Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 583 Totem of Immortality

Chapter 583 Totem of Immortality
  Wearing a decent and slim-fitting white suit, he wore a white top hat holding down his messy hair.

The blue shirt underneath creates a color contrast with the matching red tie. The single eyepiece worn on the right eye reflects the night view of Osaka Castle.

Kuroba Kaito raised his watch and looked at the metal watch. There was more than one minute left before the time in the preview.

The south-westerly wind blowing on the rooftop was relatively mild, but the occasional gusts were still chilling. In such an environment, the wind speed on the rooftop was sometimes steady and sometimes violent, enough to make her white cloak rustle, sometimes stick to her body, and sometimes fly in the air like a flag.

When a stronger wind blew "Hu~Hu~Hu...", Kuroba Kaito's hair was blown even more messy. He quietly took off his top hat and took out the anemometer he carried with his back to take a look. The above display shows that the current wind speed fluctuates in the range of 5 to 10 meters per second.

He noticed the change in the wind direction and realized that if he flew from high altitude to the hotel as originally planned, he would probably not be able to fly back due to strong winds. Even if he flew against the wind, the current custom was not enough to support his weight. Once there, there is no return.

When he raised his wrist again, there were still more than ten seconds left. Thinking it was time, Kaito took out the remote control in his hand and pressed the button when the time passed seven-twenty.

"Hmph, although Brother Xinghai told me to be low-key and not too high-profile, how can I maintain my style at this time?"

As the fireworks soared into the sky, Kaito stood on the tower, spread his arms and shouted:
  “Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s show time!”

Gorgeous fireworks exploded in the air, and the eyes of people throughout the city were attracted by the fireworks.

"Everyone, look there are fireworks!"

The four girls passing by also stopped and looked in the direction of the castle tower under Sonoko's shout, and saw fireworks rising into the sky.

"Is today a special day?" Xiaolan asked casually.

Heye shook his head, "I'm not sure. Generally there won't be any fireworks show here."
  With the restless crowd outside the museum, the members of the mobile team stationed at the Suzuki Museum of Modern Art immediately reported the matter to the administrator Chamu. Before Chamu could give instructions, pink gas continued to pour out of the ceiling vents of the museum, seemingly. Preview of Kidd's upcoming appearance.

"Let everyone put on gas masks, Kidd is here!" an experienced team member immediately shouted, his voice echoing in the quiet museum.

The team members fixed the masks one by one to ensure there were no gaps. Their eyes were tense and focused, the weapons in their hands clenched, ready to deal with whatever might happen. Through eye contact, they silently arranged their defensive positions.

"Be careful, he may appear from anywhere." The captain ordered the team members nervously, his eyes scanning every corner of the museum, trying to find any hidden entrances that Kidd might use.

In the security room of the Suzuki Museum of Modern Art, a scene filled with pink smoke appeared on the surveillance screen. Technicians were busy adjusting the angles of each camera, trying to penetrate this unusual layer of fog.

"Attention, close all ventilation systems, don't let the smoke continue to spread!" A police officer shouted into the microphone.

The entire art gallery, including police officers, technicians and ordinary staff, all entered a state of tension at this moment. At the same time, Officer Zhongmori, who was guarding the Memory Egg at the Shanping Hotel, laughed when he heard about it. It seemed that Kidd was deceived by him.

"Both of you, cheer up. Although Kidd can't find it here, you can't let down your guard."

"Yes, sir."
  After belatedly realizing the true meaning of Kidd's warning letter, Hattori and Conan immediately rode their motorcycles to follow Kidd's predicted route, and saw Kidd in the sky halfway.

"Kidd is there!"

Finally, I saw Kidd descending on the top floor of a high-end hotel. When Conan rushed to the top floor, he found that one of the suites had the lights off, but gas was constantly coming out. Conan wetted a towel and covered his mouth and nose and walked into the room to find Officer Nakamori and Two other colleagues fell to the ground, apparently knocked out by the mysterious gas. Conan's eyes quickly scanned the room, and he saw Kidd raising the resurrection egg, preparing to escape with a proud look on his face.

"Don't run away from Kidd!" Conan shouted angrily, his voice full of unwillingness and urgency.

Furious, Conan activated his football boots and kicked out an empty can as fast as lightning. However, Kaito seemed to have been prepared. He easily avoided the flying cans with his side of his body. Then, he showed a sly smile, took up the parachute on his back, floated out, and flew into the distance along the night wind.

Conan and Hattori's eyes were filled with surprise as they witnessed Kidd's incredible escape skills. Conan quickly picked up the rappel rope and jumped off the roof like an experienced agent, with neat and easy movements. He landed on Heiji's motorcycle and the two continued their pursuit without stopping.

However, during their rapid pursuit, a sudden truck crossed the road, and Conan and Heiji were forced to make an emergency escape. The motorcycle lost control in an instant, and the two fell to the cold and hard ground. Conan gripped the ground tightly and stabilized his body. He took out the power skateboard he had been carrying and stood up quickly. When he was about to check Heiji's injuries, Heiji took off his helmet and shouted angrily,
  "Hurry up and catch up with him, or I won't be able to spare you."

Conan was inspired, nodded and sped away on his skateboard.

This is a power skateboard specially upgraded by the doctor for him. As long as it is fully charged, it can be ridden at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour for about half an hour.

The city during the evening rush hour is like a restless beast, with densely packed vehicles on the streets, and the sound of horns and engines interweaving into a busy symphony. Conan stood on the crowded sidewalk, his eyes sharp and determined, like an eagle hunting in the night. Neon lights flashed between the tall buildings, and countless lights and shadows reflected in his pupils, but he was only looking for that familiar figure - Kidd.

Suddenly, a figure fell rapidly from a high altitude, breaking the tranquility of the night sky, as if it was under some kind of attack. Conan's heart suddenly tightened. He instinctively felt the seriousness of the matter. He immediately activated the power skateboard and rushed towards the place where he fell. The skateboard drew a series of smart arcs on the sidewalk, shuttling among the crowds and traffic. between.

Arriving at the crash site, Conan almost used all his strength, but the sight in front of him stopped his movements suddenly. The resurrection egg, symbolizing victory, lay quietly on the cold concrete floor, next to an injured pigeon with messy feathers and shortness of breath. However, what made Conan feel deeply disappointed was that Kidd's cunning figure had disappeared without a trace.

Conan knelt down, stretched out his hand, and gently stroked the pigeon, his delicate fingertips conveying warmth and concern. His eyes were full of worry, and he secretly wondered whether Kidd really fell into the vast sea.


Conan's voice was low and contained an indescribable emotion. His gaze moved from the pigeon's scar to the resurrection egg. It seemed that an unknown force was staring at this memory egg.

(End of this chapter)

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