My experience in Soldier Assault Liver

Chapter 402: Digital Construction of Air Breakout Camp

Chapter 402: Digital Construction of Air Breakout Camp

Digital construction of 402 airborne assault camp

As Chen Fan was talking, his heart suddenly moved.

"Why don't we just digitize the air assault battalion?"

The digital construction of the military has been studied in theory for many years, but due to one or other reasons, it has never been realized in reality.

The air force battalion will definitely be digitized in the future, because digitization is the general trend.

It's just that there are so many things to do at present, Chen Fan didn't think of this for a while.

So, if that's the case, why not start this work now?

Thinking of this, Chen Fan became interested. He quickly sat up straight and looked at Lin Xiaoyan with smiles in his eyes.

"Batalion Commander, what's wrong with you?"

Generally speaking, a digital division has about 2000 fewer soldiers than a traditional mechanized division, and the number of major equipment will also be reduced by a quarter. However, after digitization, the unit's lethality, survivability, and combat speed will be greatly improved.

"Yes!" Chen Fan nodded: "Digitalization is a major trend in the future. If this is the case, why don't we do it now?"

The more Chen Fan spoke, the more excited he became, and the more he spoke, the more confident he became.

"Xiao Lin, have you heard of digitalization?"


According to the demonstration of the US military, the combat effectiveness of a mechanized force of the same size can be increased by more than three times after being converted into a digital force.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Start doing it first, and then solve the problem when you encounter it. Step by step, we will definitely be able to achieve it one day."

Chen Fan had previously suggested to the railway that if Lao A wanted to transform, the best choice would be to engage in digital construction. However, the railway also said at that time that if Lao A wanted to upgrade to a brigade and engage in digital construction, the span would be too big. The difficulty was too high, so in the end he decided to build an air assault battalion first, because in his opinion, the equipment and personnel of the air assault battalion were ready and only needed to be reorganized. But if the air assault battalion also became digital , then, the combat effectiveness of the air assault battalion will inevitably be improved to a higher level, and the air assault battalion can also explore a way for Lao A.

"Digitalization?" Lin Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Of course I've heard of it, what, battalion commander, do you want to do this?"

The U.S. Army Digital Office concluded that “using information age technologies, the number of combat platforms has been reduced by 25%, the scope of the battle space has been tripled, combat time has been reduced by half, and the number of enemies annihilated has doubled.”

Compared with mechanized forces in the general sense, digital forces will have the advantages of faster combat operations, simpler combat command, more convenient combat support, and significantly enhanced combat capabilities.

Lin Xiaoyan was startled.

When non-digital troops engage in night battles, the first-time hit rate of artillery is only 8%, while the first-time hit rate of digital troops' artillery can reach 73%.

Why is it necessary to develop a digital force?

"Yes, we must start digitalization as soon as possible!" Chen Fan made up his mind.

A multifunctional artillery piece of the digital army that can fire both conventional artillery shells and operational tactical missiles will have a strike capability equivalent to that of a conventional howitzer battery.

Digital troops refer to a new generation that uses digital electronic information equipment and mechanized main battle weapons as its leading equipment to realize the integration of command and control, intelligence reconnaissance, early warning detection, communications, and electronic countermeasures and the intelligence of main battle weapons to adapt to the requirements of future information warfare. combat troops.

Because a new form of war will enter the stage of history.

The U.S. Army has clearly stated that the future battlefield is a network-centered digital battlefield, and the purpose of establishing a digital force is to enable the U.S. Army to have "information system control capabilities" on the digital battlefield, that is, to "create a battle space between ourselves and the enemy." There are major differences in terms of transparency and the ability to know about combat operations. Our own commanders can control the battle process, while enemy commanders have no information and cannot effectively command the battle."

It enables troops from individual soldiers to commanders at all levels, from combat, combat support to combat support systems, to have the ability to acquire, transmit and process battlefield information to maximize the effectiveness of people and weapons.

