Chapter 111 Changting (Part )

Outside the pavilion, Murong Fu and the old man looked at each other from a distance. Both of them were patient, waiting for the moment when the other party showed his flaws.

In the eyes of the old man, the Murong Fu in front of him was still too mysterious. He and King Wanpeng had been in a stalemate for many years, and it was always difficult to distinguish between them!
  But in just a few months, King Wanpeng, who founded the "Twelve Flying Peng Gang", was completely destroyed!
  With such an impressive record ahead of him, I cannot help but be cautious!

Murong Fu on the side was afraid of the cooperation between the two. Although he had Brother Bao and Brother Bao behind him, the tacit understanding between the two parties was not at the same level, not to mention that Han Tang was a ruthless and unintentional person!
  So he was waiting for an opportunity, waiting for a suitable time to take action.

But the old man was very patient and never showed any flaws.

But Murong Fu had other methods. He suddenly said: "You are old. You are too old to have the confidence to win, and you are too old to have the courage to take action!"

At this moment, Han Tang suddenly moved.

"Whoever is rude to me will die!"

Everyone present could clearly hear the few words he said.

But the old man's face changed drastically. Han Tang's attacks were extremely fast and vicious. Anyone who can attack with both of these two points is enough to make a name for himself in the world.

But Han Tang has another advantage, that is, he is not afraid of life and death at all!

Once such a person takes action, very few people in the world can stop him!

The old man is no exception!

If it were in the past, the old man would definitely have full confidence in Han Tang, but today he understands that Han Tang has fallen into the opponent's provocation, which is why he has not wanted to see him in recent years.

Murong Fu quietly handed out a palm. He was obviously late but arrived first. Just when the palm was about to land on Han Tang's chest, Murong Fu suddenly changed his moves and took the initiative to take a few steps back. .

Just because Han Tang didn't dodge or dodge, and because he was extremely quick in his attack, a dagger stabbed Murong Fu directly in his ribs.

Seeing Murong Fu give in, he became even more unyielding, and his whole body shot into Murong Fu's arms like an arrow.

However, Murong Fu was on guard, and his robes had already bulged high. There was a "click" sound, and the dagger in Han Tang's hand was shattered into pieces as soon as it was stabbed.

Han Tang groaned and flew backwards. Blood oozed from the corner of his mouth. His right hand was unnaturally twisted into several pieces. It was obvious that he had lost most of his combat power.

Although his attacks were fast and ruthless, his internal strength was far inferior to others. It seemed like it was just a counterattack, but it was enough to make his insides feel as if he was in a state of overwhelming pain.

Even if he survives for a while, it will be difficult for him to stand up soon!

Seeing Han Tang's defeat, the old man sighed secretly and finally made a move.

After all, he is not the kind of unkind and unjust master. In order to protect Han Tang's dignity, he naturally can't ignore it!
  The old man's figure suddenly moved.

Taking advantage of Han Tang's opportunity, the old man managed to get into Murong Fu's arms in the blink of an eye and pushed him with his backhand.

Ever since the old man founded the Sun Mansion, he has never taken any action. Naturally, few people in the world have witnessed his martial arts.

But Han Tang knew that the old man seemed to be pampered, but he was not slow at all in taking action, and he was extremely accurate!

There was a loud "bang", Murong Fu's white clothes were fluttering, he was in high spirits, and he seemed to be unscathed.

The old man who usually remained calm even when Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, saw this scene, and his expression changed. It should be noted that his palm was enough to crack the monument and crack the stone. This time, Murong Fu's luck was pushed on him, but he was Blocked by a soft energy.

Protect your body!

At this moment, the old man realized that the man in front of him had an unprecedented amount of internal strength. His move seemed to have the upper hand, but in fact it fell into the opponent's hands.

Of course, the old man didn't know something. It was true that Murong Fu had the Beiming Divine Art to protect his body. The old man's palm just now came back in vain, but it was the subtlety of the method of absorbing energy derived from the Beiming Divine Art.

Most of the internal energy contained in the old man's palm has been absorbed by the nearby Shenfeng acupoint, and the remaining force will naturally not be able to do anything to Murong Fu.

The old man failed to accomplish anything with his palm, but he is an old man after all. King Wanpeng has his own pride, and the old man naturally has his own pride as well.

The old man's eyes flashed and he said, "Come again!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man gave up and struck out with his fist. This time he chose to hit Murong Fu hard on the cheek.

The old man's boxing spirit is like lightning. Like snake letter, but faster than lightning, faster than snake letter!
  But Murong Fu connected with him for a total of seventeen punches. The two of them fought with such ferocity that even the food and wine on the table about ten feet away were immediately shaken and the soup spilled out.

"It's rude to come back without reciprocating, so you should take my move!"

Suddenly, an invincible force suddenly hit me. The old man was at the moment when his old strength was weakening and new strength was yet to emerge. He immediately took a deep breath and secretly channeled his true energy into his body to prepare for the attack.

