Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 153 The big show is about to take place on stage, preparations are underway!

Chapter 153 The big show is about to take place on stage, preparations are underway!

Huo Tianqing is too proud and too lonely!
  As the son of the previous generation of martial arts master "Tian Qin Lao Lao" who was only born at the age of seventy-seven, he has been burdened with too heavy pressure and too strong self-esteem since he was born.

Stress and self-esteem are two things, either of which can quickly promote a person's growth!

But if the two are combined, it will be counterproductive.

Huo Tianqing is such an example, so when he became sensible, he did not want to live under his father's reputation in the past.

As a young man, he wants to enter the world as soon as possible and make an earth-shattering career. It is not surprising to have this ideal!
  But at the wrong time and in the wrong place, he met a woman who seemed flawless on the outside, but was actually perverse and vain on the inside!
  A young man, no matter how superb his martial arts skills are, will always be easier to deal with than the old Jianghu!
  For Shangguan Feiyan, Huo Tianqing is such an easy person to deal with!

With just a little bit of use, she could gain Huo Tianqing's trust and successfully lay the groundwork for the future killing of two powerful enemies, Yan Tieshan and Dugu Yihe.

It's just that Huo Tianqing is a smart man after all, he is not stupid. When Yan Tieshan was stabbed to death by Shangguan Feiyan who was pretending to be Princess Danfeng in front of him, he knew that he was being used.

But after all, he still couldn't be ruthless and couldn't take action against Shangguan Feiyan, so he had to take the initiative to invite Lu Xiaofeng to fight in order to repay Yan Tieshan's kindness.

The two of them fought, but due to the persuasion of everyone at Tianqinmen, they finally failed to make the trip!
  In the end, the death of Shangguan Feiyan made him aware of the real culprit behind the scenes, but when he faced Huo Xiuxiu alone, he died of poisoning!

Huo Tianqing was a proud man until his death, and he was unwilling to take advantage of his father's legacy, as if he was afraid that he would be seen as relying on his father's legacy.

The "Tianqin Sect" he is in charge of is no less powerful than the seven major sects in the world. As long as he opens his mouth, whether it is the hero "Shanxi Yan" who shocked Guanzhong with his pair of iron palms, or the flying fish alone in the past. Mr. Fan Da, who wiped out eight villages in the pond, and used the dry pipe to hit thirty-six major acupoints and seventy-two minor acupoints on the human body, or Mr. Jian Er, the only successor to the magical power of snapping fingers in the past...

These masters who have been famous in the world for many years will come under his command and listen to his orders!

With the help of these people, if he is serious about fighting for the treasure of the former Golden Peng Kingdom, even if Lu Xiaofeng invites Ximen Chuixue to help, he still has to stay away.

But he would rather die than give up his pride, so he died on the eve of the truth being revealed!

For such a stubborn young man, Murong Fu was naturally aware of his thoughts, so he had the idea of ​​accepting him as his subordinate before taking action.

Huo Tianqing's martial arts is not weak. He can force Dugu Yihe to lose his internal strength so much that he loses to Ximen Chuixue. How can his martial arts be too weak!
  Moreover, as the young master of the Tianqin Sect, with the help of the masters of the Tianqin Sect, the name of Fuwei Escort Agency will be more resounding throughout the world!

Outside the water pavilion, there was a wine banquet.

As the host, Yan Tieshan warmly welcomed everyone to sit down, as if the unpleasantness not long ago had never happened.

But after Murong Fu sat down, his eyes suddenly fell on the gentle and elegant young bachelor beside him, and suddenly said: "Master Su also knows swords?"

Su Shaoqing looked stunned for a moment, but then nodded and said: "I understand a little bit!"

"If you only have some knowledge of the famous Seven Swords of Emei, how can someone inferior to you in this world dare to use the sword?"

When Murong Fu heard this, he shook his head slightly.

After hearing what Murong Fu said, Su Shaoqing's face was obviously a little stunned, and he obviously did not expect that his identity would be revealed in public.

"I'm here to challenge you!"

Huo Tianqing, who was sitting on the side, said suddenly, and at the same time, he reached out with his right paw and grabbed Su Shaoqing's wrist.

When Su Shaoqing saw this, he stabbed out with the chopsticks in his hand.

Just now, he witnessed the fight between Murong Fu and Huo Tianqing with his own eyes. Knowing that he was definitely no match for Huo Tianqing, he used all his strength in this attack.

Su Shaoqing used the tooth chopsticks in his hand as a sword and stabbed out seven or eight swords in a row, all of which were authentic internal swordsmanship.

However, Huo Tianqing used only one hand to force back all the changes in the teeth and chopsticks in Su Shaoqing's hands, forcing Su Shaoqing to use the second form of the seven-sword series again.

