Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 297 Investigation on Fujiwara Hoshikai

Chapter 297 Investigation on Fujiwara Hoshikai

Equestrian arena.

As the sun sets, Shengtong rides her exclusive horse and jumps over the barriers one after another.

There are various obstacles arranged on the racecourse, including high vertical walls, wide pools, fine railings, etc. The layout of these obstacles is complex and challenging, requiring riders and horses to overcome a variety of technical requirements and difficulties.

With keen observation and precise control of the horse, he can predict the best jumping route before approaching the obstacle. The tacit cooperation between her and the horse makes every jump full of power and stability.

She showed excellent equestrian skills and precise control, which impressed Laisheng Lei and others who were familiar with her athletic talent.

"Sister Xiaotong is so amazing, how come you know everything?"

As a novice horse rider, Ai complains that sometimes she thinks that each of the three sisters inherited talents from their parents.

The eldest sister inherited wisdom, the second sister inherited athletic talent, but she only inherited cuteness
  Mr. Yongshi also watched with admiration as the second lady rode his horse over each obstacle and said with emotion, "If the lady continues to develop in this field, she will definitely become a famous rider."

"Yes, if they are still here."

Seeing that the topic was about to deviate, Mr. Nagaishi immediately stopped the car, took out the investigation report about Lupine's bride from his pocket and put it on the table. He also took out a yellow letter and said, "Last time you entrusted me to secretly investigate Fujiwara." Sir, I have some results this morning, so I brought them over. Do you want to take a look, Miss?"

After saying that, he handed the letter to her.

The investigation of Fujiwara had to be kept secret from Xiaotong and Xiaoai, so Nagaishi Shinro took it out while the other two were not around.

Laisheng Lei took the information and did not open it directly. Instead, he asked the other party to briefly describe whether there were any problems.

"Let's take a look at this later. I think Fujiwara-kun's resume is more interesting. He made his debut in the shogi world at the age of fifteen and went undefeated in 24 games. He advanced to the Dragon King Challenge that year and defeated the Triple Crown champion Seiichiro Sakakibara. , obtained the title of Dragon King, and became the youngest Dragon King. However, he lost the title of Dragon King three years ago due to a defeat in the title battle, and then became depressed and lost all titles until he completely retired from the world of shogi."

After listening to Nagaishi Shino's description, Laisheng Lei's eyes flashed with curiosity and interest. Fujiwara Hoshikai's experience is indeed amazing, especially when he was able to make a name for himself in the shogi world at such a young age and became the youngest Dragon King. "Did something happen three years ago?"

"I'm not sure about this, but Fujiwara-kun seems to have been engaged to a noble lady three years ago. If the lady wants to know, I can dig deeper."

Regarding matters in Kyoto, since his own connections were unclear about the specific reasons, he directly inquired about it through the mouth of an old friend.

Laisheng Tea held the letter with a complicated expression on his face, "We'll talk about this later. Is there anything special?"

At the moment, she is only concerned about whether the other party's intervention will cause changes to the plan.

"One more thing is that Mr. Fujiwara was not born and raised in Kyoto. The earliest record I found about him was a news article ten years ago, which talked about the legend of Mermaid Island. The child who discovered the trace of the mermaid in the news was also named Fujiwara Hoshiumi. , but judging from the photos, he looks somewhat similar to the current Mr. Fujiwara.”

"Mermaid Island? It looks familiar. I think I've heard of it."

"Well, it is said that there is a place where you can live forever, and countless people go there every year. Your father and his wife went there when the young lady was young." He looked up at Shinro Nagaishi with tears in the next life, and said with a smile: "Mermaid The legend of the island does sound a bit absurd, but people’s desire for immortality is understandable. But it’s surprising that my father also believes in such a legend.”

Nagaishi Shinro nodded, with a hint of mystery in his expression.

"Yes, the legend of Mermaid Island has caused a sensation among many people. Not only your father, many famous people also went there to find the secret of immortality. Although there are rumors, it seems that some miraculous events happened in that place, But your father only went there to find inspiration for his paintings, and the secret of the mermaid has actually been known to your husband for a long time. In fact, the so-called mermaid is just a cover to attract tourists. Basically, the residents of the island know that it is fake, and even The longevity woman is only played from generation to generation."

"I know how someone like my father could believe in such things as mermaids, but since Fujiwara comes from Mermaid Island, I have never heard him say these things."

"Maybe Mr. Fujiwara knew that the mermaid was fake and didn't want to tell him." Nagaishi Shinro added.

"That's right. This is indeed his style. Unless he is discovered, he will never mention anything about himself."

"Hahaha, Mr. Fujiwara's identity as a detective must have caused a lot of trouble for the lady."

Nagaishi Shinobu was quite concerned about the young lady's suitor, and he also understood that the sudden change had turned the two sides against each other. According to the code of conduct of detectives, what they did is destined to not be understood and forgiven.

"Yes, but our Maoyan will not be soft-hearted towards him because of this kind of thing. On the contrary, we must be more cautious in the future."

Look at the two sisters coming back soon. Afterlife Tears decided to end the topic temporarily and put the yellow envelope into the bag to officially start today's topic.
  "This operation is more difficult than the previous ones. The museum's security system is perfect, and since Mr. Fujiwara suddenly joined me, I feel that directly breaking in will increase the risk of exposure, so I think it is better to focus on the transportation of paintings. It's better to start on the route. I listed a few target points based on the route that Miss Xiaotong monitored. I think it might be better to start on the city expressway near Aipito Park." After saying that, he lifted the curtain on the wall. Exposed city road map.

All possible routes are marked on it, and even the retreat route is described in detail.

After reading the plan, Hitomi showed admiration and said, "This plan is indeed much more complicated than before. I'm sorry to trouble you, Uncle Yongshi."

"It's okay Miss, it's my honor to help you."

After figuring out the cause of the matter, Ai looked at the tasks assigned to her and complained, "It's all because of that guy Fujiwara who suddenly turned into a detective and made it so complicated. I don't know how to face him in the future."

Although the other party has always been very kind to them, when it comes to Maoyan, the position of love in the next life is firmly on the side of the sisters.

"There is no need to be so entangled with Xiao Ai. Even if our positions are different, he is still him."

"But what if he finds out?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately looked at Xiao Ai. Xiao Ai was also shocked and hid under the table, only showing her eyes and forehead and looking at everyone weakly.

In the end, he said with tears in his eyes: "So be more careful."

(End of this chapter)

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