Chapter 136 Boss, teach me two tricks
  The moment he saw the stalker running out of the corner, Ye Haoran already understood that Meng Fan and others had missed the target, so he just kept silent and prepared for a sneak attack.

As a result, Zhang Fan suddenly appeared and directly exposed his relationship with Meng Fan and others.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise, he would have been tricked to death by this guy.


Hearing Zhang Fan's words, Xu Mei hesitated for a moment before reacting. She subconsciously wanted to remind Ye Haoran, but she happened to see Ye Haoran punch the stalker in the stomach.


Ye Haoran's attack was much harsher than that of the crew members. Severe pain spread from his abdomen to his mind. The pain made the stalker break into a cold sweat, his face turned red, and the electric shock device in his hand fell directly to the ground.

Because of the pain, the stalker couldn't scream at all and looked at Ye Haoran with confusion.

You obviously didn't react, so how could this happen?
  I have absolutely no idea what went wrong.

Ye Haoran looked like a weak college student. Apart from being somewhat pretty, he didn't look like he had any fighting ability at all.

As a result, the attack was actually more serious than the two people who attacked him before.

Ye Haoran's principle is that if he doesn't take action, it will be a fatal blow. Unless he beats the person completely and has no strength to resist, he will never stop.

After a successful blow, Ye Haoran didn't pause at all. He punched the stalker in the stomach again, and then struck the stalker's neck with a knife, knocking him unconscious.

All the movements were completed in one go, and all the work in a few seconds was over.

When Zhang Fan ran over, everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the unconscious stalker.

The boss is so fierce?
  Like the stalker, Zhang Fan felt that Ye Haoran's fighting ability was not good enough. He originally planned to ask Ye Haoran to help stop him. As long as he delayed for a few seconds, he would come over and join the fight immediately.

When he attacked just now, he had already discovered that the stalker himself had no abilities, but his physical fitness was passable, and other than that, there was nothing special about him.

In the blink of an eye, he could completely subdue an adult man. If Ye Haoran had not received professional training, Zhang Fan would definitely not believe it.

"Hold him!"

Seeing Zhang Fan coming over, Ye Haoran was not polite at all. He directly pushed the unconscious stalker to Zhang Fan and handed it over to him for processing.

Zhang Fan quickly picked him up, then stared at Ye Haoran for a while and asked curiously: "Boss, how many years have you been practicing to be so good?"

"I learned a few tricks from the videos."

Ye Haoran made up an answer casually, and his eyes fell on Meng Fan and Yang Shan who were chasing after them.

"You guys are too careless. Three people are dealing with one person and they still let him run away."

"We have no experience in this area, and we didn't expect that he was actually wearing a stun device."

Yang Shan retorted somewhat unconvinced.

He was completely careless just now, otherwise, with this kid's three-legged cat method, there would be no chance of escape.

"What he wants to bring is not an electric shock device. He was going to the hospital just now."

Meng Fan looked at Yang Shan speechlessly. There was nothing to say about this kind of thing. It was indeed because he was inexperienced, but if he ran away, he would run away. There was no point in arguing about right and wrong.

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful."

After looking at the unconscious stalker for a while, Meng Fan looked at Ye Haoran with surprise in his eyes.

He didn't expect that a young man who looked gentle and quiet could be so fierce.


"There is a story. Brother Haoran is really fierce. Anyone who meets him has already fainted."

"It's a pity that Beauty Xu's reaction was too slow, and she didn't even see how she took action."

"Are the standards for anchors so high now? No one will say a word if they are beaten!"

"I was a little worried just now, but it turned out that it was completely unnecessary. It was too fierce." "Boss, I want to learn martial arts. Please teach me two moves!"


Ye Haoran's fierce performance made the audience in the live broadcast room dumbfounded. One second they were worried about whether Ye Haoran could handle it, and the next second he had fallen to the ground. Such fierce fighting power did not take seven or eight years of hard work. It is absolutely impossible to be so powerful and still have talent.

Otherwise, if you practice for a lifetime, you may not be able to reach Ye Haoran's level.

"Let's find a place to ask and see what's going on!"

Ye Haoran did not discuss with Meng Fan and the others about why his fighting power was so strong. He directly pointed at the still unconscious stalker and said.

Although there are few people here, it doesn't mean that no one will come. It's better to change places quickly.

If someone else saw it, it would be difficult to explain.

When the time comes, it’s impossible to knock everyone unconscious too!
  Meng Fan and the three of them had no objections and agreed to Ye Haoran's proposal.

"Go to the fire escape! There's no one there."

Yang Shan suggested.

Nowadays, people take the elevator or the stairs outside. Generally, no one enters or exits the fire escape. Mainly, there is no underground parking lot here, so there are not many suitable places.

Without any unnecessary discussion, Meng Fan looked around, and then called for others to leave together: "Let's go!"

The group entered the fire escape with the still unconscious stalker.

"You two are watching from the outside."

After entering the fire escape, Meng Fan immediately looked up and down to confirm the situation. After confirming that no one should be here, he gave instructions to the two crew members who were traveling with him.

"it is good."

The two agreed immediately, and what they did next had to be avoided.

Ye Haoran and Xu Mei were not on their ship, so it was difficult to make arrangements. They could only be asked to carefully observe the situation outside.


The sound of the fire escape door closing echoed in the stairs. Meng Fan put the stalker down and leaned against the door.

"How do we wake him up?"

Regarding how to wake up the stalker from the coma, Xu Mei was a little confused. He hadn't woken up after so long. Ye Haoran was probably not going to do it lightly. It was not easy to wake him up.

"Just slap him!"

Ye Haoran gave the answer without thinking.

After all the beatings, I didn’t miss a few slaps.

Anyway, this person himself is not a good person, so there is no need to be timid.

Meng Fan was also a practical person, and Ye Haoran dared to say so. He rounded the palm of his right hand and prepared to slap him.

If he gets hit, his face will be swollen for at least several days, regardless of whether he wakes up or not.

"Don't fight, don't fight...I'm awake!"

The stalker, whose eyes were still closed, suddenly opened his eyes and begged for mercy.

He actually woke up early, but he couldn't escape because he was being held up by Ye Haoran and others, so he pretended to be unconscious and tried to get through.

Now that Meng Fan was planning to wake him up, he naturally didn't dare to continue pretending.

(End of this chapter)

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