Live broadcast of magnet fishing, the police called me to file a report

Chapter 122 What, free, there are still many good people

Chapter 122 What, free, there are still many good people

Dashan Entertainment is one of the top five anchor operating companies in China. Liu Ruoyu’s arrest was big news. In less than half an hour, various entertainment companies received the news, and even major companies in the entertainment industry were alarmed. .

This also included the public relations company that Ye Haoran was working with.

Genting Company.

"Liao Fan, what do you think about this matter?"

Yang Haihao sat on the office chair and asked the middle-aged man standing in front of him for his opinion.

There are no secrets in their business.

Everyone knows which companies those self-media companies are cooperating with, and no matter how covert they are, there are still ways to find out.

There was a big problem with Ye Haoran's company, and it happened to be about the same time that it was revealed that Ye Haoran had a big backer.

It is inevitable that the two things will be connected.

However, the official system is not like an ordinary private organization. Some confidential matters have no way of being known to the outside world.

What the situation is now can only be guessed.

"It's better to believe that it exists than to believe that it doesn't exist."

Liao Fan had a smile on his face: "For us, this is also a good thing. As long as we have a good relationship with him, many things will become easier in the future."

Whether this kind of thing is true or false is not that important in itself.

Because no one can prove it, and no one dares to verify it.

With one move, he sent away the general manager of a top entertainment company. With such a terrifying ability, as long as he is not crazy, it is impossible for him to take the initiative to cause trouble.

Now that they are related to the terrifying existence of Ye Haoran, other companies will definitely have concerns to avoid falling into the same fate.

For them, this is really good news.

"I have to act quickly, otherwise, when other companies react, the cooperation may be ruined."

Yang Haihao nodded in agreement and was about to ask the people below to do it quickly. After thinking about it, he changed his mind.

"Give me Ye Haoran's phone number."

In order to show his sincerity, he planned to discuss cooperation with Ye Haoran in person.

“We only have the contact number for their factory.”

Personal information leaks are serious these days. With their ability, it is not difficult to get Ye Haoran's personal number, but it is not necessary.

Although Ye Haoran is the boss, he does not need to handle such matters personally. He can just discuss it with the people under Ye Haoran.

"I'm confused too."

Yang Haihao shook his head slightly. As the boss of the company, he naturally contacted the bosses. He only realized after hearing the prompt that their company did not directly contact Ye Haoran.

"Do you need me to ask?"

"No, just give me the phone number of their contact person."

Liao Fan planned to ask for Ye Haoran's contact information through his contact person, but Yang Haihao stopped him.

After getting the phone, he immediately dialed the number.


As the call was connected, a crisp female voice rang on the phone.

The contact number belongs to Xu Mei.

Originally the number was not hers, but the factory was really unsure of the situation, so it was handed over to Ye Haoran.

"I am the boss of Yunding Company, Yang Haihao."

Hearing the words "Yunding Company", Xu Mei immediately understood what was going on and asked directly: "How much does your company plan to charge?"

She didn't ask about Ye Haoran's slander.

On the one hand, I feel that it is not so fast. On the other hand, I think that the boss has called me personally, so he must be sure.

Anyway, it's just a discussion now, not a direct contract signing.      No need, keep asking at this time.

"Sure enough, it has something to do with them."

Seeing that Xu Mei didn't mention the hack, Zhao Haihao immediately thought that he knew about it.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Haihao said: "Let's do this! Make friends at that time, and we will provide you with services for free."

It's not that he's crazy and prepared to make a loss-making deal.

Given the current situation, there are not many companies that dare to cause trouble to Ye Haoran.

There isn't much work actually.

On the contrary, there will be many benefits for them because of this cooperation. If they quoted the normal price, it would definitely not work.

At the same time, he was not sure what prices other peers would quote.

Simply do it for free and strive to win the cooperation as soon as possible to avoid other changes.

When he did this, Xu Mei was confused and began to doubt his true identity.

Where in the world is there a free lunch?
  If you don't accept money, you must have other motives.

"Wait a moment."

After hesitating for a while, Xu Mei's voice appeared on the phone again, and then there was silence again.

Zhao Haihao is not in a hurry and waits slowly. He will never find another one at this price. He is very confident that he can win this cooperation.

Liao Fan looked at Zhao Haihao with admiration. He thought his boss would give him a big discount, but he didn't expect it to be so cruel.

If it's free, it means that all public relations costs are borne by them.

Even if no one from Ye Haoran's side caused trouble anymore, it would still be a large expense.

There is probably no one with this kind of courage in the entire industry.

He gave Zhao Haihao a thumbs up.

The smile on Zhao Haihao's face became brighter and brighter, and he even admired his wisdom and martial prowess.

After a while, Xu Mei's voice reappeared: "Our boss said we can't let you suffer, and all public relations expenses will be borne by us."

"However, we will arrange for a few people to go to your place."

Zhao Haihao thought that Ye Haoran was afraid that they would falsely report the accounts, so he sent someone. He didn't take it to heart. After arguing with Xu Mei about how much money to pay, he finally settled on the plan given by Ye Haoran at Xu Mei's insistence. cooperation.

"Our people will send you the contract soon. If there is anything that needs to be changed, please contact me."

"it is good."

After confirming the partnership, Xu Mei quickly hung up the phone.

"Hurry up and make arrangements!"

Zhao Haihao put his phone back in his pocket and waved his hand to ask Liao Fan to hurry up and prepare all related things.

Being well-informed is the most basic thing in their business. There is not much time left for them and they must finalize the matter quickly and completely.

Hearing this, Liao Fan quickly turned around and left. After walking a few steps, Zhao Haihao added: "They said they would send a few people over to assist us in our work. You can make arrangements then."

"Send someone here?"

Liao Fan looked back at his boss with a strange expression.

As a public relations company, they always send people to other people's side, and no one else ever sends people to their side.

"They said they want to reimburse public relations expenses. They should focus on the payment."

Zhao Haihao never thought about Ye Haoran's other reasons for sending people here. A ready-made team's free services would definitely be used to death, so how could he have other ideas.

Liao Fan originally had other ideas, but since his boss said so, he didn't say much.

(End of this chapter)

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