Live broadcast of magnet fishing, the police called me to file a report

Chapter 127 Are you crazy? Your kid is not afraid of being shot

Chapter 127 Are you crazy? Your kid is not afraid of being shot
  "Are you the employer?"

The major's eyes suddenly became sharp, like an eagle staring at its prey, with a sense of oppression.

Even the crew members next to him were so frightened by his gaze that they lowered their heads and did not dare to make any eye contact with him.

Ye Haoran did not dodge at all, and said word by word: "I am the employer."

Since it just came out, there is nothing that I dare not recognize.

Besides, you will know this matter just by asking about the situation. It is impossible to hide it. It is just a matter of time.

The major's eyes fell on Meng Fan, his eyes questioning the authenticity.

Meng Fan looked at Ye Haoran in surprise, then nodded.

To be honest, he really didn't expect that Ye Haoran would take the initiative to admit it.

After all, destroying defense cables is not a small crime.

In his opinion, it was a good thing that Ye Haoran did not put all the blame on them.

If people are not punished for their own sake, they are just an employer-employee relationship.

Do we still need to call it moral failure?

"You're quite brave."

The major's eyes softened when he looked at Ye Haoran. He quite appreciated Ye Haoran's behavior of taking the initiative to take responsibility and not dragging others down.

If they hadn't met here, maybe he and Ye Haoran would sit down and chat and smoke together.

After a pause, he asked curiously: "Is there any reason why you want to go over and take a look?"

At this time, it is best to follow their military's arrangements honestly.

It is really strange that Ye Haoran made such a request at this time.

Others were also a little confused about Ye Haoran's request, and they all got the stolen goods.

So what if I let you see it?
  Is it possible that you still want to destroy the body and eliminate all traces in front of so many people from the military?

"I want to die in peace."

Ye Haoran himself noticed that something was wrong, but he didn't know exactly what was going on, and he really didn't know how to explain it.

Ah this...

Everyone thought that Ye Haoran had some special reason for giving such a reason, but to their surprise, it turned out to be just unwillingness.

It’s not like children playing house, why are so many people dying with their eyes open?

Besides, although this matter is serious, it is not as exaggerated as a death sentence.

No one knew what to say to Ye Haoran's ridiculous reason.


"Brother, do you think this is a game? You can do whatever you want?"

"I thought you were quite a man just now. Are you going to do this to me?"

"Okay, okay, you are really unpredictable, sir, take this conspicuous bag away quickly!"

"It's hard to criticize. It's hard to criticize. You always give me something unexpected."


Seeing that Ye Haoran insisted on checking the cable, the audience in the live broadcast room was still looking forward to it. Ye Haoran's words directly poured cold water on the audience.

Who would have thought that at this time, Ye Haoran would jump out and make demands to the military people for this reason. They all seriously doubted whether Ye Haoran's brain condition had worsened again.

At the same time, Ye Haoran's destruction of national defense cables was also posted online.

"Is he crazy? Even with his background, he can't play like this!"

"I seriously doubt this man's mental state. When he previously announced that he would catch fighter jets, I felt that he was not in his right mind."

"Good guy, this is playing with fire! Catch him quickly, lock him up for a few years, and let him know what the sky is and the earth is high." "What's going on with him? There are enough things going on, but this time it's definitely not a script."

"Did he do it on purpose or accidentally? How could he damage the national defense cable?"


After what happened before, Ye Haoran's reputation on the Internet had improved a lot. Now that this incident happened, a bunch of people suddenly came to criticize him.

National defense cables are related to national defense security and there is no room for error.

The operation of damaging national defense cables, whether intentional or not, is considered a very bad behavior in the eyes of many people.


Salvage boat.

"You can go over and take a look, I'll give you five minutes."

Although Ye Haoran's reason was outrageous, the major still agreed.

When encountering such a big event, it is normal for some to be unable to accept it.

With so many people here, Ye Haoran couldn't play any tricks, so it wasn't a big deal.

Ye Haoran didn't hesitate at all. After hearing the major's words, he went directly to the national defense cable to check it.

Because the major had spoken, the few soldiers who came down together did not move and allowed Ye Haoran to step forward.

"Get your people back quickly!"

After studying for a while, Ye Haoran's expression changed drastically and he shouted at the major.

The major and others landed on the ship, and other members of the military did not waste time. They immediately sent people down to repair the cables under the sea.

"Just look at it, why are you still excited?"

Ye Haoran's sudden move put everyone present in a state of confusion.

Being able to agree to that ridiculous reason is already pretty good.

Logically speaking, after you finish reading it, just give it a try and wait.

Why are you still making trouble? Are you really afraid that the military will give you a bunch of bullets?

If it weren't for the fact that the military men were standing nearby with guns, the crew members would have scolded them directly for fear of being misunderstood and shot on the spot.

We were obviously a good person when we got along before, but why did he become so messed up when something happened?
  "Sir, my boss must have discovered something. He definitely didn't mean to cause trouble."

"Don't get me wrong."

To be honest, when Ye Haoran shouted just now, several people in the military subconsciously went on alert. Looking at the black muzzle of the gun, Xu Mei panicked to death. However, she still suppressed the fear in her heart and spoke up to explain for Ye Haoran.

The moment the automatic rifle was pointed at her, a revolving door appeared in her mind.

The major stretched out his right hand, pointed his fingers, and asked his men to put down their guns. Then, he asked Ye Haoran in a deep voice: "Give me an explanation."

He didn't understand what Ye Haoran meant at all.

If Ye Haoran couldn't give a reasonable reason, then don't blame him for being rude.

Respect is mutual, and he has already given him respect. If Ye Haoran takes it further and treats them like fools, then he will not be blamed.

Several other people in the military also looked at Ye Haoran with very unfriendly eyes.

In their opinion, Ye Haoran was a loser. He knew he couldn't escape, so he went crazy and started troubles.

"We did not break the defense cables."

As soon as Ye Haoran's words came out, everyone present felt that Ye Haoran was crazy. How could it be true that someone and someone else got the stolen goods?
  They all doubted the authenticity of Ye Haoran's words.

Before anyone else could speak, Ye Haoran added: "This thing was bitten off by some kind of large fish."

"That thing is probably still down there now."

(End of this chapter)

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