Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 214 The so-called big things are discussed by everyone.

Chapter 214 The so-called big things are discussed by everyone.

Huang Yaoshi is a very awkward person!
  You may say that he is indifferent to fame and fortune, but he took advantage of tricks to get the Nine Yin Scriptures from Zhou Botong; you may say that he is free and easy, but he has been trapped by love his whole life; you may say that he respects loyalty and filial piety, but he is ruthless and ruthless towards his disciples and angers his disciples innocently. , frequently breaking other people’s legs;

You said that he claimed not to stick to etiquette, but in fact, when it came to his daughter's marriage, he didn't care about Huang Rong's own wishes at all. He only followed the family's ideas and the standards of his parents' orders and matchmaker's words.

Qiu Chuji's evaluation of Huang Yaoshi in the original work is quite appropriate.

His behavior was eccentric. Although he was cynical and felt unspeakable pain in his heart, he did his own thing and never considered others.

In Murong Fu's view, Huang Yaoshi was indeed worthy of being called a master in martial arts, but he was a little less chivalrous than Bei Bei, a little less persistent than Xidu, and a little less loyal than Chongyang Zhenren. A bit aloof, a bit less free and easy compared to Nan Di.

Although his martial arts skills were superb and unparalleled in the world, it was difficult for him to deserve the respect of Murong Fu.

"Huang Laoxie, I heard that you admire Mr. Yue Wumu and Mr. Jiaxuan the most in your life, and I am here today because of a major event that affects the safety of the world!"

Seeing Huang Yaoshi about to leave, Murong Fu suddenly spoke.

"Is it a matter of concern to the world?"

After hearing what Murong Fu said, Huang Yaoshi, who had just taken one step forward, stopped.

Huang Yaoshi is a self-righteous person who feels that it is difficult to find close friends in this world, but he is unwilling to compromise with the world, just like Qiu Chuji's evaluation of him.

His eccentric behavior was probably due to the fact that he relied on his talent and knowledge but failed to express his ambitions. He also saw that the imperial court was mediocre and destroyed the Great Wall and killed Yue Wumu. Over time, he naturally became resentful and cynical.

All in all, Huang Yaoshi can be described as "70% evil in the righteousness, and 30% righteousness in the evil". It was his only respect for loyal ministers and filial sons that prevented him from completely transforming into a member of the evil sect.

"Not bad!"

Looking around at everyone present, Murong Fu continued: "I don't know, everyone, how long do you think this small court in Lin'an can remain peaceful?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. They only knew that the Southern Song Dynasty court had been mediocre for a long time, but they had never really considered this issue, including Huang Yaoshi.

"And in my opinion, the national destiny of this small court in Lin'an is running out!"

Murong Fu was not surprised when he saw everyone with strange expressions in their eyes and silence in reply, and said slowly to himself.

In the hall of Guiyun Village, it fell into silence for a while. Deng Baichuan and the four people listened quietly.

As the daughters of Wang Yuyan, the three daughters were not interested in these things, but since it was Murong Fu who spoke, it was rare for them to be interested and listen at the same time.

Only Lu Chengfeng and his son, as well as the Six Jiangnan Freaks, Guo Jing, Huang Rong, Huang Yaoshi and others present here, were all surprised when they heard Murong Fu categorically predicting the fate of the country in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Ke Zhen'e frowned and said, "Mr. Murong, although the imperial court is mediocre now, there are no wars or famines. Why would you say this?"

Murong Fu said: "Master Ke, do you know that in the second year of Kaixi, there was someone in the court who presided over the Northern Expedition?"

Ke Zhen'e said: "The Jin people have invaded my Han territory for many years, and they should have regained their homeland. Unfortunately, since the death of General Yue, the six of us, brothers and sisters, thought that the court had been occupied by treacherous ministers... I didn't expect that there would be loyal ministers and righteous men in the court today!" May I ask Mr. Murong, what is the name of this loyal minister?"

Murong Fu said: "This man's name is Han Zhouzhou, after the famous prime minister Han Qi!"

"It turns out to be the Queen of Famous Ministers!"

