"We found a suitcase at the bottom of the river with a body inside."

Huo Jianming explained the situation to Ye Haoran. After Ye Haoran and Xu Mei left, the people searching the bottom of the lake were already on their way back to the boat after receiving the instructions. As a result, one of them suddenly made a new discovery.

Out of curiosity, Huo Jianming asked someone to open the black suitcase he found. The body inside had swollen because it had been at the bottom of the lake for too long. It was as if a large amount of air had been injected into it. The whole body became swollen. Extremely disgusting.

Even those of them who have been doing salvage work all year round were aroused by the condition of the corpses in the suitcase. As for the few who ran out to vomit, they were less experienced crew members and had never encountered such a situation.

The giant-like appearance caused by soaking in the water for too long is a phenomenon that only occurs under special circumstances. Even forensic doctors may not be able to withstand the horror.

Ye Haoran was shocked and subconsciously wanted to take a look at the situation, but was stopped by Huo Jianming.

"For your physical and mental health, it's better not to watch."

Huo Jianming looked serious. The current state of the corpse was beyond what ordinary people could bear. Of course, if Ye Haoran ignored the advice and insisted on looking at it, he would not stop him.

Ye Haoran and Huo Jianming looked at each other for a while, and finally chose to give up.

He is not the kind of person who likes to find trouble for himself when others advise him to eat enough.

"Damn it, you killed people and dumped their bodies. Lao Ye, you really didn't go anywhere, nothing happened."

"I'll leave the rest to you!"

After communicating with the police, Huo Jianming walked over to Ye Haoran and explained the situation.

"I personally think it was a murder of love. How can there be so many kidnappings and murders in the past two years."

"It's definitely not a murder of love. It's impossible for most people to go to such a place and dump the body in the wilderness."



The appearance of the corpse aroused the curiosity of many people. Although the condition of the corpse was not seen, the audience in the live broadcast room had already begun to speculate.

After that, he walked outside the control room and found a place to stay.

"Tell the police!"

"The police said that their people are already on the way, and they asked us not to touch the bodies under the water for the time being."

"Have you called the police?"

"What do you think is going on? Could it be a kidnapping?"

Ye Haoran didn't say anything else. The smell of corpses was not pleasant. He had caught corpses before, and he was still impressed. The police planned to get them themselves, just in time to avoid being smoked.

Ye Haoran handed the matter over to Huo Jianming. He himself did not look at the specific situation and had no way of answering when asked by the police.

Under the arrangement of Huo Jianming, a group of crew members began the salvage work of the bronze tripod.

Facing Ye Haoran's inquiry, Huo Jianming gave a negative reply: "I haven't called yet."

Although the incident with the corpse had some impact, everyone was still very happy after the bronze tripod was salvaged, and a group of people wanted to get up there.

Ye Haoran originally planned to get the bronze cauldron on the boat and drive directly to the shore. Now that there was a corpse, he had no choice but to give up his original plan.

Due to the remote location of the lake, I think there are many more intentional killings than accidental killings.

Because it has been under water for a long time, the bronze tripod is covered with mud, and its specific appearance is almost unknown.

"Why don't you come over with a water gun and give it a shot!"

As soon as Song Xiao's suggestion was made, it was immediately opposed by others. "I think your head should be flushed with a water gun. This is a national treasure. Are you responsible if it gets damaged?"

"It's not made of mud. It's so easy to break." Song Xiao said unconvinced.

Huo Jianming ignored Song Xiao's suggestion: "Don't move around, wait until the people from the archeology department come over."

If it were an ordinary object, Song Xiao's statement would indeed be correct.

But this is Jiuding, a famous cultural relic in history. You can't be too careful.

Even if it doesn't cause damage, it's still possible to avoid it.

Ye Haoran and Xu Mei were also near the bronze cauldron, observing the situation of the bronze cauldron.

"Why is this tripod red?"

She didn't look carefully underwater before, but now Xu Mei realized that something was wrong with the bronze tripod. In her impression, these things should all be green, but the one in front of her was indeed red.

"Copper is originally red, but tin is added, so it turns green."

Hearing Ye Haoran's explanation, Xu Mei nodded, showing a look of understanding.

Zhao Yao interjected from the side: "I remember in the TV series, the giant cauldron of King Wu of Qin seemed to be a red cauldron."

The tripod is a symbol of power. After King Wu of Qin ascended the throne, Qin's national power was very strong. Therefore, when the Zhou Dynasty came, they raised the tripod to show everyone the Qin royal family's ambition to conquer the Central Plains.

As a result, an accident occurred during the lifting of the tripod, and he was seriously injured when the tripod was lifted. Later, he died from his injuries, leaving a mess for the Qin State.

This incident is very famous in history, and many TV series have plots in this regard.

"This is the Yongzhou Cauldron."

Ye Haoran gave an affirmative answer. The results given by the identification technique were just like this and there would be no mistake.

It really is?
Zhao Yao was just talking casually, so he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Xu Mei was confused: "Can anyone lift this thing?"

This cauldron is almost as tall as a person and is extremely heavy.

Xu Mei felt a little incredible that someone could lift this cauldron.

"This matter has historical records, so it should be correct."

Lifting such a large cauldron undoubtedly requires extremely terrifying strength. However, there are not many people who can lift the cauldron since ancient times, and King Wu of Qin is one of them.

The situation in the Qin Dynasty at that time was naturally not comparable to what it is now, but there were some people with extraordinary talents, and it was not completely impossible for someone to emerge who could challenge the limits of the human body.

Of course, other possibilities are not ruled out.

The person responsible for recording this incident was not present at the scene. If the story were unified for some purpose, others would not be able to prove its authenticity.

The most typical one is the candlelight and ax shadow incident. At that time, only the Zhao Kuangyi brothers knew what happened to the two emperors of the Song Dynasty. Others could only study this matter through guesswork.

There are too many unclear things in history.

After learning that the Jiuding that was found was the one that killed King Qin Wu, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly became excited. Those viewers who did not know the situation also learned about King Qin Wu through the popular science of others.

There are also many people who question Ye Haoran's judgment. The condition of the Jiuding is not recorded in detail. Although the literature mentions that the Yongzhou Tripod is red, it does not mean that there are no other red copper tripods among the Jiuding.

(End of this chapter)

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