Live broadcast of magnet fishing, the police called me to file a report

Chapter 109: Work is not as important as having fun

Chapter 109: Work is not as important as having fun
  Chapter 109: Is gold plating worthy of being called a golden book? The stingy Chongzhen
  Ye Haoran's words quickly spread on the Internet and caused a lot of discussion.

"That thing is from Wu Zetian's paradise, and I am Li Shimin."

"Editor, Ke Jin, you really dare to talk nonsense. Do you really think you are a relative of the God of Wealth?"

"Brother, you are so boastful. Why don't you say that Wu Zetian's things are from Daleiyin Temple?"

"I think it's true. Is this thing harder to find than the Imperial Seal?"

"Anyway, I don't believe that a person can be so lucky."


Compared with the emotions in the live broadcast room, there are more doubts on the Internet. Ye Haoran's luck is so good that many people think it is fake.

People win the lottery every day, and I don’t see anyone who wins the lottery as if he drinks water.

Unless this person is cheating.

There are many people who say it is a script. If Chuanguo Yuxi had not been officially recognized, I guarantee that they would probably think it was fake.

“Why are these people on the Internet like this?”

Xu Mei was almost depressed to death by the doubts on the Internet. She originally thought that Ye Haoran could change her reputation this time, but she never thought that it would get worse.

Although my boss is not a professional, his judgment may not be accurate.

This group of people on the Internet are slandering their boss for producing a script out of thin air, which is completely unfounded.

Who is slandering his boss online?

Xu Mei thought about it for a while and finally felt that it was the navy that set the pace online. Otherwise, there would be one-sided doubts for no reason, and it would be completely different from the style in the live broadcast room.

"Which guilds are they?"

"Are you the anchor who participated in the fishing operation this time?"

Xu Mei frantically analyzed in her mind who was so hostile to Ye Haoran. Both groups of people were highly suspicious.

The former is to teach his boss a lesson and let him understand what social evil is.

The latter is to grab traffic. If Ye Haoran is left alone, with Ye Haoran's current situation, he will soon attract viewers from other live broadcast rooms to his own live broadcast room. Many anchors have spent a lot of money on this operation to salvage fighter jets. , will definitely not look at Ye Haoran's enthusiasm.

"Hey, if I join a guild, there won't be so many things!"

Xu Mei sighed silently in her heart. Although after joining the guild, she had to share her shares with the guild, which would indeed save a lot of trouble. Unlike those big Internet companies, their magnet factory had a dedicated public relations team that could deal with all kinds of problems online. kind of rhythm.

Faced with this kind of malicious and rhythmic thing, there is really nothing we can do.

To put it bluntly, the share itself is a bit like protection money. If you don't sign with the guild, it's no problem. If something happens, no one will protect you.

Sensing something was wrong with Xu Mei, Ye Haoran felt helpless. Why was he depressed again?
  "what happened?"

He looked at Xu Mei quietly, waiting for a reply.

"Many people on the Internet say this is a plot and deceiving people. I'm wondering if I should find a public relations company to cooperate with me."

Xu Mei expressed her thoughts. Their company did not develop online business before, and since it did not sell daily necessities, it had not even done advertising, let alone public relations business. Now that it has started to carry goods online, this Money should still be spent.

Otherwise, I don’t know what to do if I am smeared by others.

Ye Haoran was lost in thought. After a while, he said, "Well, you can talk to the factory later and find some talents in this field. You can't always rely on outside public relations companies." Very concerned.

As long as he continues to have good luck, naturally no one will believe this malicious smear.

Taking a step back, whether it is true or false depends on what the cultural relics department says.

At that time, the cultural relics department will issue an announcement, and then there will be a wave of hot searches, and there will be another wave of reversal. Since you are in this business, it is inevitable to be hacked.

However, public relations is still necessary. Outsourcing is always not done by your own people. Generally speaking, you will not cheat others. However, if there is an unexpected accident, it is better to outsource the transition first, and then leave it to your own people.

"Okay, I'll tell you now."

Now that Ye Haoran was being scolded online, Xu Mei did not dare to waste time and quickly took out her mobile phone to contact the factory to make arrangements.

Everything else is easy to talk about. Let’s solve the immediate trouble first.

Now there are a lot of people competing with Ye Haoran for traffic. At this juncture, the sooner the negative things are resolved, the better.

Watching Xu Mei hurriedly run to another place to make a phone call, Ye Haoran began to study the contents of the box again. The remaining items were some jewelry and the like, and their value was not low, but in terms of cultural relics, Not so good.

After rummaging around, he still made some gains. He found a pile of gold booklets in the box.

Judging from the information provided by the appraisal technique, this thing is called a golden book, which is the identity certificate for canonizing princes, queens, and concubines in the Ming Dynasty. This thing has a strict hierarchy. People with higher status can make it with gold, and Some of them, such as the concubines and the prince's concubines, were made of silver.

"How many princes' homes have been confiscated?"

There are more than 20 people who have found out. Under normal circumstances, one generation of a royal family only has two gold books made of gold. With such a large number, it is definitely not something that a single royal family can afford.

Ye Haoran took the booklets and flipped through them one by one. Many of them were damaged and the materials inside could be seen.

"Chongzhen is really stingy."

After studying for a while, Ye Haoran shook his head and smiled bitterly.

The golden book is the certificate of important members of the royal family, and it can be said to be the face of the royal family. Although the quality of other era names is quite different, it is still gold. When it comes to the Chongzhen era name, it becomes gilded.

Although Chongzhen was indeed in a difficult situation at that time, he was the emperor anyway, so he didn't have enough money to get a few gold books.

In the whole gilded nonsense, the title of miser is really not unfair at all.

Thinking of this, he began to clean out the gold books he found, so as not to mix them with the jewelry, gold bars and ingots.

People on the boat were originally gathered around to study the contents of the box. When they saw Ye Haoran's actions, they all became interested in the gold plaques.

"What baby?"

Meng Fan walked up to Ye Haoran and stared at the golden book with curiosity on his face. There must be a reason for taking it out specifically to explain the origin of these seemingly inconspicuous things.

Ye Haoran raised his head and looked at Meng Fan, then looked at the crew members with curious faces around him, and explained with a smile: "This thing is the identity certificate of the royal family in the Ming Dynasty. Only those with high status are eligible to have it."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes suddenly straightened. The identification certificate, which is only owned by high-ranking relatives of the emperor, was a rarity as soon as they heard it.

As expected of something used by members of the royal family, it is indeed unusual to be made directly from gold.

A group of people were poking around, wanting to get the golden book in their hands to study it.

(End of this chapter)

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