Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 207 Returning from the desert, eight years of blood and tears!

Chapter 207 Returning from the desert, eighteen years of blood and tears!

Kingdom of Jin, Shandong.

On an unknown hill next to a water town in Jeju Province, a group of people appeared on the top of the mountain as if they were climbing up and looking into the distance.

It was dusk at this time, and the sun was setting in the west. One of them was dressed in plain clothes, with clear eyes and long white eyebrows. It was obvious that he must have been a handsome young man in his youth.

The old man stared into the distance, looking at the thousands of harbor branches in the distance, spreading hundreds of miles in all directions, mountains with huge waves, and water connecting to the sky. What a dangerous place for water!
  "Is this the Liangshan Park?"

Seeing the seemingly endless water in front of him, Murong Bo couldn't help but ask.

With his eyesight, he could naturally see that this place was a place where troops could be hidden. It seemed like just a waterfront, but in fact it was no different from Taihu Lake. It was surrounded by waterways in all directions, and there were high mountains inside the waterfront that served as a pass.

As long as there are thousands of soldiers capable of fighting, we can resist the encirclement and suppression by tens of thousands of officers and soldiers!

"That's right, dad, this is the place where the heroes of Liangshan gathered in the water in the past!"

Not far behind him, Murong Fu looked down at the watery Liangshan Mountain and nodded slowly.

"However, due to the diversion of the Yellow River, this water park has shrunk several times. It is no longer the scene of the Liangshan Lake with reeds, vast water, more than 800 miles in radius, and a gathering of heroes!"

Looking at the water pool in front of him that could only spread for a hundred miles, Murong Fu said with a slight regret.

It is said that from the Five Dynasties to the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, the surging Yellow River had three major breaches. The rolling river water poured into the foot of Liangshan Mountain and connected with the ancient giant Yeze, forming an endless large water lake. Liangshan is surrounded by hundreds of miles of water."

After Song Jiang and others were recruited by the Song court in Bojuyi, Liangshan, the treasure land that could hide tens of thousands of soldiers gradually disappeared from the eyes of the world as time went by.

Until later generations, there was only a small lake only a few miles long and wide in Liangshan, which was said to have spread for 800 miles.

And all these reasons stem from the formation of Liangshan Water Park.

Before the Tang Dynasty, Liangshan was not surrounded by water at first and was just an ordinary mountain.

As for being called "Liangshan Bo", it is closely related to the breach of the Yellow River in the Tang and Song Dynasties. After Wang Jing's flood control, the Yellow River generally remained stable for more than 800 years. Until the end of the Tang Dynasty, breaches became more frequent again, and the Onezawa water area also returned to its old size.

The flooding of the Yellow River will inevitably carry a large amount of sediment, causing Onezawa's location to continue to move southward, eventually moving to the foot of Liangshan Mountain.

After the fall of the Tang Dynasty, the following Five Dynasties were a cruel era in which the emperor "had strong soldiers and horses to conquer". In order to compete for the world, warlords broke the banks many times artificially, exacerbating the instability of the Yellow River.

In the first year of the Kaiyun period of the Later Jin Dynasty, the Yellow River stopped at Huazhou and affected the five prefectures of Bian, Cao, Pu, Dan, and Yun. The flood "circled Liangshan and merged with Wenshui", and the "Liangshan Lake" was essentially formed.

After the Jin Dynasty destroyed the Northern Song Dynasty, the Yellow River continued to be broken. Among them, the breach at Ligudu in the eighth year of Dading caused the lower reaches of the Yellow River to bifurcate. The new river course took the Huaihe River and entered the sea. The river channel instead became a tributary. Twelve years later, the old river channel was completely cut off, Liangshanbo gradually lost its source of running water, and its area gradually shrank.

Although the area of ​​​​Liangshan Water Park is no longer 800 miles away, it is still within a hundred miles in size. In addition, after the Central Plains was captured by the Jin Kingdom, and until the fall of the Jin Kingdom, there were more than 50 floods in the Yellow River.

In order to completely control the flooding of the Yellow River, Jin Guosi once built large-scale embankments of the Yellow River. From the 11th year of Dading to the 29th year of Dading, a total of nearly ten million migrant workers were invested.

However, it is still unable to control the dangers of the Yellow River, and instead falls into the dilemma of "building embankments - sedimentation - dam failure - then repairing embankments again".

