Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 179 Gong 9, Prince Taiping!

Chapter 179 Gong Jiu, Prince Taiping!

The opponent the little old man mentioned could naturally only be one person.

In the invisible man organization created by him, there will naturally be no shortage of so-called masters, but there are not many people who are qualified to be Murong Fu's opponents!

For example, his daughter Beef Soup, and the people in the water pavilion. These people seem to have very high martial arts skills, but the little old man understands that as long as Murong Fu takes action, these people may not be able to take even one move!
  After all, he is a young old man. Looking at the world, there are not many people who are qualified to be Murong Fu's opponent. However, in the invisible man organization he created, there is still one person who is qualified to be Murong Fu's opponent!

And this person is Gong Jiu!


Soon, the Ninth Young Master, who was like a dragon in the little old man's mouth, appeared.

Outside the water pavilion, a man in white suddenly appeared.

His face was as cold as a marble sculpture, and he was also wearing white clothes. He hadn't arrived yet, but his cold temperament already made people shudder. He was Gong Jiu.

Compared to ordinary people, he seems colder and more arrogant!
  But if you know his martial arts and identity, you will understand that a person like him is a given!

Behind Gong Jiu, a young girl with very high breasts and thin waist also came outside the water pavilion.

Her expression is noble and her temperament is cold, like a princess, but in fact she is the princess here, the little old man's daughter Beef Soup.

It's secretly surprising that a beautiful woman has such a strange name, but in fact her name is Beef Soup.

At this time, Beef Soup looked at Gong Jiu in front of him, and his eyes seemed to shine...

But her eyes were very strange, as if they were a loving couple, and her eyes showed reverence, as if Gong Jiu not far away was the great hero in her heart!
  Seeing Gong Jiu appearing with his daughter, the little old man's expression remained as usual, as if he was not surprised.

"Murong Fu!"

Gong Jiu stared at Murong Fu who was facing him from afar, and suddenly spoke.

Murong Fu said calmly: "Gong Jiu!"

The tone of the two was extremely calm, but it gave others the impression that they had known each other for a long time!

Gong Jiu stared at Murong Fu and said calmly: "Do you know me?"

"I always know a little more than others!" Murong Fu said.

"Oh?" Gong Jiu said.

"For example, your identity..."

Murong Fu stared at Gong Jiu, who looked like a handsome young man not far away, but his tone gradually became more playful.

"My identity?"

Gong Jiu's expression rarely changed slightly.

"For example, you are the Prince of Taiping, and you are planning a major rebellion!"

Staring at Gong Jiu not far away, Murong Fu spoke calmly.

When Gong Jiu heard this, his whole expression suddenly changed. The graceful young master not long ago seemed to have turned into a poisonous snake and then into a jackal. Resentment and cruelty flashed in his eyes staring at Murong Fu.

When Beef Soup on the side heard this, he couldn't help but look surprised. Apparently he had not expected that their plan would be seen through by an outsider like Murong Fu.

There was only one little old man, still with his hands behind his back, as if he was not surprised by all this, and the smile on his lips became even wider.

Murong Fu was no stranger to this kind of expression, because he would also show it sometimes!
  "No wonder some people say that you are made of the fluid of a poisonous snake, the heart of a fox, the ice and snow in the North Sea, the rocks of the Tianshan Mountains, the bravery of a lion, the ruthlessness of a jackal, the patience of a camel, the wisdom of a human, plus a line from the 18th floor Made of ghosts beneath the earth!”

Looking quietly at Gong Jiu not far away, Murong Fu suddenly sighed softly.

Gong Jiu is too complicated and strange, but even the little old man Wu Ming said he is an amazing genius.

He sometimes seems very stupid, often gets lost, and can't even tell the left and right directions. If you ask him how many people are left if seventeen of a hundred people die?
  He might actually find a hundred people, kill seventeen of them, and then count the rest before he could answer.

But no matter how difficult the martial arts is, he can learn it all in one go. No matter how tightly guarded the place is, he can come and go freely. He already knows what you are thinking before you say it. If you want him to kill you, A person, no matter where that person is hiding, no matter how many people are protecting him, he will never miss!
  With martial arts skills like that of Honest Monk, he would not be able to perform three moves at all.

He doesn't gamble, he doesn't drink, and he doesn't like any of the things that men like.

When he had nothing to do, he would sit alone on the beach in a daze, sometimes without saying a word for two or three days. Once he sat on the beach for three days without eating anything or even drinking a drop of water.

His endurance is indeed unmatched by anyone. He can stay at the bottom of the sea for a day and a night without coming out.

