Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 146 The misunderstanding is cleared and the stone gate is opened again!

Chapter 146 The misunderstanding is cleared and the stone gate is opened again!

Qiao Feng took over as the leader of the Beggar Clan. Although it had only been a few years, he had gone through a lot of ups and downs, resolving disputes internally and resisting powerful enemies externally.

Especially half a year ago, his contribution to assassinating the Khitan Kingdom's left wing deputy marshal Yelu Bulu at night completely made the Beggar Gang famous in the world.

Although he is young, there is no doubt about his martial arts skills.

It should be noted that his masters, Master Xuanku and Gang Leader Wang, are already rare masters in the world, but he is better than his master, far better than the two masters.

The six elders of the Beggar Clan, the seven helmsmen and others were all convinced by this.

But today, in the headquarters of the Beggar Clan, Qiao Feng admitted in public that his skills were inferior to others!
  As soon as these words came out, the group of beggars couldn't help but become silent, and they obviously suspected that they heard something wrong!
  "Gang Leader Qiao is being humble. Although I am a little younger than you, I had many adventures in my early years and consumed a lot of spiritual herbs that increased my internal strength. If you look at the world of internal strength, I am afraid that only a few people can compare with me!"

Seeing Qiao Feng admitting so frankly, a strange look flashed in Murong Fu's eyes, and he also took the initiative to explain.

"I see!"

After hearing this, Qiao Feng finally understood why Murong Fu had such strong internal energy.

Murong Fu continued: "So just now you and I were competing in palm power, but I got a bit of an advantage!"

"If you lose, you lose. There are so many reasons. Master Murong doesn't have to explain it to me!"

Qiao Feng still looked calm, shook his head and said.

"That's wrong, Gang Leader Qiao. With your current martial arts skills, if you don't compete with me in terms of internal strength, if I want to win, it won't be so easy!"

Looking at Qiao Feng not far away, Murong Fu said slowly.

"And if there is a life-and-death fight between you and me, I don't dare to say that I can escape unscathed?"

After saying this, Murong Fu looked around intentionally.

He didn't say this out of thin air, nor did he mean to be flattery, but he meant it sincerely.

In his eyes, Qiao Feng was indeed a unique martial arts wizard.

His internal strength moves are not considered to be the best in the world, but when he fights with others, he always wins at the most critical moment with only one and a half moves.

That’s why wing it!

Murong Fu had just fought with him, but instead let Qiao Feng sacrifice his strengths to take advantage of his weaknesses, so even if he won, it would be a weak victory.

Moreover, with Murong Fu's current skill, looking at the current world, how many people can be defeated? Even the eminent monks of the Xuan generation in Shaolin Temple may not be able to receive his palm?
  But Gang Leader Qiao remained calm and connected with his three palms. In the end, he was only slightly at a disadvantage!

This scene was enough to surprise Murong Fu, and he especially admired Bei Qiao Feng.

It should be noted that it is still four years since the incident in Xingzilin, and the Qiao Gang leader's skills have not reached the peak of the original work. Moreover, just when the two were competing for internal strength, Murong Fu had noticed that this Qiao Gang Leader had learned a lot of internal skills. It is ordinary, it is the most common internal skill and mental method in Shaolin.

Murong Fu was a man of two generations, so it is not difficult to guess the reason.

Although Qiao Feng studied under Shaolin Xuan Ku, he was still a Khitan in the eyes of Shaolin. Naturally, he was on guard from the beginning. How could he teach him any superb internal skills in the first place?

This kind of inner strength and mental method practiced by ordinary Shaolin disciples, if it were replaced by others, it would probably take decades of practice to achieve some success!
  Just like Abbot Xuanci's own flesh and blood Xu Zhu, he was snatched away from Ye Erniang by Xiao Yuanshan and deliberately abandoned in the Shaolin Temple. Although he has been worshiping in the Shaolin Temple for more than 20 years, his martial arts are not even ordinary on the street. They are not as good as those who perform arts, which is evident from this!
  Qiao Feng was extremely gifted and a martial arts prodigy. He actually developed profound internal strength from this ordinary mental method. Later, he became a disciple of Wang Jiantong and learned the secret skills of the Beggar Clan. Since then, his progress has been rapid!
  "Mr. Murong, please look after Mr. Qiao!"

As a defeated general, when Qiao Feng heard that he was so highly praised by Murong Fu, he felt grateful and felt like a confidant.

It should be noted that he is usually a rude man and does not like to make friends who are cautious and considerate of everything. Therefore, most of the hot-blooded men around him are outspoken and outspoken.

However, today he did not expect that Mr. Murong, who was as famous as him, would respect and understand him so much without ever meeting him, which made him feel a little moved in his heart.

Murong Fu said: "Master Qiao, you don't need to be polite. Looking at the world, only you and me can be said to be able to meet good talents and meet opponents in chess!"

"Mr. Murong, how do you explain the death of Captain Quan of our gang?"