Hearing Han Qi's name, Ke Zhene couldn't help but say in awe.

In the second year of Kaixi, the two brothers and sister were still teaching Guo Jing martial arts in the desert, so naturally they were not aware of the changes in the Southern Song Dynasty court.

"After the Prime Minister of Han took power, he respected Yue and demoted Qin, and then planned the Northern Expedition. Unfortunately, someone betrayed him and leaked the news of the Northern Expedition to the Jin people, which caused the Jin people to be prepared in advance. Later, the Northern Expedition failed... But do you know what happened to this Han Yuzhou? ?”

Speaking of this, Murong Fu looked at everyone intentionally.

Zhu Cong tried: "Could it be that he was besieged by traitors in the DPRK and was dismissed from office?"

Hearing this, Murong Fu shook his head slightly, while Huang Yaoshi on the side suddenly turned his back. It was obvious that he already knew Han Kanzhou's fate.

The Seven Jiangnan Monsters were originally Jianghu people. Except for Zhu Cong, the other six brothers and sisters could only be said to be proficient in writing, and they did not care much about government affairs. Naturally, they would not know the fate of Han Kanzhou.

Murong Fu shook his head and said: "In the third year of Kaixi's reign, the traitor Shi Miyuan and Empress Yang designed to kill Han Wanzhou in Yujin Garden. They cut off his head and hid it in a box and presented it to the Jinren. The coins were increased accordingly. Three hundred thousand, reward the master with three million taels of silver!"

Ke Zhen'e dropped the iron stick in his hand on the square brick, and there was a long and long clang. He yelled in a hoarse voice: "What a treacherous minister and traitor!"

They Jianghu people did not understand the right and wrong of the current situation, but they understood one truth. Those who devalued Qin Hui, respected Yue Fei, and supported the Northern Expedition were loyal ministers, while those who opposed it were naturally traitorous ministers.

It happened that the prime minister of the Lin'an court was Shi Miyuan at the moment. The six brothers and sisters had only been back to Jiangnan for half a month, and they had already heard many people secretly scolding this treacherous prime minister for bringing disaster to the country and the people.

Huang Rong, who was on the side, had seen Murong Fu's incredible martial arts skills and admired her very much. However, she couldn't help but feel angry when she heard him talking about her father with a contemptuous tone. She then said with a smile: "Mr. Murong, but I have heard that Prime Minister Han was also criticized as a traitor?"

Murong Fu explained calmly: "Although Han Yuzhou was the successor of the famous Prime Minister Han Qi, he himself was a warrior. After taking charge of the government, he denigrated Zhu Cheng's Neo-Confucianism. Naturally, he would offend Zhu Xi's disciples and disciples, and he would be liquidated after his defeat!

Your father knows this better. You can ask him for his opinion. "

At the end of his speech, Murong Fu deliberately mentioned Huang Yaoshi.

When Huang Rong heard this, she unexpectedly looked back at Huang Yaoshi.

But at this time, Huang Yaoshi was silent from beginning to end. As someone who highly respected Yue Fei and Xin Qiji, he naturally knew the life of Prime Minister Han Yuzhou.

Although this person's behavior can be regarded as a powerful minister, he is not the so-called treacherous minister!
  Han Yuzhou could die, but as the prime minister of a country, even if he caused the failure of the Northern Expedition, there was nothing wrong with him being dismissed from office and exiled, but he could not have his head cut off by his own people as a condition for negotiating with the Jinren.

It can be said that Han Kunzhou's death completely extinguished the blood of the few remaining patriots.

As for the failure of Han Zhouzhou's Northern Expedition, it was due to many aspects. One was due to the betrayal of the grandson of King Xin Wu Lin. The second was due to the lack of capable generals in the court and insufficient training of soldiers. The third was that for the Northern Expedition, he once again used Many disciples of Neo-Confucianism wanted to exchange this for them to be consistent with the outside world, but unexpectedly it backfired, but some of them did not cooperate sincerely.

