize Gao Cheng

When we returned to Steel Company 7 that night, everyone was extremely tired.

Everyone left the military camp from the dawn of dawn, until night enveloped the earth, and vehicles had to turn on their headlights to see the road clearly. Only then did they return to Steel 7th Company. Such high-intensity training is not what Chen Fan is doing. Iron Man was also very tired, so on the way back, everyone in Dongfeng Army Kali leaned on one another and fell asleep. Even Bai Tiejun, who loved the noisiest thing, slept like a dead pig.

Naturally, the first thing to do when returning to Gang 7th Company is to take a shower and change clothes.

Today the shooting range is dry and windy, and everyone is looking dusty, so the first thing to do is to take a shower and change into clean clothes, and then go to the cafeteria to eat.

After dinner, it was already around eight o'clock in the evening and almost nine o'clock in the evening. After a little rest, it was time to go to bed.

However, Chen Fan did not rush back to the dormitory, but ran to Gao Cheng's office first.

Gao Cheng didn't have time to go to the cafeteria to eat, so the cooking team made a big bowl and put it in the office. When Chen Fan arrived, Gao Cheng was devouring his meal. He hadn't taken a shower or changed clothes. He was still covered in gray, and his eyebrows were covered with gray. There were still big specks of dust hanging on them, but he didn't care.

"Company Commander, let me make a call." Chen Fan knocked on the door and shouted a report. He walked in with a smile without waiting for the company commander's response. Gao Cheng was fine at the moment and was just eating, so Chen Fan just barged in like this Gao Cheng didn't care about the way he went. He just pointed at the location of the phone with his eyes.

Chen Fan walked to the phone, sat down on the chair carelessly, then picked up the phone and pressed a series of phone numbers. It beeped for a while, and then the call was connected. Chen Fan quickly said: "Hello, comrade, I am a soldier of the 702nd Regiment of the Capital Military Region. My name is Chen Fan. I would like to ask you to help me find Li Yun and Li Gong. Please ask him to answer the phone."

"OK, wait!"

The other party put down the phone and went out to call for someone. He said he would be back soon, but after waiting for more than a minute, there was no response.

"I'm afraid Li Gong has long since forgotten which onion you are?" Gao Cheng gloated beside him.

Chen Fan dialed again.

After several seconds, the call was connected. This time, Chen Fan changed his tone. After the call was connected, he said in a leader's tone: "Find Li Yun for me and tell him that the Type 73 infantry fighting vehicle mm smoothbore The cannon problem is solved!”

The other party was stunned for a moment and said hurriedly: "Okay, okay, I'll report it to Gong Li right now!"

He didn't hang up.

Sure enough, more than thirty seconds later, the sound of rushing into the office was heard. Soon, Li Yun grabbed the phone: "Hey, what did you just say? Did you say that the smoothbore cannon problem has been solved?"

Chen Fan said in a deep voice: "Yes, Mr. Li, I have found a solution to this problem. My plan is to directly replace it with a 30mm machine gun. The 73mm smoothbore gun is no longer suitable for future combat needs. No matter how it is repaired, After tinkering with it, he is completely out of date. The best solution in the end is to replace it with a 30mm cannon. I have specific data and plans here!"

Li Yun was stunned for a moment by what Chen Fan said.

Because what Chen Fan said was purchased from the system mall, there is no doubt about its professionalism, scientificity, and advanced nature.

Many of the views in it surprised Li Yun, and even gave him a feeling of seeing the sun through the clouds, which inspired him a lot and benefited a lot.

After listening to Chen Fan's introduction, Li Yun was very excited and even danced a little bit. He immediately said: "Okay, okay, I will come early tomorrow morning. Oh, by the way, what is your name? Where is your unit? ?”

Hearing Li Yun's words, Gao Cheng, who was eating and taking the last few bites of the bowl into his mouth, burst into laughter and sprayed rice all over the floor. However, Chen Fan didn't feel anything at all. Li Gong was a typical science and engineering man who devoted himself wholeheartedly to scientific research. It was normal and not surprising for them to say such things, and there was no need to feel that he was being slighted or something was wrong with him. He said very calmly and patiently: "Gong Li, I am Chen Fan from the 702th Company of the nd Regiment. Last time you came to our company to investigate the Type Infantry Fighting Vehicle, I also helped you solve the clutch problem."

"Oh - it turns out to be you. Thinking about it, remembering -" Li Yun suddenly realized.

Chen Fan chatted with him for a few more words and agreed on the following matters.

However, many specific matters are difficult to communicate on the phone and can only be discussed in person.

"Company Commander, I'm done fighting. I'm going back first!" Chen Fan put down the phone and said to Gao Cheng with a smile.

"Wait a minute." Gao Cheng put the bowl on the table, looked around, and then found a napkin. It was wrinkled and had a little yellow on it, a bit like oil stains. I don't know if it has been used. , but he didn't care, and wiped his mouth with the piece of paper, then stood up and made himself a cup of tea, and also poured a cup for Chen Fan. Finally, he came and sat down opposite Chen Fan.

"Did the captain talk to you today?" Gao Cheng asked directly without beating around the bush.


"The 115th Regiment will compete with us next month. Their strength is no worse than ours. Now, they have the advantage of being more familiar with the equipment and their strength is definitely stronger than ours. So if they want to win this confrontation, It’s not easy, Chen Fan, do you have any ideas?”

"Company Commander, if you say something wrong, don't hit me!"

Gao Cheng couldn't laugh or cry: "Am I that kind of person?" He rolled his eyes at Chen Fan and added: "Besides, you kid can even catch murderers. Can I beat you?"

Chen Fan chuckled. He also felt that his words were a bit redundant. After taking a sip of hot tea, he said: "Company Commander, if you want to defeat the 115th Regiment, you will definitely not be able to rely on other brothers. Time It’s too short. In just a few days, it’s hard to make any big breakthroughs in equipment proficiency, so if we want to defeat the 115th Regiment, we can only rely on our Seventh Company!”

Gao Cheng nodded heavily. He was very confident about this and thought so.

"Continue." He encouraged Chen Fan.

"Company Commander, the combat effectiveness of our Seventh Company is already very strong, but if we want to significantly improve it in the short term, there is only one way, and that is to strengthen on-the-move shooting training, whether it is infantry shooting, machine gun shooting, or artillery shooting. We need to start on-the-move shooting training immediately, but——"

"But what?" Gao Cheng was stunned.

"Company Commander, but to be honest, it is probably very difficult to accomplish this!"


"Company Commander, our Seventh Company overemphasizes the role of individuals and does not do enough in terms of collective consistency and unity and cooperation. Shooting while the tank is in motion requires the concerted efforts of all members!"

"Are you criticizing me for not being united?" Gao Cheng frowned, looking a little unhappy: "During training today, I was saying that twelve people in a class are a whole and a gun. Have you forgotten this?"

"Company Commander, I haven't forgotten. That's what you said, but you still value individuals too much. Those soldiers with excellent grades are treasures in your eyes, but those with poor grades are just shit in your eyes. If you keep looking at the soldiers in our company in this way, it will be difficult for our unity and cooperation to work well!"

(End of this chapter)

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