Seeing the two of them cherishing each other, an inappropriate sound came from the beggars nearby.

"Oh, it seems that Elder Bai is indeed worthy of being the law enforcement elder of the Beggar Clan!"

Seeing this sanctimonious old beggar, Murong Fu changed his tone from his praise for Qiao Feng and said calmly.

"Master Murong, please speak out!" Bai Shijing said.

"I've heard that the Beggar Clan has strict rules, so I wonder if Elder Bai knows that Captain Quan deliberately made things difficult for the head escorts under our escort bureau during the Lianghu Generation?"

Staring at the seemingly serious Bai Shijing, Murong Fu suddenly spoke.

"What, this happened?"

When Bai Shijing heard this, his expression immediately changed.

Qiao Feng frowned, obviously guessing that there must be a reason for the dispute between the two parties.

Murong Fu said: "Gang Leader Qiao, you can find someone to confirm this in person!"

The escort team of the Fuwei Escort Agency has been under constant persecution from Quan Guanqing in the Lianghu area for a long time. You only need to ask the beggars in its branch to directly confirm this.

"Come here, bring the wise man who is at the helm!"

Hearing this, Bai Shijing suddenly spoke.

In a short time, many more figures appeared in the hall. As Bai Shijing opened his mouth to ask questions in public, these beggars were frightened by his majesty and learned the whole story without much effort.

Hearing that Quan Guanqing had a conflict with Murong Fu in Taihu Lake, he held a grudge and went out of his way to embarrass the escorts of Fuwei Escort Agency in Lianghu District.

During this period, Mr. Lin from the Fuwei Escort Bureau sent people to visit him, but they were all turned away by Captain Quan. Finally, the old man playing the piano came to seek revenge!

Hearing this, Bai Shijing's face turned livid, while Ma Dayuan and the rest of the Beggar Clan all looked embarrassed. Obviously, they and others did not expect this result.

"Where are the law enforcement disciples?"

Bai Shijing suddenly said loudly.

"The law enforcement disciples are here!"

Hearing Bai Shijing speak, his law enforcement disciples hurriedly stood up and spoke.

"These people don't distinguish between black and white. They violated the third rule of the gang. They will be detained and whipped fifty times!" Bai Shijing said with a gloomy expression.

"Disciple accepts the order!"

After hearing Bai Shijing's instructions, these law enforcement disciples took Dazhi's branch disciples away and executed the whipping on the spot outside the hall.

"Law enforcement disciple, as a law enforcement elder, Mr. Bai has neglected his duty this time. He should also enforce the gang rules and give him a hundred lashes!"

Seeing Murong Fu and others looking at him, Bai Shijing gritted his teeth and ordered again.

"Gang Leader Qiao, now that the misunderstanding between the two families has been resolved, I will take my leave first!"

Seeing that Bai Shijing was about to give him an explanation in person, Murong Fu just moved his eyes, then looked at Qiao Feng and spoke slowly.

"Mr. Murong, since you are here, why are you in such a hurry? Why don't you let Qiao hold a banquet later to show off the friendship of the landlord?" Hearing that Murong Fu was about to leave, Qiao Feng immediately spoke to persuade him.

As rivals with the same reputation in the world, it was rare for the two to see each other today. Murong Fu was quite fond of him in his behavior and behavior, so he began to think of retaining him, firstly to make amends, and secondly to make friends.

"Gang Leader Qiao, you and I will have a lot of time to get together in the future. Besides, I, the Guangui Gang, have important matters to deal with right now!"

After saying this, Murong Fu's eyes deliberately glanced at Bai Shijing and others who were standing aside with livid faces.

"Well, one day I will go to your door in person to apologize to Mr. Murong!"

Qiao Feng glanced at Bai Shijing and others beside him. He knew that today was not a good time to entertain guests, so he clasped his fists.

Murong Fu shook his head gently and said: "Brother Qiao, there is no need to apologize, but if you come to Jiangnan as a guest in your spare time in the future, I will sweep the couch to welcome you!"

Having said this, Murong Fu and Deng Baichuan left in a hurry, while Qiao Feng and a group of beggars went to see him off outside the main rudder in person.


"Master, that Gang Leader Qiao is indeed a rare good man!"

After leaving Luoyang, Deng Baichuan, who had been following Murong Fu for a long time, suddenly spoke.

"Not bad!"

Gong Yeqian also nodded slowly.

Although the two of them had only met Beiqiao Feng for the first time, they both praised each other unanimously.

"This man has a bloody liver and gallbladder. He is someone we can be friends with!"

Murong Fu also smiled slightly when he heard this.

Naturally, his evaluation of Qiao Feng would not be low.

However, through today's gathering, Murong Fu also saw Qiao Feng's current predicament.

He currently seems to be the leader of the largest gang in the Central Plains, and his fame and martial arts skills are all touted by people in the world, but one day his identity as a Khitan will be exposed.

The tragedy in the original work may happen again!
  Thinking of this, Murong Fu frowned slightly.