He simply didn't seem to need to breathe. One time, he didn't know why he offended the little old man, so he nailed him into a coffin and buried him underground for four or five days. Later, someone couldn't help but secretly dig out the coffin and open it. When I looked at the coffin lid, I saw that he actually stood up, patted his clothes and left without even a single incident!
  Such a person, with such martial arts skills, should have been a top master!
  But he has a quirk that no one else knows. Yes, he is a masochist!

Gong Jiu is a person who likes to abuse himself.

Although self-abuse is perverted, it is also a form of venting.

He has gotten too much, and it is too easy to get, so his inner desires can only be truly satisfied when he abuses himself.

He is neither a god nor a superman, just a snail.

Because he always hides in his superhuman shell like a snail, only coming out for air when no one sees him.

Perhaps it was because he had been held in his shell for too long that the desires in his heart had to be vented.

He chose this way because other things were too easy for him to get, and only this way could truly satisfy him.

Although he loved Shaman very much in the original work, he lost to Lu Xiaofeng in love because of his twisted and perverted temperament.

After all, except for weird women like Beef Soup, 90% of women in the world will not like men with weird personalities and extreme behaviors!
  Looking at Gong Jiu who stood like an iceberg in front of him, Murong Fu's eyes gradually showed a trace of pity.

That's right, it's mercy!

This man will never have friends from beginning to end!
  There will be no lover with whom one can have a heart-to-heart relationship, just like an unsociable beast that can only hide in the dark to vent its untimely desires!
  "Are you pitying me?"

Gong Jiu's right hand suddenly clenched. As one of the few swordsmen in the world who could compete with Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng, his eyes were extremely sensitive and he quickly noticed everything.

Murong Fu did not answer, but his eyes said everything.

Gong Jiu's eyes were cold, his hands lowered, his sleeves and robe slightly swaying, and he said: "Please!"

The end of the road is the end of the world, the end of the words is the sword!
  Gong Jiu stopped talking. He had finished speaking. The sword was already in his hand and had been unsheathed.

Murong Fu said: "Please!"

As soon as he said the word "please", Gong Jiu's long sword was already unsheathed. His sword was like a flying rainbow, piercing Murong Fu's eyes straight away.

His sword seemed to break Murong Fu's head in half!
  He was a twisted person, yes, but he was also a proud person. He would not have chosen this method originally, but Murong Fu's eyes not long ago hurt his heart.

He is the prince of Prince Taiping. He has a noble status. He is the best among ten thousand people. His swordsmanship is superb. Even Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng have never regarded them as real opponents!

Just because he is very confident, confident in his sword and his martial arts, it is difficult to find an opponent in the world! And it is not difficult for a proud and paranoid person to be angered!

Gong Jiu's sword was not unpleasant at all, he was no longer inferior to Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng!

But facing his stunning sword move, Murong Fu suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched it with two fingers, firmly clamping the sword's edge from the air.

Seeing this scene, the beef soup behind her couldn't help but let out a sigh. It was obviously extremely unexpected that the visitor could stably clamp the sword of Jiu Ge, who she regarded as a god in her heart.

However, the little old man's expression remained normal, but his eyes were fixed on the two fingers of Murong Fu's right hand, as if he saw something interesting on them.

Gong Jiu's eyes were filled with cold light, and the long sword in his hand suddenly erupted with cold sword energy. Although Murong Fu was able to clamp his sword through the air, he was surprised, but he was so arrogant that he would not believe that he would be defeated!
  With the explosion of Senhan's sword energy, he had the confidence to cut off two of Murong Fu's fingers.

There was a rumor in the world that Lu Xiaofeng could pinch anything with his sword, but Gong Jiu was confident that Lu Xiaofeng would never be able to pinch his sword!
  But today Murong Fu happened to clamp his sword, which gave him a big surprise.

On the contrary, with the explosion of Senhan's sword energy, Murong Fu's two fingers still clamped the edge of his sword firmly. His two fingers were still safe and sound, and there was not even the slightest trace of injury.


Seeing this, the beef soup on the side couldn't help but look surprised.

She knows her ninth brother's martial arts best. On this unknown island, no one can be the enemy of Sanhe. Except for the little old man, he has no opponent in the world!
  But the scene before her was a surprise to her!


Seeing this scene in front of him, Gong Jiu himself couldn't help being surprised.

It should be noted that his cold sword energy burst out, not to mention a mere flesh and blood body, even if he is wearing heavy armor, it is difficult to withstand it!

But the scene before him seemed like a joke to him.

"Do you know the ranking of weapons in the past?"

Looking at Gong Jiu who looked shocked, Murong Fu suddenly said.

