Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 183 Jinghong 1 Sword, Mu Taoist appears!

Chapter 183 With a shocking sword strike, Taoist Mu appears!
  This was a face that was originally handsome, but now it seems to have become suddenly distorted and stiff.

He had been sitting quietly in the corner, and even Lu Xiaofeng didn't notice him when he came up.

He was still very young, his clothes were gorgeous, but his eyes had a cruel expression like a corpse-eating eagle.

These eyes were also staring at Ye Gucheng, saying word by word: "I am Tang Tianrong!"

His tone seemed calm, but the hands under the table had begun to tremble. It seemed that he was not as calm as his tone.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the seven or eight tables of people sitting between him and Ye Gucheng suddenly dispersed and retreated to the corners on both sides.

Ye Gucheng said: "Do you know who I am?"

Everyone in the world knows the name of Baiyun City Lord!
  Tang Tianrong nodded.

Ye Gucheng said: "Are you wondering why I am still alive?"

The muscles in the corner of Tang Tianrong's mouth seemed to be beating, and he said, "Someone will detoxify you!"

Ye Gucheng said: "How poisonous is a little dust?"

The people around him all changed their minds when they heard this.

The secret weapons of the Tang Sect in Sichuan are famous all over the world.

But he was treated like dust by Ye Gucheng!

If anyone else spoke, they would definitely make the onlookers laugh, but he is Ye Gucheng, he does have the qualifications!
  Tang Tianrong's expression also changed, and he said, "You said the flying sand in our sect is dust?"

Ye Gucheng nodded.

The end of the road is the end of the world, and the end of the words is the sword!

Tang Tianrong stopped talking, but slowly stood up. He unbuttoned his gown, revealing a smart outfit underneath.

His costume isn't weird or scary.

What was frightening was that there were two leopard leather pouches clinging to his left hip bone, and a pair of fishskin gloves inserted into his belt. It was obvious that the hidden weapon that made people all over the world fearful was hidden in these seemingly inconspicuous leather pouches.

The restaurant became silent again. Everyone wanted to leave, but they couldn't bear to leave. Everyone knows that right here, at this moment, a thrilling and fierce battle is about to begin.

Tang Tianrong took off his gown and put on his gloves.

The fishskin gloves flashed with a strange blue light, and his face seemed to be a pale blue too.

Ye Gucheng stood quietly, holding a very elegant long sword with a black sheath in his right hand.

His sword is in hand!

Tang Tianrong stared at the sword in his hand, his hands already eager to try. As soon as the poisonous sand came out of his hand, he was confident that everyone would fall!

However, I saw the sword light flying up!
  Ye Gucheng's sword had penetrated his pipa bone. Although he was considered a good player in the Tang Sect, he didn't even have a chance to make a move in front of Ye Gucheng.

Everyone had seen the red blood seeping out of his bones, but he couldn't even lift his hand!

His tears suddenly fell down!

I'm not afraid of death!

But there is a kind of punishment that is more terrible than death!
  Just because he knew that he would never be able to use a hidden weapon again in his life.

For the children of the Tang family, this kind of thing is naturally more terrifying and cruel than death!

Ye Gucheng is gone!
  Just like he came as if he were a fairy!
  And everyone present was immersed in his stunning sword!
  Watching Ye Gucheng leave, Du Tongxuan suddenly smiled cruelly and said, "Now you should understand why I changed my mind!"

Li Yanbei didn't answer, and there was no need to answer.

Du Tongxuan's cruel smile still hung on his lips, and he continued: "Because the dead cannot pay the bills, and you can only pay off the gambling between you and me while you are alive!"

After saying these words, Du Tongxuan left Chunhua Tower with a cruel smile.

Only the despairing Li Yanbei and Lu Xiaofeng were left to stay in the restaurant, but the restaurant suddenly became like a pot of boiling water, and there was a commotion.

Some people argued loudly, while others rushed downstairs to spread the news.

Ye Gucheng was neither dead nor injured. Everyone has seen his swordsmanship. Unparalleled swordsmanship in the world!
  It is destined that many people will have a lucky escape tonight, and many people will also have to stay awake at night!

But after seeing Ye Gucheng leaving and witnessing Ye Gucheng's stunning sword strike, A'Zhu's eyes undoubtedly lit up, and he began to communicate with Ye Ling and Shangguan Xueer in a low voice.

You can ignore their age!

But we cannot ignore the huge wealth in their hands!
  For example, although A'Zhu is the oldest, she has the least wealth among the three.

After all, Ye Ling is Ye Xue's sister. No matter how dissatisfied Mu Daoren is, she still has an impressive wealth in her hands.

