Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 193 Ximen Chuixue and Jade Rakshasa!

Chapter 193 Ximen Chuixue and Jade Rakshasa!

Gu Song did not see this person's face. In fact, he had never seen Ximen Chuixue at all, but at this moment, he already felt that this person must be Ximen Chuixue!
  A unique sword in heaven and earth.

The unique Ximen Chuixue in heaven and earth!
  Ximen Chuixue didn't move, didn't speak, didn't draw his sword, there was no sword on him at all!
  He was dressed in white and his face was as pale as snow. It was obvious that he had just woken up from a coma.

Gu Song gritted his teeth and said, "Why did you stop me?"

He could naturally see that Ximen Chuixue had just recovered from a serious illness, and he would never give up this rare opportunity to fight at any time.

But it doesn't work now, because there is a demon-like opponent behind him!

Ximen Chuixue said coldly: "Are you Lone Pine?"

Gu Song said: "Yes, I am Gu Song!"

He has felt the sword intention of Ximen Chuixue and understands that he is here for him today.

Gu Song stared at the figure of the man in white in front of him for a moment, and said slowly: "I don't want to fight with you today!"

The moment he finished speaking, his sword was released.

The sword's light was like lightning, piercing Ximen Chuixue's throat. "

The throat is the most fatal wound, and now is the time when Ximen Chuixue is most careless.

He knew these young rising stars too well, understood their pride, and understood their persistence, but Lone Pine sneered at it.

Just because he understands the dangers of the world!

So Gu Song chose to take action.

His sword was faster than a dead bamboo, and the distance between him and Ximen Chuixue was only a stone's throw away.

This sword was undoubtedly a fatal blow, and he was very sure of it when he struck it.

It's a pity that he ignored one point.

His opponent is none other than Ximen Chuixue!

The sword thrust out and the cold light moved.

The two people stood face to face, with blood dripping from the tip of Lone Pine's sword...

His own sword, his own blood.

The sword is no longer in his hand. The sword has penetrated through his own front and exited through his back.

He looked at Ximen Chuixue in surprise, as if he still didn't believe it was true.

"Your heart is not sincere, you are not worthy of using a sword!"

Looking at Lone Pine, whose life has come to an end, Ximen Chuixue said coldly.

It seemed that he had never drawn his sword from beginning to end, he was still using Gu Song's own sword!
  Obviously after the battle with Gong Jiu, Ximen Chuixue has still grown up. Although he is not as good as the sword god in his original trajectory, he is not far behind.

He is already qualified to challenge Baiyun City Lord Ye Gucheng!

Chunhua Tower.

Murong Fu, who was standing with his hands behind his back, suddenly felt a cold sword energy, but he did not look back. Instead, he sighed softly: "You are here!"

Just because even if you look back, you will only be that person!

Senhan's sword energy came from this person, and this person himself seemed to be sharper than the sword.

Perhaps in other words, he himself is a sword!

"Yes, I'm here!"

A cold voice came from behind. The person who came was dressed in white, with pale hands and pale hands. It was Ximen Chuixue.

"But I hope it's not you who comes!"

Murong Fu turned around, looked at Ximen Chuixue in front of him, and his tone gradually became complicated.

Ximen Chuixue said: "Did you know I was coming?"

His tone was also a little strange.

"Not bad!"

Murong Fu nodded.

"You should know that I know a lot of things..."

Looking at Ximen Chuixue who suddenly appeared in front of him, Murong Fu didn't look surprised. Instead, there was a hint of regret and sigh in his tone.

"for example……"

Ximen Chuixue said coldly.

Murong Fu smiled and said: "For example, a past event that has been gathering dust for more than 20 years in the world!"

When Ximen Chuixue heard this, his eyes that were as empty and melancholy as mist suddenly seemed like sharp swords.

"If you didn't come, my guess would be just a guess, but you came anyway!"

Staring at Ximen Chuixue in front of him, Murong Fu's tone became more complicated.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Ximen Chuixue said coldly.

Murong Fu said calmly: "I happen to know some secrets of the past!"

Hearing this, Ximen Chuixue was silent for a long time, and finally said: "Secret?"

Murong Fu continued to smile: "Others don't know my origins, but you should know my origins!"

Ximen Chuixue heard this and did not deny it.

Murong Fu said: "In the past, in the world, 'Demon Sword' Fu Hongxue and the famous hero Ye Kai were not real brothers, but they were better than real brothers. However, the two brothers have one thing in common!"

Ximen Chuixue listened quietly.

"That is, both of them are immune to poisonous poisons. The only difference is that Ye Kai is born with the ability to detoxify hundreds of poisons, while Fu Hongxue acquires this ability!"