His swordsmanship is light, flexible, and ingenious, and the sword is never far away from Huo Tianqing's ears and eyes.

But Huo Tianqing still relied on only one hand to cope with all changes. The two fingers of his right hand were put together as if they were pecking at each other. In the blink of an eye, Su Shaoqing heard a muffled groan and the chopsticks in his hand were broken into several pieces.

And he was also held by Huo Tianqing, who was holding the chopsticks, unable to move at all!

"There are three heroes and four talents in the Emei sect. Which one of the three heroes are you?"

Perhaps after experiencing the disastrous defeat not long ago, Huo Tianqing's tone was obviously less patient than before.

"I'm Su Shaoying from Emei!"

This gentle-looking young man's face was a little red, and he seemed to be ashamed that he was defeated at the hands of the attacker without any resistance.

"It turns out to be the two heroes of Emei Su!"

Huo Tianqing said expressionlessly.

With his martial arts, only those masters who have been famous for many years in the world can compare with him. Su Shaoying's martial arts is not weak, but compared with him, it is a world of difference.

Just like he was defeated by Murong Fu just now!
  Hearing the identity of Emeishan Su Shaoying, Yan Tieshan's smile froze slightly.

After the fall of the Great Jinpeng Kingdom, the four of them, Yan Liben, came to the Central Plains with their gold and silver treasures. Decades ago, although there was very little contact between the three of them.

But they knew each other's identities. For example, Dugu Yihe was Ping Duhe back then, and Shangguan Mu changed his name to Huo Xiu and secretly became the owner of Qingyi Tower.

Now I heard that one of the Three Heroes of the Emei Sect appeared in the Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion under a pseudonym. Apparently, apart from the Jin Peng Dynasty in the past, there were still people who wanted to settle accounts with him.

In recent years, his martial arts has never slackened!
  But he is just a businessman after all, so no matter how high his martial arts skills are, he still doesn't have much confidence when facing Dugu Yihe and Ximen Chuixue, who are among the top six martial arts masters in the world!

"It seems I was right, there will be trouble coming soon!"

Murong Fu glanced at Yan Tieshan beside him and made a pun.

Hearing this, Yan Tieshan smiled bitterly and said, "Sure enough, I can't hide it from Young Master Murong!"

Suddenly he realized that he seemed to have no secrets in the eyes of Mr. Murong!
  "Boss Yan, since I promised you, I will naturally keep you safe!"

Understanding Yan Tieshan's worries, Murong Fu just smiled softly.

"I wonder, Boss Yan, has he ever met Huo Xiu?"

Murong Fu turned his eyes and suddenly looked in the direction of the back mountain. The water pavilion here was far away from the back mountain, but with Murong Fu's eyesight, he could see a corner of the small building in the distance.

"We know each other, and we have been old friends for many years!"

Knowing that Murong Fu already knew his former identity, Yan Tieshan no longer concealed it and nodded slowly.

"It's just that he is very lonely and weird. We haven't interacted with him for a long time since we came to the Central Plains!"

As if she remembered something, Yan Tieshan looked obviously strange and then added.

Murong Fu raised his wine glass and said slowly: "But I heard that he built a small building on the back hill of your jeweled pavilion!"


Hearing this, Yan Tieshan's expression changed significantly.

"Six months ago, I was invited by the owner of this building to be a guest, and he even gave me a jar of fifty-year-old daughter's red wine!"

Huo Tianqing on the side also seemed to think of something, and then said slowly. It turns out that Huo Xiu built a small building in the back hill a few years ago and would live here for one or two hours every year. However, even before that, neither Yan Tieshan nor Huo Tianqing knew anything about it. .

Hearing this, Yan Tieshan sneered and said, "Hey, they are really good friends of Mr. Yan, and they even planted a needle under Mr. Yan's nose without knowing it!"

Yan Tieshan is certainly a smart person to be able to turn Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion into the largest jeweler in the Central Plains in just a few decades!

It's just that his mind was all on doing business, and he didn't expect that his old friend had already targeted him!

Of course, this is what Yan Tieshan doesn't know. Among the many humeral ministers in the Great Jinpeng Kingdom in the past, Huo Xiu was the least of them!

He who divided up the wealth of the former Golden Roc Kingdom was actually already a rich man!
  But he was still not satisfied and wanted to become the most powerful person in the world, so he founded Qingyi Tower.

Seeing that he had all the money and power and had reached the pinnacle of his life, a pair of invisible black hands took away 90% of his wealth without him knowing it.

That's why he suddenly focused on his old friend!
  But to be honest, even if there were no black hands that took away his wealth, it wouldn't be long before he would still be eyeing the wealth of the Golden Roc Kingdom in the past.

This is a person's nature and has nothing to do with anyone else!

While the group was chatting, Su Shaoying was also taken away.

