Chapter 420 Return to Division T

420 Back to T Division

After Chen Fan returned to the battalion headquarters, he told Hong Xingguo to prepare and return to T Division together tomorrow.

"Batalion Commander, why don't I go?" Hong Xingguo hesitated and said, and soon he found another reason for himself: "I'm very busy these days."

"No matter how busy I am, I have to go back. It's decided. I'll leave tomorrow afternoon. You need to prepare first!"

Chen Fan couldn't help but help Hong Xingguo make the decision.

Hong Xingguo felt a little aggrieved when he was in the old army, but now it was time to take him back to show off and show off his face, especially in front of a group of old soldiers from the Seventh Company, to boost his morale.

After all, He Hongtao had been working as the deputy battalion for a long time, and so had Gaocheng. Only he, Hong Xingguo, wasted a lot of time wandering around in circles.

Many people also laughed at him behind his back.

Taking him back now was just the right time for him to feel proud.

"Battal Commander, do you really want to go back to your old army? Back to the Seventh Company or somewhere else?" Cheng Cai quickly ran up to Chen Fan and asked, licking his face.

Niu Zhiguo took the cigarette that Chen Fan played for him and looked left and right, trying to see whether this ordinary cigarette was ordinary or high-end.

Niu Zhiguo lit the fire with a snap and took long puffs of smoke. At this time, he was sure that Chen Fan's ordinary cigarette box was full of good cigarettes.

"I'm going back to my old army. Do you want to go back and have a look?"

Hong Xingguo opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything. However, his eye circles were already red. Obviously, he understood Chen Fan's good intentions. After a while, he stood at attention with a snap and saluted Chen Fan.

Wu Liuyi was lighting a cigarette. After hearing Chen Fan's words, he suddenly looked up at Chen Fan, then turned to look at Chengcai and Niu Zhiguo.

Chen Fan did not hide it, but directly stated the mission and purpose of this time.

Chen Fan picked up the cigarettes on the table, flicked three cigarettes and gave them to the three guys.

"Yes, battalion commander!" Chengcai stomped his feet loudly.

"Then I'll go with you too!" Niu Zhiguo quickly changed his mind.

"First go to the division reconnaissance camp, and then go to the division headquarters. Next month we will join forces with T Division to conduct an exercise with the Southern Military Region. The captain wants me to go over and see the specific situation?"

"Divisional reconnaissance camp?" Niu Zhiguo lowered his eyebrows and thought for a moment, then said without interest: "In the divisional reconnaissance camp, the old company commander is an acquaintance!"

"Then I'll go, Shi Jin seems to be there too!" Wu Liu smiled happily, very happy.

Back in the office, Chen Fan hung up the phone to Wu Liuyi and the others.

Wu Liuyi was a little careless, so he threw away the cigarette and held it in his mouth. Then he found a chair and sat down on it.

After a while, Wu Liuyi, Chengcai, and Niu Zhiguo all came to his office.

"Batalion Commander, I'll go take a look with you. It seems Xu Sanduo has also transferred troops to the reconnaissance camp!" Chengcai said.

"Okay, then it's settled. You go back and make arrangements first. We'll go to Division T together tomorrow afternoon."

Chen Fan blew out a smoke ring and then said.

"You bitch, if you want to flatter me, why don't you wait until we're gone?" Wu Liuyi kicked Chengcai, but Chengcai had expected it. He twisted his butt, smiled, and dodged: "It's not your fault. Face-to-face photos, why do I look different?"

Chengcai quickly took out his lighter and lit the fire for Chen Fan first.

After Wu Liuyi and the others left, Chen Fan picked up the phone on the table and made an internal call to Gao Cheng.

"Hey - company commander, it's me!"

"You brat, do you remember me, the company commander? How long has it been since you called me?" Gao Cheng slapped Chen Fan as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Company Commander, I'm busy right now."

"Yes, you are a very busy man. Who in the military region doesn't know that you are the number one person in the air assault battalion of the entire army!" Gao Cheng continued to be weird.

However, it's not that he really dislikes Chen Fan, it's just that he and Chen Fan are old comrades-in-arms. When old comrades-in-arms meet, they don't say a few words or step on each other, which makes their relationship not so good.

Chen Fan was not annoyed, he just laughed. After the company commander had complained enough, he said: "Company commander, I will bring Lao Hong, Wu Liuyi and Niu Zhiguo to come to you tomorrow!"