Fu Hongxue looks like the former eldest princess of the demon sect, Hua Baifeng, but Ye Kai is her own flesh and blood, so Ye Kai is born with the ability to detoxify.

This is an innate talent that is difficult for ordinary people to imitate!

"And as far as I know, you are not only good at swordsmanship, but also proficient in medical skills. Even Lu Xiaofeng is full of praise for your medical skills. You even have a way to detoxify the poison that seals the throat with blood in the Tang Sect!"

Looking at Ximen Chuixue who was still calm, Murong Fu continued.


Ximen Chuixue's tone was still cold.

Murong Fu sighed softly and said: "So all this is just speculation!"

He has already seen that Ximen Chuixue does not know his life experience, so there is no need to say anything more at this point.

If you talk about the most mysterious person in the world, some people will say the little old man Wu Ming. But if you talk about the most mysterious place in the world in the past thirty years, I am afraid most people will choose Wanmei Villa.

Wanmei Villa, this is a place that sounds poetic and picturesque.

But in fact, 99% of people in the world don’t know its origin, not even Lu Xiaofeng!
  The name of Wanmei Mountain Villa seems to have gradually become famous in the world after Ximen Chuixue suddenly appeared. Before that, there was no such name in the world.

It seems that its existence is due to the existence of Ximen Chuixue!
  Ximen Chuixue is happy and goes out four times a year to hunt down those damned people!

But no matter where these people fled, they could not get rid of him, and in the end they had to fake death to escape!
  If there was no source of information from a huge organization, how could Ximen Chuixue know the specific whereabouts of these people?

Furthermore, the Tang Sect is world-famous for its hidden weapons, but as we all know, hidden weapons are naturally poisonous, and they are the kind of poison that can seal one's throat upon seeing blood!
  But Ximen Chuixue is an exception, because he was once injured by the Tang Sect's hidden weapon, but he is still alive now!

If the poison in the Tang Sect's hidden weapons could be easily defused by outsiders, then they would not have such a prestigious reputation in the world!

Moreover, Ximen Chuixue is focused on the sword and has no other distractions. His proficiency in medical skills is surprising in itself, not to mention that he is also good at detoxifying!
  Human energy is limited, let alone a sincere swordsman like Ximen Chuixue!

So there is only one answer!
  That comes from family tradition...

Just like Hua Baifeng cultivated Fu Hongxue, there is a huge force secretly cultivating Ximen Chuixue...

Compared to what Murong Fu said just now, Ximen Chuixue was most concerned about one thing.


After a long silence, Ximen Chuixue suddenly said.

Murong Fu said: "You want me to take action?"

Ximen Chuixue said coldly: "Today you and I meet again, let's finish the battle that day!" His battle with Gong Jiu was not without gain!
  Murong Fu could also naturally see this.

Murong Fu said: "You have just recovered from your injuries, but your vitality has not yet been restored. If you fight with me, you will lose faster than before!"

Murong Fu naturally understood Ximen Chuixue's pride.

But Murong Fu also has his own pride. When he kills people, he will give the other party plenty of opportunities to grow, except for those who deserve to die.

For example, Ximen Chuixue.

He is one of the few sincere swordsmen in the world. Such a person should have gone further!
  Ximen Chuixue said: "You don't want to take action?"

Murong Fu shook his head and said, "I don't want to take advantage of others' danger!"

The two fell silent for a long time.

Murong Fu said: "I have countless dead souls under my hands, but I never kill anyone who wants to die!"

Ximen Chuixue said sternly: "Am I here to seek death?"

Murong Fu said: "If you don't want to die, come back after you recover from your injuries!"

After a long time, Ximen Chuixue said: "Okay!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly turned around, swept through the air, and disappeared into the end of the long street.

Ximen Chuixue came and left even faster!

Murong Fu looked down the long street, only to find that fog was gradually forming on the long street.

The fog is getting thicker.

Murong Fu raised his glass to the thick fog and said, "Since you are here, just show up!"

It was early October, so it was not unusual for heavy fog to appear in the northern capital.

It's just that the fog is a little too thick!

Sure enough, soon, Murong Fu noticed another figure appearing in the thick fog.

A faint human figure seems to be lighter than the fog, more illusory and elusive than the fog.

Even if you see this person appear with your own eyes, it is difficult to believe that he really appears from the earth. Even if you know that he is not a ghost, it is difficult to believe that he is really a person.

The man in the fog seemed to be looking at Murong Fu from a distance, and Murong Fu was also looking at him and saw his eyes.

No one could describe what those eyes were like.