To be honest, he admired this man with the same name as him very much, and naturally he didn't want to see him make the same mistakes as before.

Besides, Qiao Feng's tragedy is also inseparable from the Murong family.

The battle at Yanmen Pass changed the fate of more than one family, and the most innocent among them was Qiao Feng's family.

Thinking of this, Murong Fu couldn't help but think of Murong Bo who was still hiding in Shaolin.

In order to plot to restore the country back then, he did everything he could!

If he wants to resolve the conflicts in the past, he will naturally have to show his cards to Murong Bo. But if he continues to remain silent, who knows what troubles his father will create in the dark?

Moreover, Murong Bo is not the only person hiding in Shaolin Temple.

As a sworn enemy, Xiao Yuanshan, who was accused of killing his wife, was also hiding in the Sutra Pavilion.

And compared to Murong Bo, Xiao Yuanshan's heart was more violent. Just like after the battle in Xingzilin in the original novel, when he saw Qiao Feng being betrayed by everyone because his identity as a Khitan was revealed, he resolutely took action.

In just a few months, he not only killed Zhao Qiansun who had participated in the battle of Yanmen Pass, but also secretly attacked and killed Qiao Feng's mentor Xuan Ku, and finally even Qiao Sanhuai, who had adopted Qiao Feng since childhood, completely made Qiao Feng The peak has disappeared from the martial arts world in the Central Plains.

Although Qiao Feng's identity has not been revealed at the moment, Murong Fu is not sure whether Xiao Yuanshan will suddenly take action?
  After all, in the past, the martial arts community in the Central Plains set up an ambush outside Yanmen Pass for no reason, causing his family to be destroyed, and his only flesh and blood to be adopted as a Han!
  Therefore, no matter when Xiao Yuanshan breaks out, it is reasonable and not abrupt at all.

So for this reason, Murong Fu had to act before the two of them took action.

Thinking of this, Murong Fu couldn't help but sigh.

With his current martial arts skills, he can easily do anything in the world, but it is the most difficult to resolve when it comes to past grudges.

In particular, this matter is more complicated than the love-hate relationship between the three elders of the Xiaoyao Sect in the past, and Xiao Yuanshan's family is not the only one Murong Bo offended.

Abbot Xuanci of Shaolin Temple, Zhao Qiansun, and Master Zhiguang are just the people who survived that year.

There were nearly twenty other heroes from the Central Plains who were killed in the battle of Yanmen Pass. These people were qualified to participate in the ambush that year, and they were all famous figures in the martial arts world of the Central Plains.

Once this matter is leaked out, the Murong family will be even more miserable than Qiao Feng in the original work where everyone betrayed their relatives and separated!
  Thinking of this, Murong Fu had to sigh!
  If his good father is allowed to continue to cause trouble, everyone in the world will be the enemy of the Murong family in the future!


Luoyang is only a thousand miles away from the south of the Yangtze River. With the skills of Murong Fu and the others, they returned to Taihu Lake in less than three days.

But when he returned to Yanziwu, he received unexpected news.

Perhaps because he had been bothering Murong Fu for a long time, his mentor Wu Yazi left a handwritten letter the day before yesterday saying that he was going to travel to the Western Regions.

It turned out that just when he was going north to visit the Beggar Clan, Wu Yazi, who had been recuperating in Yanziwu for a long time, finally nodded and agreed to return to Piaomiao Peak to stay for a while under Child Elder's persuasion.

Piaomiao Peak was originally the former sect of Xiaoyao Sect. Wu Yazi returned to Lingjiu Palace, so naturally he was not a guest.

Murong Fu was slightly surprised by this.

But what was even more surprising was that his senior uncle Li Qiushui actually took the initiative to accompany him.

As his mentor Wu Yazi was going to travel far away, his senior brother Su Xinghe naturally had to accompany him in person. However, he still left a few of the Eight Friends of Hangu behind before leaving.

Perhaps because he knew that Kang Guangling and the bookworm Gou Du had weird personalities and were not useful, he specially left the genius doctor Xue Muhua and the craftsman Feng Asan to follow his orders this time.

As for Tong Lao and Li Qiu Shui, they also left their personal belongings before leaving for Murong Fu to use as he pleased.

Seeing the three elders of Xiaoyao suddenly walking away together, Murong Fu couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Just when he was about to calmly think about how to resolve the grudges of the past, the jade pendant he carried suddenly felt hot again.

Knowing that this was a sign that the void stone gate was about to open, Murong Fu couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

It should be noted that when the stone gate opened this time, it was obviously much faster than the previous times!

Murong Fu thought about it, and it was only related to his increasing skill.

It should be noted that by wearing it with you, you are quietly absorbing your own internal energy every day. As your skills become more advanced, the time you spent warming up the jade pendant every day will probably be reduced.

"Cousin, are you troubled by anything else?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in Murong Fu's ears.

"Cousin, you are here!"

Murong Fu looked back at Wang Yuyan who suddenly appeared, and smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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