Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 13 The Ooka family’s reaction

Chapter 13 The Ooka family’s reaction



The call was hung up three times before being connected.

"Sir, Fujiwara Hoshikai doesn't answer the phone."

"Change the number and continue calling."

So the housekeeper changed various phone cards and called continuously, but all the calls were rejected without exception, and then the phone was turned off directly.

"Sir, his cell phone is turned off."

"Now that he has money and skills, he dares not to answer our calls."

The housekeeper was very unhappy. The loser who ran over to borrow money the day before yesterday changed drastically the next day.

"Forget it, stop fighting and let him be happy for a while. I believe he won't be able to keep money with his IQ."

Unexpected money that does not belong to his IQ level will also be squandered suddenly. Moreover, Fujiwara Hoshikai has been suppressed in the Ooka family for a long time. Now that he has money, he will definitely squander it. Maybe he is having a late night snack in a five-star hotel now. ?
  If you go over and have a showdown with Fujiwara Hoshikai now, you will most likely be manipulated by the other party.

The inheritance left by the head of the family to Xinghai and Hongye was too much, and even giving half of it away would make him feel particularly distressed.

"Block the news and don't let this news get out, especially it must not be known to other shareholders, otherwise the Oka Group will change its name and fall into the hands of outsiders."

"It will be arranged immediately." The housekeeper accepted the task, turned and left the bedroom, leaving Ooka Ryuji alone to think.

Originally, the Ooka family needed financing during development, so their initial equity was diluted step by step, but they were able to maintain it above 33% each time.

To this end, a special rule has been established. If the shareholders' meeting resolution holds more than 33% of the shares, they have the right to veto the leadership and commercial investment of the group. The major shareholders can adjust the general direction to complete this. This is absolute equity.

Originally, the head of the Ooka family inherited 38%, but his dead father was so confused in his old age that he insisted on betrothing his granddaughter to Fujiwara Hoshiumi and tied 20% to the two of them. wedding.

According to the suicide note, the equity of the two's marriage can be returned to the hands of the Ooka family, and they can gain a firm foothold at the shareholders' meeting.

"If he and Hongye don't get married, won't it mean that our Ooka family will never get back those equity shares and dividends?"

Ooka Ryuji is also worried. If possible, he would like to directly bypass the notary office and redeem the equity. However, it was not just the lawyers who participated in the notarization, but also some people who separated from the family.

There have always been conflicts between the main family and the branch family, but when the head of the family was alive, both parties were very restrained. At most, they would not say hello when they met, and they would go out of their way to avoid the main family when doing business.

But at the old lady's birthday party the day before yesterday, open and covert fighting was on the table, and everyone broke up unhappy.

The old lady was not happy either. She called them to the bedroom at night and scolded them.

The equity issue made everyone very unhappy, and some people were even jealous of that little bastard Fujiwara for being so lucky.

Putting aside contacting Fujiwara Hoshikai, he wanted to go to the old lady to report the situation first. She had to rely on her to make decisions on all matters big and small after the family leader died of illness.

That's right. Once the head of the family dies, the next generation of head of the family is not chosen, and all the brothers and sisters are dissatisfied with each other.

The old lady doesn't have much time left, and they can't bother her with family matters. If they don't choose a representative as soon as possible, the Ooka family will be divided.


"That's the way it is, the shareholders' meeting can be postponed. The group will still be ours until we get our equity back and no one will question us."

In fact, it won't matter if they don't have the equity certificate. Dagang Group still belongs to them. As long as other small shareholders are not allowed to unite and apply to the Commodity Inspection Commission for group reorganization, there will be no new manager. Generally, every year, we have to discuss the changes in the current year's equity, how many shares were sold to whom, and whether any dividends were withdrawn.

"What about the nearly hundreds of billions of equity dividends every year? The group's annual profit of 20% is not a small amount."

The old lady is not too worried about the change of shareholders. Everyone knows that the Ooka Group belongs to the Ooka family and no one can take it away!

"My master has already arranged it. Part of the profit sharing will be used to pay the salary of the notary office, and the remainder will be donated to the account of the World Children's Fund in the name of a welfare fund."

After hearing this, the old lady nodded with satisfaction:
  "It's good to do good deeds in the name of the master. It's not a waste of money. If you use money to do good deeds, his soul will feel at ease in heaven."

Ryuji reminded with some embarrassment: "All donations are made in the name of Fujiwara Hoshiumi.

The head of the family arranged for them here again.

If you don’t want them to get married, OK, then keep donating money in the name of the two newlyweds, so that the world’s media will pay attention to this charitable couple from Neon.

Long Er originally thought that the old lady would be angry, but he didn't expect that she would laugh after hearing this.

Long Er didn't know for a moment whether the other party was laughing in anger, but just when he was thinking about what to do:

"Forget it, give up. We can't fight him. He even predicted your every move after his death and properly arranged the wedding of those two people."

She didn't want to be willful anymore. She had been willful for half her life but still couldn't defeat that man.

"Tell Hongye and let her be mentally prepared to get married."

"But didn't Hongye say that she already has someone she likes? I'm afraid she can't accept a second engagement."

"The matter has developed to this point and she can no longer control it. As a person of Ooka, it is necessary to make sacrifices for the interests of the family. After all, everything she has is given by the Ooka family."

happiness? Hum, there is no happiness in being the heir to a wealthy family. Everything is for the benefit of the family.

"Forget it, don't go looking for her yet, I'll be the bad guy myself."

Hongye has been favored by everyone since she was a child, which makes her have a rather arrogant temper. Although she is not arrogant, she only behaves like a good girl in front of herself.

On the other side, Fujiwara, who was annoyed by the phone, threw the phone into the toilet and flushed it.

"Now those bastards can't find me at all."

He knew very well how the past three years had gone. Now that he had the opportunity to get rid of them, although he still didn't want to let it go easily, the best choice now was to gain a foothold in Tokyo.

But he has no acquaintance here...

No, there are quite a few acquaintances, but they don’t know me.

Those original characters are also known to me unilaterally, and they have never interacted with each other before.

[Mission: Steal three requests from Kogoro Mori]

Provided by: Detective Agency (delayed release)
  Reward: Karate (intermediate level), system points 444
  Just now, he was still thinking about what to do. Isn't this a job? This made Fujiwara touch his hair in surprise.

"But if we steal the commission from that stupid detective, Xiaolan will have nothing to eat."

Although I really want the rewards from the system, I don’t want to see Xiaolan suffer...

(End of this chapter)

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