Of course his eyes are on his face, but his face has been dissolved in the fog. Of course there is light in his eyes, but even this light seems to be integrated with the fog.

Although Murong Fu saw his eyes, what he saw seemed to be nothing more than fog.

The man in the fog suddenly said: "Murong Fu?"

Murong Fu asked: "Do you recognize me?"

The man in the mist said: "Not only do I recognize him, I am also grateful."

Murong Fu said: "Thank you?"

The man in the fog said: "I am grateful for two things."

Murong Fu said: "Oh?"

The man in the fog said: "I'm grateful to you for getting rid of the scum and enemies outside my sect, and I'm also grateful to you for refusing that battle just now!"

Murong Fu asked: "Is your surname Yu?"

The man in the fog said: "My surname is Yu!"

Murong Fu continued: "Jade? Baoyu's jade?"

The man in the fog said: "The jade of the West will last forever in the world."

Murong Fu said: "Are you the Western Jade Rakshasa?"

The man in the mist said: "I am the Jade Rakshasa."

The fog is gray-white, and his people are also gray-white. The smoke is filled with smoke, and his people look equally misty and vague.

Is he a human? Or a ghost?
  Murong Fu suddenly laughed and said with a smile: "It seems that I did guess one thing right!"

Western Jade Rakshasa sighed: "Yes, I never thought that someone could actually find out his identity based on these clues!"

He faked his death to escape, just for one thing!

That is to lure out the traitors within the Rakshasa Sect!

The organization of the Western Rakshasa Cult is too large and its branches are too complicated. When he was alive, these people naturally did not dare to betray him. After you die, will these people continue to be loyal to your descendants?

Even in order to prevent his son from becoming a playboy, he specially handed over his son to the discipline of a person he trusted most on the seventh day after his birth. On that day, he also specially adopted someone else's son. As my son, no one knows this secret.

But there was an exception in front of me.

Murong Fu in front of him knew his secret.

There was even just one step away from exposing this matter to his son!

Originally, once this kind of thing was known to outsiders, the only outcome for that person would be death!

But facing the figure in front of him, Jade Rakshasa rarely felt unsure.

Even his appearance just now was forced.

Just because he was the only bloodline, he had already taken the initiative to invite the opponent to fight.

As the leader of the Rakshasa Sect, he knew many things, even more than Ximen Chuixue knew. He also knew that the destruction of the Demon Sect was inseparable from the Murong clan in Gusu.

The demon sect rises and falls, but the Murong clan of Gusu who suddenly appeared in the world a hundred years ago actually has a descendant still alive.

Even his martial arts are far more terrifying than those of his ancestors!
  In a fight with him, Ximen Chuixue's chance of winning is definitely less than 10%!
  Jade Rakshasa said: "I hope you can politely refuse the battle with Ximen Chuixue in a few months!"


Murong Fu said.

"Because he is the only remaining flesh and blood between me and my late wife!"

Jade Rakshasa's answer was extremely sincere.

It seemed that only when he mentioned his deceased wife, his tone showed that he was an old man.

Old people will miss the past. No matter how sharp they were when they were young, they will always show a kind smile when facing their children and grandchildren.

What's more, he only has one flesh and blood left at the moment, an outstanding heir who has been cultivated by him for many years and has gradually grown up!

"I know that your ancestors like to collect martial arts from all over the world, and I am willing to offer the unique knowledge of the Rakshasa Sect with both hands!"

Understanding that it was difficult to impress Murong Fu with mere words, Jade Rakshasa quickly changed his approach.

I have to say that Jade Rakshasa’s method is indeed very effective.

Upon hearing this, Murong Fu's eyes suddenly shone with a strange light.

"I can promise you, but one thing you must understand is that I can reject him once or twice, but I cannot reject him countless times!"

After a while, Murong Fu gave his answer.

Jade Rakshasa said: "I understand, I will convince him!"

"Then you have to be mentally prepared, Ximen Chuixue is not someone who is easily persuaded!"

Understanding the implication of Jade Rakshasa's words, Murong Fu shook his head slightly and then said meaningfully.

Jade Rakshasa sighed: "I know, I will be very patient!"

Obviously he himself also understands Ximen Chuixue's character and how difficult this move is!

But it was all worth it to him, at least his son was still alive, and he still had heirs to pass on...

PS: Lu Xiaofeng has written about too many people, so I try my best to write with a different flavor!

But Zhutianliu basically has various angles, and it is difficult to write new ideas in the big plot.

There are still many people who don't like to read Gu Long, but since I wrote the Lu Xiaofeng volume, I have to have a beginning and an end. At least I finally finished this volume after stumbling.

Return to the Dragon Scroll next!

(End of this chapter)

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