Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 131 East China Sea Jade Flute

Chapter 131 East China Sea Jade Flute
  East China Sea Jade Flute!

Anyone who hears this name will be shocked!
  In the past, when Bai Xiaosheng made a catalog of weapons, Donghai Jade Xiao ranked tenth.

And this Donghai Yuxiao is the only master in the Jianghu who is still in the top ten in the martial arts spectrum.

Now that "Xiao Li Fei Dao" has retired to the world with his beauty, and the "Shen Knife Hall" that once dominated the world has been destroyed, "East China Sea Jade Xiao" has naturally become a big shot in the world that no one can ignore.

And after a big man has been sitting for a long time, he is naturally used to being aloof and overlooking others. Once someone shows disrespect to him, whether in words or actions, it will arouse his overwhelming anger.

This is the situation now. Taoist Yuxiao stared at Murong Fu in front of him, the anger in his eyes seemed to burn him to ashes in an instant.

But he quickly calmed down, just because he saw someone in his eyes.

Lu Di, dressed in white, should have been extremely proud, but now he was sitting in a corner as if he had lost all his strength.

Taoist Yuxiao is very proud, but he also attaches great importance to the masters in the world in recent years, and Lu Di is among them, especially when he appeared in Chang'an City during this trip.

Naturally, he should pay more attention to this opponent!
  But right now, he is no longer qualified to be taken seriously by him!
  Taoist Yuxiao said: "He was defeated!"

This sentence is an affirmation, not a question.

"Not bad!"

Murong Fu said calmly.

Taoist Wang Xiao shook his head and said: "It seems that his martial arts is still not as good as the 'Silver Halberd Wenhou' Lu Fengxian of the past!"

As he spoke, his eyes fell on Lu Di again.

Still having that condescending look, feeling the feeling of being looked down upon, Lu Di couldn't help but show a trace of pain in his eyes.

He is also a proud person. He has always been looked down upon by others, but today he is looked down upon by others. This sudden difference makes him feel painful in his heart!

At this moment, he seemed to experience the feeling of his uncle Lu Fengxian's defeat at the hands of Shangguan Jinhong!

Taoist Yuxiao said: "Twenty years ago, I had the intention to compete with Lu Fengxian, but it is a pity that his whereabouts are still unknown!"

After a long silence, Lu Di said: "I'm still alive!"

Taoist Yuxiao sneered: "But you lost, a loser is not qualified to be my opponent!"

In the past, "Silver Halberd Wenhou" Lu Fengxian was ranked fifth in the weapon spectrum. Although he was defeated by Shangguan Jinhong in the future, it was just because of his confidence.

But his silver halberd was not defeated!
  Lu Di was silent when he heard this.

He is certainly one of the young people with the greatest reputation and the highest martial arts skills in recent years.

He even became one of the four heavenly kings of the Demon Sect without outsiders knowing it!

In terms of achievements, he can indeed crush 90% of his opponents!
  But compared with his uncle in the past, neither his martial arts nor his status in the Demon Sect seemed so dazzling!
  In the past, the battle between "Little Li's Flying Sword" Li Xunhuan and "Dragon and Phoenix Golden Ring" Shangguan Jinhong, why is it still the pinnacle battle that is highly sought after in the world?
  Just because they come from the word rival, the two of them gathered together many heroes in their era, and there was no shortage of rivals!
  Except for these two people, and the "Old Man Tianji" who is hidden in Jianghu, whether it is "Songyang Iron Sword" Guo Songyang, or the Flying Swordsman and Jing Wuming, it is precisely because of the existence of these people that the Jianghu is wonderful.

My uncle, Lu Fengxian, was able to compete with these outstanding figures and win the fourth rank in the weapons spectrum. The dangers can be imagined.

However, Lu Di's world in this era lacks these opponents who can compete with him, which naturally makes his achievements less convincing.

"As for you, don't think that just because you have won a few juniors, you can become arrogant!"

Taoist Yuxiao suddenly turned his eyes and stared at Murong Fu beside him and said coldly.

"You want to take action?"

Murong Fu raised his eyelids slightly, as if he didn't take Taoist Yuxiao's threat to heart.

"Where is Shangguan Xiaoxian?"

Taoist Yuxiao suddenly asked about someone.

"do not know!"

Murong Fu said.

What he said was true.

Shangguan Xiaoxian is not an ordinary woman, and her martial arts skills and scheming are no less than those of Shangguan Jinhong back then.

Such an outstanding woman, unless she shows up on her own initiative, it would be difficult for others to find her using ordinary methods!

Murong Fu had earlier sent four men, Deng Baichuan, to track Shangguan Xiaoxian in the city, but most of them had little success. Each time, she was only found shortly afterward.