Han Yuzhou once planned to send General Commander Xue Shusi to the front line to command the troops in Huaixi, but Xue Shusi did not go to the post. He also ordered Xu Jizhi to guard Jinling on the affairs of the Privy Council, but Xu Jizhi did not leave the guard. Qiu Wei, who was sent to Sichuan when he was transferred to Guangzong, was appointed as Jianghuai Propaganda Envoy, but Qiu Wei resigned. There is a shortage of generals.

Just as Lu You had judged at the beginning, the Kingdom of Jin was indeed on the eve of "chaos and destruction". Only due to traitors and internal discord in the Song Dynasty and improper deployment, the Jin soldiers were able to invade Huainan; but the Jin Dynasty actually no longer had the ability to continue fighting and could only threaten and blackmail the Song Dynasty.

Later, the Song Dynasty envoy Fang Xinru came to the Jin Dynasty, and the Jin Dynasty first jailed him and threatened him in vain. In the end, the bottom line of the peace talks was exposed, and the boundary between the Jianghuai River and the Yangtze River was to be chosen.

If it is called Zi, the Yangtze River is the boundary. After beheading the treacherous ministers (referring to Han Yuzhou, etc.) of the Yuan Dynasty, they sent a letter to the emperor, increased the annual coins, and rewarded the master with silver before they could negotiate a peace. Han Yuzhou was furious and decided to organize his troops to fight again.

Ning Zong issued an edict to recruit new soldiers and appointed Xin Qiji as the Privy Council Commander to command the military.

Unfortunately, Xin Qiji was already in his late teens and was ill at home. After the appointment was issued, he died of illness at home before he could take office.

After Xin Qiji died of illness, Han Yuanzhou was ambushed by Shi Miyuan and Queen Yang during a court meeting. Han Yuanzhou died for several days, and Ning Zong still did not know the news of his death.

Since then, the small imperial court in Lin'an has been controlled by Shi Miyuan and his surrender faction.

Seeing that everyone was silent at the same time, Murong Fu shook his head and said: "It is true that Han Yuzhou is called a powerful minister, but his behavior cannot be called a traitorous minister. He worked for the country and even though he was defeated. It is not a pity to die, but as the prime minister of a country, the court officials regard him as a bargaining chip for peace talks, and behead his head and offer it to the Jin Kingdom. Isn't it ridiculous to act like this!"

In fact, even in later generations, Han Yuzhou was cursed by his disciples Cheng and Zhu for a long time just because he opposed Neo-Confucianism. The "History of the Song Dynasty" was compiled in the Yuan Dynasty, and the "Biography of Taoism" was specially established to admire Cheng Zhu, and the "Biography of Traitors" was established based on the "History of the State" of the Southern Song Dynasty.

But what was unexpected was that Shi Miyuan, who advocated groveling for talks with the Jinren, was not listed. Instead, Han Yuzhou was listed alongside Qin Hui, and he was insulted as "evil", which was really unfair.

When Lu Chengfeng heard this, he shook his head slightly and said: "With such a court, how can the country's fortunes last long?"

When the Six Jiangnan Monsters heard this, they were silent for a moment until Ke Zhen'e said: "Mr. Murong, do you think the Jin Kingdom is the culprit that will destroy the Song Dynasty in the future?"

Murong Fu shook his head and said, "Jin Kingdom, it has too much time to take care of itself right now!"

Zhu Cong said: "Is it Xixia?"

Murong Fu shook his head and said: "Xixia is far inferior to Jin!"

Seeing Murong Fu shaking his head, everyone couldn't help but be confused. Huang Rong in the crowd smiled and said: "Then I dare to ask Mr. Murong, which force is it?"

Hearing the subtlety of Huang Rong's tone, she understood that this girl was still angry at herself for belittling Huang Yaoshi. She seemed to be smiling at the moment, but in fact she was deliberately looking for him.

As long as he makes the slightest mistake, this little girl will probably vent her anger on her father's behalf and say something that is meant to make him angry.

But regarding this matter, Murong Fu already had an answer in his mind, and even Lin Pingzhi on the side also knew how to be stumped.

Murong Fu glanced at Huang Rong beside Guo Jing without paying attention, and said in a calm tone: "Mongolia!"

