Chapter 107 Boss Gao
  Boss Gao, whose real name is Gao Jiping, is the master behind the happy forest in the Golden Cave.

She is a woman with a story. Most people only think that she is the owner of this gold-selling cave, but they do not know that that woman is secretly the owner of a famous killer organization in the world.

Just like her name, she was born like a duckweed and had no one to rely on. When she was twelve or thirteen years old, she saved four children from death.

In order to raise them up, he did not hesitate to use various methods, including his own body. The last four grew up to be talented, and they were all top-notch masters. They respected her as the boss and worked for her wholeheartedly.

All in all, Boss Gao is an amazing woman!

There are very few women who can emerge from the rotten and stinking quagmire like her and create such a big foundation!


In the hall outside the hut, Murong Fu, who was fluttering in white clothes, looked at the woman who came out, and couldn't help but recall all the memories about her in his mind.

Even Murong Fu had to praise in his heart that this woman was indeed amazing!
  At the same time, Boss Gao, who followed Tu Dapeng, couldn't help but shine, because the elegant man in white in front of him was so handsome.

Dressed in elegant white clothes, he looks to be in his early twenties, but not only is he handsome, but he also exudes a sense of confidence, which matches his chic and elegant temperament.

At just the first glance, Gao Jiping was caught.

She has met many handsome men, such as the four boys she adopted.

The boss, Ye Xiang, is a handsome man.

He has a strong character, and his whole body exudes a masculine flavor.

Meng Xinghun, however, has a delicate appearance, a cold heart, and a temperament that is completely different from ordinary people. On the contrary, he can often attract the attention of women.

Xiao He, as the youngest of the four people she adopted, can also be said to be the most beautiful one.

He was so beautiful that he hardly looked like a man.

Boss Gao once said that if Xiao He put on women's clothes and let his hair down, most men would be seduced by him. Especially his skin, which is thinner and whiter than a woman's. Many people don't understand how someone like him, who grew up in the scorching sun and wind and sand, can have such white skin.

But even as beautiful as Xiao He, compared with the man in front of him, he is just a child who has not grown up!
  Among the four people, only Shi Qun, who had the most melancholy temperament, had a slight resemblance to the figure in front of him.

"Ritsuka Chuan is dead!"

Looking at the graceful woman in front of him, Murong Fu suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, Gao Jiping's expression obviously changed slightly, but after a while she returned to normal and said with a smile: "What does this person's life and death have to do with me?"

"Oh, is it so?"

Hearing Gao Jiping's denial, Murong Fu suddenly smiled.

Seeing Murong Fu looking at her with a half-smile but not a smile, Gao Jiping, who had come back to her senses, couldn't help but secretly cursed her own stupidity. Since Tu Dapeng had already joined this man, the cooperation between the three of them would naturally be known to outsiders. .

However, people always have luck, and Gao Jiping is no exception.

"If I find out that you and Ritsuka Chuan are conspiring against him, what will happen to you?"

Seeing that Gao Jiping did not admit it, Murong Fu was not annoyed at all, but continued with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Gao Jiping's expression froze slightly.

The name "Old Bo" is not unfamiliar to her. In fact, there are fewer people in the world who don't know the name Sun Yubo than there are Buddhists who don't know the Tathagata Buddha.

In the minds of people in the world, Sun Yubo is not only the Tathagata Buddha, but also the Living Yama.

When he is kind, he can tell stories for three days and three nights at the bedside of a strange sick child, but when he is angry, he can also raze all the eight villages in the Qilian Mountains to the ground in three days!

In fact, Gao Jiping knew the old man's reputation better than others.

Just because the land deed of Happy Forest that she established was in the old man's hand, she had been dealing with him for many years.

Because of this, she fully understood how scary the old man was!
  If the old man finds out that she and Lu Xiangchuan have teamed up to assassinate him, she will be greeted by his anger that can destroy the world!

"Sir, don't you want to make fun of me anymore?"

In just one breath, Gao Jiping suddenly seemed to be a different person, and she said in a shy tone.

As she spoke, she could be seen twisting her graceful waist inadvertently, activating the natural ability of women. Although her youth has passed away, she is still a woman that men cannot resist.

Her skin after bathing looked white and rosy under the lamp, like a newborn baby's face.

The expensive and silky silk robe is open and the slender legs are exposed from the open skirt. It is still strong and full of elasticity.

My lower abdomen is still flat, and there is absolutely no muscle laxity anywhere in my body.

A woman like her is naturally very confident in herself. As long as she is a real man, he will never be able to resist her charm!

She couldn't resist the old man's subsequent anger, but the man in front of her could.

After all, even King Wanpeng, who created the "Twelve Flying Peng Gang", was defeated by this mysterious young master...

If it were him, he would definitely be able to block the old man's anger for her!

As for her confidence, in addition to her graceful body, it comes from many years of experience in running Happy Forest.

She could tell that this handsome young man in white didn't seem to dislike her.

As a woman, she naturally understands that if a man doesn't hate you, you've won half the battle!
  Just facing her show of kindness, Murong Fu moved slightly and inadvertently avoided the graceful body that actively pressed against her.

As a woman, taking the initiative only to be rejected by a man is undoubtedly a great shame and humiliation for a woman.

But at the moment, Gao Jiping did not dare to express the slightest anger, because she understood that her life, her foundation, and everything she owned were in the hands of the man in front of her.

As long as he wanted to, he could destroy everything she had spent more than ten years building in one night.

"In an era of war and famine, people could be seen dying of starvation on the roadside at any time, but a woman who was also an orphan adopted four orphans and successfully raised them into adults with her own efforts."

As if he could see the anger hidden in Gao Jiping's heart, Murong Fu suddenly spoke slowly.

At first, Gao Jiping didn't care about this, but when she heard Murong Fu slowly tell her about her experiences back then, there was no trace of satisfaction on her face, but she was filled with nervousness.

Just because this incident was a secret buried deep in her heart, almost no one in the entire world knew about this experience.

Except Ye Xiang, four people.

"I know very well how difficult it is for a woman to raise four orphans in a troubled world, so you don't have to act like this. It will make me look down on you!"

Staring at Gao Jiping, whose expressions were changing one after another, Murong Fu continued.

Hearing this, Gao Jiping couldn't help but froze again.

If she had heard this sentence, she would have ridiculed it and treated it as a joke.

But now it penetrated deep into her heart, completely exposing her hidden vulnerability to outsiders.

What's more, she is also a human being, and people need respect from others.

It's just that in the past ten years or so, except for a few half-year-old children, she has been surrounded by dirty men like pigs and dogs.

And these dirty men, although they were greedy for her body, they also despised her.

"You are a rare talent, that's why I went here in person today to recruit you..."

Looking at Gao Jiping who was completely silent, Murong Fu said slowly.

However, everything he said at this time failed to arouse Gao Jiping's reaction at all. It was obvious that his previous words had penetrated her heart.

"If you are willing to agree to work for me, I will not only get the land deed of Happy Forest for you, but I will also let you choose the most prosperous downtown areas in the twelve major cities in the south of the Yangtze River!"

Looking at Gao Jiping who seemed indifferent, Murong Fu then made an offer that she could not refuse.

"make a deal!"

At this moment, Gao Jiping seemed to have returned to her identity as the proprietress of Happy Forest, and she agreed without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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