Seeing that the results were not great, Murong Fu called the four people back.

"If you know her better and hand her over, I might be able to spare your life!"

Staring at Murong Fu who seemed to be indifferent, Taoist Yuxiao said in a cold tone.

"It stinks, it stinks, someone actually farts!"

Hearing that the veteran in front of him was so arrogant, Bao BuTong beside him finally couldn't help but cover his nose and burst out laughing.


Taoist Yuxiao's face turned cold when he heard this.

He has been famous for many years, and no one has ever dared to say such vulgar words in front of him.

Even his opponent would never say such words that would undermine his status.

The young female Taoists were already secretly sizing up Murong Fu, but now they couldn't help but smile secretly.

"Third Brother!"

Murong Fu couldn't help but shook his head when he heard that Bao BubuTing was back to his old ways.

Taoist Yuxiao's face had become extremely gloomy at this time, and the seven or eight young and beautiful women beside him suddenly stopped smiling, obviously understanding that Taoist Yuxiao was extremely angry.

Taoist Yuxiao suddenly sighed and said: "Life is so precious, why do some people have to take the initiative to seek death?"

He suddenly took out the crystal and round white jade Xiao from his belt.

The East China Sea Jade Flute was ranked tenth in the weapon catalog of the past. The Yuxiao Taoist was profound in martial arts and was said to be the head of thirteen families. The jade flute in his palm was said to be used not only for acupoints, but also for sword armor and flute pipes. There is also a very powerful hidden weapon hidden in it.

"It's not necessarily that you are seeking death. On the contrary, some people have stayed at the bottom of the well for a long time and think that the whole world is on top of their heads!"

Murong Fu shook his head.

Murong Fu didn't like Taoist Yuxiao at all.

The men in the world are not lustful, but Taoist Yuxiao is proficient in the art of collecting tonic, so he is always surrounded by young women following him, all the time.

Murong Fu would not look down upon such a person. Taoist Yuxiao's face became even more gloomy, and he suddenly moved at the moment when everyone thought he was going to take action.

Even Murong Fu thought he was going to take action.

Unexpectedly, Taoist Yuxiao still sat there and did not move. Instead, he gently stroked the flute and started playing.

The sound of a flute slowly reached everyone's ears. The music started very softly, as if a clear spring was flowing slowly from under the clouds or on the green mountain, filling people's hearts with tranquility and joy.

The sound of the music gradually becomes deeper, leading people into another more beautiful dream.

In this dream, there is neither worry nor pain, nor anger and fighting.

Taoist Yuxiao was very cautious and used his own unique method at first, the mind-seizing technique.

Different from other people's techniques, he integrated this mind-catching technique into his own Xiao Sheng. In the past, no matter how high his opponent's martial arts skills were, he would always fall for it without even realizing it!
  Originally, according to his arrogance, it was not worthy for him to use such tactics to deal with a junior like Murong Fu!
  But something that happened in Lengxiang Garden not long ago did not allow him to pay attention to it.

As we all know, Shangguan Xiaoxian was entrusted to Ye Kai by Flying Swordsman.

After Ye Kai was destroyed in Wanma Hall outside the Pass, some people already called him the best in the world in terms of weapons.

Taoist Yuxiao would naturally not admit this rumor.

But he will never underestimate Ye Kai's martial arts, just because he is the descendant of that person, and the "Little Li Flying Knife" in his hands has been regarded as a martial arts myth.

As his descendant, although few people in the world have witnessed Ye Kai's flying knife with their own eyes, who dares to despise it!

Just a few days ago, since Shangguan Xiaoxian and his party stepped into Lengxiang Garden, no one in Chang'an City has seen them in person. Naturally, no one can doubt the whereabouts of Ye Kai and Shangguan Xiaoxian!

There was even a bold rumor in the city that Ye Kai and Shangguan Xiaoxian had already fallen into a trap and been captured alive!

Taoist Yuxiao was also dubious about this rumor, so he would naturally not be careless!
  However, the song was about to end, but Murong Fu's expression remained as usual. Instead, he nodded with interest and said, "Don't stop, keep playing!"

Taoist Yuxiao's expression has changed a little.

But after all, he was ranked among the top ten masters of weapons in the past, and he really didn't stop.

But at this moment, the sound of the flute changed, becoming full of a primitive and provocative force, like a young girl who was yearning for spring, tossing and turning in her spring boudoir, moaning and groaning.

This song seems to deliberately stir up the desire deep in the man's heart.

And what is the most primitive desire in a man’s heart?
  Not long after, the expressions of Bao BuTong and Feng BoEi changed slightly.