When Guo Jing and the Six Jiangnan Monsters heard this, they couldn't help but change their expressions at the same time, and said in silence: "Mongolia?"

As early as when Guo Jing and Ke Zhen'e left the desert, Temujin had defeated the coalition forces of Wang Han and Jamuka.

A few days later, Temujin held a gathering of tribesmen from all ethnic groups at the source of the Onan River. At this time, he was so powerful in the desert that all Mongolian herdsmen and warriors were afraid to surrender. All the tribesmen of Wang Han and Jamuka also joined him.

In the conference, everyone elected Temujin as the great khan of all Mongolia, and called him "Genghis Khan", which means as vast and powerful as the sea.

Although Mongolia was now unified, no one thought that he would be an enemy in the future. Now when they heard what Murong Fu said, they couldn't help but change their expressions.

"Yes, it's Mongolia!"

Seeing the surprise of Guo Jing and others, Murong Fu continued.

"Mr. Murong, are you..."

Zhu Cong's words were general, but everyone understood what he had left unfinished.

"Mr. Murong, I think you have misunderstood the Great Khan. The Great Khan never thought of attacking the Song Dynasty. This time I left the desert, and the Great Khan only ordered me to dedicate the head of that thief Wanyan Honglie to him!"

At this time, Guo Jing on the side heard the words and hurriedly opened his mouth to explain.

"You want me to be an alarmist?"

Seeing that everyone was somewhat resistant to what he said, Murong Fu couldn't help but smile.

"Mr. Murong, it's not that the six of us brothers and sisters don't want to believe your words, but this matter is of great importance, and just based on your words..."

At this point, Zhu Cong couldn't help but stop.

At the same time, Bao BuTong, who had been listening quietly for a long time, suddenly shook his head and said, "No, no! What kind of person is my young master? How could he ever tell lies!"

"Not bad!"

Seeing his third brother speak, Feng BoEi on the side also said proudly.

Although Deng Baichuan and Gong Yeqian did not speak, their eyes clearly agreed with what they said.

Ever since they experienced the world of heaven, the four brothers have long respected their son as a god. Even Murong Bo's prestige in the eyes of the four of them was far less than that of Murong Fu.

The reason why Bao Bubu Tong was so polite was due to the righteous deed of the six Ke Zhen E brothers and sisters who left the desert for eighteen years in their early years just for a promise. Otherwise, even if you are a royal relative, you would not be able to escape his sarcasm.

Murong Fu said: "You have been in Jianghu for a long time, so naturally you are not aware of the changes in the political situation. At present, all the grasslands have been unified by Temujin, and there are many elite soldiers. However, there are many internal conflicts in Jin Dynasty. Ever since King Hailing Wan Yanliang, we have been fighting against each other. Since the invasion of the Central Plains, the Yellow River has been flooded non-stop. In recent years, various parts of the Central Plains have suffered from droughts one after another, which has long been a sign of doomsday..."

Hearing this, the Jiangnan Six Monsters, including Lu Chengfeng and his son, and even Huang Yaoshi, had a rough understanding of the current internal situation of the Jin Kingdom, and then they understood the difference in the Jin Kingdom's situation.

Seeing everyone's eyes on him, Murong Fu continued: "Now that the Jin Kingdom is declining, it can no longer cope with Mongolia's southward march independently. In order to fight against Mongolia, the Jin people just sent envoys to Song Dynasty a few days ago to discuss the alliance between the two countries to attack Mongolia. "

After Lu Guanying heard this, he realized later and said, "So that's why the golden prince came here!"

"Someone, bring that man up!"

When Lu Chengfeng heard this, he hurriedly gave instructions to the banker on the side.

Knowing that his mentor Huang Yaoshi and the Six Monsters of Jiangnan were both latecomers, and still unclear about the fact that he had captured the young prince of the Jin Dynasty, he hurriedly and respectfully explained to Huang Yaoshi: "Master, the dog captured the Jin man alive in Taihu Lake not long ago. Little prince!"

(End of this chapter)

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