The Shandong area was one of the areas most severely affected by the Yellow River floods. Therefore, throughout the Jin Dynasty, thieves and heroes swarmed from all over Shandong.

The fact that Murong Fu and his son would appear under the rule of the Jin Kingdom, which was separated by a hundred years from the Northern Song Dynasty, is naturally related to the Void Stone Gate.

Not long ago, a burning sensation came from the jade pendant he carried with him again. After some investigation, Murong Fu discovered that the current era is in the period of confrontation between Song and Jin Dynasties.

However, the Jin Kingdom has shown its decline. The current emperor of the Jin Kingdom is Jin Zhangzong. This man has been in power for eighteen years, but the Jin Kingdom under his rule is already riddled with holes. First, the Third Battle of the Yellow River After the embankment, it became a foregone conclusion that the river would move southward to seize the Huaihe River and enter the sea. At the same time, the Jin Kingdom would inevitably fall into famine.

Hungry people are everywhere, especially in Shandong and Henan.

At that time, Han Kuanzhou of the Southern Song Dynasty launched the Northern Expedition, which also consumed the Jin Kingdom's limited vitality. As a result, Temujin unified the grassland tribes and officially became the biggest threat to the Jin Kingdom.

After Jin Zhangzong's death, Jin Zhangzong's uncle Wanyan Yongji succeeded to the throne. This man was cowardly and incompetent, and chose to sit idly by while facing the Mongolian attack on Xia.

Later, as Xixia surrendered to Mongolia, the Mongolian army became increasingly powerful.

In the third year of Dajin and Da'an, Temujin led his army southward again, and the armies of both sides encountered each other at Yehuling.

In this battle, the Jin Kingdom summoned an army of 500,000 people and launched a decisive battle with the 100,000 troops led by Temujin. However, the Jin Kingdom was defeated and the Mongolian army won a great victory.
  In this battle, the Jin Kingdom suffered more than 200,000 casualties, and the rest fled. From then on, they were no longer able to resist the Mongolian cavalry heading south!

It is still several years before the battle at Yehuling, but the Jin Kingdom building is already showing signs of collapse.

At present, rogue bandits are not a thing in Shandong, but no matter how the Jin Kingdom encircles and suppresses them, rogue bandits in Shandong are like weeds, and there will be another crop after they are cut.

It was not until Jin Xuanzong succeeded to the throne that he took the initiative to move the capital to Bianjing in order to avoid the Mongolian soldiers.

After the Jin Dynasty moved south from the capital to Bianjing, the Hebei area fell into a situation of continuous war. Jin Xuanzong knew that he had completely lost control of Hebei and Shandong areas. He was thinking of resisting the Mongolian army and winning people's hearts, so he chose two places The nine largest forces were divided into nine princes, which shows the weakness of the Jin Kingdom.

The Southern Song Dynasty also incorporated the Red Coat Army that ravaged Shandong and Hebei into official troops. From then on, the Jin Kingdom only had nominal jurisdiction over the two places.

Murong Fu brought Murong Bo here, naturally because of the advantage of this place being convenient for recruiting troops in the future.

As early as the Northern Song Dynasty, thieves and bandits were frequently suppressed in Shandong. Strong men from various places often formed strongholds in the roaring mountains and forests, but they were never as exaggerated as in the late Jin Dynasty.

"Reinstated, you have good vision. This place is indeed conducive to our Murong family raising troops. It's a pity that we are in a different place now. You and I, father and son, can't bring us the money and food we have saved for many years..."

Looking at Liangshanbo, which seemed like a treasure land in front of him, Murong Boy couldn't help but feel a hint of regret in his words.

When Murong Fu heard this, he said, "Dad, you don't need to worry about money and food. I have a solution!"

"Reinstatement, do you have any ideas?"

Hearing this, Murong Bo couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

It should be noted that since the father and son recognized each other again, his son has given countless surprises.

Not to mention his martial arts achievements, he was far above him. In just a few years, he had created a behemoth that could rival martial arts masters such as Shaolin.

Now, blessed by Great Yan's luck, he has the immortal means to travel to other worlds.

At this moment, he finally understood why Murong Fu was not so eager to restore his country. For example, the current era of the Southern Song Dynasty, which was hundreds of years away from the Northern Song Dynasty, gave the Murong family a chance to restore their country.