Suddenly, they heard a slight sound of breaking through the air in the distance. Yan Tieshan and Huo Tianqing frowned at the same time, but Murong Fu looked as usual and smiled: "Don't be nervous, they are my people!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw two figures falling onto the stone bridge.

Among them, the first one was tall and tall, with a square head and big ears, like an ordinary rich man from the countryside, while the other one was thin and looked like a poor scholar.

However, Yan Tieshan and Huo Tianqing did not dare to look down upon him, because they could see that there seemed to be a divine light in the person's eyes, his breathing was steady, and when his feet landed on the stone bridge just now, they were even more light and almost silent.

Obviously, these two people not only have profound internal skills, but also have strong attainments in Qinggong.

But if it was just these two people, how could they be noticed so easily...


Just when the two were suspicious, they saw several figures falling not far away. One of them was wearing a light red shirt and looked like a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old.

When she saw Murong Fu from a distance, she called out.

"A'Zhu, this girl!"

Seeing A'Zhu acting like this, Bao BuTong, who followed closely, shook his head slightly.

"Master, we are back!"

The leader, Deng Baichuan, bowed his hands respectfully.

Murong Fu asked: "Is the matter settled?"

"Reporting to the young master, the matter has been settled. Just as the young master guessed, there is no one in the small building!"

Gong Yeqian on the side replied slowly.

"That's good!"

Murong Fu heard this and nodded gently.


At the same time, Wang Yuyan, who was escorted by everyone, looked at Murong Fu in front of her and said softly.

"Thank you for your hard work, cousin!"

When Murong Fu saw this, his tone changed to judo.

Wang Yuyan really worked hard this time. She didn't like fighting with others, but she started learning martial arts for her own sake, and even started to get involved in other miscellaneous studies.

After all, she was born with intelligence and an extraordinary memory. She not only read two collections of books, but also included martial arts and miscellaneous studies.

But this time when we went to Huo Xiu's Qingyi Building, Wang Yuyan showed great strength.

Speaking of this, I have to mention that Huo Xiu is too proud. He boasts that there are countless exquisite mechanisms on the first floor of Qingyi, so he deliberately left a text reminder at the entrance.

Others will definitely not follow the reminder in his words, so they will either die from the machine's crossbow or be trapped in the infinite secret palace.

But he didn't know this, so he happened to give Murong Fuxing an advantage.

All you need to do is follow the reminder in his text to get deep into the first floor of his Qingyi building. Then your cousin will make some slight changes, and then you can just wait for Huo Xiu to fall into the trap!
  Seeing Murong Fu's gentle tone, Wang Yuyan's cheeks turned red and she whispered softly: "I am very happy to be able to do something within my ability for my cousin!"

"Yuyan has grown up!"

Seeing that Wang Yuyan rarely dared to express her thoughts, Murong Fu couldn't help but smile.

The two girls, A'Zhu and A Bi, both covered their mouths in unison, apparently snickering.

"Cousin, this is Boss Yan..."

After taking Wang Yuyan and sitting next to him, Murong Fu explained her with a smile.

"This girl and Master Murong are truly a match made in heaven!"

Yan Tieshan was so sophisticated that she saw the current situation of the two of them at a glance, and immediately started to praise them.

Murong Fu looked normal at this, but Wang Yuyan heard such explicit praise from others for the first time. She felt happy but also a little shy at the same time.

The whole jade cheek is flushed, which adds a bit of beauty.

Seeing that Wang Yuyan seemed a little shy, Murong Fu reached out and took her left hand, and then smiled and said: "Thank you very much, Boss Yan, for the compliment!"

Feeling the warmth coming from her cousin in the palm of her hand, Wang Yuyan was so embarrassed that she wanted to lower her head, but deep down in her heart, she was rarely so happy as she was today.

She was ashamed that she was still a thin-skinned daughter, but she was happy that her cousin finally understood her thoughts.

At the same time, Abi on the side continued to pour wine for her young master in silence.

Looking at the three women surrounding Murong Fu and the four people Deng Baichuan and Deng Baichuan sitting at another banquet table, Yan Tieshan couldn't help but become more curious about the identity of Mr. Murong.

He has excellent martial arts skills, and is accompanied by such a unique maid. Even his subordinates are rare first-class masters in the world.

Such a person, with such a family background, should not be an unknown person!

But no matter how much Yan Tieshan thought about it, she never thought of when such a master appeared in the world!
  Huo Tianqing on the side also had the same idea. He came from an extraordinary family, and there were no less than a dozen experts in the Tianqin Sect. They seemed to respect him as well.

But Huo Tianqing knew in his heart that they only respected his surname, not him as a person.

However, Huo Tianqing could see that the respect that the four masters under Murong Fu showed towards him was not due to their status, so naturally, a trace of sincere envy arose in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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