Just because in the eyes of the two of them, the female Taoists closest to them were looking at the two brothers and smiling charmingly, and their smiles were also full of provocation.

The two had to look at them, and he found that he suddenly seemed to have turned into a boy who saw a naked woman for the first time, and his lower abdomen seemed to be on fire at this moment.

not good!

After all, the two of them were not young men who had just entered the world. Following Murong Fu as they traveled around the world, their knowledge and determination had already advanced by leaps and bounds.

Bao BuTong and Feng BoEi woke up almost at the same time, but knowing that something was wrong was one thing, but being able to resist Xiao Sheng's temptation was another.

Just when the two of them were about to lose their minds, they heard a soft hum in their ears. They woke up in an instant, but the whistle was still continuous, like a magic sound filling their ears!
  Bao BuTong and Bao BuTong hurriedly bit the tips of their tongues while using their strength to resist.

However, the two of them still tried their best to be strong.

As for Lu Di on the other side, his eyes were tightly closed and his face was pale, but he was obviously more relaxed than the two of them.

And this reason, in the final analysis, stems from his identity as a demon sect.

"Mind-capturing" is not a secret in the Demon Cult, and everyone has been involved in it to one degree or another.

Just like Nanhai Siniang, although Lu Di has never practiced, he knows some ways to resist it.

Therefore, even though he was injured first, he is still slightly calmer than Bao BuTong and the other two.

However, no matter how calm they are, as long as Taoist Yuxiao's music continues, the three of them must use their strength to resist and must not be careless, otherwise they will become puppets manipulated by him.

But there was only one exception, and that was Murong Fu.

This tune, which seemed like a magical sound to others, seemed to have no effect on him at all. Instead, he calmly caressed his hands.

Seeing this, Master Jade Xiao's face changed again. It was obvious that he had never experienced such a situation before, and he immediately started playing the jade flute in his hand.

Within a moment, the faces of Bao BuTong and Bao BuTong turned red, and they had obviously reached their limit. Even Lu Di on the side was biting his lips. As for the female Taoist next to Taoist Yuxiao, most people could no longer stand Xiao Xiao. Hearing the magic sound of music, he began to actively twist his waist and start posing.

This scene only added to the provocation of Xiao Qu's demonic voice, completely making the blood in Bao BuTong and Bao BuTong's bodies seem to be on fire.

Murong Fu remained indifferent. In his eyes, these young female Taoists, with their snow-white chests, slender waists, and slender legs, seemed like dry bones, unable to stir up any emotional fluctuations in him.

Seeing this scene, Taoist Yuxiao's eyes seemed to be flashing with malice. Naturally, he didn't believe that anyone could persevere with this piece of music, so he immediately increased his energy and started playing the jade flute.

Sometimes old age is not good, but now compared with the young Murong Fu, he has some advantages.

Once a person gets old, his energy and physical strength naturally begin to be inferior to that of a young person, but it does bring some advantages...

If you live long enough, your internal energy will naturally become deeper, and Taoist Yuxiao is already over sixty years old, and his internal energy is purer and deeper than it was twenty years ago.

That's why he had the confidence to win this battle!
  Just when Taoist Yuxiao thought he was sure of victory, Murong Fu suddenly opened his mouth and inhaled suddenly, as if a whale was swallowing everything. In the blink of an eye, his chest had bulged high.

Before Taoist Yuxiao could react, Murong Fu opened his mouth and let out an earth-shattering roar.

In an instant, everyone present groaned in unison. Among them, the young female Taoist priests surrounding Taoist Yuxiao were the most unbearable, and their bodies immediately collapsed and fell down.

Bao BuTong and Bao BuTong seemed to have been struck by a heavy hammer as they took seven or eight steps back before stopping.

Even so, the true energy in the body is in chaos, and it is currently impossible to even restore the movement energy.

As for Lu Di, who was already injured, even though blood was oozing from the corner of his mouth, he was obviously injured internally by this move.

However, the above-mentioned people are far less embarrassed than Taoist Yuxiao. He was originally rosy and very good-looking, but now his face is pale, and the red blood has stained the jade flute in his hand.

His clothes and sleeves were also stained with blood, and it was obvious that he was seriously injured.

"It's disrespectful to come and go without reciprocating. I don't know how it feels to roar like a lion?"

Looking at the severely injured Taoist Yuxiao, Murong Fu said with a smile.


Taoist Yuxiao wanted to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, blood started to pour out of his mouth.

"Your skills in telepathy are indeed not low, but it's a pity that you shouldn't show off in front of me. Please note that someone was defeated by me not long ago..."

Looking at the extremely pale Taoist Yuxiao, Murong Fu shook his head slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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