Murong Fu said: "Yes, dad, you are responsible for recruiting troops and horses in Shandong. As for the money and food, let me prepare it for you!"

It is true that he is now in the age of the Condor Shooting, but he knows a place that can provide upfront money and food, so he speaks with such confidence.

"Mr. Duan, I have to trouble you three to obey my father's orders for the next few days!"

After discussing the preparations with Murong Bo, Murong Fu looked at the figure in green robes aside.

The man in green robe was naturally Duan Yanqing. When he saw Murong Fu speaking, he first saluted Murong Bo respectfully with two thin iron rods in his hands, and then slowly said: "Mr. Murong, there is no need to be polite. In the early years, Mr. Duan had been attacked by Mr. Murong Bo." Mr. Murong has taught me martial arts, and although Mr. Murong has never accepted me as a disciple, Duan has always kept this in mind. Even if the master has not given instructions, Duan is still willing to serve Mr. Murong!"

Duan Yanqing had the good fortune to meet Murong Bo in his early years. He taught him martial arts, but he did not allow him to be his disciple.

Duan Yanqing has always kept this matter in his heart, hoping to repay his kindness one day.

But it was a pity that Murong Bo never revealed his identity at the beginning, so he had no way to repay him. Now that Murong Bo has faked his death and returned, it is not difficult for him to recognize his benefactor.

Murong Bo said: "Prince Yanqing, when I taught you martial arts, it was just for everyone's needs. You don't need to be grateful to me!"

It was for the sake of the world-famous Yiyangzhi that he rescued Duan Yanqing on the way and taught him several martial arts. The relationship between the two parties is nothing more than each getting what he needs.

"If Mr. Murong hadn't saved him back then, I'm afraid Duan Yanqing would have died that night twenty years ago."

When Duan Yanqing said this, he still looked respectful and bowed to Murong Bo.

He is a man who must repay his kindness. No matter whether Murong Bo did it for the Duan family in Dali or not, in the final analysis, he still saved him.

When Murong Bo heard this, he just shook his head slightly and did not continue to speak.

Seeing that Duan Yanqing's tone was sincere and not fake, Murong Fu cupped his hands and said, "Then I'll trouble you, Mr. Duan!"

This time when he came to the World of the Condor Shooting, Murong Fu also brought many people with him.

Among them, apart from the four people from Deng Baichuan, there were three people from Yanqing. Because Murong Bo had a big plan, it was the right time to employ people.

Duan Yanqing and the other three were known as the Four Great Evils. Regardless of their martial arts skills, they were all suitable to stay by Murong Bo's side and obey his orders.

Now that Duan Yanqing has revealed that he and Murong Bo had an old relationship in their early years, this is naturally even better.

Murong Fu did not worry too much about Duan Yanqing and the other three. After all, Duan Yanqing's wish to meet his son was not yet fulfilled. Even if he did not have an old relationship with Murong Bo, he was determined not to betray him.

As for Ye Erniang, mother and son have only known each other for a few months. As the saying goes, mother and son are connected, how could Ye Erniang betray herself if she wanted to return to the world of Tianlong.

Murong Fu would not be worried about Yue Laosan!
  "Dad, now is the time for you to employ people, why don't I send Brother Deng and the others..."

Seeing that only Duan Yanqing and the three of them were following Murong Bo's orders, Murong Fu made another suggestion in his heart.

When Murong Bo heard this, he shook his head and said: "No need, reinstatement, Yu Yan will come here with you this time, let Deng Baichuan and others protect her safety!"

Murong Fu heard this and said, "My child understands!"

Originally, Murong Fu wanted to send four people, Deng Baichuan and others, to follow Murong Bo's side. However, after Murong Bo heard that Wang Yuyan and his three daughters also came to this place, he rejected the proposal.

He said that Deng Baichuan and the others should take good care of Wang Yuyan's safety, and at the same time hinted that Murong Fu was already quite old and it was time to think about heirs.

It made Wang Yuyan's pretty face turn red for a long time...

Now that he mentioned it again, Murong Fu was not surprised when he still refused.


Yixing, a few months later.

An inconspicuous tea stall beside the official road in the suburbs.

As the world-famous pottery capital, Yixing is connected to the canal. In addition, in recent years, the Song and Jin Dynasties have not made any major military moves for more than ten years. As the nearest big city to the south of the Yangtze River, Yixing has become the first choice of many merchants from the north and the south.

