Live broadcast of magnet fishing, the police called me to file a report

Chapter 130 Commendation Conference, there is a case within the case

Chapter 130 Commendation Conference, there is a case within the case

"I was scared to death just now. I thought I was going to be arrested."

"Who says it's not? It's so scary that my feet are weak."

"As expected of a soldier, he is just different from ordinary people. Everyone has a great figure."

"Of course, we have to train every day. Speaking of which, the officer's marksmanship was really accurate. Everyone was hit after following him from such a distance. If there was a slight deviation, everyone in the water might be hit."


The salvage ship quickly moved away from the location of the warship, and all the crew members started talking. After so many years of work, this was the first time they encountered such a terrifying situation.

It's a warship and an armed helicopter. For ordinary people who have seen this kind of battle, it's a good thing that they didn't collapse to the ground in fear.

"I thought you weren't afraid anymore?"

Seeing Ye Haoran's panic-stricken look, Xu Mei couldn't help but tease him.

Ye Haoran's performance just now was really too calm, giving the impression that he was not worried about anything happening to him at all.

"I'm not a dead body, so I will definitely be afraid, but it's useless to be afraid in that situation."

Ye Haoran wiped the sweat from his forehead and leaned against the railing, not feeling that there was anything wrong with his fear at all.

Even if you know you won't shoot randomly, you can't react at all when being pointed at a gun.

He is not a wooden person without his own feelings.

Xu Mei smiled and didn't think there was anything wrong with Ye Haoran's words. As an ordinary person who has never even seen a real gun, Ye Haoran's performance can be said to be quite good. Those powerful agents in film and television works, faced with the array just now The battle will not be much better than Ye Haoran's performance.

"When did you decide there was something wrong with the cable?"

When Ye Haoran asked to check the cable, he had not observed the condition of the cable at all, but Ye Haoran acted as if he had known that the cable was not broken by them, which made it difficult not to be curious.

Ye Haoran didn't answer in a hurry. He asked for a bottle of water from Xu Mei, opened the lid and drank half of the bottle. Then he said, "I also felt something was wrong at the time. I wasn't so sure. However, I had to take a look at the situation at that time." of."

Anyway, there is nothing to lose if you are wrong, why not take a gamble and see.

For him, it was just a gamble without much thought.

However, thanks to Ye Haoran's gamble, he found out about the great white shark in advance, otherwise, people might really be killed.

The fighting power of great white sharks underwater is simply beyond what humans can contend with.

"That person is lucky."

Xu Mei did not doubt Ye Haoran's words and said with emotion.

After a pause, she added: "You are lucky enough. Nothing happened in that situation just now. I thought you would definitely be arrested."

"Isn't it a pity?"

Ye Haoran looked at Xu Mei with a smile and joked.

Xu Mei rolled her eyes at him and said angrily: "Yes! I have already thought about it, why should I find another company, but you are fine at all."

She put on a very regretful expression, as if she wished Ye Haoran could be sent to prison immediately.

"Who told me to be lucky? I can't help it!"

Ye Haoran waved his hand, and then asked Xu Mei for some food. After a lot of trouble, it was already afternoon. If he didn't find anything, he would have to come back tomorrow. He didn't plan to spend the night at sea. Others on the boat also began to rest. The experience just now was indeed a bit too exciting.

Ye Haoran's experience was quickly posted online. People on the Internet were still denouncing his act of destroying national defense cables. Many people fell silent when they saw the great white shark attacking the soldiers who were repairing the national defense cables.

Too dangerous.

It’s really just a little bit different, and people don’t have it.

"I was so scared that my heart almost jumped out of my chest. That soldier was really lucky."

"That man really has to thank Ye Haoran. Without his reminder, he would have been disabled even if he died."

"The leader was so handsome. I thought that man was dead, but he actually killed the great white shark directly."

"I knew he would not fall into trouble so easily. With his luck, he couldn't be that unlucky."

"Maybe he has something to do with Lucky Star! There's nothing wrong with this. On the contrary, someone in the army almost had a problem. His luck is terrible!"


After seeing the whole process of the soldier's escape from the shark's mouth, many people lamented the soldier's fate. At the same time, many people complained about Ye Haoran's good luck.

When other people encountered this kind of situation, they had no other choice but to be taken away. As a result, Ye Haoran not only had nothing to do, he even saved the people in the army. His luck was truly invincible.

At the same time, he was generally appreciated for helping to save the soldier responsible for repairing the cable.

"Is the person awake?"

Ye Haoran received a call from Zhao Lidong. The diver police officer who had been unconscious before had regained consciousness after being treated in the hospital.

He was quite happy to learn the news.

At that time, after being rescued, the man had been in a coma and showed no reaction from underwater to the shore. He thought he was hopeless.

"Yes, wake up. Our bureau said we are going to hold a commendation meeting for you. When will you come over when you are free?"

Originally, the police station planned to handle the commendation matter in the next two days. Considering the situation on Ye Haoran's side, they had to ask Zhao Lidong to ask and finalize the time for the next step.

"It's hard to talk about the situation here. I'll talk to you after I get it sorted out!"

Ye Haoran made up his mind and was ready to fight here. Either the United States would find the fighter jets, or he would find the fighter jets. Otherwise, he would not go back in the short term.

Anyway, the commendation conference will not be held in the future after a few days. He himself is not very anxious.

"Okay, come back and tell me!"

Zhao Lidong didn't care. It happened that Ye Haoran had to stay in the hospital for a while after saving the police officer. If Ye Haoran came back a little later, maybe he could attend the commendation meeting and personally thank Ye Haoran.

After talking about the matter, Zhao Lidong originally planned to hang up the phone directly, but Ye Haoran asked about the Liang Ying case.

"He has already confessed. He is a member of a criminal gang, specializing in the sale of human organs. Many people who disappeared were taken abroad by them."

"The case of Liang Ying was because they heard a conversation between Liang Ying and one of Liang Ying's friends. There was a big secret hidden in the box, related to a treasure, so they had murderous intentions."

This case has now been solved, but it was not made public because of the intention to investigate the subsequent sale of human organs.

However, in order to alleviate public opinion in the society, part of the situation has been made public.

(End of this chapter)

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