Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 596 Doubts and Questions

Chapter 596 Doubts and Questions

As the roar of the motorcycle faded away, the night returned to its usual tranquility. Dr. Agasa noticed the calmness in Fujiwara's eyes, and the uneasiness in his heart subsided slightly, but he was still worried. He walked up to Fujiwara and asked in a low voice.

"Fujiwara-kun, that boy...does he have any special reason for coming to Shinichi?" The doctor's tone was full of inquiry, fearing that the leakage of the information would cause hidden dangers to Shinichi's current situation.

Fujiwara turned to look at the doctor, his eyes showing a kind of peace, as if everything was as expected.

"Dr. Agasa, I don't think you need to worry too much. The girl named Sera Masumi has no ill intentions." He spoke slowly, with a gentle tone.

"But Shinichi..." The doctor frowned, obviously having unspoken worries in his heart, but when he reacted he was surprised, "Is that a girl?"

Fujiwara smiled slightly and interrupted the doctor, "Well, it's a girl. Of course I know what the doctor is worried about. But don't worry, I didn't reveal anything about Conan. Sera is just interested in Shinichi, and so are you. I know that although this guy Shinichi is a bit stinky, he is very popular with girls."

Although Fujiwara still doesn't know how Mary and the others determined that Conan was the shrunken Kudo Shinichi, Mary's biggest motive for coming to Neon is now clear, which is to come for Conan.

I just don’t know how many people still know about this matter. It seems that I can only wait for Mary’s memory to be fully restored.

The doctor touched his bald head awkwardly and sighed, looking helpless, "This kid always causes unnecessary trouble."

"That girl didn't mean any harm, she was just a little... overly enthusiastic." Fujiwara tried to comfort her, "And you know, if Shinichi really has any trouble, he can always find a way to solve it, right?"

The doctor scratched his head and showed a wry smile, "You are right. Although Shinichi is young, he does have outstanding abilities."

"Well, so don't worry too much. By the way, did the doctor see my sister and the others? No one seemed to answer my phone calls at home today."

Dr. A Li paused and then replied, "I don't know much about this, but I seemed to have seen the three of them leaving in a car with large and small bags the day before yesterday."

"Leaved?" Fujiwara was very surprised and immediately asked, "Did you notice the direction they left?"

"I'm not sure about this."

Mingmei's external identity is Fujiwara's cousin. Because she got divorced, she took her two daughters to live with Fujiwara Xinghai alone.

After hearing this, Fujiwara felt a little regretful, but also a little lucky. Fortunately, they had already left and there was no need to worry about being discovered by Belmode. However, he had just found Mary's daughter and wanted to try to get her to know Mary some other time.

However, Fujiwara asked Mary to run away as soon as she noticed something unusual, to a place where she would not be easily discovered, and not to tell him.

"Well, maybe I'm going on a trip. Really, why don't you call me and make me worry in vain."

After Fujiwara said goodbye to the doctor, he felt a little mixed. He walked back into the house and began to patrol the house. From the first floor to the second floor, his brows frowned more tightly every time he passed a room. It wasn't that these houses were too messy, but that they were all surprisingly tidy, so much so that Fujiwara had the illusion that they had tidied up the house first and then left, as if they didn't want to leave any trouble for him.

The interior of the room looked particularly tidy, except that the bedding on the bed was a little messy, and there were a few books scattered on the desk. Apparently Fujiwara had missed them in a hurry, but then Fujiwara's eyes were attracted by the clothes drying on the balcony. Clothes were neatly hung, and shirts, pants, and socks were swaying gently in the breeze, also showing a sense of orderliness. Those clothes were obviously freshly washed by Akemi, because Fujiwara remembered that there was a small stain on his favorite blue shirt, but it was now gone.

He couldn't help but chuckle. This small detail showed Mingmei's attitude towards life and her care for him. Even before she left, she did not forget to take care of his daily needs. Fujiwara felt a subtle touch, and at the same time a hint of guilt - Akemi always silently did these seemingly ordinary but loving things behind her back. “You actually have time to do these things”

Fujiwara walked to the balcony, reached through the clothesline and touched the blue shirt. It still has a little moisture. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, and you can still smell the fresh smell of washing powder.

There was no time to think about anything, Fujiwara simply took a shower and ate something before going out.

Just when he was about to take a taxi, the sight in front of him stunned him slightly. A familiar object caught his eye - his motorcycle left at the port, which was moved by a trailer and placed in front of his door.

The tow truck driver got out of the car and said hello to Fujiwara, then took out a list for him to sign.

"Hello, this is Mr. Fujiwara Hoshikai, right? This is the motorcycle that the Metropolitan Police Department entrusted me to transport for you."

"Oh, okay, sign it now."

"The total is 5000 yen, please sign for it."


A wry smile appeared on Fujiwara's lips, feeling both grateful and amused by Officer Megure's "thoughtfulness".

After paying the money as required, he stepped forward and stroked the body of the motorcycle, but he was complaining about Officer Memu's stinginess in not helping him advance the shipping fee. It seemed that he was going to die.

There was no need to take a taxi here, but the gas tank was almost empty. Fujiwara first rode to a gas station to fill up his tank before driving towards the castle.

Yokosuza is 200 kilometers away from Toto, and it takes about three hours by car.

When Fujiwara arrived at his destination,... He didn't expect that he would be the first to arrive.

"Mr. Fujiwara, welcome to your arrival. You must have had a hard journey. Please come in and have a cup of tea and take a rest." Natsumi Kasaka's tone was gentle, with a kindness that could not be refused.

Fujiwara nodded in thanks. He followed the butler through the front hall of the castle. Looking up, he could see the exquisite chandeliers and murals. Every step revealed a strong sense of history and art. The butler led him through a long corridor, flanked by carved wooden doors, and there seemed to be unknown stories hidden behind each door.

After passing a series of complicated corners and stairs, they arrived at a spacious and bright tea room. The tea room is antique, and outside the window is a neatly manicured garden.

The butler motioned for Fujiwara to sit down, and he gracefully poured him tea. The steaming heat with the faint fragrance of tea relaxes the tense nerves. "Please use it slowly, this is our specialty tea here.

(End of this chapter)

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