The sun is at its peak today and the heat is unbearable. Many passing merchants choose to rest at this humble tea stall.

Perhaps because they were too bored, the merchants from the north and south in the tea stall also talked about what they had seen in recent days.

But a merchant who has been traveling in the north all year round suddenly said: "Hey, did you ever know that a strange thing happened in Shandong?"

"Brother, is there another big bandit in Shandong?"

When a merchant who also traveled in the north all year round heard this, he immediately raised his hands and asked.

For these merchants who travel between the north and the south every year, these rumors that may seem like just amusement to ordinary people are often related to their worth and life, so they need to always be careful when encountering such news.

The man chuckled and said: "What a big bandit? Now in Shandong, as long as you hang the flag of Fuwei Escort Bureau, you can travel unimpeded. No bandit will dare to attack you!"

"Fuwei Escort Agency...what kind of business is this Escort Agency?"

Someone wondered.

It was the merchant who took the initiative to explain: "I heard from my friends that the Fuwei Escort Agency specializes in escorting valuable goods for major merchants."

When the man said this, he saw everyone at the tea stall staring at him closely, and a smug smile couldn't help but appear on his lips. Then he added: "Of course, if you don't want to hire them to escort the goods, but when you pass through Shandong, you can spend some silver to buy their escort flag to ensure that you have no trouble in Shandong!"

Someone asked curiously: "Is it really so magical?"

"Of course everyone didn't believe it at first, but someone spent taels of silver to buy a escort flag, and some thieves who were short-sighted later robbed most of their belongings. But one day later, these lost belongings were returned to their original owners, and at the same time they were given gifts At the beginning, thirteen heads were robbed by Taoist thieves!"

This person said this with a deliberately serious tone.

Sure enough, when they heard this, all the merchants in the tea stall exclaimed, obviously they did not expect this escort flag to be so effective!

The merchant continued: "It is said that in the past half month, if you buy the escort flag of Fuwei Escort Agency, the big and small bandits in Shandong will not dare to offend you in the slightest!"

"Fuwei Escort Agency?"

In the corner of the tea stall, several people sitting together heard this and couldn't help but raise their heads at the same time.

There were a total of five men and one woman sitting at this table, but strangely enough, the six of them had different appearances, and they all held weapons. They looked like people from the world.

Some of them are blind, some are thin, some are short and fat, some are as elegant as a poor scholar, and there is also a slender woman.

There was only one man who was strong and strong, and seemed to be a man seeking a living in the world.

This group of them could be said to have traveled all over the country, experiencing the elegance of the south of the Yangtze River, the vastness of the grasslands, and the ruggedness of the desert.

When it comes to experience, not to mention this small tea stall, there are very few people in the world who have more experience than these brothers and sisters.

But when they heard the reputation of Fuwei Escort Agency, the six brothers and sisters were still confused.

Among the six people, a blind old man holding an iron staff suddenly said: "Second brother, have you ever heard of the name of Fuwei Escort Agency?"

When the poor scholar on the side heard this, he shook his head slightly and said: "Brother, I have never heard of the name Fuwei Escort Agency!"

The six brothers and sisters had lived outside the Great Wall for a long time in their early years for an agreement, and had no information about them. Now that they had just returned, how could they know about the martial arts news in the Central Plains in recent years.

The poor scholar gently waved the folding fan in his hand and said: "But in my opinion, the owner of Fuwei Escort Agency is a smart man. He can come up with such a profitable business. I will definitely pay him a visit in person if I have the opportunity!"

"After the appointment in Jiaxing, second brother, you can go sightseeing wherever you want!"

Perhaps he was about to return to his hometown, but it was rare for the blind old man to have a smile on his face.

The seven brothers and sisters went through a lot of hardships in their early years, and just for a promise, they went to find a child outside the Great Wall. After that, they even lost their fifth brother Zhang Asheng in the desert.

Eighteen, how many eighteen years are there in life?
  Not only is he getting older, but even the seventh sister, the youngest among the seven, has lost her youth and her hair has grown frosty.

I remember that the seven brothers and sisters went through all kinds of hardships for a promise, and now they are finally about to return to their hometown!

The six brothers and sisters couldn't help but have a smile on their lips...

(End of this chapter)

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