Of course, it is not easy to achieve digitization. The first step is to digitize various terminals, such as artillery, tanks, etc. The digitization of these equipment alone is not a small project, but the air assault battalion has one advantage. The air assault battalion is mainly composed of helicopters and individual soldiers. The digitization of helicopters has basically been realized. As for individual soldiers, this is actually not difficult. Therefore, in theory, the digitization of the air assault battalion can be realized.

"Xiao Lin, it's settled. The digitization work of the Air Force Oversight Battalion will be put on the agenda soon. You are still responsible for this work!" Lin Xiaoyan was stunned. After she came to her senses, she grimaced: "Battalion Commander, I I still don’t have a clue about the work here.”

"If our airborne assault battalion is successfully digitized, then the most core place in the battalion is the digital center. I will let you be the director of the digital center. In addition, in the process of digitization, I will give you what you want? If you need people, give them to others. If you need money, you need equipment, and I will help you get equipment. If there are technical problems, I will solve them. Tell me, what other support do you want?"

Lin Xiaoyan opened her mouth, but in the end, she just stood upright with a snap and saluted: "Promise to complete the mission!"

"I firmly believe that you can do it, because you are one of the most beautiful, smart and capable soldiers in our air assault battalion!" Chen Fan solemnly said those coaxing words about not asking for money.

"Yes!" Lin Xiaoyan replied loudly, with high spirits and high morale.



Lin Xiaoyan saluted, turned and left.

Chen Fan watched her back drift away, and finally disappeared from sight. After a pause, he touched his chin and chuckled. He felt like he was about to become a cake painting master!

"Well, hurry up and find the captain to draw another pie, and take the opportunity to ask for something else!"

However, he did not rush over. Instead, he took out paper and pen and started writing.

After finishing writing, he happily found the railway with the materials in his hand.

"Captain, here it is!" He handed over the materials.

"What is it?" Railway was startled. Seeing that Chen Fan didn't answer but just smiled, he had to take it and looked at it suspiciously: "Brigade A's airborne assault camp digital construction plan?"

Railway suddenly raised his head and looked at Chen Fan, his face full of surprise: "You want to engage in digitalization?"

"Captain, digitization is the future development trend of the army and cannot be stopped. However, there is no ready-made experience on how to implement digitization. Therefore, I want to use the air assault battalion as a blueprint to find a plan. Captain, if we If it succeeds, when Old A upgrades to a brigade, he can directly apply this mode!"

Railroad nodded.

Ever since Chen Fan mentioned the concept of digitalization to him, he has been thinking about it from time to time. Whenever he has the opportunity, he should inquire and learn from others. The more he studies, the more he feels that digitalization is definitely the core and direction of the future. The more he studies The more I want to do this.

But to be honest, this job is not easy to do, because there is currently no case to follow. Some foreign countries do have this thing, but they are all top secret and cannot be shown to you. So, if the air raid battalion can take this matter If you do it, it will definitely be a great thing.

However, the railway did not rush to agree. He carefully looked at Chen Fan's plan. Finally, he raised his head and looked at Chen Fan and asked: "Your airborne assault camp has just set up the framework. It will be launched soon." With so much work, will you be too busy? What if you end up focusing on one thing and not the other, and can’t do anything well, and only scratch the surface of everything? My suggestion is, if you have limited energy, then it’s the same Come on, don’t be greedy!”

"Report, we have enough energy!"

Railway raised his head and looked directly at Chen Fan for five seconds. Finally, he nodded: "Okay, since you are so confident, then I support you!"

"Captain, what about this?" Chen Fan rubbed his right thumb and index finger together and made a gesture of counting money.

Railway was stunned for a moment, then laughed and cursed for a moment: "I knew you kid would definitely come to me to ask for money again, and sure enough -" He soon straightened his face: "No! Do you want money?"

"Really not?"

"Really not!"

"Captain, if you don't have it here, then I can go to the military region and ask the leaders for it. I think many leaders in the military region will definitely be interested when they hear that we are going to engage in digitalization!"

"You!" Railway pointed at Chen Fan with his index finger, wanting to poke him hard. Finally, he smiled helplessly: "Okay, okay, I'll give you two million, no more!"

(End of this chapter)

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