"Did you drop by for a meal? Are you going to come to the division headquarters to discuss the joint exercise?"

"The company commander is indeed the company commander, I can't hide anything from you!"

"Tch—just your little bit of charade, I can see right through it at a glance!"

"Company Commander, hurry up and arrange the food. If it's convenient, call those brothers from the old Seventh Company over and let's all get together!"

"I know, I know, you still need to arrange this little thing!" Gao Cheng hung up the phone impatiently. In fact, he was so excited that he couldn't wait to prepare.

Chen Fan leaned on the chair and thought for a while.

He was thinking of bringing some gifts to Gao Cheng and his brothers.

When tomorrow comes, you definitely can’t go empty-handed. Moreover, this gift must be bought together with Wu Liuyi and the four of them.

Therefore, this gift cannot be too expensive, otherwise Wu Liuyi and the others will not be able to afford it.

He can't do everything by himself, otherwise Wu Liuyi and the others' self-esteem will be hit.

So he has to consider all aspects.

After thinking for a while, the plan was finalized.

The next day, he drove his small off-road vehicle and took Hong Xingguo, Wu Liuyi, Niu Zhiguo, and Chengcai to the T Division.

The division reconnaissance battalion's camp is located at the division headquarters, but one side is the division reconnaissance camp and the other side is the division headquarters.

He called Gao Cheng on the way, so when they arrived at the door, Shi Jin, who was arranged by Gao Cheng to receive him, walked out in three steps at a time and waved from a distance: "Chen Fan, Wu Liu One, become a talent, Niu Zhiguo!"


The car stopped.

Wu Liuyi opened the car door: "Squad leader, get in the car!"

Shi Jin sat in the back row.

It's already overcrowded, but here, you don't have to worry about that much.

"Instructor!" Shi Jin was very happy to see Hong Xingguo.

"Shi Jin, long time no see."

The two men shook hands.


Chen Fan stretched out his hand.

Shi Jin also stretched out his hand and shook Chen Fan heavily.

After that, he hugged Wu Liuyi and punched Niu Zhiguo. Finally, he reached out and patted Cheng Cai, who was sitting in the passenger seat.

Shi Jin has now been transferred to the division headquarters, but not in the division reconnaissance camp, but in the division headquarters staff office.

His main job is to provide relevant technical advice to the leaders of the division. For example, a leader of the division needs to calculate the time it takes for an armored vehicle to go from a certain place to a certain place, as well as the fuel that needs to be prepared, and ask other people for possible I don't know anything about it, but as long as I ask Shi Jin, no matter what the question is, he can answer it accurately.

He can even answer technical questions including helicopters.

This guy is getting better and better at this, and he is simply the technical expert of the division;
Another job is that he is responsible for the management of non-commissioned officers in the division.

T Division is an armored force. With the development of technology and the decentralization of various advanced equipment, there are more and more technical non-commissioned officers in the division. How to manage these people requires not only officers, but also a professional technical non-commissioned officer. So this job fell to Shi Jin.

All in all, Shi Jin now has a promising future as he works harder.

He doesn't know if he can reach the level of first-class sergeant major in his life, but if he works until he retires, it probably won't be a big problem.

"Chen Fan, should we go to the old company commander first or the division headquarters first?"

"Let's go to the old company commander first? Will we go to the division headquarters tomorrow?" Chen Fan answered while driving.

The sentry had opened the door and let them in.

"Then let me tell the teacher first. The teacher just told me that no matter where you want to go first, ask me to report to him." Shi Jin said with a smile.

"Hey, old squad leader, you can now talk to the teacher directly!" Wu Liuyi was very surprised and shouted exaggeratedly. Of course, he was also sincerely happy for Shi Jin.

"I'm just a mouthpiece, not a leader?" Shi Jin smiled as he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. After saying a few words, he handed the mobile phone to Chen Fan: "Chen Fan, what do our teachers want to say to you?" sentence?"

Chen Fan had no choice but to park the car aside and took the phone: "Hello, Commander, I am Chen Fan."

"Xiao Chen, you have to go to Gaocheng first, right?"

"Yes, sir. Can I come to your place again tomorrow?"

"Okay, then you all have a good time together. I'll have someone send you a box of wine in a while. You all have a good time!"

"Teacher, no need."

"Don't be polite to me. You are a soldier of our T Division. Why, you have gone home and I will entertain you with some wine. Are you still not happy?"

"Okay, thank you, sir!"

"This is your home, so don't be polite to me!"


(End of this chapter)

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