"I heard something." Gong Jiu said.

Murong Fu said slowly: "In the past, the 'Silver Halberd Wenhou' Lu Fengxian, who ranked fifth in the weapons list, once trained two indestructible fingers."

"Could it be..."

Hearing this, Gong Jiu's eyes suddenly shone brightly.

"Yes, but I have not only trained these two fingers..."

After saying this, Murong Fu smiled slightly again, and then Gong Jiu suddenly felt that the sword in his hand suddenly became a little hot to the touch. The next moment, he witnessed an even more incredible scene with his own eyes.

Just because the long sword in his hand suddenly began to melt under Murong Fu's two fingers, and two more finger gaps appeared on both sides.

With a crisp "ding" sound, the long sword in his hand was completely broken into two pieces.

Everyone who witnessed this scene with their own eyes was shocked. Beef Soup was like this, and Gong Jiu was also like that.

Regardless of their martial arts experience, these brothers and sisters can be regarded as a group of rare people in the world, but they have never seen such martial arts, such weird and bizarre martial arts!
  "What kind of martial arts is this?"

Gong Jiu looked at the obvious finger marks on his long sword and suddenly said.

He has a distinguished status, and the sword in his hand is naturally unusual. It is the Red Dragon Snow-Sealing Sword, which was forged by a famous craftsman and consumed a lot of exotic metals.

Since the sword was made, it has been invincible and killed countless enemies, but the sword body is still the same as before.

But today, it was melted away by two fingers in front of his eyes...

Murong Fu smiled and said: "The Heavenly Jue Earth Destroying Great Ziyang Hand is the martial arts of Xingxuhai Wuwuzi in the past!"

"Could it be the martial arts of the Demon Cult?"

Hearing this, Gong Jiu's eyes lit up, as if he had guessed something.

"Yes, in the past Wuqingzi and Duoqingzi went south to the Central Plains, but it was a pity that he was defeated by that flying knife!"

Murong Fu spoke calmly and then brought up the past events of that year.

"Both Da Zi Yang Shou and Da Soul Shou can be regarded as unique skills that have never been born before in the Demon Sect. Wuqingzi and Duoqingzi can also be regarded as rare martial arts wizards in the world. However, it took more than ten years for them to master this skill. as long as!"

"What about Lu Fengxian?"

Gong Jiu suddenly mentioned Lu Fengxian, the "Silver Halberd Wenhou" who ranked fifth in the weapons list in the past.

As masters of the Demon Cult, the reputations of Duoqingzi and Qingqingzi are naturally far less famous than Lu Fengxian.

Murong Fu said: "Lu Fengxian is a proud man. He couldn't bear to be inferior to others, so he destroyed his silver halberd and practiced hard for ten years before turning his two fingers into a terrifying weapon!"

Gong Jiu said: "What about you?"

Murong Fu looked much younger than him in age, but in his early twenties, he had practiced martial arts with Lu Fengxian, the former "Silver Halberd Wenhou", who had practiced hard with Xingxu Hai Qingzi for many years.

It should be noted that the more sophisticated a martial art is, the more energy it consumes. However, Murong Fu was able to master several unique skills at such a young age.

Murong Fu said: "I am faster!"

Gong Jiu asked: "How much faster?"

Murong Fu hesitated, as if he didn't want to say it out loud, but Gong Jiu still refused to give up and decided to ask the question. He only smiled and said, "I have been practicing these martial arts for less than a year!"

Gong Jiu was silent.

As a genius who could be valued by the little old man, there was no doubt about his talent, talent, and understanding. But because of this, he could better understand the difficulty hidden behind the simple words in Murong Fu's mouth.

In less than a year, he was able to master the unique skills of Lu Fengxian in the past and the Da Ziyang Hands of the devil's ruthless son. This kind of talent is probably only comparable to that of a little old man!
  "Are you still going to take action?"

Seeing Gong Jiu fall into silence, Murong Fu smiled.

"I want to try it!" Gong Jiu said.

"Okay!" Murong Fu nodded.

Before he finished speaking, he inserted two fingers into Gong Jiu's chest.

No one can describe the ingenuity and speed of his move. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you won't even be able to believe it!

Even Gong Jiu himself didn’t believe it!

On his solid chest, there were two finger marks, two purple finger marks!
  This is the "Great Ziyang Hand of Heaven and Earth"!
  Maybe it's the excitement of life and death, maybe it's the awakening brought by severe pain!
  Gong Jiu's fallen body suddenly curled up, then stretched out, and then lay there, motionless.

On the verge of death, there was a trace of satisfaction on his face!
  PS: Please take a day off!
  (End of this chapter)

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