Hearing a loud "bang", the old man looked embarrassed, and there was faint red blood oozing out of the corners of his mouth, but he still managed to survive.

But he was able to bear it not because of his own strong internal strength.

Seeing that the old man was still standing there, Murong Fu couldn't help but let out a sigh. It turned out that the ordinary and old cloth robe that the old man was wearing was not an ordinary piece of clothing.

It's like gold but not gold, full of toughness yet soft.

"nice one!"

Murong Fu opened his mouth and praised.

"It's indeed a good thing!" The old man slowly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and replied slowly.

Even though he was lucky enough to receive the palm just now, it still caused the energy and blood in his heart to surge. The limit of being able to hold his body steady without falling was already the limit.

He really didn't expect that the young man in front of him had such a high level of internal energy. He was obviously only in his early twenties, but in terms of this level of internal energy, few people in the world could match him!

No wonder King Wanpeng was defeated in his hands!
  At this moment, the old man finally understood the terrifying cultivation level of the figure in front of him!
  "It's a pity that you can't compare to Old Man Tianji after all!"

Looking at the old man standing motionless, Murong Fu slowly shook his head, his tone full of disappointment.

The old man is the old man. He is neither Old Man Tianji nor Shangguan Jinhong, so naturally he will not be his opponent!

After hearing what Murong Fu said, the old man seemed to have become much older instantly. In the past, the figure that looked like a mountain to outsiders now became rickety.

Indeed, he can only be himself.

He can't compare to his ancestor Sun Baifa, and naturally he can't compare to Shangguan Jinhong!


At the same time, someone suddenly heard a roar, and soon saw a person rushing over from a distance like a tiger descending a mountain.

This person has a dignified appearance, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his skin has been tanned to a copper color. When he opens his eyes and stares, you will never look at others again.

This man is Sun Jian, the old man’s son.

Once he gets angry, even the old man will feel afraid.

Seeing Sun Jian appear, the old man couldn't help but look helpless.

His son was good at everything, but he was too irritable, so he regarded Ritsuka Chuan as his right-hand man.

Now that Sun Jian has appeared, it is naturally meaningless for him to ambush the surrounding people.

Sure enough, soon, a well-dressed man appeared dozens of feet away, the leader of whom was a very fat man.

And this man, the old man is very familiar with him, is his best friend Yi Qianlong.

There are very few people in the world who don't know Yi Qianlong.

Along the Yangtze River, there are thirteen streams of bandits. Some are on the water and some are on land. Yi Qianlong is the leader of these thirteen groups of bandits.

And he is the person with the most profound martial arts skills and the best water skills in the world in the past thirty years!
  Such a person, who is responsible for hiding in the dark, will naturally make the old man feel very relieved.

But he only misjudged one thing, and that was that the newcomer's martial arts was far superior to him and King Wanpeng!
  But at this time, Bao BuTong snorted coldly and waved his palms vigorously.

He has never seen such a strong and energetic person, even the road seems to be almost crushed by him. Especially his eyes, like two burning flames.

But because of this, he felt a little more interested.

Sun Jian did not dodge. He hit him with a fist, and happened to meet Bao BuTong's right hand.

There was a "bang" sound, Bao BuTong's face turned red and his body trembled violently, but Sun Jian just returned to normal in a flash.

"Third Brother!"

Seeing Bao BuTong grunting after eating, Feng BoE gave a loud shout and hurriedly flew to his rescue.

However, Feng Boai grunted and retreated a few steps. This extremely burly man, after repelling the two men, seemed to have fire burning in his eyes as he rushed towards Murong Fu.

"Whoever treats me unkindly will die!"

A sinister smile appeared on Sun Jian's lips.

His palms as big as cattail leaf fans directly grabbed Murong Fu, and it looked like he was going to crush the figure in front of him!
  Anyone who understands Sun Jian's terrifying power will never question his ability!
  But he came up quickly and knelt down quickly!
  Just because Murong Fu flicked his robe, a white palm emerged from it, and the two of them met each other in the air, and Sun Jian vomited blood.

After the two exchanged palms again, Sun Jian's body became limp and he knelt down completely.

This scene was so fast that no one present could react!
  "You're a bit overweight, but it's a pity that you don't have a good brain!"

Murong Fu stood down from a high position, looked at Sun Jian who was kneeling in front of him, and spoke slowly.

Everything in front of him was too weird. In the blink of an eye, Sun Jian was defeated. The old man could only watch this scene with his blood and energy floating around his body.

Seeing his only son defeated and defeated, his heart was going to be in chaos at that moment!
  But after a while, Murong Fu did not continue to take action.

Yi Qianlong in the distance seemed to be smiling, but in fact, he was already in confusion. Although he had dozens of tiger team masters who had been personally trained, he was now confident that he could rescue the old man and his son.

Tu Dapeng, who was standing beside the carriage in the distance, saw this scene with a gloating smile on his lips.

As someone who had personally experienced that battle, he knew very well how terrifying his master was. Now that he saw the old man and his group suffering, he was naturally happy to laugh at the joke.

(End of this chapter)

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