And Shangguan Xueer is Shangguan Danfeng's only surviving sister. As Huo Tianqing, who takes care of her, how can she let her have less wealth in her hands? Not to mention that many of Huo Xiu's remaining assets have already fallen into Shangguan Xueer's hands. .

Therefore, Xue'er, who is currently the youngest, is actually a young rich man who cannot be ignored.

While everyone was intoxicated by the unexpected news of Ye Gucheng's sudden appearance, Murong Fu was still sitting quietly in Chunhua Tower.

However, Lu Xiaofeng and Li Yanbei lost their interest and left early after seeing Ye Gucheng's stunning sword strike.

Lu Xiaofeng is worried about Ximen Chuixue!
  Li Yanbei is worried about himself!
  They both have their own concerns.

"You are indeed here, I knew you would come!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from upstairs, and soon a Taoist with a head full of silvery white hair and wearing a torn Taoist robe was seen boarding the restaurant with a big smile.

Behind him was an old man with a thin and neat face.

It was actually Mu Taoist and Gusong layman.

"You came!"

Murong Fu was not surprised when he saw the two of them appear, he just smiled.

But Ye Ling, who was still active just now, saw a hint of fear in his eyes when he saw Taoist Mu, and he hurriedly hid behind Ye Xue.

As for Ye Xue, looking at her father, her pretty eyes couldn't help but have a hint of complexity.

In the eyes of outsiders, although this Wudang elder is nearly 70 years old, he is still full of rosy face and full of energy. He is also a prolific and unobtrusive person. Few people can tell that he is one of the three most famous swordsmen in the contemporary era.

"City Lord Ye just came here?"

Looking at the petals on the ground, Mu Taoist, who was also involved in the plan, suddenly frowned.

"Not bad!"

Murong Fu nodded.

"Then there is a piece of news that he may have missed!" Mu Taoist said regretfully.

Murong Fu asked: "What news?"

"Ximen Chuixue lost!"

Mu Taoren looked at Murong Fu and suddenly said every word.

"Ximen Chuixue lost?"

Hearing this news, Murong Fu couldn't help but look slightly surprised.

Beside him, Huo Tianqing and others all looked like this.

Mu Daoren said: "Just three days ago, someone invited Ximen Chuixue to have a fight!"

Murong Fu asked: "Who is it?"

Mu Taoist sighed: "Prince Taiping!"

"It turns out to be him!"

When Murong Fu heard this, he said calmly, seemingly not surprised.

The Crown Prince of Taiping is naturally Gong Jiu!
  After his visit to Wuming Island, the little old man Wu Ming chose to join forces with him. As the crown prince of Prince Taiping, Gong Jiu naturally became an abandoned son.

With Gong Jiu's character, he would naturally not accept this result.

Moreover, he has his own power. Even without the support of the little old man Wu Ming, he can still execute his plan alone.

Murong Fu asked: "How did you get this news?"

Mu Daoren said: "I met the honest monk yesterday, and he told me the news personally!"

"He was there to watch that battle!"

Understanding everyone's doubts, Mu Taoren continued to add.

"So he wants to invite Ye Gucheng to fight on behalf of Ximen Chuixue?"

Murong Fu already understood Gong Jiu's plan.

He won a bet with the little old man, so in exchange for the little old man Wu Ming, he supported Prince Nan instead.

With his pride, he naturally wants to find a place for himself!

So in the battle at the top of the Forbidden City, he would take action for himself!

And in this battle, Ye Gucheng must take action and cannot fight as a substitute, otherwise he will reveal the plans of Murong Fu and others!
  This plan is a conspiracy, and Ye Gucheng must be forced to fight it!

But he overlooked one thing. He and Ye Gucheng were not the only masters in Prince Nan's plan, but also Mu Taoren. Even if Ye Gucheng was missing, it would not be a big deal.

"Not bad!"

Mu Taoren nodded.

Master Gu Song suddenly said: "I'm afraid it will only take half a day for this news to spread throughout the capital!"

As Gong Jiu's mouthpiece, the honest monk naturally had to spread the news of this battle quickly throughout the world.

Master Gu Song understands this truth, and Murong Fu naturally understands it too!

Huo Tianqing said: "I'm just curious, how did Prince Taiping defeat Ximen Chuixue?"

Ximen Chuixue once fought with Murong Fu in Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion, and he witnessed the battle with his own eyes.

Because of this, he can better understand the horror of Ximen Chuixue's swordsmanship!
  To understand more clearly, no matter who is involved with Ximen Chuixue, it is difficult to escape unscathed!

Of course Murong Fu is an exception!
  It's just that he had heard about Prince Taiping. He only knew that he was extremely young, but he didn't know that he was proficient in swordsmanship!
  It's just that no matter how talented and beautiful he is, he must be far inferior to Murong Fu, so even if he fights Ximen Chuixue, even if he can win by chance, he will definitely be seriously injured.

