Live broadcast of magnet fishing, the police called me to file a report

Chapter 105 Audience: There is definitely something wrong with this guy

Chapter 105 Audience: There is definitely something wrong with this guy

What kind of luck is this?

A group of crew members who were questioning their lives cast their eyes on Ye Haoran. Everything in front of them gave them a strong sense of unreality. It was hard to believe that someone could really be so lucky.

If it weren't for Ye Haoran's live broadcast, they all suspected that Ye Haoran came here to rob the tomb under the pretext of fishing for fighter jets.

It seems I'm pretty lucky.

Ye Haoran muttered secretly in his heart. Although it was not the target he was looking for, he was still quite happy.

Each of these ancient ships sunk at the bottom of the sea has many treasures buried in it. In ancient times, the cost of sea voyages was extremely high, and it was accompanied by great risks. Without enough profits, it would be impossible to go on an ocean voyage. Sailing.

It can be said that every ancient shipwreck is a treasure sunk at the bottom of the sea.

Those companies that specialize in ocean treasure hunting aim at these things, and they can make a lot of money just by finding one.

"Zhang Yan, Li Tao, you two go down and take a look."

"Look at this cannon, the ship below should be a foreign ship."

Meng Fan's family specializes in this field. Although he has never studied archeology, he has followed his family members on the sea since he was a child, and his eyesight is still very good.

You can tell at a glance the origin of the cannon that was caught.

This was the main gun of Western countries more than a hundred years ago, a 12-pound long-barreled gun. Its power was considered top-notch at the time. Many countries were equipped with this model. He had seen it before when he assisted the official in salvage. .

Those that can be equipped with such artillery are most likely not ordinary ships.

"Okay! Head."

The two people whose names were called were divers from the salvage ship who were responsible for investigation work. After hearing Meng Fan's words, the two people immediately started to equip themselves.

"Notify the cultural relics department of the location here."

Ye Haoran withdrew his gaze from the cannon and stopped Meng Fan from preparing to arrange for divers to go into the water to find the sunken ship: "Don't waste time, let's continue the search!"

The American army was still searching non-stop, and now he had no time to waste time on a sunken ship.

? ? ? ? ? ?
  Ye Haoran's decision confused the staff on the ship. This is an ancient sunken ship. Are you sure you don't want to think about it again?
  Although according to the domestic situation, if you find a sunken ship, you cannot take possession of the things on it, but Ye Haoran decided so quickly that he didn't hesitate at all.

Normally, you have to send someone down to check on the situation.

After all, it is a big treasure. Don’t say I have any bad thoughts, it’s okay to take a look.

"You really don't want to send someone down to take a look?"

Meng Fan cast a questioning look at Ye Haoran. For a moment, he couldn't accept Ye Haoran's decision.

Who is this person from? We’ve already found an ancient shipwreck, but we really have no idea at all?

Everyone else on the boat also looked at Ye Haoran, hoping that Ye Haoran would change his mind.

Miss this village, there is no such shop.

If this kind of thing happens once, it is considered as burning incense in the ancestral grave.


"As expected of the boss who found the Jade Seal of the Kingdom, he is indeed amazing!"

"No, bro, what on earth are you thinking? That's an ancient shipwreck!"

"Everyone is numb. Is this the boss's? 666..."

"Good fellow, don't you give this good luck to me! It's like drought or drought."


The audience in the live broadcast room were also very puzzled by Ye Haoran's decision. This kind of good thing that others would never dare to dream of, he actually had no idea at all and didn't even look at it. If he was lucky, he couldn't play like this!
  "No need, just leave it to the cultural relics department."

If the cannon hadn't been caught and thrown into the sea again, it might have been damaged. Ye Haoran didn't want to keep the cannon. It is definitely impossible to say that you are not curious at all. The problem is that now is not the time to do such a thing.

Of course, he won't run too far for the time being, lest someone secretly salvage the things before the cultural relics department arrives.

Seeing that Ye Haoran had no intention of changing his mind, Meng Fan sighed and stopped the two people who were about to enter the water.

"Is there something wrong with this boss's brain? I don't even want to go down and take a look!"

"Who knows, what did he think? Oh, what a pity."

"Does he really think he can catch a fighter jet?"

"I think it should be, otherwise, it shouldn't be like this."


Everyone on the boat was very puzzled by Ye Haoran's order, and they all thought Ye Haoran was crazy.

When you think about it, you know that something like catching a fighter jet is impossible. You actually gave up an ancient sunken ship for such an unrealistic thing.

No one in his right mind would be able to do such a thing.

They were not the only ones confused. Ye Haoran's live broadcast clip was quickly posted online, causing many people to ridicule him.

"Good guy, it's all delivered to your door, but you don't want it? Brother, remember to take medicine if you are sick."

"Everyone is stupid. Tell me, am I dreaming? How could someone do this?"

"No, my blood pressure is up. Are you sure this guy isn't bringing antihypertensive medicine?"

"Hey, I was in the live broadcast room at the time, and my blood pressure soared when I saw it."

"What's the difference between this and Sun Wukong fixing the seven fairies to eat the peaches secretly?"

"I major in archeology. Judging from the condition of the cannon, it is definitely a ship from which the sun never sets. It may even be a military ship."


This opportunity for a windfall was presented to me, and I walked away without looking back.

Ye Haoran's operation made many people say, "I'll give you a chance, but you're useless." Although it didn't happen to me, many people couldn't help their blood pressure soaring when they saw this kind of thing, and they wanted to curse.

Especially the audience in Ye Haoran's live broadcast room were so angry that they didn't even take a look at such a big discovery.

It's a ball game.

On the other hand, the archeology forum reacted relatively calmly to Ye Haoran's actions.

"I thought he was going to stage another auction. Hey, I couldn't guess. I really couldn't guess!"

"The situation this time is different from the previous one. By the time the museum people arrive, the cultural relics department will have already passed by. How can it happen again?"

"I thought I could check on the situation of the ship, but he just interrupted the spell casting. I felt a little uncomfortable!"

"I admire him quite a lot. He can endure this, but I can't do it anyway."


Many of them are professionals, and they are quite repulsive to privately salvaging sunken ships.

Many cultural relics were lost abroad due to this kind of thing.

Therefore, many of them admire Ye Haoran. To be fair, not everyone can do it without being tempted in the face of such a big temptation.

Ye Haoran's ability to resist temptation alone has surpassed many people.

Even if they have rich experience, they may not be able to be as decisive as Ye Haoran if they encounter him.

(End of this chapter)

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