Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 271 Making a Snowman

Chapter 271 Making a Snowman

It was still snowing when Fujiwara got up the next day. After taking a look outside the house, Fujiwara thought that those children would not be coming, so he washed briefly and went to the balcony on the third floor to practice ripples.

Whenever the fluttering snowflakes came close to Fujiwara's body, they would be evaporated abruptly by the ripple-ridden Fujiwara.

Ripple has gone from the initial entry level to the current intermediate level. At this level, he can already walk upside down on the wall. Last night, he let himself hang upside down and walk on the ceiling.

But walking on the water requires a higher degree of ripple practice, which he is currently unable to do.

He continued practicing like this until noon. Fujiwara heard the doorbell downstairs and angrily looked over and found that it was Kaito Kuroba and several people from the Young Detective Team.

"You're still here?"

He was actually quite happy to see people playing with him, but today he originally planned to practice ripples in the morning and pirouettes in the afternoon.

When I opened the door, I heard several members of the detective team shouting in unison, "Brother Fujiwara, we are here!"

"I'm here too." Kuroba Kaito explained.

Originally planning to sleep all day today, he suddenly remembered what happened yesterday, so he went out again and came over. However, the snow was a bit thick in the morning, so he had no choice but to take the tram over.

"We also brought gifts!" Ayumi Shuai took out the Masked Superman color-changing card she had prepared and handed it to Fujiwara. The other people also gave themselves gifts one after another. Genta was a figure, Mitsuhiko was a keychain, and Conan was a mystery book.

"This is the latest work in the Night Baron series. I hope Brother Fujiwara likes it."

Fujiwara accepted these gifts unceremoniously and nodded to express his liking, but still refused, "What gifts can I bring when I'm here? Come in."


After the detective team entered, Kuroba Kaito, who came empty-handed, also planned to blend in and fool him, but was stopped by Fujiwara.

"Wait a minute, where's yours?"

Kuroba Kaito had no choice but to explain awkwardly that he had brought it with him, but he had left it on the train.

"I'll bring it back next time." He said as he was about to walk into the house, but was stopped by Fujiwara.

"Go find it and bring it back."

Seeing Fujiwara's attitude of not letting him in even though he came empty-handed, Kuroba Kaito gritted his teeth and had no choice but to hand Fujiwara the watch locator that Grandpa Terai made for him through his inventor friend.

"This can be used to locate the location through a small signal transmitter. It is said that the illumination area is half of the eastern capital, and it can be monitored in real time within a range of one hundred meters."

Grandpa Terai originally gave him two, and he also thought about giving one to Fujiwara.

When Fujiwara heard that it had such an effect, he immediately guessed that Mr. Terai's friend was most likely Dr. Agasa.

"Okay, come in. By the way, you have to take the thing I gave you last time with you."

"Oh, I still have it with me." He took out a small thing like a dummy from his pocket.

It is said that this thing called the Totem of Immortality can bring good luck to people. (He doesn’t believe it anyway.)
  "That's fine."

The last time Fujiwara Hoshikai witnessed Kuroba Kaito being surrounded by several men in black with guns, he used telekinesis to save the scene in time. In order to prevent such a thing from happening again, and he couldn't arrive in time, Fujiwara gave the system the totem of immortality rewarded by him. Gave it to him.

If you have one more life, as long as you don't waste it, there won't be any major problems.

After the people in the house changed their shoes, they neatly played with the game consoles in the living room, plugged in the game discs and started playing.

Fujiwara asked Kaito to come out of the kitchen with some snacks, and when he was about to go back to the third floor to put something away, Kaito suddenly remembered that he was a guest...

A few people ate snacks and played games, and they did not forget to mock Conan, who was a game idiot.

"Conan, you are so weak. No matter how hard you practice, you can't beat Ayumi..."

Feeling that he had been deeply hit, Conan picked up the handle and opened it again. But the outcome was still a loss. The character he controlled couldn't even touch the opponent's body. After being beaten in vain, the health bar bottomed out. After a backflip kick, the character couldn't get up again, and the game was over. Kaito, who originally didn't plan to play with them, saw that a few of them had good skills, so he suggested that he should try it too.

"Here you go."

Seeing that his strength was limited to this, Conan couldn't say anything more, so he handed the controller to Kuroba Kaito and stepped back, approaching Fujiwara Hoshikai who was reading a book to ask about Mourilan's situation.

"Why don't you just ask Xiaolan about this kind of thing?"

"Sister Xiaolan has ignored me because of what happened last time..."

Ever since that incident at the cinema, the two of them have had much less contact, and their phone calls have been much less frequent than before. They only call about once a week.

"I don't know about this. I haven't contacted Xiaolan for almost a week." Fujiwara paused after thinking for a while, "But why do you care so much about Xiaolan? Don't tell me that you are here." Help Kudo Shinichi supervise Xiaolan."

Conan stood up and defended, "I didn't, it was because..."

But the next words were like fish bones stuck in his throat, making him unable to speak and feeling uncomfortable.

"For what?" The curious crowd stared at the frantic Conan.

With everyone watching, Conan was embarrassed and made up an excuse casually, but no one believed him this time. Genta also complained, "Look, Conan wants to trick us into treating us as children again, but who is Kudo Shinichi?"

"It's a detective who became popular a while ago." Fujiwara explained.

Kuroba Kaito's focus was different from the others, and he asked who Xiaolan was that the two of them were discussing just now.

"The daughter of the Maori detective opposite is also my friend."

"She is a very beautiful big sister." Ayumi also said.

Yuantai grasped the key point, "The cooking is super delicious."

"Very gentle." Mitsuhiko thought for a while and came up with another important point, "It's a bit like the Aoko sister I met at the amusement park last time."

After listening to their descriptions, it was Kaito's turn to wonder, "Ah, looks like Aoko?"

After hearing what they said, he wanted to meet this girl.

"But it's only slightly similar. Both of them have their own characteristics."

The two girls written by Aoyama Gosho are more similar in the original version. After all, they are just the same template with different hairstyles.

However, apart from their similar appearance, their personalities are quite different.

Thinking of this, Fujiwara felt that maybe the two of them should get to know each other. In this wireless and non-repetitive time, it is a good thing for an interesting person to meet an interesting soul. Moreover, Fujiwara also hopes that these two will be in their respective animations. What kind of fireworks will burst out when the two heroines meet?

"Just do it."

Thinking of this, he already had a rough prediction in his mind.

After a few people had finished playing, Fujiwara suggested building a snowman together.

Looking back on his two lives, he has never built a snowman.

Fujiwara first picked up a shovel and started shoveling snow into an open space. Others also joined in shoveling snow. Soon, they shoveled out piles of snow.

"This big snowball can be used to make the snowman's body." Ayumi said, pointing to one of the largest snowdrifts.

"Then this little snowball can be used as the snowman's head." Conan also said. Compared with playing games and being tortured, building a snowman is a good idea.

Kuroba Kaito took a few small black stones and painted a silly face on the snowman.
  (End of this chapter)

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