And how can a seriously injured person keep an appointment three days later?
  "You may not understand, but I understand that Prince Taiping once learned several very evil martial arts!"

Understanding the questions in everyone's minds, Murong Fu slowly explained.

Gong Jiu practices a technique that has a strange power of regeneration, and I am afraid that this is how he recovered quickly.

As for Ximen Chuixue being defeated, Murong Fu was not surprised.

Just because the current Ximen Chuixue is not the sword god in the original work, Ximen Chuixue will naturally improve after a battle with him, but in a sudden battle with Gong Jiu, his chances of winning are not high.

Just because he is Ximen Chuixue, he is destined not to choose any other conspiracy!

But Gong Jiu is different. On the one hand, he is extremely talented, and he also learned martial arts from Wu Ming, an old man from childhood.

Even the honest monk, one of the four great monks, couldn't take three of his moves!

And can Ximen Chuixue defeat the honest monk in three moves?
  In addition, Gong Jiu possesses a strange regeneration technique. It is not surprising that Ximen Chuixue was defeated without knowing the inside story!
  "I have something to do and I have to go out for a while. Cousin, you guys stay in the restaurant to rest for now!"

After guessing what happened, Murong Fu suddenly put down his glass and said.

"Cousin, be careful all the way!"

Seeing that Murong Fu was about to leave, Wang Yuyan didn't seem to be surprised, and quickly reminded her softly.

"I will remember!"

Murong Fu smiled slightly and flew out of the window.

Mu Daoren and Gusong layman were not surprised by this and just continued to drink with smiles.

With Huo Tianqing and Deng Baichuan waiting here, plus Mu Taoren and his party, Murong Fu naturally did not need to worry about the safety of Wang Yuyan and his daughters.

The two Mu Taoists already knew the whereabouts of Murong Fu.

In this capital, naturally only Ye Gucheng was worthy of his personal visit.


Murong Fu naturally knew Ye Gucheng's whereabouts.

In this capital, he was the only one who knew where Ye Gucheng was staying.

Outside the capital, Baiyun Temple.

Baiyun Temple seems to be among the white clouds, resplendent and magnificent. The fog has not cleared yet. Looking from a distance, this Taoist temple is indeed like a celestial palace floating in the white clouds.

The black door with brass-like animal rings has been opened, but no one can be seen. There are faint sounds of menstruation in the morning breeze. The Taoists are obviously having morning classes.

The owner of Baiyun Temple is named Gu Qingfeng.

You should know that there are two sects in the north and south. The master of the south sect is Zhang Zhenren from Longhu Mountain, and the master of the north sect is Master Baiyun Temple.

Baiyun Temple is just outside the city. Many of the famous officials and ministers of the current dynasty were regular visitors to Baiyun Temple, and some even worshiped under his sect, so it was extremely powerful.

At least they are more powerful than Li Yanbei and Du Tongxuan in the capital!

But Murong Fu knew the details of the master of Baiyun Temple, because he was a member of Ghost Villa and had become a ghost in the dark early, so he was able to control such a huge power outside the capital.

A remote room inside the temple.

The room was damp and dark. The place was not very narrow, but there was only one bed, one table, and one stool. The walls looked desolate, empty and lonely, and it also made the lone lamp even more dim and dim.

The dust on the walls has not been removed, there are cobwebs on the roof, and the broken scriptures beside the solitary lamp have not been read for a long time.

No one would have thought that the world-famous Lord of Baiyun City would choose such a dilapidated house to rest.

But they didn't understand that Ye Gucheng had been used to loneliness for a long time.

A swordsman like him is destined to be isolated from the world. Just like an ascetic monk, he has no chance to enjoy all the joys in the world.

Because the Tao can only be understood in silence and hardship. The same goes for kendo.

He has no family, no friends, no wife, no children, no relatives of any kind.

In his life, loneliness was his only companion. But he still couldn't bear the more terrifying desolation and neglect of this loneliness, because although the days he lived before were lonely, they were full of honor and glory.

And now... the wind blows in from the window, the broken windows sound like falling leaves, and the house still has a loneliness that even the wind can't blow away.

Ye Gucheng, who suddenly sat beside the bed, smiled.

Just listen to him say: "You are here!"

"Yes, I'm coming!"

Murong Fu's figure then appeared in the house.

"What happened?"

Knowing that Murong Fu would never show up for no reason, Ye Gucheng raised his head and asked.

"Ximen Chuixue lost, your opponent changed to someone else!"

Murong Fu just sighed softly when he heard this, and then gave an answer that surprised him.

(End of this chapter)

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